Archive | May, 2019

MERCURY in GEMINI (May 21 – June 4) – Life is for Learning

18 May

Dear Astro~News Friends!

Have you been en-joying Life-in-Spring?
Hopefully, as Nature awakened and re-greened the World – wherever you’re fortunate to witness and be part of this yearly miracle.

The Mercurial Inner Messenger / Communicator / Mind Archetype, after having settled into TAURUS, spreads its wings in GEMINI on May 21, for a de-light-ful flight ‘window’ until June 4.

MERCURY is quite natural in GEMINI where the swift Messenger can be out and about, connect the dots and learn lots along the way.

So let’s follow the Mercurial mode, and be a learner-in-Life!
Picking up information, talking to people and receiving the messages – maybe ‘between the lines’ and via many channels of communication is what makes MERCURY happy.
How about treating this phase like being a student?
Nothing written in the stone of your carved-out-experience, everything fluid and new, no room for prejudice and judgment. A bit scary? Makes you feel young and fresh? Good!

MERCURY is also moving quite fast now, approaching its ‘Superior Conjunction’  with the SUN on May 21 – also the day when both the SUN and MERCURY enter GEMINI!
That’s the point furthest away from Mercury retro / right between retro phases.

Sooo, not the phase to backtrack, rather:
Being consciously and swiftly in motion, as life keeps approaching you…
A good time also to listen to the messages of the body, on the TAU – GEM cusp, to find your voice, perhaps speak different languages (even just a few words), and see what that does in you and ‘the other’. Maybe ‘the other’ is just ‘another you’?

MERCURY is an Alchemist, and so is conscious GEMINI – bringing polarities and dualities into contact, conversation, and cooking up concoctions from that.
“Let’s talk”, can lead to so much more…


Mercury Rules Gemini
Interchange and alchemical Union of ‘Opposites’
Painting by Johfra Bosschart


MERCURY contacts these other Planetary Archetypes while in GEMINI: 


Starting with a brilliant fusion:
MAY 21

MERCURY enters GEM 3 hrs after the SUN enters GEM, and meets the SUN 2 hrs later (at 6:07 am PDT)!
This is their ‘inferior conjunction’ – furthest away from M-r.

Find your Voice, and let Consciousness speak.
Swiftly, de-light-fully, and clearly connect & communicate.


MAY 23
Even if it’s awkward, just make the first step to talk, and be authentic.


MAY 29
Communication happens via so many channels. Even if it seems overwhelming and confusing, never mind, and trust the flow. Let yourself be mused and inspired.


MAY 30
MERCURY in GEM quincunx SATURN retro & the SN in CAP, and opposite JUPITER retro in SAG.
Both MERCURY & JUPITER in their own signs, and while MERCURY is swift & straight-forward, JUPITER is retro & inward.
Lots to organize, and no idea where to start, or whether ‘it can be done’?
Talk to people, yet also trust the Heart and the Why to guide you.


MAY 31
MERCURY in GEM quincunx PLUTO retro in CAP
Swift moves happen, yet deep & old connections get you into the Soul.


The New MOON in GEM contacts MERCURY just before both go into CANCER.
The GEM – CAN cusp is a ‘Nesting Point’ and a place where thinking meets feeling – also expressed through GEM / CAN, MERCURY / the MOON.
Where’s Home, after having buzzed about so much, and how do you feel about all the information you’ve gathered?


Where in your chart is GEMINI?

That’s where you look for / find opportunities for mental stimulation, learning, and bridging polarities.

MERCURY freshly in GEMINI in your… House helps you communicate about and with these areas of your Life:

1st House:
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House:
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House:
You in Your Local Environment

4th House:
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House:
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House:
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House:
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House:
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House:
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House:
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House:
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House:
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.


Have a de-Light-ful Journey with MERCURY in GEMINI 2019!


© 2019 by Melanie Lichtinger


Serving you since 2000
In Victoria BC, and worldwide



Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with yourself in the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified with them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!


SCO-TAU Wesak Moon (May 18) – Sit in the Buddha Hub!

