Archive | September, 2015

* Enlightening Insight and ‘New Mercury’

30 Sep

MERCURY Retro in LI meets the SUN today Sept 30:
Ahhh, yes, we’re also half-way through the Mercury retro phase now – the Eclipse took center stage, but hey, it’s been also trickster time since Sept 17, until Oct 9.
So, what’s going on today, on that retro half-way point?
MERCURY will pass the SUN – at 7:38 am PDT – and from then on travel again behind the SUN (as a Morning Star, rising before the SUN soon).
This shift is the most significant purpose of the Mercury retro phase: There has been a tendency for Mind (Mercury) with its ‘old stories’ to run the show as Mercury has been ahead of the Sun in the Zodiac in the last 2 months. As in every Mercury retro phase (3 times a year), MERCURY is ‘lassoed in’ by the SUN, and Spirit, Consciousness, the Heart go on the ‘driver’s seat’ again.
The MERCURY / SUN encounter today is the Day of Enlightening Insight, and the birth of a ‘NEW MERCURY’.

:: What are AHA effects, Insights, and spiritual breakthroughs (beyond mind) you are having these days? – Maybe they are even specifically coming in tomorrow.
:: How can the creative Spirit express itself through you now, and use the mind as a function?

Happy SUN / MERCURY Day, and birthing of a new consciousness (also catalyzed by the Total Lunar Eclipse)!

Peekaboo / Peacockaboo – behind the leafs and layers of what the mind sees and tells us sits Spirit… hiding in plain sight. ❤

* AR – LI Harvest Full Moon and SuperMoon(!) / TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE, with LILITH on the Equinox Point (Sept 27 / 28) :: Radical Renewal in Right Relationship. Entering New Dimensions.

26 Sep

Radical Renewal in Right Relationship.

Entering New Dimensions.

Awakening and Ascension?

Balance Leads to Authentic Action.


September has been building up to a main Celestial Event 2015:
The SuperMoonTotal Lunar Eclipse on Sept 27 / 28.

Total Lunar Eclipse 6Harvest Moon
It will be also the Harvest Moon (closest Full Moon to Fall Equinox). The Full Moon will be exact just after Moonrise on the West Coast – see Astro chart below.
Some call it ‘Blood Moon’ – ecliptic red, not just orangey Harvest Moon. Definitely a sight to behold!

Here is a first very brief nice illustration, with a few interesting facts about the SuperMoon Total Lunar Eclipse Tetrad, and how rare it is.


What is a SuperMoon?

That’s the case when the Moon is closest to the Earth (also called: at its perigee), as it turns into a Full Moon.
Total eclipses of Super Full Moons are rare. According to NASA, they have only occurred 5 times in the 1900s – in 1910192819461964 and 1982. After the Sept 27 / 28 Total Lunar Eclipse, a SuperMoon eclipse will not happen again for another 18 years, until Oct 8, 2033.

The Full Eclipse starts from Victoria perspective at 7:11 pm PDT, and ends at 8:23 pm PDT. Good visualization here:

The areas on the Earth where the Eclipse is visible, and where its path will be overhead tend to be more affected by the energy of the Eclipse, for the next months to come, and beyond. The path is quite wide, spanning the Americas, the Atlantic, Greenland, Arctic, Antarctic, Africa, and Europe. Can’t help thinking again of the UN Climate Conference in Paris end of Nov / early Dec

The rising SuperMoon looks larger and brighter, and the Total Lunar Eclipse adds to the picture! Lucky us, here on the West Coast, to be able to see the SuperMoon rise – A little pay-off though (ahh, with the Libran energy there’s gotta be give and take J ): From our perspective, the Eclipse will already have started when the Moon rises. Most importantly though: Let’s hope for clear skies – weather looks promising.

This is also the last Total Lunar Eclipse of FOUR in a row – a Tetrad.  Another rarity!

Remember? The first three eclipses of the Tetrad took place on Apr 15, 2014Oct 8, 2014 and on Apr 4, 2015.

In other words, all of these Total Lunar Eclipses happened in LI – AR, with the Totally Eclipsed Moon either in LI (Apr 15, 2014, and Apr 4, 2015) or in AR (Oct 8, 2014, and Sept 27 / 28, 2015).

Eclipses connect with the Lunar Nodes (they occur when the SUN and the MOON are lined up with the Lunar Nodes – you can see that in the Astro chart below), and it is striking that the Tetrad was completely contained in the 1 ½ year period of the South Node in AR, and the North Node in LI – from March 2014 until Oct 2015!

What’s the message re: the soon ending phase of the South Node in AR and the North Node in LI – since we’ve gotten it presented 4 times in a row, with TOTAL Lunar Eclipses!?
By the way, the Nodes travel backwards in the Zodiac – you might have wondered how come we are at the end of the AR – LI phase now as the Nodes are at the beginning of these signs.

Let’s see what the upcoming one – in completion mode – another ‘HARVEST MOON’ sense -, is showing us:

A strong early LIBRA incentive, via SUN, North Node, Lilith, and Mercury retro, approaching the SUN.
Any opposition, esp. a Full Moon (in all the 4 Tetrad Eclipses, including the upcoming one) has also a LIBRA undertone. Balance, consideration, reconciliation of ‘opposites’, best of both worlds are the themes.
The eclipsed South Node ARIES Full MOON, not far from URANUS shows what to ‘breathe out’ and release, and the LIBRAN ‘players’ show what to ‘breathe in’ while balancing the complementary sides:

:: Well considered choices, based on what’s a genuinely good match and synergy for who we naturally are (LILITH in LI) receive a boost.
:: Primal and stressful adrenaline rush inducing fight / flight reactions get a thumbs down, and are on the ‘outflow’ and being released now. Check out how much you have been in this place, often based on fear or scarcity or survival mode.
:: Time to embrace the invitation into partnership, synergy, win-win, balance (incl. balancing the inner Masculine and Feminine).
:: A balance, and best of AR / LI can look like: Authentic choices, being fully yourself while partnering up with who or what is a good match for you.

