Archive | July, 2018

It’s MidSummer! Happy Lammas / Lughnassadh / LEO-nassad!

30 Jul


Blessings for the sacred season of Central Summer, dear ASTRO~NEWS Reader!

Central LEO is ‘double LEO’ (centre of the fixed sign, where energy concentrates):
Solid Summer Heat & Glow!


Celtic Wheel of the Year, with the Equinoxes and Solstices, and the fixed ‘Gates of Power’: Beltane, LAMMAS / Lughnassadh, Samhain / Halloween, and Imbolc.

LAMMAS / LUGHNASSADH is traditionally celebrated on Aug 1.

Exact mid (15°) LEO would be actually a few days later,  Aug 7 / 8.

It’s the great festival of Lugh, or Lug, the great Celtic Sun King and God of Light.
At Lammas the Goddess is in Her aspect as Grain Mother, Harvest Mother, and Harvest Queen.

Grain is ripe to harvest, and in the country harvest festivals are starting now.
I grew up in the Bavarian country, and remember the golden glow of wheat fields…

You can find a beautiful description of Lammas traditions and suggestions for little rituals at this site The Goddess and the Green Man.


Demeter / Ceres Relief


And it’s the celebration of CERES the grain goddess.
Presently, Asteroid CERES dwells (since end of June until early Sept) in VIRGO, the sign of the Harvest Maiden.
How perfectly aligned – and supportive for us, in this super-retro Summer 2018 to re-align and bring the best of our work ‘in line’ for harvest, while Earth-Mothering our health and wellness too.




Giuseppe Arcimboldo: SUMMER


With SUN, North Node and MERCURY retro in passionate, creative LEO, and just post the Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in AQ….
… I trust your creativity and co-creation sky-rocket, as you RE-connect with and from the HEART, and Live Life Lovingly (the all-time LEO motto)!



Lioness Friends


The post LAMMAS LEO New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse on Aug 11 (Blog post to follow) will be at 18°42 LEO.
Live Life Lovingly!
Access the LEO solid warmth-of-heart, and creative power in the area of life where mid LEO is in your chart!

1st House:
How you show up. Celebrate and BE Yourself!

2nd House:
What you have and value – Own Your Radiance!

3rd House:
Your environment – Celebrate in the City!

4th House:
Your home – Be the King or Queen – and generous Host/ess!

5th House:
Your creativity – You’re the HEART-ist!

6th House:
Your work and health – A warm Heart is the best health insurance, and good for your business too 🙂

7th House:
Your significant others – they are special, as is your relationship! Celebrate Life & Love together!

8th House:
Your deep involvement and transformations – perhaps from ego investment into the pure Heart?

9th House:
Your travels and worldviews – Travel with joy, and put your creations out there into the World!

10th House:
Your calling and purpose – is LOVE!

11th House:
Your community – A Celebration! Where everyone’s a Star.

12th House:
Your oneness with ALL – the ‘Real Gold’…


Happy LEO Times to y’all!


If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.

I’m happy to support you being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships.
AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month in my Astrology practice – celebrating its 18th(!) anniversary, with substantial discounts on consultation sessions – 11 – 22 – 33%!
The longer ago you had your first session the less you pay in August! 🙂 .
But even as a client newbie you get 11% off this month!



© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month, at the occasion of the 18th anniversary of my Astrology practice!
Come on over, or let’s meet online, for a substantially discounted (11% – 22% – 33%, depending on how long you’ve been my client 😉 ) Astro session. And let your friends know!


ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
Our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!


Total Lunar ‘Blood Moon’ ECLIPSE in AQ (with MARS) – LEO: EmBody Your HEART Light, and Share it with the World!

26 Jul

Bright SoUlar and Crystal Clear Lunar Greetings, dear Reader in the ASTRO~NEWS ComMOONity!

We’re in the Summer Eclipse Season – and I bet you feel it:  



  • Coming up:
    The Total Lunar ‘Blood Moon’ Eclipse in AQ – LEO, next to red-golden MARS retro in AQ (also closest to Earth since 2003), on July 27 / 28. Sounds very dramatic…doesn’t it?


  • The Partial Solar ‘Seed’Eclipse Super New MOON in LEO on Aug 11.

I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The astonishing light of your own Being ~ Hafiz


The big theme is LOVE!
Isn’t it always?
True – yet / and: With so much LEO boost, our loving Heart is really the key, to balance and re-set the energy, esp. of too much shadow AQ energy of isolation and alienation in society / between people, and with technology overload.

Eclipses are like light switches of the Sunlight and Moonlight.
Turn on the Heart Light!

Here’s a little article I wrote before the July 12 / 13 PSE for the Summer 2018 Eclipse Portal – inviting the HEART Medicine.


On the horizon – in a few hours literally:
The central Eclipse in the New Moon – Full Moon – New Moon Triad:
The ‘BloodMoon Eclipse’ in AQ – LEO!

Its effects are here to balance and re-set our purrrsonal LEO journey, and the AQ group consciousness as well.

TAU is also involved, since the Full Moon axis is T-squared by URANUS (the ruling planet of AQ):
Embody Your Heart Light, and Share it with the World!


LOVE is the Medicine that helps us in the ecliptic, electric ‘storm’ – is both grounding, and raises the vibration from which we experience the ‘events’! 



The path of the super long TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE will stretch from South America to New Zealand, and last almost four hours!
Totality, which will occur over Africa, the Middle East and part of Asia, will last an hour and 43 minutes, making it the longest one in 100 years!

Twice a year, a pair of (usually, this time 3!) Eclipses occurs, and they ‘string together’, through the Lunar Nodes.
The Summer 2018 Eclipses happen in early LEO – AQ where the Lunar Nodes have been since end of April 2017, and will be until Nov 2018.

This time, the MOON is the SuperStar – as a RED (totally eclipsed) ‘BloodMoon’ – in the longest Lunar Eclipse of the century! – next to RED MARS – closest to Earth, and the Earth exactly between MARS and the SUN.


Eclipses 101


  • Eclipses occur when a NEW MOON or a FULL MOON are close to the Nodal Axis, which is presently (April 2017 – Nov 2018) in AQ – LEO.


  • Eclipses come twice a year, in pairs of New Moon / Solar and Full Moon / Lunar (sometimes even as a triad, as in: July 12, 2018 Partial Solar, July 27, 2017 Total Lunar, and Aug 11, 2018 Partial Solar Eclipse), when it’s the Solar month of the North Node (this year LEO – and back into CAN), and the Solar month of the South Node (this year AQ).
    On that note, Eclipses, as the Nodes go backwards in the Zodiac (from Nov on CAN – CAP).


  • The closer to the Nodes the more likely a Total Eclipse:
    The Full Moon on July 27 / 28 will be at 4°44′ AQ / LEO, and the North Node at 5°53′ LEO – very very close, and a Total Lunar Eclipse!


  • Eclipses are either connected with the South Node (SN) = emphasis on release, or with the North Node (NN) of the Moon = emphasis on new beginnings / directions.
    This is esp. important for Solar Eclipses (exact New Moons)!
    And we’re invited to bring the gifts of the North Node (LEO LOVE, Follow Your Heart) to the South Node (releasing old draining group energy and embracing new comMOONity).


  • Eclipses are at the same position in the Zodiac every 18-19 years – a karmic ‘string’:
    On July 28, 1999 was the last SN Lunar Eclipse in AQ – LEO.
    You might want to review where you were at in Summer 1999, and what was the ending / release of  a community / system, while you were following your own heart, esp. if you have your SUN, MOON, Planets, or even Nodes in LEO – AQ.


  • The effect of the Eclipses extends beyond ‘just’ a lunar monthly phase, rather 2 – 3 months, and it’s a chain from Eclipse ‘season’ to Eclipse season (Jan / Feb,  July / Aug 2018, Jan, July 2019).


  • Eclipses are a light switch, and RE-set, like rebooting your computer, after a temporary turning off of the energy.
    In other words, a RE-generation of YIN-Feminine (LUNAR ECLIPSE), and of the YANG-Masculine (SOLAR ECLIPSE) energies, after a ‘darkening’.
    The Total Lunar Eclipse / Blood Moon is clearly a RE-generation of the YIN-Feminine, in her AQ group / humanity / woman-ity consciousness, fueled by LEO Love & Strength!


Shakti Maa Mother Goddess Durga



Release of old mental / emotional and ego attachments, incl. old / inner ‘war zones’.
Regeneration of the Light of Creative Consciousness, Freedom, and Self-Radiance



It’s an ECLIPSE of the MOON by the Earth Shadow which causes the temporary lunar darkening – the umbra (= shadow), out of which the MOON re-emerges – see graphic to the left.
Plus: MARS retro is near the Eclipse MOON!



With the AQ Full MOON / South Node / MARS retro, all bundled up, our collective (and group / peer associated) mental / emotional patterns, attachments, and engagement in fixed ideas that lead to ‘us and them’, separation, and are a source of conflict and war, are due for a cosmic ‘re-set’ and upgrade.

The LEO SUN / North Node brings cosmic SoUlar Consciousness that re-engages the Heart and our Self Love which we can then bring to ‘the World’.

  • Come (back) into your creative strength and radiance!
  • How lovingly do you speak to yourself? MERCURY retro is also in LEO
  • Bring out / heal your Inner Child!
  • Be the Artist & the Heart-ist!
  • Live Life Lovingly!
  • Show up with this energy in the World, with ‘random people’, and towards / IN humanity.
  • Old group energies might need to be released, as they’re stuck in low vibrational, draining patterns.
  • Coming from LEO Love make new friends – and notice the difference in energy!

Yep, we’re processing a LOT of uncomfortable, painful, self-sabotaging, in-the-closet shadow these days, says also JUPITER in SCO, widely / wisely 🙂 squaring the Eclipse / Full Moon axis. Let’s honour that.
And, even more exactly, URANUS in TAU T-squares the Eclipse / Full Moon axis, catalyzing liberation from stuckness in habitual grooves, and notions for ‘security’, ‘convenience’, ‘comfort’, while we’ve already outgrown those matrices. It’s time to cut the ties and find better ground.
Ask your body and your senses (TAU) what freedom would look like and require.
Let’s be guided by SoUlar Consciousness in this process.