17 May

WESAK MOON Blessings,
Dear Reader in the Astrology ComMOONity!


The Wesak Moon is celebrated by the Buddhist world Sangha (community), in honour of the birth, attaining of enlightenment, and passing of Gautama Siddhartha, the Buddha, who walked the Earth more than 2500 years ago, and set a model for the Living Buddha in all of us.

The Full Moon in May traditionally marks the Wesak Moon in Buddhist cultures, and that falls this year on May 18, with the MOON in late SCO and the SUN in late TAU.

The SCORPIO MOON – TAURUS SUN polarity aligns with the astrological Wesak Moon (see chart below).
It expresses the gist of basic Buddhist teachings, which in turn can help us be conscious of (SUN) and emotionally go into and transform (MOON) the core (SCO) of the matter (TAU)!


One essential question in Buddhism is:
Why do we humans suffer, or are even ‘just’ dissatisfied / discontent 
(‘dukkha’) in life?

The answer is simple and obvious – yet still, it’s over and over again revolutionary to see it this way (why do we forget?!):
Because of our attachments to what we desire, and their frustration – not getting what we want, and not being able to get rid of the unwanted and painful. Which is… very TAURUS – SCORPIO!


Well, being in NYC these days before and around the Wesak Moon is a living example of the SCO – TAU axis.
NYC’s Taurean birthday was yesterday (see my post). Obviously, she isn’t called Big Apple for no reason, famous for the Taurean ‘candy store’ of sensual input and consumption, incl. a delish and culturally diverse food culture. Well, you need Taurean bucks to fully enjoy it all on the material level, and a healthy body to move about…

Wall St. Bull Shoulder Rub

Plus, there’s literally the capitalist Bull & Bear (hibernating / Scorpio related) Wall St. Market, and its the ever so popular massive bronze Wall St. Bull epitome (erected as a symbol of resilience after the recession) whom I also needed to rub shoulders / horns with… 🙂

And with ‘her’ MOON in CAP, the City strives ever higher, maximizing and optimizing time, real estate, and resources of all kinds, yet also needs to control and regulate on the shadow level of exploitation and privilege.

A City of sharp light & shadow, literally via the skyscrapers and street canyons, yet also energetically.

Wandering across ‘selfie haven’ Brooklyn Bridge back to Manhattan, I naturally gravitated towards WTC 1 – the proud and shiny ‘resurrection’ of what the Twin Towers represented.

Ground Zero North Pool

Being with Ground Zero Memorial right next to it in the evening – and under the early SCO MOON above was so moving. The North Pool & South Pool are exactly positioned where the towers once stood.
Having been on the observation deck of the South Tower at my 1st visit to NYC in the late 80’s and not since Sept 11 made me feel into the grief over those who painfully died in the tragedy, and feel the immense gratitude for the grace of not having been at the right place at the wrong time…
The names of all the 9/11 victims are engraved across the frames of the Ground Zero pools – and visitors are “encouraged to touch the names”. I really felt a connection with actual humans this way, rather than just an anonymous tragedy.
Golden-lit water cascades down into the about 1 acre square pools, and from there into central smaller completely dark square pools – like black holes.
All so Plutonic / Scorpionic.

So there it is – the SCO – TAU Full Moon themes a la NYC.
Reminiscent / playing out on an intense stage what’s going on in life, in all of us.
Taurean Life-as-Spring, enjoyment, physical / material pleasure, eating, embodying, gaining, having.
And Scorpionic pain, death, loss, grief and the whole spectrum of emotional depth that bring us to the essence and change us.

What does the Buddha say to this essential polarity in life?