:: Showing up (AR) as a Warrior of Peace, Fairness, Justice (LI).
This Eclipse is very RELEVANT for everyone with SUN, MOON, AC, PLANETS in (esp. early) ARIES and / or LIBRA, but also in (esp. early) CANCER / CAP.



LI / AR Renaissance seasonal Art contribution:
Vertumnus / Autumn (portrait of Emperor Rudolf II as the Roman god of metamorphoses…)
Most famous painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1527 – 1593)

PLUTO’s (the big transformer!) turnaround that just happened last night, Sept 24 / 25 is a huge catalyst for this Ecliptic liberating and re-balancing effect.

This month’s culmination of cathartic, catalytic energies through the Eclipse connects with a parallel time in Spring, as we had a Total Lunar Eclipse on April 4 – while PLUTO was about to go retro (on April 16). Now it’s also Harvest Time of this process.

An inner, preparatory process it’s been, with PLUTO retro since April (every year, by the way, over the last years, PLUTO goes retro in April and direct in Sept.).

In mid CAP where PLUTO presently sits – loosely squaring the Eclipse axis in AR – LI, we’ve been faced with what sustains and what doesn’t sustain our own life / survival (AR), and the survival of life forms incl. human life, on Planet Earth, and what is required to keep the Balance (LI).

Which of course means in personal, practical terms: Work / Lifestyle / Relationship / Wellness choices that bring or bring us out of balance. In collective terms, communities and countries, humanity as a whole is faced with choices – NOW (AR – LI).

Spiritually – influencing everything: Balance in the Equinoctial Still-Point, and in the inner Hub of the Wheel is what allows for radical liberation (URANUS in ARIES, approached by the MOON) and awake presence in the NOW.

In the meantime, low vibrational ARIES qualities that sap precious life energy (fight-flight, rushing, competitive and stress mode, me-first, egotism, survival mode, the war-zone of life, war itself) are being released with this Eclipse. Note: released, reads as: they do come out of the system.

The Emergence of and Awakening into a new Consciousness, some call it Ascension, is being birthed: AR SuperMOON / PLUTO / URANUS.

The ARIES MOON will square stationary PLUTO about 13 hrs after the Eclipse, on Sept 28 at 8:56 am PDT, and will connect with URANUS about 23 hrs after the Eclipse, on Sept 28 at 6:30 pm PDT.

The SABIAN SYMBOL for the Full Moon degree (4°40’ AR) says, very aptly:


Morpho rhetenor rhetenor MHNT

Morpho rhetenor rhetenor MHNT


Keynote: The Capacity for Self-Transcending.

This is the symbol of the desire to reach a higher level of existence, of pure aspiration or devotion, of bhakti. What has emerged in the first phase of the process of differentiation is becoming aware of the possibility of further up-reachings. The principle of ‘levitation’ is seen as one of the two essential factors in evolution. The emergent being glorifies and deifies it, but it is still only an ideal. At this stage, nevertheless, the whole being experiences a childlike longing for its eventual realization.

At this point the last and synthesizing stage of the first five-fold unit in the cyclic process is reached. A NEW DIMENSION of being is envisioned mobilizing creative endeavours.”

What a signature to activate our raw, childlike qualities (AR) of up reaching, innovate and create from a new dimensionality!

As we step into relationship (LI) with that born-NOW quality and become it (AR), we show up as we are, ‘naked’ and genuine.

SATURN in SAG in trine to the AR MOON supports the Self to inspire and ‘shoot from the heart’. SATURN’s sextile to the early LI stellium shows how this can be very synergistic and create authentic partnership.

The Full Moon will be exact on Sunday Sept 27 at 7:51 pm PDT – just after the maximum Total Lunar Eclipse, at 7:47 pm PDT.

Totality starts at 7:11 pm PDT  and ends at 8:23 pm PDT, from Victoria perspective, see:

Here is the AR – LI FULL MOON chart (set up for Victoria BC, our ‘usual’ reference point), with the MOON / South Node in the 12th house (just risen), not far from URANUS, the SUN, LILITH, North Node, and MERCURY retro in LIBRA in the 6th house, and PLUTO sitting stationary (just out of retro, as of Sept 24) right overhead (from West Coast perspective) at Full Moon / height of Eclipse time, squared by MERCURY retro in LI.


AR - LI FM TLE 2015

What does deep, timeless, soulful (PLUTO) inner authority say to all this? Where is integrity as we meet the challenges of our time?

Beyond mind games (which MERCURY retro shows so well)… the mind can make a case for anything – watch and catch inner debates (MERCURY retro in LI).

The time is also near when MERCURY meets the SUN – Sept 30: The ‘Day of Enlightening Insight’, and ‘New Mercury’.
Mind meets Consciousness. An important RE-balancing effect: Spirit can be rather in the ‘driver’s seat’ again, rather than Mind running the show (Mercury retro is all about that).

The Eclipse also catalyzes the Enlightening Insight and ‘New Mercury’:
MERCURY Retro in LI meets the SUN on Sept 30

MERCURY goes direct again, on the Ecliptic North Node Point(!) on Oct 9

And isn’t it interesting that Mercury goes the furthest retro to and direct again from 0°55’ LI – that’s right at the first degree of LI where the North Node will be on the Eclipse! The ‘Perfect Balance’ Point again.

Honest to God/dess, I did not read the SABIAN SYMBOL for 1° LI (well, I had read it long time ago…. – the power of the unconscious mind?) before I chose an image for 5° AR – A Triangle with Wings, see above…

So here we go – takes it to another level yet:


Morpho rhetenor rhetenor MHNT

Morpho rhetenor rhetenor MHNT


Keynote: The immortal archetypal reality that a perfect and dedicated life reveals.”