Time to look at the chart of the Full MOON / Total Lunar Eclipse:

The FULL MOON in AQ will be exact at 1:20 pm PDT / the maximum Totality at 1:43 pm PDT.


Check out this sharp polarity between SUN / North Node in LEO, and LILITH, MARS / MOON / South Node in AQ, both squaring URANUS in early AQ.
This suggests not just ‘bridging’ opposites but disrupting and liberating (square to URANUS) old patterns (Eclipse MOON with South Node and MARS retro).

Good thing, URANUS is also less stressfully aspected / buffered, otherwise this could be a real trouble maker alignment.
SATURN retro in CAP stabilizes URANUS in an Earth Trine.
Good practice for the Inner Guru to be grounded and ‘for real’, to bring Spirit into Matter, EmBodyment, and daily experiences. Beyond resistance and judgment, Freedom arises.
This earthy Trine alignment is active all July and August, supporting stability / grounding / boundaries in combination with freedom. Follow the wisdom of your body and senses.

square between SATURN in CAP with CHIRON in early ARIES, active all July / August (even though not exact), is challenging us Earthlings to learn and integrate the lessons from our Healing Journey, heal old karma, and to take the Medicine of Authenticity.
Don’t be too hard on yourself, and honour your Journey of being YOU!


Speaking of Spiritual / Karmic Healing:
What a SABIAN SYMBOL for the FULL MOON / MARS retro alliance!
I take 4° AQ, since the MOON is at 4° 44′ AQ and MARS retro at 3° 58′ AQ.

What’s the triple 4 telling us, actually?
Wow, just found this beautiful Angel Messages video ❤ 
We are Beings of Light and Love. 
Thank you Angels for being with us and reminding us, under the AQ – LEO Full Moon!

So, back to the 


Amma, the ‘Hugging Saint’ embracing and healing.



KEYNOTE: The disciplined use of spiritual energies in restoring the natural harmony disturbed by man’s inharmonic attempts to transcend nature through mind.

Civilization implies a process of transcending compulsive and rigid biological drives while making use, in a refined and mentalized way, of what it cannot control. The goal of a true civilization — Western civilization being to a large extent a caricature of it — is the development of a humanity composed of self-motivated and responsible individuals freely associating according to harmonic patterns in order to produce a vast spiritual chord of consciousness fully actualizing the potentialities inherent in the archetype, MAN. The process of individualization and civilization is full of dangers, and for a very long time it is obsessed by karmic shadows, the results of individual and collective deviations and perversions. Such results most often lead to disease. It is the spiritual duty of individuals who have been able to tap the vast reservoir of spiritual forces pervading our planet to use these energies for healing their less-fortunate comrades.

This fourth stage symbol refers to a technique which not only can be used for the healing of physical illnesses but for the “making whole” of whatever has lost its natural root integration and has not yet reached the holistic state of perfect harmony and identification with the “divine” whole. Self-discipline, purity of motive, compassion, faith in the divine order are required — and the FOCUSING OF SPIRITUAL ENERGY.”


PLUTO (New Horizons Mission 2015)

Healing into Wholeness also connects with:

VENUS in VIR in Earth Trine with PLUTO retro in CAP – exact tomorrow July 27:
It’s definitely beautiful, harmonizing, rewarding and self-loving / self-caring to do the work and practice that sustains us, keeps us sane and well, restores wholeness, and keeps things simple and grounded when stress arises.
In fact, doing ‘simple’ / ‘little’ things with love and care can help us with deep inner Soul Work in these intense times.

VIRGO is an helping / healing ‘Earth Angel’ and PLUTO reaches into the Soul – with Love.


Another Grace Intervention comes via the Water Trine from JUPITER in SCO to NEPTUNE in PI. 
It’s been active since May and until Aug, and will be again exact on Aug 19.
Beneficial transformation (JUPITER in SCO) comes from surrendering and letting go, and leads to Unity and Connectedness in Life (NEPTUNE in PI).
Once we SEE the benefits (JUPITER) it’s not really so scary (SCO) to dive in and process what’s been sticky.

Both SATURN / URANUS and JUPITER / NEPTUNE support the ‘Guru Purnima’ Full Moon of the outer and inner Spiritual Teacher. Here’s the blog post about the Guru Purnima Full Moon. 


And hey, can you see how many Planets are retro now?
6 presently, and even 7 from Aug 7 on…
MERCURY, MARS, (JUPITER just came out of retro on July 10, and helps now with SCO processing OF the old), SATURN, CHIRON, URANUS (going retro on Aug 7), and PLUTO!
Excellent for inward-turning movement….


MERCURY Retro in the Starters


MERCURY retro (July 25 – Aug 18), the whole phase in LEO:
SelfLove Talk IS cosmic and Soul RElief.
Here’s the full-on post for this M-r phase.



In the chart, you might have also noticed, LILITH is about to leave CAP and go into AQ on Aug 5 (PDT  and West of it) / 6 (East of PDT) which is quite a shift (LILITH is 9 months in a sign) – and lift, for the ‘Inner Wildness’:
To get off our Rock of Integrity, grow wings, and ‘fly’, in a flock of like- and light-spirited others. And ‘even beyond’ group consciousness, we can find freedom through and in your True Nature. 

Stay tuned for the
LILITH into AQ (Aug 5, 2018 – May 4, 2019)
Special Astro Parlour:
Your True Nature is FREE.
Tue Aug 7

7:07 – 9:39 pm

Pre-registration welcome!
Special LILITH into AQ post to come.

Sending you cosmic blessings for the AQ – LEO Total Lunar ECLIPSE – as the almost-Full Moon is looking over my left shoulder while I’m sending this blog post out into cyber space to you!


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.


August is Client Appreciation Month, at the occasion of the 18th anniversary of my Astrology practice!
Come on over, or let’s meet online, for a substantially discounted (11% – 22% – 33%, depending on how long you’ve been my client 😉 ) Astro session. And let your friends know!


ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
Our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!




GURU PURNIMA Full Moon Blessings – with the ‘Astro Gurus’ JUPITER and SATURN

26 Jul

Dear Astro~News Reader,

indeed, there’s a lot to the upcoming AQ – LEO Full Moon / Total Lunar Eclipse ‘Blood Moon’ – with MARS, tomorrow July 27 / 28, exact at 1:20 pm PDT!

Theme is (see Eclipse post): EmBody the HEART Light, and Share it with the World!

Clearly, this Eclipse MOON and MARS get our attention, and has us release old mental / emotional and ego attachments, to come back to the Light of Consciousness, and of the Heart.

A la MERCURY freshly retrograde (since yesterday), I found again this Ram Das article A Heavy Curriculum– very apropos the AQ ‘People’ conundrum and is good guidance for MARS going retro into CAP, for a close encounter with PLUTO there:
“If somebody is a problem for you, it’s not that they should change, it’s that you need to change. If they’re a problem for themselves that’s their karma, if they’re causing you trouble that’s your problem with yourself…..”

  • What’s our job when people ‘are difficult’?
  • How do our lunar emotions and needs (like, for them to love and appreciate us a la LEO) have power over us, pull you into the LEO drama and out of Love?
  • What needs to deepen to change this?

A heavy curriculum… (a la CAP)… yet lightened and transformed in the Heart.

I get it. Been there with family, other ‘karmic partners’, and even ‘random people’…

This Full Moon also helps us connect with ‘Ancient Essence’ – the essence of the Ancestors (PLUTO in CAP, not far from the MOON). Biological Ancestors, ancient Teachers, Ancestors of the Land…
Maybe their Spirit is speaking to us… helping us transform old (usually fear / separation based) energies that prevent us from being in the Love and in Heart Space.


In Hindu and Buddhist tradition, the Full Moon in July is the Guru Purnima / Guru Puja, dedicated to the inner and outer Guru.


Ganesh, the ‘Remover of Obstacles’ is invoked at the onset of a journey.

We could all use some Ganesh energy nowadays / -years…
SATURN (ruler of CAP) is presently IN CAP (Winter Solstice 2017 – Winter Solstice 2020) where karmic challenges for ‘the journey’ / the path arise.
Only to teach us what our inner blocks, judgments, and resistance are, and handing it over to PLUTO in CAP to help with the transformation – as things are irreversably evolving collectively.

Dense stuff, perhaps. Heavy curriculum?
May the Inner Teacher and light bringer show the way, and lead by example, just like the CAP goat slowly but surely climbing up the mountain, and the CAP SUN climbing up the Ecliptic.


“Ohhh, I don’t have a Guru, nor do I want one!” is what one might hear from us Westerners…

GU-RU means ‘simply’ “From Darkness to Light” – one who removes darkness and brings light. 

“Guru Purnima is celebrated on the day of the year when the SUN is closest to the Earth and the Full MOON reflects the brightest light. 
It is a holy day, and an especially beneficial time to make fresh resolves for spiritual growth.
Truth is, the SUN is not closest to the Earth in Summer but in early January, however the LEO SUN is so bright and strong and it’s the middle of Summer in the Northern hemisphere.

Because the energies of the SUN and of the MOON in reflection are both at their peak, our subtle energy channels are unusually open and receptive to absorb spiritual energy. Practices done or begun on this day will bring growth and auspiciousness in life.

Through sadhana (spiritual practice) and by following the Guru’s teachings, devotees can purify the mind to reflect the Atman / Universal Self, just as the MOON reflects the brightness of the SUN.

Traditionally, Guru Purnima is an auspicious time to begin four months of spiritual practice. Beginning at this time allows us to make great spiritual progress more quickly.”


Never too early, never too late, for spiritual practice, and connection with the inner guru / teacher / mentor / light bringer, I’d say.

Time (ruled by CAP) in fact can be suspended, stretched, and can dissolve and ‘disappear’ in immersion with what IS  (PLUTO points us to ‘that’).
The guru is a bridge into vastness, spaciousness, and freedom.


In Astrology, the ‘Guru’ is associated with the Archetypes of JUPITER, the mentor, and SATURN, the teacher.

Jupiter and Earth – A matter of Perspective. Photo: Hubble / NASA

Presently, JUPITER is in mid SCORPIO, in auspicious Water Trine with mystical NEPTUNE in its own PISCEAN domain.
Their Journey in this 4-sign apart alignment has been going on since May and until August (exact May 25, and again Aug 19).