As far as I understand the gist of the teachings, firstly, there’s a difference between physical and emotional pain and human suffering from it – true but not always easy to do… that’s why it’s called a practice.
Suffering obviously-not-always-obviously has to do with the attachment (yes, attachment is the key – as in sticky fixed signs TAU – SCO) to the desire for the wanted and to the desire of getting rid of the unwanted and painful.
The Buddhists would suggest two ‘ways out’ of suffering:
To be aware that nothing really lasts forever, everything is impermanent. This world of phenomena is in constant flux and change – we better get used to it, and become free through that realization.
Walking the ‘Middle Path’, a.k.a. the practice of the Noble 8-fold Path (right speech, right livelihood, right samadhi….) brings intrinsic happiness.

May the astrological Wesak Moon and the Buddhist Wesak Moon bring golden opportunities for realization & practice that set us FREE!

With the  example of NYC and the teachings of the Buddha, let’s link back into Astrology and the Wesak Moon chart with its message:


SCO – TAU Full Moon Themes – that are UP now:

Fixed, earthy TAURUS (ruled by VENUS) is all about embodiment, enjoyment of Life-on-Earth, sensuality, assimilation (food and stuff), and value. A substance building energy.
Immersed in the realm of  TAURUS, as in the full bloom of Spring, we celebrate the physical senses, comfort and pleasure, everything that creates security and grounding, and grows over time.

Taurean energy takes roots, builds, cultivates, and conserves, like a gardener, farmer, and good custodian of the Earth. TAU likes to attract what’s pleasant, to experience it via the senses, to eat, assimilate, gather and accumulate, to settle and to claim ownership and territory.
TAU slows down, after the fast and furious ARIES energy, and favours predictability and patience; therefore habits and routines are formed. Its orientation is very life affirming, yet can obviously lead to attachment to the known and comfortable, to the material and worldly plane in general, and to physical satisfaction, hoarding, and greed. TAU has a strong resistance to change and to pain.

SCORPIO (ruled by PLUTO) carries transformation medicine.
The fixed deep water sign SCO (picture: lake or pond or Ground Zero pool for that matter), in contrast to the ‘above ground’ Taurean world takes us to emotionally intense, uncomfortable, ‘ugly’ and painful places where the ‘muck’ and hidden, often covered or repressed emotional material sits.

Just as the leaves rot and go under the earth in late Oct – late Nov, the Scorpionic energy takes us to the ‘grand mystery’ of the intangible, and to emotionally deeply affecting processes that have nowhere to go but down and through, so that the alchemical work can be performed.
SCO penetrates the underground / underworld / underbelly, which can be a painful process (TAU – SCO also represent the pleasure – pain, and life – death axis). This is where deep ‘down under’ transformational ‘digestion’ of what’s actually already dead needs to happen, be purged, and eliminated.
Our very ‘human humus’ and shadow can’t be just ‘gotten rid of,’ or ‘hidden away’. It’s here to be fully processed, so that it becomes a ‘fertilizer’ for renewalThe Alchemy of Life.


SCORPIO is for the MOON the most ‘challenging’ sign.
While the MOON is considered ‘exalted’ in TAU, it is considered ‘in fall’ in SCO – here’s why:
The MOON represents emotions, our instinctual mind (in a broad sense of body-mind, feeling-mind), and our needs and habits which by nature long for nourishment and sustenance.

TAURUS is the sign that provides such sustaining delivery and assimilation – intake through feeding and reliable presence… whereas SCO represents necessary detoxifying elimination, often through painful processes. That’s not what our Lunar side (representing also our Inner Child) is most comfortable with, to put it mildly.

Under a SCO MOON (whether we’re born with it, have it by astrological Progression for 2½ years every 29 years, or whether the MOON in SCO for 2½ days per month affects us), we’re instinctively sensitized towards the need to purge and to ‘get rid of’ what’s toxic and outlived, what controls us, and doesn’t allow us to be free in a deeper sense.
The process calls us to go into the ‘mouth of the monster’ and through its bowels even, while our head and ego might severely protest and resist.

A SCO MOON experience can lead us to the deepest abyss of our inner worlds, yet is an opportunity to take us through it, and be regenerated and transformed through the process.


Mother and Child, by Pablo Picasso (1921). Picasso *Oct 25, 1881 was born under a strong TAU (4 Planets) – SCO (Sun and Mercury) axis. Can you tell from his art and intense gaze?