Here comes a very long, deep description – too much to transcribe at this point –

… The perfect butterfly thus represents the outcome of the process of discipleship symbolized by the sign of Virgo. From then on, a new process begins, that of collectivization; at the very core of that process the perfect form of Man must remain a standard of value if this process is to be valid and meaningful…”

May our journey with Mercury retro (and the North Node!) reveal more insights about this theme!


On a practical note: Could you use a MERCURY RETRO Surviving & Thriving Kit, now as we’re right IN it?

Voila! From my ASTRO~NEWS Blog

* MARS crosses the SPHINX POINT, and enters VIRGO (Sept 24), to immediately square SATURN in SAG (Sept 25) :: What’s True Strength and Self Control?

24 Sep

PLUTO is the ‘transpersonal MARS’ – Higher Power vs. Personal Power, Will, Assertion, Life Force.

Today, on the SAME day when PLUTO turns from retro to direct (see previous post), MARS goes over the ‘Sphinx Point’ from LEO to VIRGO, and squares SATURN in SAG right away, tomorrow.

How about this simple quote (a client of mine said it at the beginning of a forward): “You might see this differently…”  ?
SO the high road for Saturn in SAG squared by Mars in VIR. Rather than preaching (watch for Saturn in Sag shadow of dogmatic rigidity and “ONLY I / we know what’s right and true here…”) and criticizing (one of the Virgo Mars ‘specialties’). If only more people could truly, honestly say that. If only the leaders (politically, religiously, and wherever a lot is invested in beliefs, opinions, and ‘paths’) could say that to each other and mean it….


Crystal activated Voyager Tarot XI Strength

Photo by Melanie


So, with MARS on the Sphinx Point, square SATURN on the Phoenix Point:

What is real Strength, and Self-Control?

Here is an excerpt of the Voyager Tarot book for XI Strength says it all::

“As Leo the Lion, symbolic of rulership, Strength represents the law of self-dominion. Strength is the free and controlled total expression of your being. As symbolized by the headrest Shu – Egyptian god of the air who brought order out of chaos – maintain dominion over your mind. The pool of fiery water symbolizes your emotional control. The hand on the lion’s face represents dominion over your physical and animal lusts and appetites. The Parthenon is a symbol of your mastery over your worldly life.

Your supportive, non-possessive hands represent the freedom of expression you give to your attributes. Like the singing bird and blossoming flower, don’t be afraid to declare yourself and show your colours. Have the courage of the lion to be yourself.

Like the half-human, half-animal face, you can put on many masks, Be versatile, a player of many roles. As the fragile but strong egg and butterfly, express yourself in the yin and yang. Strength is living in full accord with the undiluted multiplicity of your spirit.”


* PLUTO StillPoint & Turnaround, squared by MERCURY retro (Sept 24) :: Soul-ar Power, Grounded Changes and Choices from the Core

22 Sep


Pluto Heartjpg

Remember the first NASA New Horizons pictures of PLUTO?


PLUTO goes direct again today Sept 24, between the FALL EQUINOX (Sept 23) and the TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE (Sept 27 / 28)  – what can resist this change?

PLUTO is clearly a stationary focal point catalyst in September and October.

Have you felt the intensification, and Power themes lately?

Are you changing from resisting external powers to finding power from within?

Are you experiencing the connection with Spirit, Source, Power that just IS, and are you BEING the change and the sole / soul-ar power?!

PLUTO has been retrograde since April 16, just 12 days after the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on April 4! Clearly, PLUTO activates the ECLIPSES this year!

PLUTO has been slowing down its retro motion in August and early Sept, to turn direct on Sept 24.

It is time now for us to let the inner change show externally. BE the Change, firmly rooted in the Ground of all BEING!


Grand Fir

Grand Fir, photo by Melanie



–  What is it for you that is ‘simply’ empowering, and powerfully basic?

–  Where / how do you renew your spirit?

–  How can you show up with what YOU can do best?

–  What can you attain, the natural way?

–  What are you modelling?

–  How can your life be sustainable?

–  How can you be satisfied with your accomplishments, without abusing yourself, or others, or natural resources?

–  What is the legacy you are leaving?

–  How can you acknowledge an important completion? Whether it’s perfect (will it ever be?) or not.

–  How can you find empowerment by recognizing and ‘outliving’ dis-empowering expectations and judgements (of self and others)?

–  What is changing now in your life, for the better?


Many of us have gone through intense inner changes in the last months – and years, esp. since 2012, with PLUTO in CAP (ruled by SATURN), and SATURN in SCO (ruled by PLUTO).

Its effects can show outwardly now in our lives, esp. in the areas (relationships, work, creativity, home and family, resources, etc.) related to cap in our charts.

The PLUTO Turnaround is also a Farewell to SATURN out of SCO.

MERCURY retro in LIBRA squares PLUTO on the DAY of the Turnaround.

Mind gets big time RE-calibrated, and we have access to much deeper qualities of mind. And excellent time for retreat, meditation, deep soul searching.


And, on the note of Mercury retro in LI square PLUTO stationary in CAP I was reminded of a quote by HH the XIV. Dalai Lama that a friend gave me, framed. Thank you, dear Heather!

Never Give Up!

No matter what is going on

Never give up

Develop the heart

Too much energy in your country

Is developing the mind

Instead of the heart

Develop the heart

Be compassionate

Work for peace

In your heart and in the world

Work for peace

And I say again

Never give up

No matter what is happening

No matter what is going on

Around you

Never give up.


PLUTO’s turnaround on Sept 24 happens at 13° CAP. Pluto has been stationary at 13 – 14° Capricorn since mid-July already, and will continue to ‘sit there’ until end of November!

The Sabian Symbol for this critical degree shows us what this transformation is all about.

13° CAP:




Keynote: The Subjective Quest for Ultimates Beyond the Interplay of Life and Death Processes.