Beneficial transformation (JUPITER in SCO) is supported by surrender and letting go, and leads to Unity (NEPTUNE in PI).
Once we SEE the benefits (JUPITER) it’s not really so scary (SCO) to dive in and process what’s been sticky.


Saturn & Earth

Saturn and Earth – Ringed Guru. Photo: Hubble / NASA

SATURN now in early CAP, quintessential integrity teacher, is also very supportive at this Guru Puja time, since it forms two relationships with healing and liberating planetary Archetypes:

  • A square with CHIRON in early ARIES, active all July / August (even though not exact), challenging us Earthlings to learn and integrate the lessons from our Healing Journey, and to take the Medicine of Authenticity.
  • An Earth Trine with URANUS in early TAU, also active all July / August, and VERY close in the second half of Aug (even though not exact) helps us with being grounded and ‘for real’, and bringing Spirit into Matter and EmBodyment and daily experiences. Beyond resistance and Ijudgment, Freedom arises.


Pluto Reveals… One of the first pictures New Horizons transmitted from the close fly-by in July 2015.

VENUS in VIR is also in stabilizing Earth Trine with PLUTO retro in CAP – exact tomorrow July 27:

It’s beautiful, harmonizing, rewarding and self-loving / self-caring to do the work and practice that sustains us, keeps us sane and well, restores wholeness, and keeps things simple and grounded when stress arises.
In fact, doing ‘simple’ / ‘little’ things with love and care can help us with deep inner Soul Work in these intense times.

VIRGO is a helping / healing ‘Earth Angel’ and PLUTO reaches into the Soul – with Love.


Have I mentioned?
Almost all the planetary Archetypes mentioned are presently retro (6 in July, and 7 in Aug):

MERCURY, MARS, (JUPITER just came out of retro on July 10, and helps now with SCO processing OF the old), SATURN, CHIRON, URANUS (going retro on Aug 7), and PLUTO!
Excellent for inward-turning movement….

Under PLUTO in SATURN ruled CAP (2008 – 2023), and NEPTUNE & CHIRON in PISCES (since 2011 / 2012, until 2018 / 2026) so many traditional spiritual teachings and practices from our biological and Spirit ancestry have reached our modern cultures and become ‘mainstream’.
The ‘trick’ is to really be consistent and apply them into our daily and most challenging situations – says SATURN in CAP.

Different accesses and avenues for everyone, yet light is always light.


Aummmm! Namaste!

The Light in me honours the Light in you!
May we ground and embody it.


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
Our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!

SoUlar LEO Initiates Day Out of Time / Mayan New Year of the Red Cosmic Moon

23 Jul

Dear ASTRO~NEWS Reader,

what a vibrant week ahead, leading up to the TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE in AQ – LEO, ON JULY 27!

Starting with SUN having entered LEO, yesterday SUN-day JULY 22, and with the fresh inspiring SAG MOON.

Shine ON & Radiate the Heart Light, Friends!

Image: The SUN Rules LEO, by Johfra Bosschart.

Creativity rocks & skyrockets nowadays.
Let’s lead from Love & Inspiration!

The Lunar North Node is also in early LEO – supporting us to show our Light and our Colours, and to be seen and loved.
Being warm-hearted, joyful and playful raises good vibrations, and de-lights the World.

(So, why again would we hold back????)


In the mean’time’ – also this week:

Mayan New Year and Day Out of Time (July 25 / 26)

Did you know? The Mayan New Year starts on July 26.

And the preceding day July 25 is the Day Out of Time / Dia Fuera Del Tiempo.

Why? This is what the 13-Moon Calendar / Foundation for the Law of Time says:



The Day Out of Time is the day to celebrate Time is Art.
And since Art is the basis of constructive Peace, this day is also celebrated as International Peace through Culture Day.

(13 x 28 = 364) plus one extra day, July 25, the DAY OUT OF TIME.
The Day Out of Time is observed annually around the world as a day to celebrate galactic freedom, promoting Time is Art, and Peace through Culture. 

Peace through Culture is a fundamental premise of the 13 Moon / 28-Day calendar. When you celebrate Time is Art you are promoting Peace through Culture.

Biospheric Triad: One Earth – One People – One Time

The Banner of Peace is a key symbol of Galactic Culture.

The three red spheres of the Banner of Peace represent the unity of art, science and spirituality. Red is the color of the blood of the one human family. The red circle around the three spheres represents the unity of culture and the cyclic nature of time.
In 1935 in Washington D.C., 22 nations signed the Roerich Pact created by Nicholas Roerich to declare Peace through Culture.

As the saying has it, “Where there is peace there is culture, where there is culture there is peace.” This day is also marked by ceremonies of universal forgiveness; it’s a way of starting the New Year off on a clean, compassionate footing.


The Thirteen Moon New Year’s day occurs on July 26 (Magnetic Moon 1).

Why is that?
This date was originally correlated to the conjunction of the Sun with Sirius rising. The 13-moon calendar is not just a solar-lunar orbital measure, but is coded to galactic timing cycles, most notably the Sirius cycle. Through the 13-moon calendar, human consciousness can enter into galactic consciousness.”

I couldn’t agree more:
TIME is CONSCIOUSNESS is what my work and mission is all about.
And Astrology represents also: TIME is ART.


“Just as air is the atmosphere of the body, so time is the atmosphere of the mind. If the time in which we live consists of uneven months and days regulated by mechanized minutes and hours, that is what becomes of our mind: a mechanized irregularity.
Since everything follows from the mind, it is no wonder that the atmosphere in which we live daily becomes more polluted, and the greatest complaint is: ‘I just don’t have enough time!’
Who owns your time, owns your mind. Own your own time and you will know your own mind.”
-Jose Arguelles, A Treatise On Time


We’re coming out of the Year of the YELLOW CRYSTAL SEED (July 26, 2017 – July 25, 2018).
Resonant? (Quoting again the Foundation of the Law of Time)

“Crystal is the tone of cooperation. Cooperation implies communication. Open communication is how we build bridges. Crystal seed is the year of the fulfillment of the Return of the People of OMA from across the bridge of time. We are the bridge. The Time is Now. OMA is the Original Matrix Attained.

The Original matrix is woven on Nature’s intelligence.  Intelligence implies a perception of patterns. The 13 Moon calendar offers a simple daily system to track multiple patterns of time. The effect is the increase of order, awareness and intelligence in your daily life.

Daily use also helps you to enter into a Universal Consciousness that transcends dogma, religion, race, economic status and gender.  Synchronicity will become your normal every-day experience.”


And now for the…

Mayan New Year of the RED COSMIC MOON (July 26, 2018 – July 25, 2019) &
TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE ‘BloodMoon’ on July 27 / 28

The invocation of the RED COSMIC MOON states:

“I endure in order to purify.
Transcending flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of space.”


So synchronistic that at the very beginning of the RED COSMIC MOON, on JULY 27 / 28. there will be a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE / ‘Blood Moon’ – the longest Lunar Eclipse of the 21st Century – , and in cosmic AQUARIUS (‘universal water’ – which of course isn’t technically water but electromagnetic vibration).
The degree is (YES!) 4°44′ AQ!

More about the TLE, its Astrology and this enigmatic Sabian Symbol, in the next Astro~News post – stay tuned!





© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger




Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

Please find upcoming Astro~Experiences as well as offers, plus almost daily updates (more frequently than here on the Blog), incl. YouTube videos, on my FB Page:

Astrology for Self Realization.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gifts of Astrology!

MERCURY Retro (July 25 – Aug 18) in LEO: SelfLove Talk – Cosmic RE-lief & Toolkit

21 Jul

Hello Astro Archetype Attuned Friends,

What on Earth and in the Heavens is going on, these days? 
you might wonder… and I’ve been asked a lot lately…

Yes, it’s the era of massive collective awakening & wake-up calls, transformational shifts in society , and of old patterns and ‘operating systems’ in our personal lives, mirrored by our transpersonal planetary ‘friends’ URANUS now on the TAURUS cusp, CHIRON now on the ARIES cusp, NEPTUNE in PISCES, and PLUTO in CAP.

Plus, the Record Retro Summer of 2018 (so far 5, soon 6, and in August 7 Planets retro!!!) has begun!
No wonder, things are a bit topsy-turvy.

But what’s with all the technology and communication glitches (or surprises!) that have sneaked in again lately?
No way? Are you telling me…..?
YEP, the inevitable is happening again: 

Mercury Retro

Mercury doing its retro somersaults again… summery HOT in LEO this time.

Another MERCURY Retro phase is coming UP, and already gearing UP!
All in LEO this time (from 23°27′ back to 11°32′ LEO), from JULY 25 – AUG 18.

M-r happens in the same Element for one year, and is in FIRE in 2018.
The Element sequence goes backward in the Zodiac, e.g. this year in FIRE. The last M-r phase March 22 – Apr 15 was all in AR, next one will be in SAG / SCO Nov 16 – Dec 6, and 2019 M-r in WATER signs PI, CAN and SCO is on.

Those of you who’ve read in my MERCURY retro support REport (or even advocacy) over the years know:
M-r isn’t necessarily ‘BAD’ news.
And hey – perhaps an overdue and cosmically well timed adjustment!

In a nut shell, with M-r, the Archetype of the MIND is being adjusted, while temporarily operating differently / ‘unusually’, and tuned-up into a ‘New MERCURY’ (hey, what’s that???).

Have you noticed?
We’re already in the build-up (or rather: slow-down) phase!
Our good old messenger / trickster friend MERCURY has since July 8 been in the pre-retro ‘shadow’
(i.o.w., crossed the 11° LEO mark from which it will go direct again on Aug 18).

Since JULY 16, MERCURY has been in stationary (very slowly moving) ‘U-turn storm’. 

Next week, on JULY 25, MERCURY will start its seasonal retro loop which goes until AUG 18.
Definitely a good time for RE-treat. Take it easy on a busy holiday back and fro, and getting wrapped up in planning ‘loops’ directed by mental overdrive.


Speak from the Heart, Roar if Needed, and Show Yourself.

Woohoo – a loooong phase of MERCURY in LEO altogether this year, throughout JULY, AUGUST, and into early SEPT!

Seems like we’ve got something to learn and RE-trieve from the LEO side of things.

Everything LEO (Love, Passion, Creativity, The Self, yet also the Inner Drama Queen / King and Narcissist) is brought to awareness and discussion.
Be the Artist and Heart-ist!