The SCO- TAU Full Moon happens often close to Mother’s Day – last Sunday.
It’s ‘normal’ to have difficult feelings round mother(hood), as a mom or as a daughter / son, at this time of year – could be related to wounds around early bonding, abandonment, or abuse.

A time to go deep into the core of it,  and let the pain and woundedness   hat’s usually hidden  process, for transformation – which takes its time…

So much ARIES activation recently, and continuously via CHIRON too – encouraging us to be authentic in our process
(no sugarcoating, and playing nice).

And (as you can see in the chart below, and prob sense in ‘real life) soo much TAU now – VENUS / URANUS, also exact tomorrow May 18, and SUN / MERCURY (exact May 21) –
with URANUS being the main and ‘lasting’ one (until 2026) encouraging and ‘kicking’ us like Buddha the Awakener into freedom from the known and attached, and into embodying the liberation.
A theme for the coming 7 years still – we’re just on the brink of it. Esp. relevant for all our fixed sign themes (Sun / Moon / AC / Planets in TAU, LEO, SCO, and AQ). I’m sure you’ve noticed…

The SCO / TAU Wesak Full Moon each year is a fully solar illumined (therefore the most potent) SCO MOON that reveals our deepest needs for transformation.

With our conscious Self (represented by the SUN) we have to patiently stay and ‘sit with’ (TAU quality) what comes up from the depth, for the processing.

Astro~Alchemy sessions are here to help you shed light on things from deep levels, and get the process going.
Get in touch with me if you’d like to hear more about it, or discuss how it can be beneficial for you.
Or – esp. if you’re already my client let’s directly book a session at this potent time of year. Get in touch with me via my FB page (link on the bottom).
I’m en route for 6 weeks, and available online (no attachment to meeting me physically in Victoria 🙂 )


Bali Morning Prayer – Photo by Helga Hendricks


In Buddhist tradition, the image of the peaceful Buddha floating on a (Taurean) Lotus flower that blossoms so purely and beautifully while rooted in the (Scorpionic) mud swamp, represents the enlightened quality, rooted in real-life human suffering and compassion.

  • Where do your swampy roots show up, these days?
  • Can you ‘sit’ with it all, open to the light of consciousness?
  • And how can you dwell in the Buddha hub of calm within enjoyment and pain?

The Wesak Full Moon is a magnificent divine and meditative moment-in-time, when transformation (SCO) can be anchored (TAU).
Our attachment to desires and longing for what we want and don’t have, or ‘even’ to pain / suffering / complaining / feeding those ‘hungry ghosts’ (TAU – SCO) that show up in obvious or subtle personal and collective / cultural addictions and compulsions (more consumption, information, work, entertainment, nothing’s ever enough…).
All these manifestations of  attachments can be put into the bonfire of the soul (SCO) so that the deep Alchemy can do its job.


YinYang Infinite

The YIN-YANG is a perfect symbol for balancing the Yin / Lunar and Yang / Solar influences in us, under each Full Moon, esp. under this astrologically potent (SCO – TAU) and spirited Wesak Moon.

As above so below and within….
We ARE the field, and the buddhic catalysts for evolution and liberation…



Here is the astrological Wesak Full Moon chart:


As you see, the SCO MOON ‘sits’ all by herself, only aspected by the opposition to the SUN / MERCURY (while everybody else seems to have a good time…).
This could show up as encapsulated / exiled / repressed emotions that are now fully highlighted.
Do yourself a favour, slow down (TAU) and sit with what needs to be tended to, on deep levels.
No need to get stuck in the process – you can be carried through, and come out transformed and re-grounded in your Earth Body.

Looots of Earth in the chart and energy field these days!
With a supportive / opportune Earth Trine from the SUN / MERCURY in late TAU to SATURN retro / SN / PLUTO retro, clustered together in late CAP.
So here’s the opportunity to ‘Let the Old Empire Expire’ as I call the theme that’s concentrated these years 2019 / 20, with SATURN / PLUTO / South Node close together in CAP (esp this Spring, and again strong / culminating with the SAT – PLUTO conj. on Jan 12, 2020.
What’s your ‘old regime’ (hint: power / control themes)?