Beyond cultural enjoyment and the passion for accumulation of often unusable data of sense knowledge stands the willful and determined ‘adventure in consciousness’ of the occultist, the yogi, the mystic. The mystery of fire has always captured our imagination because it is the mystery of all transformations wrapped in the enigma of death. In times when collective, perhaps total, death could be in store for humankind, the process of subjective meditation is fascinating an ever-greater number of people.

This… symbol brings us to a stage beyond life itself. Are we ready to take this step which the masters of yoga claim to have taken: to experience death and return to the same body? Are we ready to demonstrate our WILL TO TRANSCENDENCE?”


© 2016 by Melanie Lichtinger


My Invitation

If the above described themes sound familiar, if you feel the resonance and could use support in your journey drop me a line, and we can set up a private Astrology referenced consult session. Or maybe it’s time to fully benefit from a 3- or 5- sessions coaching sequence? Email me, and we can customize it.

Interested in courses, workshops, embodied, experiential Astrology in Victoria BC?

They are featured in the email Astro~News that go out every 2 weeks and cover the whole Astro~Weather phase from New Moon to Full Moon or FM to NM, plus offers and Astro~Experiences. I’m happy to subscribe you (pls message me your email address).

FB page: with news, events, offers.



* FALL EQUINOX (Sept 23) – Perfect Balance

21 Sep

* FALL EQUINOX (Sept 23) – Perfect Balance

 Sydney Beach Circle

Amazing Sand Art by Jim Denevan

Balance – Balance – Balance…

… is a big theme at this seasonal time of year, and also for what’s been up recently and is coming to fruition now:

~ Sept 12 / 13 New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse with VIR – PI with Balance theme.

~ LUNAR NORTH NODE, and LILITH, both presently in very early LI, on the cusp of the Equinox Point = with the EQUINOX SUN.

~ MERCURY retro in LIBRA


~ Sept 27 / 28 TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE / Full Moon in early ARIES / LIBRA

Let’s hold space, and find inner Balance, these times when it is more than ever required.

Wise choices result.

The SUN crosses from VIRGO to LIBRA this year on WED Sept 23 at 1:22 am PDT, the sacred point where ‘Perfect Balance’ resides:

On Sept 22 and 23, the days and nights are exactly equally long in the Northern and Southern hemisphere, as the SUN crosses exactly above the Equator!

Nice simple and clear astronomical illustration:

Equi-nox literally means in Latin: Equal night.


Here is the chart of the FALL EQUINOX, as seen from Victoria BC.

Check out the LUNAR NORTH NODE and LILITH, both presently in very early LI, with the EQUINOX SUN, between Partial Solar and Total Lunar Eclipse.

Fall Equinox 2015

With the FALL EQUINOX, we are moving from the ‘Realm of the Sun’ – Spring and Summer in the Northern hemisphere when day light is longer than the night time, to the ‘Realm of the Moon’ – Fall and Winter, when night hours are longer than day light.

On this sacred Balance Point, we are celebrating one of the Four Solar Turning Points of the Year: Autumnal Equinox, a.k.a. Mabon.

In the Medicine Wheel it is related to the West, the place of the Setting Sun.

Which corresponds with LIBRA in the Zodiac, the energy we are moving into now with the Fall Equinox: LIBRA rules in the horoscope the 7th house above the Western horizon – the astrological field related to one-on-one relationships with significant others in our lives.



Celtic Wheel of the Year, with Mabon – Fall Equinox – related to the West.

In the Southern hemisphere, SPRING returns.

Happy Spring Equinox, dear friends in the Southern Lands of Planet Earth!

* VENUS in LEO in Fiery Trine with URANUS retro in AR (Sept 22) :: Set Yourself Free. Set Your Heart on Fire!

20 Sep

On Sept 6 VENUS went direct in mid LEO, after a retro journey since July 25.

VENUS ‘Morning Star’ is seen again at dawn, rising before the SUN!

Thanks for the beautiful photos on FB, dear friends!

Just before Fall Equinox, VENUS and URANUS will form a sparkling, liberating, exciting love and friendship bond:

Connected (VENUS) yet free (URANUS).

A New Love?
A new way of being radically present (URANUS in ARIES), self-loving / life-loving (VENUS in LEO), naturally brilliant and magnetic.

Needless(?) to say, there’s no room for old sticky attachments.

Set yourself free. Set your heart on fire!

I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The astonishing light of your own being ~ Hafiz

I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The astonishing light of your own being ~ Hafiz


Next UP:

VENUS and MARS are still and again dancing together – their exact conjunction date (both in VIRGO by then) is on Nov 2!

Also very close to JUPITER – it will be a precious sight in the morning sky!

Yin/Yang sacred fusion energy in the making.

* SATURN will leave SCORPIO, cross the PHOENIX POINT, and enter SAGITTARIUS (Sept 17, 2015 – Winter Solstice 2017) :: The Truth shall set us FREE!

14 Sep

* SATURN will leave SCO, cross the PHOENIX POINT, and enter SAGITTARIUS (Sept 17, 2015 – Winter Solstice 2017)


The Truth shall set us FREE!

A short note here only, since there is so much going on, the Astro~News need to reach you, Saturn says: Less is More 🙂

And we will hear more from SATURN in SAG, you bet!

 Saturn Pop

The transformational effect of SATURN in SCORPIO in the last 2 years since Oct 2012 has shaped us. And even though the process has been painful for many of us, new authentic avenues open up now. What’s not in resonance with our core feels very hard and difficult to pursue – just doesn’t ‘taste right’ and is not supported – it’s just not our journey (now)!
Good to be aware and see the bigger picture, rather than have some attachment pain / hangover.
SATURN presently on the ‘PHOENIX POINT’ from Scorpio into SAG is pushing us out of the dark and transformational zone into the light, and into the truth of what’s real.
We realize, under SATURN in SAG, how our personal and ancestral old beliefs and ‘old stories’ have shaped us, and how their time has come.  However, the power and wisdom of storytelling (SAG) by Elders and Ancestors as well as from the perspective of our own inner Sage (SATURN) is coming through as a grounding we so crave for.