The energy turns inward-backward as MERCURY goes retro, to RE-connect from the Heart rather than roaring / making it all about ourselves….

But hey, why do we / they crave attention?
Maybe ‘simply’ to be seen and loved.
Maybe something ‘went wrong’ there in the past, maybe early on… and we internalized it.
Time to re-lease those inner voices, under MERCURY retro.

YES, Self Love Talk is totally in accord with M-r in LEO.
Give yourself the Love you might miss from others, and tell yourself a new Love Story.

How do you talk to yourself?
Is it a feedback-loop?
Stop, notice, take note even, and check out patterns. With our repetitive mental patterns we create pre-conceived reinforcement neuro pathways, and selective perceptions of what confirms our beliefs. Our mind is a powerful manifestor – well, at least it’s a filter of ‘reality’ which can create ‘blinders’.

How does the Self Loving YOU communicate with others?
Notice how your communication flows when you’re in a loving space…

When / how / why do you compensate a lack of love through self absorption?
Why do you need the attention?
Often easier to recognize in narcissistic, self absorbed others who dominate a situation.

Experiment witnessing yourself (would be great to re-listen to a re-corded conversation…) – how do you represent yourself?

What do you LOVE about yourself?
What do you LOVE about LIFE?
How can you LIVE Life (more) Lovingly?

And what would LOVE say?

Rather than feeding anger, and going into verbal confrontation
(which might be a strong temptation, with MARS on the other side of the spectrum, presently retro in AQ), can you find the Loving Place in your Heart from which to speak and act?
But hey: What does the anger tell you?  What’s the deeper desire (MARS) behind it?
What are your desires, when it comes to friends, groups, community, and humanity (AQ)?
What’s your message for Humanity?

Always good (not only) these days, to start from the Heart – an invitation from the LEO North Node (which MERCURY will re-approach when in retro) – and meet ‘even strangers’ from a place of Love.
I prefer to live in a World where Love and warm heartedness matter, rather than in icy glass houses of isolation, alienation, and anonymity (AQ South Node).

“Share your smile with a stranger, and be excellent with each other”, is what our LEO SUN Yoga teacher likes to say at the end of the class.
Yet, in our device driven environ-mental sphere not many smiles are exchanged anymore with real people (smiley icons on the screen yes…).


It’s gotten really hot(!) when MERCURY (in LEO the hottest sign of the Zodiac) went into pre-retro ‘storm’ last MON JULY 16! Noticed?
Don’t let the Ego Monkey Mind rule you!
Be mindful, rather than having the mind uber-full.

Hope all the LEO energy doesn’t mean more forest fires, drought, etc – MERCURY is one of the factors that also reflect weather patterns. Weather report confirms it IS getting hot over the weekend and next week, here on Vancouver Island.

Smile more often, smile at yourself, smile as if noone or everyone sees it, and enjoy the Sunshine and Moonlight, Cosmic Strangers & Friends!


Change of Heart, Change of Mind

MERCURY in LEO squares off this Summer with JUPITER in SCO (which just turned direct recently, on July 10, and is now in stationary mode)!
Not just once (July 9) but 3 times (again under M-r on Aug 10, and post-M-r on Aug 27)!

Nudging us to be authentic (rather than being trapped in the Ego Monkey Mind), vulnerable, and communicate from the Heart, to allow a deeper processing and more intimate connection with others.
Societally, it can mean hidden agenda comes out and shows things in a new light that helps with moving the change for the better.


What’s Special about this MERCURY Retro (M-r) in LEO?

The LEO motto (ruled bu the SUN) motto is: “I create.”
A self-radiant energy.

The shadow of LEO is to be too self-absorbed, narcissistic, and dominant / running the show, and boasting with privileges at the expense of others.

M-r adjusts the ego driven mind, and brings it back to be the assistant and tool to Spirit and the Heart.

While other M-r scenarios can deal with the over-thinker / worrier / fence sitter… this one can get stuck (fixed LEO) in revolving around the ego self.
Traditionally, MERCURY isn’t ‘well placed’ in LEO – actually ‘in fall’, vs. in exaltation in AQ on the opposite side of the Zodiac spectrum (why? because that would point to a synergistic group mind, to a systemic and innovative, future oriented rather than self absorbed thinker / mind).
So, at this time, and for all of us with MERCURY in LEO the theme is to witness (AQ) the mind yet not let it rule (LEO), notice how much is ‘self fulfilling’. To be aware is the first step to more freedom.

Yes, M-r in LEO does affect whatever you have in LEO (SUN, MOON, Planets, Nodes, AC / MC), and shows up in the area of life related to the LEO House in your chart.

M-r brings these sides in you to awareness. At this time you tend to think, write, and discuss about them more than otherwise: Love, creativity, playfulness, joyful self expression.

When in doubt and you’d like to find out get in touch with me. I can look it up if you’re already my client, or set up your birth chart if you give me your birth info.
This could be a good time to (RE)visit otherwise hidden themes in your life that want to come to the Light, with M-r in LEO, in an Astro session.


The first half of M-r is the Epimethean phase, RE-minding us of ‘old stories’ – which doesn’t have to be a ‘bad thing’ to overcome, it can be an inspiration ;-).
And, as always, we learn so much from history / herstory. 


There’s a 7-Phase Sequence to every MERCURY Retro Cycle:

  1. Pre-retro shadow,
  2. Pre-retro stationary / ‘storm’,
  3. Mercury technically retro,
  4. Mercury direct again,
  5. Post-retro stationary / ‘storm’,
  6. Post-retro shadow,
  7. Out of shadow.


MERCURY went into so-called pre-retro ‘shadow’ on JULY 8, which means it passed for the first time the Zodiac point (11º32’ LEO) from which it will after the retro phase go direct / forward again. Certain ‘foreshadowing’ themes of what can come up during M-r are played out. Can we watch them without getting involved in the game?
Also a good time to be as fluid as quicksilver, responsive to higher intelligence, and trust the ‘messenger from the future’, via intuition and precognition.
Perhaps already have a clear(ifying) and heartfelt communication around ‘neglected’ themes (Love, Self Love, Self Expression, Joy, Passion…).


MERCURY Retro in the Starters

On JULY 16, MERCURY entered its stationary ‘storm’ period (moves very slowly), a.k.a. ‘U-turn’ mode.
A time to also slow down the regular fast and busy mind that likes to multi talk / task.
‘Regular’ communication affairs might start to become ‘tricky’, ‘complicated’, ‘chaotic’, and ‘messed up’, but only from the perspective of the ego that needs to be in control via the mind.

MERCURY in zigzag mode suggests being in flux and at ease, while swiftly and intelligently changing course when necessary. Ironically, it can lead to a better outcome than what the self absorbed ‘fixed’ mind might cook up.


The actual retro phase (JULY 25 – AUG 18) turns the mind inwards, backwards, and out of its confines, like a snake biting its own tail while shedding its skin.

Under M-r., ‘usual’ thinking and communication patterns are being questioned, and it appears at times as if there was a trickster or little devil at play. Actually, we have a chance now to see the mental devil / trickster that’s been there all along, camouflaging and going unnoticed,
The challenge is to not get frustrated when things don’t turn out the way YOU thought they ’should’, according to a preconceived ego plan.
During M-r, experiment with, practice, and hopefully also integrate for later going with the flow of things in an intuitive way, and taking everything as a learning experience.
That also means changing your mind when you get the impulse / signal for an alternative course of action, being open to and curious about ‘detours’ that might lead to unexpected turns, and making unusual connections, rather than going with comfort, routine, and habit. 

Rather than getting wrapped up with linear, habitual, and often self-limiting ways of dealing with information and communication channels and modes, an alternative approach can open you up for serendipity, synchronicities, and lots of fun.


“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn


For all these reasons, stay as mobile (like quicksilver, the MERCURY metal), adaptable, and unplanned as possible, so that you’re able to surf Mercurial waves when the wind comes up. MERCURY is a very light, youthful, fresh, fun-loving punster and Coyote / prankster energy. It looks at the fun AND meaningful (hermetic knowledge, derived from Hermes / Mercury) side of unusual twists and turns, and, in the role of the ‘magician’, even likes to facilitate those. Aligning with that mode makes you happier these days.

So bring on these spontaneous twists, unintentional new found puns, and fun realizations!

At the same time, be mindfully present and clear – rather than self absorbed.

When it comes to making a decision and committing to something long-term consider that it’s not likely ready to be definite yet, because during M-r always new information streams in which changes our outlook on things. Often, after the M-r phase we have more information that gives a different picture, based upon which a decision makes more sense. If we did decide prematurely and aren’t flexible to back off again, we might say, “Oh, if I only had known…. I wouldn’t have decided…” And then you might have to untangle certain complications.

As always with MERCURY retro, clarify communication whenever possible:

  • Say things several times in a different way / language to make sure there’s no misunderstanding in a fast / distracted context.
  • Ask questions that intuitively come to mind (which might clarify an otherwise held assumption!).
  • And PLEASE choose the most direct medium and tool that’s available (in person rather than over the phone, and phone rather than email), which helps with a clearer and more holistic communication, because more ‘channels’ are involved and signals are conveyed in person rather than on the phone, or via mutual messaging / e-monologue.
    And who knows what else might come up and be addressed as you take the opportunity to actually TALK?

If you become mercurially frustrated, maybe because you needed to learn something about the nature of human mind and its extensions, like technological equipment which now, more than usually, seems to have ‘a mind of its own’…
Consider that computers, phones, and tech gadgets are only servants and tools, and that their efficiency depends on the (hopefully detached, savvy and inventive) mind of their ‘master’. You don’t want to become a stressed-out slave of coordination and communication.

It also might become apparent during M-r that our tools and technical equipment magically morphically mirror the mind WE are in, even ‘simply’ by breaking down and being ‘on strike’ when we humans need ‘a break’ anyway.
Give your tools and tasks proper mindful and single-minded attention, one at a time, instead of attempting to multi task and ‘efficiently’ orchestrate everything simultaneously.
The electromagnetic field of computers and the human mind dialogue in an interface. To keep it all smoothly operational, don’t impose any potential extra stress onto your nervous system nor on your computer.