Questions for our journey with SATURN into SAG:

:: What holds you back? Why are you not going, moving upward / onward, and set yourself free?

:: What are the roadblocks?

:: What does your ego resist, even though you could be free?

:: Why are you loosing focus, and how can you get it back?
:: What’s our genuine vision, and how can we access inner guidance best?
:: How can we avoid trial and error, and the old sabotage of growth and happiness?
:: Where CAN the journey go?




As we are setting out on new journeys, let’s invoke Ganesh, known as ‘Remover of Obstacles’.

‘Warning’! Ganesh, the Elephant deity doesn’t just automatically get the roadblocks out of the way.

In fact, he might show you where the REAL obstacles are. Which is a good thing.


For a deep group exploration, come join us at our upcoming MONDAY PARLOUR on Sept 14 (afternoon and evening groups)

* SATURN over the Phoenix Point, into SAGITTARIUS:
End of the Old Stories and Beliefs. Grounded Visions. Important and Intentional Journeys.

VIRGO NEW MOON / PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, opposing CHIRON retro in PI (Sept 12 / 13): RE-set of Smallness to Wholeness.

12 Sep


RE-set of Smallness to Wholeness.


The Partial Solar Eclipse will be visible over South Africa, Madagascar, and Antarctica.

Astronomical Eclipse info and animation:

The areas on the Earth where the Eclipse is visible / where its path will be overhead tend to be affected by the energy of the Eclipse, for the next months to come, and beyond. I see particularly Antarctica, re: UN Climate Conference in Paris end of Nov / early Dec VIR says, we gotta do our homework and clean up our act, as citizens on Planet Earth.

Traditionally, a Solar Eclipse indicates the end of a ruler / ‘king’. Let’s see what that means for political situations in Canada with Fed. Elections coming up on Oct 19, and in other countries. Since VIR is about the Sacred Feminine, I wouldn’t be surprised if more conscientious women came into leadership.

The New Moon will be exact today, Sat Sept 12 at 11:41 pm PDT, followed by the Partial Solar Eclipse at 11:52 pm PDT (max. Eclipse).

At the locations of visibility it will be Sept 13, of course.

Here is the VIR NEW MOON chart (for Victoria, the ‘usual’ reference point):



Have you been sensing the VIRGO NEW MOON / PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE energy over the last week and month? Eclipses foreshadowing and aftermath effects that stretch out over months, some say from one pair of Eclipses to the next (twice a year).

The upcoming Partial SOLAR ECLIPSE is an exact New Moon (every Eclipse is) that has the energy of a FULL MOON!
How so?
With SUN, MOON, JUPITER in VIR, and NEPTUNE, CHIRON in PI, the theme of the PI – VIR BALANCE is written all over it.
Also MERCURY (which rules VIR), now in its ‘stormy’ pre-retro phase (M-r from Sept 17 on) adds to that.

More about the Balance theme a bit further down.


Let’s look directly at the VIR NEW MOON / PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE first:

It’s a RE-set of VIR themes through the ‘shadow-to-light’ process we’re about to experience. Many of us have already tuned into that.

Old VIRGO energy that doesn’t serve anymore comes as shadowy energy to the forefront of awareness (may be painfully so) to be ‘switched’ into a healthier, more functional, and purer vibration of VIR.


Here’s a VIRGO type ‘check list’ of ‘symptoms’ which might show their not-so-nice face now. Only to be RE-leased and RE-set.

‘Like heals like’ (we were sharing a lot about this yesterday, in our timely ASTRO~SOMATICS workshop), so here are the higher vibrational VIR equivalents listed too:

Lower Vibration of VIRGO – RE-lease: Higher Vibration of VIRGO – RE-set and Embrace:
(Self) Criticism (criticism carries self-criticism) (Self) Awareness, clarity
Worries, anxiety, and problem focus How can I help? How can I give service where needed?

What would help / serve the situation?

Frustration, nagging What do I need to discern and sort out of my life because it’s not functional or unhealthy?

What actually does work? How could it work? What needs to be tweaked?

Sweating the small stuff, fretting over details Every little thing counts and can be symbolic. Every life form in nature has its place. Maybe I feel called to do ceremony / ritual?
Health issues, esp. with digestion What is indigestible in my life? What is my body trying to tell me?
Sense of never enough, ‘smallness’, inadequacy How do I get a sense of integration as I honour and work with my skills and specialties?
‘Selective perception of the imperfection’ I am / we are / it is whole and complete. Practice IS perfect. Nature is perfect.


VIRGO’s journey has to do with alignment of the human self with cosmic consciousness, through awareness, spiritual practice, and / or acts of service.

The MOON is the esoteric ruler of VIRGO – the association with the Sacred Feminine / Priestess / Virgin and Harvest Goddesses / Mother Mary is obvious.

All of us are called to do our sacred work and practice, as we are in this Body-Temple and temple of here-now. And harvest its fruits in inner fulfillment.


4 R

Johfra Bosschart: Virgo, ruled by Mercury


The Sacred Feminine and inner alignment with Spirit-in-Form leads the way, with the PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE very close to the NORTH NODE (presently, together with LILITH in early LIBRA), going into VIR on Oct 10 – until May 2017.


Let’s take a look at the SABIAN SYMBOL for the NEW MOON degree:

SUN and MOON will be at 20° 10’ VIR – therefore I’d take the symbol for

20° VIRGO:



Pioneers Westward Bound (and bound together)

Keynote: The Need of Cooperative Effort in Reaching Any ‘New World’ of Experience.

It is difficult to know, from the original formulation of the clairvoyant’s (who channeled these symbols) vision, the type of caravan that was visualized; what seems to be clearly implied is a process in which a group of persons are journeying together – thus linking their consciousness and energies (the ‘car’ symbol) – in order to safely reach the goal of destiny. Here there is no longer any sense of competition, but an ordered and structured endeavour.

At this… stage… the past is entirely left behind; humans cooperate in the great ‘adventure in consciousness’ in a TOTALIZATION OF PURPOSE AND EFFORT.”


This SABIAN SYMBOL points to the theme of relatedness, complementariness and partnership (LIBRA NORTH NODE, LILITH and MERCURY) – nobody can ‘do this alone’. To a ‘New World of Experience’ – a new level of Consciousness, reached via intentional group cohesion.

And to the UNITY Consciousness – PISCES.


Which brings us to

* VIR NM / Eclipse opposes CHIRON retro in PI (Sept 12 / 13)

JUPITER in VI opposes NEPTUNE retro in PI (Sept 16)

Unifying Medicine and Loving, Fulfilling Service.


 Earth & Moon

Earth and Moon – We are all in THIS together.


Not ‘just’ VIR is in the picture here. As you saw in the NEW MOON chart, VIR is polarized with / balanced by planets in PISCES.

Therefore I call it a NEW MOON that acts like a FULL MOON.

The Partial Solar Eclipse in VIRGO is exactly opposite CHIRON retro in PI.

It is also a pre-cursor for the phase of the Lunar NORTH NODE (which is related to the Eclipse) in VIR (while the South Node will be in PI), from Oct 10 on, until May 2017.

Plus, JUPITER in VIR will be exactly opposite NEPTUNE retro in PI on Sept 16.


The ‘Medicine’ of vulnerability, connectivity, and unity reveals itself, as the SUN and then MOON in VIR oppose CHIRON (in PI from 2010 – 2018 / 19).

We ARE all in this together.

JUPITER (ex-ruler of PI, just entered VIR on Aug 11) dances with NEPTUNE (which is in its own Piscean domain from 2012 – 2026!), and goes face-to-face with it on Sept 16.

In other words, Planet Earth is now between SUN / MOON and CHIRON (rare), and also already and next week exactly between JUPITER and NEPTUNE (which happens only every about 13 years)


The VIR – PI axis is all about…

… from the VIR side being ‘in our temple’ of alignment with our true, holistic nature, doing our wellness practice, and using this precious life time to dedicate our gifts and skills to make the world a better place. In other words, offering sacred service.

VIR is also about digesting experiences, ordering and organizing. In the body, it rules the small intestines.

… from the PI perspective which is all-encompassing, and nothing needs to be ‘done’, our ‘job’ is rather to perhaps get our ego and attachment to a certain outcome out of the way, be open, surrender, be available, allow, flow, hold space, or simply: BE present.

In our embodiment, PI rules the immune system, our aura, energy field, the subtle bodies and chakras (as a field).



Johfra Bosschart: Pisces & Neptune


So, a combo of both PI and VIR could look like:

–       Ride the waves, immerse in your element.

–       Your skills are what comes easy.

–       Holding space for others can be the best service you can offer.

–       Clean up and play music. 

–       Energy Medicine. AstroSomatics.

–       Sacred Geometry.

–       Astrology and its practical, embodied benefits.

–       Being in the world, yet not of the world. Doing what needs to be done, yet not in attachment.

–       God helps those who help themselves. Doing our share, and trusting divine intervention.

–       Random acts of service bring fulfillment.


BALANCE is the way to go, or rather to BE:

In the ‘whirlwind’ of things that can kick us off balance – an unhealthy thing, of course – how can we infuse a situation where ‘problems’ show up or we / things are not aligned with flow, allowance, acceptance, and love, which might mean release and let go(d) (PI)?

Wee example (of many) here: This week, I had a friend here for computer support, and despite some glitchy things we could REdirect the energy of potential stress into raising vibrations and staying connected. Even a little dance in-between helps. 
When things don’t ‘work out’ (VIR) this is the opportunity (if not necessity) to get back to awareness, and connection (VIR – PI).

* MERCURY RETRO SURVIVING & THRIVING KIT! (Sept 17 – Oct 9 – getting ‘stormy’ on Sept 9)

7 Sep


What on Earth and in the heavens is going on?

Yes, it’s the era of massive global awakening and transformational shifts, mirrored by our transpersonal ‘friends’ Uranus in mid Aries and Pluto in mid Capricorn, and the TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE Harvest Moon on Sept 27 / 28 is on the horizon – catalyzing shifts in consciousness.
You’ll find updates here on the Astro~News Blog about these major events in the next while.

But what’s with all the technology, media, and communication glitches that have sneaked in again lately?

Bingo! Another MERCURY RETRO is in the making.

As those of you know who have been reading my Mercury retro support notes (or even advocacy) 3 times a year over the last years,

M-r isn’t necessarily ‘BAD’ news.

In a nutshell, with M-r, the Messenger Archetype – our MIND – is being adjusted, while temporarily operating differently than ‘usually’, to tune into and be REbalanced, and REcalibrated to a ‘New Mercury’ (hey, what’s that???).


Hermes / Mercury , with winged helmet, sandals, and Caduceus / serpent staff of the healer ("Like heals Like")

Hermes / Mercury , with winged helmet, sandals, and Caduceus / serpent staff of the healer (“Like heals Like”)

Mercury doing its retro somersaults again...

Mercury doing its retro somersaults again…

So all groovy?

Well, trickster times ARE upon us, and a few practical hints can’t hurt… 😉

Like myself, you might have already noticed glitches over the last while that required adjusting and clarifying communication, REsending emails, and making sure you and your partner are talking about the same thing. I said Partner – yes, Libra translates into: You are talking with a Communication Partner!

The all-time relevant bumper sticker message becomes very timely again: “Don’t believe everything you think!”

You think / they think, you think they think…. it goes on…. Talk to the real person, is one of the key essential M-r wisdom pieces.