Also, be aware how your mental experiences suggest being relaxed and mindful, assuming nothing, dropping your (under M-r evident, otherwise hidden) expectations and assumptions, and foremost, trusting the infinite intelligence of the Universe, ‘even’ as it might take you on wild and ‘crazy’ journeys that you apparently haven’t signed up for.

Under M-r talk to people from the past who come to mind and whom you haven’t heard from in a long time (or new people whom you have just met and intuitively ‘clicked with’).

M-r also tends to bring back unfinished communication business from the past, esp. from previous M-r phases (last ones in Dec 2017 and March /Apr 2018).

What happens quite often under M-r: We receive a potentially interesting message for others that’s worth passing on – to whom it may concern, to be delivered to someone else who needs that information! Or to connect two or more people with one another – because you can.
So, keep collecting communication karma cookies, by being the messenger (without an agenda)!

Gibbons at Play Painting by Xuande Emperor, 1427 (!)

Rather be mindful, and observe the phenomenon mind from a ‘meta’ level.
Like, by asking yourself: Why am I really saying this? Who’s the one thinking and talking here?
If we don’t do that from time to time we out trick ourselves, subconsciously ‘sabotage’ our plans, and constellate circumstances that make us back off from our mental concept, so that we need to check what we’ve been doing with our brain – or rather, what the brain has been doing with us all along.

The Buddhists call the day-to-day mind that busies itself with all kinds of ‘chatting’ and inner stories, lists, and dialogues, the ‘Monkey Mind’ which, like a monkey, jumps from one tree (of interest and attachment) to the next, and is never quiet, unless we observe the movement, and thereby naturally calm it, in meditation.

M-r is an excellent opportunity to be mindful (rather than having one’s mind full), and to assume or return to a meditation practice (or even ‘just’ experiment with it), and thereby shift your paradigm about the nature of mind.

The Thinker

The Thinker, by Rodin (in front of the Rodin Museum in Paris)

With any MERCURY retro, and also this one in LEO it’s a precious opportunity to get out of the head, check in to see who’s that thinker, tap into pure awareness, and SEE WHAT IS.

As always, the MERCURY retro cycle starts with the ‘Epimethean’ phase (first half – JULY 25 – AUG 8) where old (epic) stories, memories, and patterns show up for a REason (yet unknown, REvealing itself in the journey).

With the LEO energy of M-r, it’s good to stay in a joyful, playful mode, invite a world of synchronicities, look at things again, in a fresh way, and: get retro-actively inspired (by the past, by something overlooked).


Liberating ‘Golden Boy’ Prometheus surrounded by the Zodiac Belt (Rockefeller Centre NYC). 


At the half-way point of the M-r phase (AUG 8 this time), MERCURY crosses paths with the SUN: A new ‘NEW MERCURY’ is born (like New Moon as in: monthly SUN – MOON conjunction) – which happens 3 times a year:
So, it’s time to REgenerate the mind (MERCURY), more conscious, following Spirit and the Heart (SUN).
It is also called the ‘Point of Enlightened Insight’.

Here’s to a  bright, liberating energy for break-throughs into more freedom, esp. freedom from mental patterns, and to freedom for a whole new way of showing upbeing present with what IS.

Check out what’s new and exciting! And how YOU are NEW in every moment!

The second half of M-r (AUG 8 – 18) is the ‘Promethean’ phase, where new insights and new consciousness can be creatively carried forward.


MERCURY’s Square Dance with MARS and JUPITER

This M-r in LEO forms as its main aspects an opposition with MARS (ruling planet of ARIES) presently in early AQ. It was exact on July 5. Quite dramatic. Also a reflection of “The King hath spoken” vs. “The People act.”
And also, 3 times in fact, MERCURY goes into square with JUPITER in SCO (see above): Pre-retro on July 9, again under M-r on Aug 10, and lastly on Aug 27 when MERCURY will be just out of post-retro ‘storm’.

What’s the gist of the message of these LEO – AQ – SCO oppositions / squares?
Don’t get stuck in ego mind that takes you into polarity and battle. 


So, what’s the MERCURY Retro Timeline?

‘Simply ‘ listed here, without much explanation.
Admittedly more for the ‘Astro Insider’ – but maybe it helps you as a guideline, in connection with the points above.

July 8: Pre-retro ‘shadow’ started
July 9: MERCURY in LEO in square with JUPITER in SCO (# 1).
July 16: Pre-retro ‘storm’ started.
July 22: The SUN enters LEO.

July 25: MERCURY goes retro (until AUG 18) at 23 – 11° LEO.
Aug 8: MERCURY retro conj. the SUN in LEO – Point of Enlightening Insight.
Aug 10: MERCURY retro in square with JUPITER in SCO (# 2).
Aug 18: MERCURY retro in LEO sextile VENUS in LIBRA.  MERCURY goes direct again.
Aug 24: Post-retro ‘storm’ ends.
Aug 27: MERCURY stationary in square with JUPITER in SCO (# 3)

Sept 2: Post-retro ‘shadow’ ends.



Here are my Seasoned & Seasonal


1) Be easy on yourself, as you get into the groove of things.

It usually takes a week or so to adjust to the different mode. Hopefully, you’re taking the pre-retro shadow phase easy, rather than being ‘hit’ by the wild ‘storm’, or stationary stuckness (can be either and both, in paradoxical trickster fashion)..


2) Be mindful, and lead from what’s here-now. 

There’s a tendency for the mind to be distracted and all over the place, to loose and misplace things and thoughts that later have to be RE-trieved again. Avoid getting scattered and disorganized, collect the mind ‘pieces’, be present with any situation and function ‘at hand’, and don’t loose sight of what practically works and matters. The apparent priority of urgent ‘little’ things and ‘small stuff’ can easily be a distraction and waste of energy.
Practice coming back to the here-now.


3) Retro is an inwards / backwards oriented energy.

Would be a good time to RE-treat, and RE-visit meditation and mindfulness.
Also an excellent chance (if not necessity) to deal with ‘old unfinished business’, ‘loose ends’, and to clear communication themes from the past, often carried over from a previous M-r time (last one in March / April 2018).


4) Every M-r phase is a great time to actively pursue basically everything that starts with ‘RE-‘.

Like: re-assess, re-align, read, re-treat, re-pair, re-boot, re-group, re-consider, re-arrange, re-place, you name it…
The RE-ason for me pointing out all these RE-activities:
During M-r (which also has a karmic undertone), we less likely get away anymore with being sloppy, and with procrastinating or neglecting RE-sidual communication issues with people from the past. They come up like a mirror. Talk about what RE-ally matters – in an inspiring, generous, and fun way.


5) Choose the clearest and most direct mode of communication available.

Phone rather than messaging / email (YES!), meeting in person rather than phone / text, to make sure an actual dialogue happens (rather than just your factual monologue, with the assumption you know what they think, or they know what you think).
Consider communicating in several ways and via different media, to make sure the message comes across. Keep in mind that because people’s minds can be all over the place now, communication might be scattered and incomplete, or prone to assumptions: “I thought you got my email!!!”, or actually a monologue: Are you just thinking out loud as you talk, or are you actually suggesting something to me?


6) Be mindful how you communicate with others.

Put yourself in their position, and take ownership and responsibility for your mental processes, rather than blaming and judging (possibly based on lack of communication).


7) Be clear and precise with commitments and agreements.

Double check whether you have been understood correctly, and RE-peat / RE-phrase back to them too. Avoid signing an agreement before you have all the necessary information (often only after MERCURY retro is over!).


8) Mercury Retro RE-minds us…

…that direct connection with another as an authentic and lively dialogue opens up the opportunity to meander and touch on other subjects than the originally intended purpose of the communication. Which can eventually lead to an even more important outcome or direction than anticipated. Check out in hindsight why you actually needed to talk to that person…


9) Under M-r, the odds for fabulous unexpected synchronicities are 99%:

As we act more intuitively and out of the ordinary, we let the spontaneous intervention of the Universe show us our interconnectedness! Way cool and fun! 


10) M-r is a good time to RE-connect with people you have lost sight of.

With the LEO flavour, be clear and authentic, and connect with people and interests that are fun and fresh, creative and playful. In any case, trust your intuition, and let yourself be surprised by what shows up when you speak to them.


11) The themes and areas of life (partners, children, career, groups, etc.) that THIS retro phase brings up for YOU…

…depend on the Planet/s and House/s that M-r activates in YOUR personal birth chart, in other words where ARIES is situated.
I’m happy to check that our for and WITH you.


12) When ‘glitches’ occur, be fluid and flexible like quicksilver (MERCURY’s metal), think “shift happens”.

Don’t judge yourself or others for not being on the same page as you, and turn the paradigm around:
What could be the opportunity in this mishap? And what’s actually funny about this?
RE-frame your way of thinking about things. And entertain the possibility that you might have subconsciously ‘arranged’ a wild alternative to the original ‘plan A’ which – who knows? – might lead to something new and better and more fun than what the ‘normal’, ‘usual’, ‘regular’, and apparently most  ‘efficient’ mind-in-rut-mode could have come up with?


13) Enjoy those unintentional puns, slips, and new connections in the mind, be creative and brainstorm – esp. together with your MERCURY Retro friends 😉


14) Enlightened Insights, anyone…?

Guess what? The Day of Enlightened Insight – when M-r meets the SUN on the exact half-way point of the M-r phase is on 08-08 this year! Also the Day of SIRIUS Rising!


15) If you would like to know…

  • Whether you are a member of the RETRO CLUB (born under MERCURY Retro, as yours truly),
  • In which part of life the Retro Trickster would likely play tricks on / with you,
  • How to play creatively WITH the energy,

….feel welcome to get in touch with your Astrologer. 



© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger




Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

Please find upcoming Astro~Experiences as well as offers, plus almost daily updates (more frequently than here on the Blog), incl. YouTube videos, on my FB Page:

Astrology for Self Realization.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gifts of Astrology!

Heart Medicine & Creativity Boost – 3 Summer ECLIPSES: Welcoming Our Loving Heart into the Change…

12 Jul

…via the

  • CANCER (20°41′) NEW MOON / Partial Solar Eclipse on July 12 / 13. 
  • AQ – LEO (4°44′!) NEW MOON / Total Lunar ECLIPSE, on July 27. 
  • LEO (18°42′) NEW MOON / Partial Solar Eclipse on Aug 11.