Under one of the last M-r phases, I saw a REfreshing Facebook message from a friend pointing out how REdundant and time consuming the prevalent habit of texting is.

What a perfect example! Pick up the PHONE, or meet Face-to-Face! Mercury retro REminds us to adjust communication to a more effective way again – which may well be the old fashioned groovy phoning and meeting for coffee… take time, and get to know the person better whom you ‘thought’ / assumed you communicated with. Get away from the technology mediated connection, and see ‘your people’ in front of you, for that  one-on-one intimacy that an email / message just wouldn’t do. You may save yourself a big ‘detour’ if you meet them face-to-face.

The changing mode of communication could have also brought a REnewed openness for breakthroughs and paradigm shifting AHA effects. Now under the beginning M-r mode we more easily bypass the rational censor, trust intuition, truly address what needs to be talked about (rather than niceties and ‘pseudo talk’), are able to intuitively pick up now what wasn’t communicated before, and where loose ends were left open. Ahhh, all that LIBRAN weighing and pondering in head space is fine and dandy, but you wanna meet your friends again in real life and connect from the heart, won’t you?

Even though you might make plans, and expect things to go a certain way circumstances might have a ‘mind of their own’. When you’re are asked to change the original ‘plan A’ things might get a little ‘mixed up’, but that can be a good thing, since it REquires and teaches us flexibility. Often, we are afraid we might inconvenience others with changing plans, but a different plan might work best and be most effective for everybody anyway.

"How can I be connected with the Quantum Field?" you may ask.... You ARE IN the Quantum Field. That's like a dolphin asking, 'How can I be connected with the ocean?"

“How can I be connected with the Quantum Field?” you may ask….
You ARE IN the Quantum Field.
That’s like a dolphin asking, ‘How can I be connected with the ocean?”


Here is the ‘itinerary’ of the MERCURY RETRO-SPHERE’ in LIBRA:

AUG 27:
MERCURY entered LIBRA, and also the pre-retro SHADOW is at the first degree of LI until which it will go retro).
Have you had any pre-monitions, foreshadowing effects, early ‘symptoms’?

MERCURY enters the pre-retro STORM (very slow, almost stationary phase before the ‘U-turn’):
Shall I stay or shall I go? Shall I choose this or that? Wait a minute: Observing what’s going on in the mind is more important than ‘making the right decision’ at this point.

SEPT 17:
MERCURY goes RETRO at 15:55 LIBRA (right in the centre!).
The busy outward focused mind is invited to go inward.
Perhaps to REflect on the areas / themes above. Perhaps to REconnect with people from the past, rather randomly and magically than via personal plan and ‘negotiation’.

SEPT 30:
MERCURY retro and the SUN unite – The ‘Day of Enlightening Insight’, and ‘New Mercury’.
Inner Mind meets Consciousness. An important re-balancing effect: Spirit can be rather in the ‘driver’s seat’ again, rather than Mind running the show (Mercury retro is all about that).

OCT 9:
MERCURY goes DIRECT (forward from Earth perspective) again, however stays in the slow ‘U-turn’ ‘STORM’ until OCT 13.
What and how do you choose now?
Peace of MIND?!

OCT 24:
MERCURY leaves the post-retro shadow.
A new Balance is being integrated.


Here are my seasoned and seasonal 14 Mercury retro tips, valid for the whole phase of pre-retro storm (starts Sept 9), actual Mercury retro phase (exact Sept 17 – Oct 9), and extending into post-retro stationary ‘storm’ (until Oct 13), and post-retro shadow time (until Oct 24):


1) Be easy on yourself while getting into the groove of things.

It usually takes a week or so to adjust to the different mode. Hopefully, you have taken the pre-retro shadow phase as an adjustment, and aren’t being ‘hit’ by the wild ‘storm’, from Sept 9 on.

2) Be mindful.

There is a tendency for the mind to be distracted and all over the place, to loose and misplace things and thoughts that later have to be REtrieved again. Avoid getting scattered and disorganized, but also let go of your attachments and take it easy on your need to be in control. Practice being present with any person you communicate with, and any situation and function ‘at hand’. Don’t lose sight of what’s significant and a priority, in the face of the apparently urgent ‘little’ things which can easily be an accumulation of distractions. Watch how you might actually indulge in distractions – to avoid…? what?

3) Retro is an inwards / backwards oriented energy.

A good way of aligning with that quality is meditation and mindfulness. It’s also an excellent opportunity (if not necessity) to deal with ‘old unfinished business’and with ‘loose ends’, to clear communication themes from the past, often carried over from a previous M-r time (last one was in May / June, REmember?).

4) RE- everything!
Every M-r phase is a great time to attune and invite basically everything that starts with ‘RE-‘, like: RE-visit and RE-address, RE-align, REad, RE-treat, RE-pair, RE-boot, RE-group, RE-consider, RE-arrange, RE-place, you name it… makes sense, eh?

Another REason for pointing out all these RE-activities: During Mercury retro (which also has a karmic undertone), we less likely get away with being sloppy, and with procrastinating or neglecting REsidual communication issues with people from the past. They come up / it comes up like a mirror in – basically any communication with others (under Mercury in LIBRA).

5) Talk about what REally matters.

Ask questions (rather than making assumptions or ‘decreeing’). Inquire and observe like a scientist. And check out how what people say very often comes from a need to be heard in their story and wound, even if that might be overcompensated by the ego. Meet them from the heart and from conscious spirit.

6) A direct, authentic and lively dialogue

…can open up opportunities to co-create, and support one another in our alienating information society, and touch on other more important subjects that e-correspon-dance just wouldn’t allow for. When a conversation takes a different direction than the ‘planned’ and anticipated purpose it can lead to an even more important outcome. Trust the process.

7) Choose the clearest and most direct mode of communication available.

Phone or skype rather than emailing/messaging, meet them in person rather than phone, to make sure an actual dialogue happens. Look them in the eyes and feel out their presence, rather than just engaging in a factual monologue, via email / messaging, with the assumption you know what they think, or that they know what you think AND feel. Do they? Do you, really?