All three Eclipses are connected with the Nodal Axis presently in AQ – LEO / soon in CAP – CAN.

Let’s lovingly embrace (CAN / LEO cusp North Node) a situation (society / humanity / group consciousness) that’s difficult / where we’re out of control  (CAP / AQ cusp South Node, with PLUTO retro / LILITH, and MARS retro nearby).
Let’s be gentle (CAN NN) with others and ourselves where we can gravitate to (self) judgment (CAP SN) – an old conditioning.
Let’s create from the Heart, and Live Life Lovingly (LEO).


Partial Solar Eclipse

Some techie details:

This Summer brings a set of three (they usually come in pairs ‘only’) Eclipses: 

Two Partial Solar Eclipses ‘wrap around’ a Total Lunar Eclipse.

Eclipses are exact New Moons and Full Moons, where EARTH, SUN, and MOON are exactly lined up, so that either the MOON disk covers partially (this time) or even fully the SUN disk from Earth perspective to create a Solar Eclipse, or the Earth casts a shadow on the Full MOON disk, for a Lunar Eclipse.
To create these magical effects the Lunar Nodes (intersections of the Lunar orbit around the Earth and the Earth orbit around the SUN) have to be also involved – THE New Moon / Full Moon have to be close to the Nodes.

This time, the North Node in LEO and the South Node in AQ are in the ecliptic pattern and dance of SUN, MOON, and EARTH this Summer, plus MERCURY will touch on the Lunar North Node, and MARS retro will be cruising close to the Lunar South Node.

In this, the whole planetary ‘team’ invites us to
come from the Heart, and show ourselves in a warm, loving, playful, and generous way that’s based on intrinsic Self Love, while releasing old aggression that may come from a place of isolation and separation.

Both NEW MOON / Partial Solar Eclipses are ‘Seed Eclipses’ which bring a strong new beginning in the CAN / LEO realm.
A Heart-ful Summer to bring back / bring on Love and Play, and see how our social relations benefit.

The New MOON / Partial Solar Eclipse on JULY 12 / 13 opens the Portal and welcomes us IN.
The next two Eclipses deepen the experience.


Blessings for the Summer of Love!


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger




Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Yout Inner Cosmic Compass’.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’, and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, for perspective at a crossroad or dilemma, and for empowered choices.

If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you in being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships with others.
Plus, I can help you determine your powerful places on Planet Earth.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over the 13 years I’ve been facilitating them become quite potent and catalytic.
Come join us, in person here in Victoria, or as an online participant, if deep synergy in an intimate (up to 6 participants) circle speaks to you!

Please find upcoming Astro~Experiences as well as offers, plus almost daily updates (more frequently than here on the Blog), incl. YouTube videos, on my FB Page:
Astrology for Self Realization.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gifts of Astrology!


Come join (live in person in Victoria, or online) our 8-week ASTRO ARCHETYPES Summer ImmersionWe start on JULY 18 – the week after the CANCER New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse.


Email me (licht@islandnet) if you have questions about it, to discuss whether it could be a good fit for you, or if you’d like to register.
The first meeting on JULY 18 can be attended as drop-in, to get a sense of it before committing to the 8-week journey.
Looking forward to hearing from you, and welcoming you in the co-creative circle!

Friday the 13th with VENUS in VIRGO: Divine Feminine Calling…

12 Jul

For records, this is the second (and last) Friday the 13th this year. # 1 was in April.

Friday the 13th is not what the superstitious world would want us believe…
It is actually a VENUS / MOON Day…


Let’s start with VENUS:
How’s it going, with VENUS in VIRGO (since July 9)?

  • Have you been clearing your Inner Temple?
  • Have you been honouring the inner and outer Feminine?
  • Have you become aware of ‘issues’, and found ‘remedies and recipes’?
  • Do you feel more self sufficient perhaps? Whole and complete, ‘perfect’ as you ARE…


4 R

Virgo and Mercury, by Johfra Bosschart


VIRGO is the astrological vibration of the Sacred Feminine and Priestess Archetype.

Hope you’ve been able over the last week to honour your work, your practice, your body, and to align more fully with what’s healthy, what works for you, and how you can be in your ‘temple of service’.
‘The problem’ with VENUS in VIRGO:

Our VIRGO side is so self-contained and service oriented that ‘she’ has sometimes – actually: often! – a hard time asking for help, and being open to receive. VENUS is traditionally not well placed in VIRGO (which is ruled by MERCURY) since the d.i.y. mode isn’t so geared towards attracting partners, more to ‘working on self’ and being of service to others.
VIRGO can get very busy, nervous, over-think and over-analyze situations (the MERCURY influence), and is often concerned about things that could ‘go wrong’ since it’s got an ‘imperfection and problem bias’. When that energy isn’t well channeled into work projects but turned against oneself, VIRGO deals with inadequacy issues: SO much work-on-self is apparently required to be ‘perfect’, or even ‘good enough’ – Relax, VIRGO, you are beautiful, in imperfect perfection!

Yet, when channeled into being in alignment with one’s Higher Self (see the Johfra painting), VIRGO is so exquisitely and purely on purpose, bringing order into chaos, and seeing the Sacred in the ‘small’.
VIRGO comes before LIBRA:
Cultivating self-awareness and self-sufficiency are prerequisites for relationships where both partners are whole and complete in themselves yet chose to be together!


Speaking of the Sacred Feminine:
How do you hold Friday the 13th?

What’s your sense about its reputation as a ‘bad luck’ or even scary day?
What’s considered ‘scary’ might actually be sacred!


Birth of Venus (Detail) – Painting by S. Botticelli

Did you know that the Norse Goddess Freya gave Friday its name?
She is the equivalent of 
VENUS / Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, attraction, erotic pleasures, and art.

The Romans called the 6th day of the week ‘De Veneris’ (belonging to VENUS) which became Venerdi in Italian, Viernes in Spanish, and Vendredi in French.

So that’s the case for VENUS and Friday.

Just for fun, here are the 7 days of the week and their associations with planets, Sun, and Moon:



MARSday (Mardi, Martedi) – Tuesday relates to Tyr / Tew (Norse good of war and law – equivalent of Mars)

MERCURYday (Mercredi, Miercoles)

JUPITERday (Jeudi, Jueves) – Thursday relates to Thor (Norse good of thunder – similar to Jupiter / Zeus)

VENUSday (Vendredi, Viernes) – Fridey relates to Freya



And now, what’s with the 13?

Uhh, there is a lot of story around vilifying the number 13… do your research.
The number 13 may have been purposely vilified by the founders of patriarchal religions in the early days of Western civilization because it represented femininity.
Thirteen is said to have been revered in prehistoric goddess-worshiping cultures because it corresponded to the number of lunar (menstrual) cycles in a year (13 x 28 = 364 days).

Moon Goddess

Zodiac years have 12 – 13 New Moons and / or Full Moons.
As the solar calendar triumphed over the lunar with the rise of male-dominated civilization, so did the “perfect” number 12 over the “imperfect” number 13.
Those who sowed the seeds of superstition must have been very afraid of the power of the Feminine…

The association of 13 with the feminine and lunar cycle is the MOON side of Friday the 13th.

Hence, we have a strong VENUS / MOON themed day, just one day after the NEW MOON in CANCER – where the MOON is ‘at home’ – a pretty exact New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse that-is!

The SUN & MOON union of the New Moon in CANCER is even opposite PLUTO retro in CAP – showing how the old hierarchical, patriarchal structures and systems are going extinct and transform into something else that evolution is about to express itself as – while still doing everything in their power to assert their legitimacy and authority – even with brutal orders and wars that mostly affect children and families.
Change happens though – let it be in and through us!

Our Humanity, Compassion and Inclusiveness brings us forward and helps us outgrow the Old and build the New, from the inside-out.


On Friday the 13 and beyond, let’s celebrate, and live the Divine and Sacred Feminine and Mother Nature in her life giving cycles!


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger




Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Yout Inner Cosmic Compass’.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’, and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, for perspective at a crossroad or dilemma, and for empowered choices.

If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you in being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships with others.
Plus, I can help you determine your powerful places on Planet Earth.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over the 13 years I’ve been facilitating them become quite potent and catalytic.
Come join us, in person here in Victoria, or as an online participant, if deep synergy in an intimate (up to 6 participants) circle speaks to you!

Please find upcoming Astro~Experiences as well as offers, plus almost daily updates (more frequently than here on the Blog), incl. YouTube videos, on my FB Page:
Astrology for Self Realization.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gifts of Astrology!

CANCER Super New Moon / PSE Opposite PLUTO retro / LILITH in CAP: At Home in this Changing World

10 Jul

Dear Astro~News Reader, in the virtual ComMOONity,

…whether you call a place in North or South America, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa, or Europe your home, and / or the home of your Ancestors.

Where IS your Home?

In this World-of-Change we can theoretically live and work (from) anywhere, and spend our precious time, energy, and resources on what matters most (do we?) rather than ‘wasting’ them on things like commuting.

I’ve been living this vision since 2000 when I immigrated to Canada and moved to my ‘second home’ on beautiful Vancouver Island – while still feeling quite connected to my home and family in Bavaria – , and also opened my Astrology practice the same Summer (18-year anniversary coming up in August – yay!). Not that it’s a piece of cake to build a sustainable practice and livelihood but passion and perseverance, resilience and resourcefulness have certainly helped. And it takes a village…

LOVE and Creative Cooperation are the best fuel, says also the Zodiac axis from CAN / LEO to CAP / AQ (creativity & cooperation & community building).

Creative Cooperation is a big theme for this CANCER Super New Moon / Partial Solar Seed Eclipse almost exactly opposite PLUTO retro in CAP, as the energy axis from CAN / LEO is now hugely activated, and calls to be bridged (rather than polarized).

So, let’s break it down a bit more systematically (I bet VENUS now in VIRGO and all our VIRGO features would appreciate that 🙂 ).


Several things are special about the upcoming NEW MOON:

  • It’ll be in CANCER where the MOON is naturally ‘at Home’ – where our feelings turn to nesting, nurturing, home and family.
  • It’ll be the second / central of 3 Super New Moons.
  • It’ll be a Partial Solar Eclipse – opening the portal for the Summer Eclipse Season – 3 Eclipses (usually two) come in a row: PSE / New Moon on JULY 12, TLE / Full Moon on JULY 27, and PSE / New Moon on AUG 11. And it’ll be a ‘Seed Eclipse’ as I call it (what’s that???).
  • It’ll be exactly opposite PLUTO retro in CAP, and LILITH nearby.