Consider communicating in several ways and via different media, to make sure the message comes across – a bigger chance to reach them. But also, keep in mind and heart that because people’s minds can be all over the place now, communication might be scattered and incomplete, or prone to assumptions: “I thought you got my email!!!”. Or it might actually be a monologue when you write to someone: Are you just thinking out loud as you ‘communicate’, or are you actually suggesting something to them?

Which brings us to…

8) Be mindful how you communicate with others. Watch your words and your language.

Put yourself in their position (so LIBRAN), take ownership and responsibility (MERCURY in square with PLUTO in CAP) for your mental and emotional processes, rather than pouting, blaming and judging (possibly based on lack of communication). Be curious and compassionate. Ask questions. Be mindful of the words and language you use. The LIBRA North Node not far from MERCURY suggests: Put yourself in their shoes. How might they understand what you just said? It’s not about pleasing, rather a reminder of social skills that makes human interaction better.

9) Be clear and precise with commitments, if you HAVE TO (do you really?) sign an agreement now that can’t wait.

The Zodiac field of LIBRA, where Mercury goes retro, is all about give-and-receive, balance, relationship. Is what you are about to agree upon the only option? Is it possible that you learn more by doing research and speaking to people that could inform your decisions, over the next month?
Check whether you have understood and been understood correctly, and REpeat / REphrase back to the other person. Avoid signing an agreement before you have all the necessary information (often only after Mercury retro is over!). That applies especially to the area in your life that relates to the house where early / mid LIBRA is in your chart (e.g. 7th house: relationships, 4th house: home / family).

10) Under M-r, the odds for fabulous unexpected synchronicities are 99%…

…as we act more intuitively, are REleased from the ordinary conditioned mind, let synchronistic guidance come in, and allow the spontaneous intervention of the universe to show us our interconnectedness. With the LIBRA energy, we can see our RElatedness to all-that-is.

11) M-r is a good time to RE-connect with people you have lost sight of.

With the LIBRA flavour, people might come back into your life whom you have had a RElationship connection and inner soul contract with but for some REason have lost touch with. It’s also a good time to REvisit REsidual communication that’s not complete, or wasn’t possible for a while. I bet there will be a lot to learn, on different levels. Chances are good that you REconnect with people from the domain of the house where LIBRA is located in your chart (e.g. 7th house: significant others, 9th house: foreign countries, studies…)

12) When ‘glitches’ occur, be fluid and flexible like quicksilver (Mercury’s metal).

Think “shift happens”, don’t judge or blame yourself or others for not being ‘perfect’ and making ‘mistakes’, and turn the paradigm around: What could be the opportunity and funny side in this mishap? REframe your way of thinking about things. And entertain the possibility that subconsciously, you might have agreed upon a wild alternative to the original ‘plan A’ which – who knows? – might lead to something new and better and more fun and playful than what the ‘normal’, ‘usual’, ‘regular’, and most ‘efficient’ (controlling) mind set could have come up with?

13) Enjoy those unintentional puns, slips, and new connections in the mind.

Be creative and brainstorm – esp. together with your Mercury retro friends

14) If you would like to know…

  1. a) whether you are a member of the RETRO CLUB (born under Mercury retro, as yours truly)
  2. b) in which part of life the retro trickster would likely play tricks on / with you
  3. c) how to benefit from and work WITH the energy,

feel welcome to get in touch with your Astrologer.

Use the Super Charge for Change – or Let it Liberate and Transform YOU!

7 Sep

Weekly Cardinal Square Days:

Sept 7 / 8; Sept 14 / 15; Sept 21 / 22; Sept 27 / 28 (the TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE Culmination)

Weekly in September, on Mondays & Tuesdays, later in the month on Sundays & Mondays, the MOON in Cardinal (dynamic impulse, leadership) signs will go into squares with URANUS retro in AR, MERCURY stationary / retro in LI, and PLUTO retro / stationary in CAP, giving us a kick to make changes:


Use the Super Charge for Change!

Weekly Cardinal Square Days are coming in again tomorrow MON and TUE – can you FEEL it?


Sept 7 / 8; Sept 14 / 15; Sept 21 / 22; Sept 27 / 28 (the TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE Culmination)


Sept 7 / 8:
MOON in CANCER squares MERCURY / LILITH / NN in LI, opposes PLUTO retro / stationary in CAP, and squares URANUS retro in AR.
Be gentle and caring when stress comes up in the mind, and because it’s hard to make decisions.
Be in integrity AND speak from an authentic place. Rewarding.
Have you thought of Invoking your Spirit Counsel / Higher Self and or the spirit of your Ancestors?


Sept 14 / 15:

MOON in LIBRA (after the New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse on Sept 12 / 13) conjuncts LILITH / NN in LI, squares PLUTO retro / stationary in CAP, conjunct MERCURY stationary in LI, sextiles VENUS & MARS in LEO, and opposes URANUS retro in AR.

In the midst of tension and (too many?) choices, and rather than sitting on the fence, communicate authentically, find win-win solutions that sustain and are a breath of fresh air.


Sept 21 / 22:

MOON in CAPRICORN squares LILITH / NN in LI, trines JUPITER in VIR, conjunct PLUTO retro / stationary in CAP, squares MERCURY retro in LI, and squares URANUS retro in AR.

Also: VENUS in LEO trine URANUS retro in AR.

Foundational Change is in the making. The Feminine, ancient and liberated, is the Eve-olution.


Sept 27 / 28:

MOON in ARIES opposes LILITH / NN in LI, trines SATURN in SAG, goes into FULL MOON / TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE, opposes MERCURY in LI, squares PLUTO stationary in CAP, and conjunct URANUS retro in AR.

Cardinal Culmination. Time for Radical Renewal, in Right Relationship. Entering New Dimensions.