Let’s see what all these qualities translate into, energetically.

Hopefully some of the themes described below, together with YOUR Feelings and Creative Intuition inspires you for a NEW MOON Ceremony?
Good days would be Thu eve (at or shortly after the New Moon at 7:48 pm PDT) or on Fri the 13th – a VENUS / MOON Day of the Sacred Feminine.


New Moon Goddess – artist unknown


CANCER New Moon –
New Home, New Tribe, New Family. New Sense of Nurturing.

How are you FEELING these days?
Go with how you FEEL about a situation (rather than rationalizing) – says also JUPITER (which is best friends with CANCER – true, ask your Astrologer!) now strong and stationary in SCORPIO, suggesting: Trust your instinct & gut feeling!

What and whom are you nurturing, and what nurtures you?
Yeah, that’s what CANCER is all about. Emotional nurturing and caring. How does it feel to you when you show you care? And when you experience others care about you and about their relationship with you?

Where to you have a sense of belonging?
SO CANCER. Belonging not so much in a physical sense but as a felt sense of feeling at home. The New Moon invites us to find our Home in a new way. 

Who / where’s your Tribe & Family?
The New Moon is a threshold from an old situation to a new one, like closing a door and opening a new portal – even more so as a (Partial) Solar Eclipse where the MOON (visible in Southern Australia / Antarctica) covers the Solar disk partially.

Are old themes re: Family and Tribe coming up for you these days, that are now transforming (PLUTO opp. the New Moon, and JUPITER this year in SCORPIO, ruled by PLUTO)?
It might have been a longer process – but hey, deep structural patterns take time to change (says also PLUTO in CAP, 2009 – 2023).
The ‘Seed’ Eclipse New Moon (more about it below) is like a conception of the New – still ‘invisible’ yet starting to grow.
Maybe this means you literally transform into feeling at home in a new Tribe and Family?


SUPER NEW MOON Series of 3

ALL 3 New Moons on June 13, July 12, and Aug 11 are Super Moons, since the MOON is now in Perigee = the Moon’s closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit, when in the Zodiac signs of GEMINI, CANCER, and LEO.

This one is the second and central Super New Moon – sandwiched by the GEM and LEO SNMs – perhaps the strongest of them. 
The CANCER – CAP axis is strongly activated too – linking over to New Year’s 2018!
Remember the Super Moon on Jan 1? A spectacular Full Moon in CANCER – CAP it was, and very emotional for many of us.
With a Super New Moon, we can’t see how close the Moon is and how large it appears (as with a Super Full Moon) but its effects are nevertheless stronger than ‘regular’ New Moons – I bet you feel that.

This CANCER NEW MOON Super Moon connects back to the CAN – CAP New Year’s Super Full Moon. Also, since the CAN – CAP axis is again activated, via PLUTO in CAP:
How did you feel about Home, Family / Tribe, and Nurturance, in a personal way, and / or for Humanity on our Home Planet Earth round New Years, and how has that evolved since?
What can a contribution to beneficial and nurturing change look like?


Numerological Super Moon Magic:
Clear Completion and New Beginning, with 10 = 1+0

Have you noticed? 
Together with two dear clients on Monday morning and early afternoon, we realized that the dates of the THREE Super Moon New Moons on
JULY 12 in CANCER (Partial Solar Eclipse)
AUG 11 in LEO (Partial Solar Eclipse)
all add up to 10 (1+3+6; 1+2+7; 1+1+8) – pointing to completion (10) and new beginning (1) – out of zero point consciousness.


Voyager Tarot card X Fortune Photo & Crystal Activation by Melanie


X is the Wheel of Fortune in traditional Tarot.
In the VOYAGER deck which I bring in quite often at private sessions and in group Parlours it’s ‘simply’ Fortune.

Abundance comes from turning the wheel (don’t just expect things to ‘roll in’).
Yet also: ‘Be careful what you wish for’ – the Universe brings feedback on what you passionately put out (even what we passionately hate). Attention is magical, and a precious ‘commodity’ – social media and marketing know a lot about this..
Plus: Abundance and good fortune are in the eye and mind of the beholder, i.o.w., when we’re grateful, generously share, and cultivate feeling fortunate we live in a world of abundance.

With these # 10 = 1 + 0 Super New Moons, let’s feel into the Fortune of being on Planet Earth at this Time of Change where we have the opportunity of Co-creating in new Tribes, Families, and Communities. 
Out of Zero Point consciousness of pure potentiality arises the ONE – Being at Home in the ONE.


The CANCER Super New Moon is a Partial Solar ECLIPSE – opening the Portal for 3 Eclipses this Summer:

Partial Solar Eclipse

  • Partial SOLAR Eclipse / New Moon in CAN, on JULY 12.


  • TOTAL LUNAR Eclipse / Full Moon in AQ – LEO, on JULY 27.


  • Partial SOLAR Eclipse / New Moon in LEO, on Aug 11.

These accentuated SoLunar Gates invite us:
* To
be in our Loving, Self-Loving, and Life-Loving vibrations (the LEO North Node incentive is strong now!).
* To show ourselves more heart-fully, be creative and seen (rather than ‘watching someone else’s show’).
* To release (the AQ South Node shadow / low vibrations of) isolation, alienation and cold detachment in our social environment, and:
* To let the Heart guide us to find our way HOME
(the North Node will move into CANCER, from Nov 16 on).

The two Partial SOLAR ECLIPSES in CANCER on July 12 and in LEO Aug 11 are ‘Seed Eclipses’ (as I call it), since the New Moon is both times close to the Lunar North Node, presently in early LEO.

Strong & loving LEO Heart radiance energizes us and others, and that starts with / comes from self nurturance, care, and belonging (CANCER). New seeds are being planted in this. ❤ 
Let’s love & embrace ourselves and others from the Heart – maybe literally through a hug, or embrace them and the ‘situation’ energetically.


The Super New Moon / PSE at 20°41′ CANCER will be exactly opposite PLUTO retro, presently at 20°00(!) CAP, and LILITH in CAP:
At Home in This Changing World.

The New Moon comes with the CAN – CAP opposition axis, since PLUTO is sitting right across SUN and MOON, and LILITH is nearby, end of CAP, reaching over into early AQ (see chart below).

It’s almost like a Full Moon this way, since both sides of the spectrum are activated, however: not via bright illumination as in a Full Moon, reflecting the sunlight.

Rather in ‘multiple darkness’:
The invisible New Moon is a seed in the dark, and PLUTO is dark & transformational – often darkness and shadow, even to an extreme, are the most effective catalysts for deep change – PLUTO’s message / function.
Both the SUN and MOON oppose PLUTO before the New Moon – in the ‘Dark Moon’ phase, plus: PLUTO is presently retro.

I.o.w., that old and inner ‘PLUTO business’ is being released with the dark MOON – before we step into the new cycle (nice sequence).


Let’s hear a bit about PLUTO again – just to acknowledge what it IS and how it’s serving its purpose:

PLUTO in CAP (since 2008 / 2009, and still going on until 2023; we’re 2/3 into it) represents the Old World-in-Change, as in: societal, political, business & career structures, and:
How these man-made (infra)structures affect the cycles of Nature and the structures of the Earth.

A neutral expression of CAP (which also traditionally rules farming):
Working with the Earth and Seasonal Cycles.

Mostly, we’ve seen  and can’t ignore anymore how the exponentially disrespectful, excessive, extreme, and abusive exploitation of resources and disposal of ‘waste’ is destroying the Earth that humanity and the intricate web of Nature depend upon.
I don’t believe in the Planet MARS / ‘terraforming’ / ‘farming out’ cop-out, btw – what a poor testimony to humanity’s failure of Earth stewardship!

How does the almost over-powering CAP shadow FEEL?
We need to sit with our grieving.


LILITH end of CAP ahead of PLUTO (SUN and MOON oppose ‘her’ after the New MOON – that’s significant!) shows us our True Nature – which is resourceful and an ever renewable resource that fuels Deep Transformation from within.
Being IN Nature of course helps…

HOW can that look like? 

  • How do we start ‘at Home’ and in the Heart? 
  • How can we be at Home (CAN) in this Changing World (PLUTO in CAP)?
  • How can we, rather than resisting the Change, be co-creative (CAN / LEO) in integrity (CAP), and collaborate innovatively and co-creatively in a community ( AQ) that IS the Change (PLUTO)?
  • Check in how you FEEL about lamenting the change, being frustrated at ‘the powers’, destructive and irresponsible forces, yet stuck and immobilized?
    It might have to do with unprocessed grief and anger.
  • What could engaging in Creative Change look like?
  • Business (CAP) from Home  / Home-on-the-back (CAN) which has become so popular lately can make good sense, as long as it saves resources (hmmm, the global home internet nomad-ism….!), isn’t isolating (we ARE social animals!), and contributes in a co-creative community.

With the position of PLUTO facing the Super New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse at exactly 20°00′(!) CAP I couldn’t not find the SABIAN SYMBOL for this degree – and indeed, very apropos:


Gospel Choir – Pixabay PD graphic

The fulfillment of the individual’s creative function through his participation in a group performance consecrated to a transcendent realization of unity.

In great cathedrals and other religious edifices the choir is normally hidden behind the altar or above the nave. It symbolizes thus more perfectly the supernal harmony of “heaven” — or the music of the spheres.

The ideal of social participation is exalted to its highest manifestation, for the choir also represents the multifaceted and polyphonic unity of the community in its transcendent state of perfect harmony.
Within this harmony the individual who has overcome his egocentric separativeness and developed his higher consciousness finds fulfillment in super-personal togetherness.

This is the fifth and last symbol of this fifty-eighth sequence. It presents us with the purest form of group-harmony, the most basic yet most difficult fulfillment of the social state.
At the level of the individual person this “hidden choir” would refer to the polyphonic integration of all faculties in their most spiritual manifestations: The ideal of PLENITUDE of being.”

I love how this symbol adds the spiritual and AQ communal dimension – as LILITH does.


Voila, here IS…

The chart for the CANCER Super New Moon / PSE on JULY 12 (exact at 7:48 pm PDT).

In Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia / New Zealand it’ll be JULY 13. 


Can you see the strong axis from late CAN (SUN and MOON) / early LEO (NN, and MERCURY retro coming in soon) to CAP (SATURN retro, PLUTO retro, LILITH, SN / MARS retro)?

Clearly calling us to bridge ‘both worlds’:
The private and the public, personal needs and ‘outer’ purpose and contribution, and to start with a new quality of family and at-home ness that is being seeded now. 


Another striking aspect that the chart shows:
All the CAP / early AQ Planets and Astro Archetypes (except LILITH) are presently RETRO!

We’re processing the ‘old world’ that’s no more valid (for better or worse) yet overcompensates / desperately tries to stay established:
Old authority (SATURN), old powers & control (PLUTO), old societies (SN in AQ), old desires, drives, competitiveness, aggression / old masculine / warrior group energy (MARS in AQ).


Voyager Tarot card III – Empress. Photo & Crystal Activation by Melanie


The Great Mother (CANCER Super New MOON), rather than resisting (SATURN), trying to change / control (PLUTO), alienating (AQ), and fighting (MARS), embraces what / who shows up, with the transformational power (PLUTO), wisdom & integrity (SATURN), and fierce energy (MARS) of LOVE.


Blessings for Goddess Power transforming the World!


Come join (live in person in Victoria, or online) our 8-week ASTRO ARCHETYPES Summer ImmersionWe start on JULY 18 – the week after the CANCER New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse.


Email me (licht@islandnet) if you have questions about it, to discuss whether it could be a good fit for you, or if you’d like to register.
The first meeting on JULY 18 can be attended as drop-in, to get a sense of it before committing to the 8-week journey.
Looking forward to hearing from you, and welcoming you in the co-creative circle!


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger




Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Yout Inner Cosmic Compass’.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’, and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, for perspective at a crossroad or dilemma, and for empowered choices.

If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you in being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships with others.
Plus, I can help you determine your powerful places on Planet Earth.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over the 13 years I’ve been facilitating them become quite potent and catalytic.
Come join us, in person here in Victoria, or as an online participant, if deep synergy in an intimate (up to 6 participants) circle speaks to you!

Please find upcoming Astro~Experiences as well as offers, plus almost daily updates (more frequently than here on the Blog), incl. YouTube videos, on my FB Page:
Astrology for Self Realization.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gifts of Astrology!

JUPITERian July – JUPITER in mid-SCORPIO goes direct on July 10: Hidden Treasures Revealed. Transformation from the Inside-Out.

9 Jul

Alchemy Retort. Medieval painting, origin unknown.

JUPITER is this year (since OCT 10, 2017 until NOV 8, 2018) in deep and mysterious SCORPIO – hard to miss!

We’ve been diving into depth, intimacy, inner processing, research, and anything that benefits from change, through going to the core of things.

On MARCH 8, JUPITER went into its yearly 4-months retro mode, to take us inward-backward, and even more deeply into the ‘closet’ and behind the scenes, and to bring awareness to what’s usually hidden and covered.

Would be mostly subconsciously or strategically hidden inner shadow material, incl. where we sabotage ourselves and stay ‘in the closet’, but maybe you were literally in the crawl space or basement doing Spring cleaning! 
What are the old and inner treasures you’ve found?
And what do they transform now into as they ‘ve been revealed and come to greater awareness?

JUPITER into SCORPIO this year (Oct 10, 2017 – Nov 8, 2018) is showing us opportunities to go into the alchemical change – if we trust the Unknown… and dig deeply into our taboo, repressed, or emotionally (apparently) controlled experiences, to alchemically / psychologically / spiritually, or even ‘just’ instinctively process them.


Which can reveal and turn into hidden treasures and powerful resources that we might have buried from the world and from ourselves, ‘behind the veil’ and underneath the cover.

Tomorrow JULY 10 – just in time for the CANCER Super New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse on JULY 12 / 13 is turnaround day for JUPITER.
The ‘Big One’ is making its ‘U’turn’ to come slowly up from deep down central SCO where its’ been sitting since MAY (and still, yet in forward mode until mid-SEPT).

In JULY, JUPITER moves very slowly, hovering between 13 – 14° SCO the whole month, and is another focal point (next to CHIRON).


The SABIAN SYMBOL for 14° SCO is:

Keynote: The need to establish new channels of communication.


Showing us we need (also in connection with MERCURY retro in LEO and stationary CHIRON in ARIES in JULY) to be be authentic, vulnerable, and communicate from the Heart, to allow a deeper processing and more intimate connection with others.
Societally, it can mean hidden agenda comes out and shows things in a new light that helps with moving the change for the better.


A lot (JUPITER) is ready for transformation now in society and the world at large, and in our personal inner worlds, in this JUPITERian / SCORPIOnic month of JULY – let’s take it as a golden opportunity!

Life on Earth is magical – just a matter of seeing and appreciating it.
The gifts of Nature are bountiful, and she ‘straightens us out’ in a good way .


Blessings for the Alchemy!


Mid-JULY is a perfect time to start our 8-week ASTRO ARCHETYPES Summer Immersion – which is Alchemy. And it’ll expand your horizon about what’s usually ‘hidden in plain sight’.
We start on JULY 18 – the week after the CANCER New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse.

Email me (licht@islandnet) if you have questions about it, to discuss whether it could be a good fit for you, or if you’d like to register.
OH, and the first meeting on JULY 18 can be attended as drop-in, to get a sense of it before committing to the 8-week journey.
Looking forward to hearing from you, and welcoming you in the circle!


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger




Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Yout Inner Cosmic Compass’.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’, and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, for perspective at a crossroad or dilemma, and for empowered choices.

If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you in being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships with others.
Plus, I can help you determine your powerful places on Planet Earth.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over the 13 years I’ve been facilitating them become quite potent and catalytic.
Come join us, in person here in Victoria, or as an online participant, if deep synergy in an intimate (up to 6 participants) circle speaks to you!

Please find upcoming Astro~Experiences as well as offers, plus almost daily updates (more frequently than here on the Blog), incl. YouTube videos, on my FB Page:
Astrology for Self Realization.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gifts of Astrology!

VENUS in VIRGO (July 9 – Aug 6) – Self Alignment is Beautiful.

4 Jul

Cosmic Greetings, dear Astro~News Reader!

Virgo and Mercury, by Johfra Bosschart


VENUS will cross over the ‘Sphinx Point’ of Self (LEO) Awareness (VIRGO) on JULY 9.
Self Awareness, loving and knowing ourselves, and being in alignment with the Cosmic Self (as the image beautifully shows) is the prerequisite of helping others finding their light – true service.

If your SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets / Nodes are in VIRGO they’re a magnet under VENUS in VIRGO and can attract more easily than otherwise – incl. attracting service and practice – which VIRGO loves.


Under VENUS in VIRGO, our loving qualities can be well channeled into the work we’re here to do. 
Yet good to remember for self critical VIRGO to not wait until we’re perfect, and not sabotage the work that’s needed by considering it as ‘not good enough’.

What helps if these understandable and likely conditioned voices come up is to bring ourselves back into alignment, perhaps through a health / wellness / spiritual practice, like meditation, Yoga, Qi Gong, walking in Nature. Anything that can turn into a healthy routine, bringing us back into ourselves.
Self sufficient VIRGO loves that.

Speaking of self sufficient, VENUS in VIRGO can bring out the d.i.y. self sufficiency a tad too much, so that we’re not so open to receive. Good to remember, and to open up and let the Love IN – as NEPTUNE in PI would offer. VENUS will go into opposition / relationship with NEPTUNE on July 24 – to make sure balance is in place, in a healthy way 😉


The beautiful VENUS Evening Star heralds VENUS Retro (coming up Oct 5 to Nov 16) – an important ‘underworld journey’ for relationship oriented VENUS to find her own self value.
VENUS in VIRGO can already help us with Self Alignment (“How do I work, what works for me and is healthy….?!”).


Here’s the line-up of ‘dates & dances’ for VENUS in VIRGO with other Planets – in order (yep, gotta be orderly, says VIRGO) of appearance:


Self Alignment is Beautiful.


JULY 11 – 13
VENUS trine URANUS in TAU, quincunx CHIRON retro in AR, and trine SATURN retro in CAP.
This beautiful Grand Earth Trine of VENUS – URANUS – SATURN brings stability to what could have shown up before as unsettling and new when URANUS entered (VENUS ruled) TAURUS. Good to be in loving Self Alignment and commitment to integrity, while setting ourselves free from sticky attachments and ‘ownership’.


The crescent MOON in VIRGO joins VENUS in the Evening Sky.
Beauty to Behold (yet never own).


VENUS quincunx MARS retro in AQ.
Sacred Feminine and alignment help with stepping out of old ‘systemic’ conflict, and with loving awareness of what’s underneath it.


No taboos, just awareness – allows for intimacy and change for the better.


VENUS opp. NEPTUNE retro in PI.
Let the Love in – in a healthy way.


JULY 27 / 28
VENUS trine PLUTO retro / LILITH in CAP.
Naturally empowered and core connected – grounding in Love.


VENUS goes into LIBRA (until Sept 9 + Oct 31 – Dec 2! So long this year in LIBRA since she’ll go retro in SCO – LI!)
VENUS ‘Evening Star’ and also in LIBRA shows us about our relational ‘bias’ (comparing ourselves / designing ourselves for others / making our life and our choices overly about others).
VENUS Retro in SCO – LI (Oct 5 – Nov 16) helps us unravel it, and reconnect with our intrinsic value and self-love.

Post about VENUS Retro to come closer to the date – but first, save the date for VENUS & the MOON, on Friday the 13th – stay tuned for the post!



© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger




Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Yout Inner Cosmic Compass’.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’, and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, for perspective at a crossroad or dilemma, and for empowered choices.

If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you in being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships with others.
Plus, I can help you determine your powerful places on Planet Earth.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over the 13 years I’ve been facilitating them become quite potent and catalytic.
Come join us, in person here in Victoria, or as an online participant, if deep synergy in an intimate (up to 6 participants) circle speaks to you!

Please find upcoming Astro~Experiences as well as offers, plus almost daily updates (more frequently than here on the Blog), incl. YouTube videos, on my FB Page:
Astrology for Self Realization.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gifts of Astrology!