And to sit a la TAU with what’s here-now, enJoy Life with all its blossoming expressions – without getting attached. Basically, as the smiling Buddha would.

Plus, the SUN / MERCURY and the North Node in CAN form a rare Yod to JUPITER retro in SAG. A ‘celestial pointer’ / ‘Finger of God’ pointing to the inner Guru (JUPITER retro) – a wise, gentle & compassionate (CAN NN) and common sense (SUN / MERCURY in TAU) mentor. Like your grandmother… 🙂

VENUS in her Taurean abode meeting URANUS also tomorrow May 18 is a wake-up call to EnJoy EmBodying Freedom.
For some of us, this may mean the freedom from what’s been stifling and stuck, from old fears that have proven redundant when actually at the situation, and the alike. You may also be drawn to (VENUS) a new Freedom for… yet don’t get attached, experiment, and see. 
Ultimately, as Krishnamurti would point out brilliantly(!), it’s about Freedom without an opposite (as in: from / for), since otherwise it pretends to be Freedom but isn’t the real deal. Fake Freedom so-to-say. Similarly – again quoting K., and enquiring myself: What is Love (VENUS) that has no opposite?
K’s Taurean human birthday was May 12.


That takes us full circle.

A good place to hand it over to the Wesak Moon herself…

Many Blessings now-as-always!


© 2019 by Melanie Lichtinger



If you feel a resonance with these themes, and could use support in your Journey drop me a line, and we can set up a private Astrology consult session, or initial 20-min orientation talk, to find out what would be the best course of action.

Maybe it’s time to fully benefit from a 3- or 5- sessions coaching sequence?
Or a one-off private session for starters?

Just email me (, or contact me on my ASTRO FB page , and we can get the ball rolling 🙂

Interested in courses, workshops, embodied, experiential Astrology in Victoria BC, or online, via Skype / FB Messenger?

Find options and invitations at Astro~News that come to your email inbox, every 2 weeks, from the New Moon to Full Moon or FM to NM, with cosmic downloads for the lunar cycle, seasonal offers, and invitations to Astro~Experiences!
I’m happy to subscribe you (pls message me your email address).
Or come over to my ASTRO FB page which is where the creative action happens, and where you can also sign up for Astro~News.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!


Happy Birthday, New York City!

15 May

Guess whose birthday is today, May 16?
Well, yeah, I gave it away in the title – and I’m HERE now!

Since I feel very connected to New York City, and at the very least I find the City fascinating, and since I got ‘her’ birth chart(!), and since I visit her these days:  Here’s to honour and celebrate HER – not only, but definitely: TODAY!


New York Above Gotham


There are a few dates and times for the ‘Birth of the City of Dreams’ and ‘Big Apple’, depending on which event is considered the initiating one.

In 1625, Fort Amsterdam was designated the capital of the province of New Amsterdam, the colonial Dutch settlement which would later become the City of New York. The first Dutch settlers actually arrived in the region in 1624, and the town of New Amsterdam was incorporated in 1653.
The City of New York  was consolidated at a flag raising to the top of the pole over City Hall at 00:00 midnight of 1 January 1898.

So, what about May 16 then?
393 years ago, on May 16, 1626 a historic purchase was made (very TAURUS – very PLUTO / SUN / VENUS in TAURUS actually – see chart below): Peter Minuit bought Manhattan Island for 60 gilders (value of something like $ 1500 today) from the Lenape tribe – or, as the story goes, ‘made gifts for the use of their land’. And what a legendary ‘land use and development’ it’s become! We’ll see some of this theme in New York’s chart.
Maybe the first, definitely the biggest capitalist / land speculation coup in history – a pretty famous one anyhow. And now – she’s the capital of capiral
Never mind the indigenous wisdom:
You belong to the Earth – the Earth doesn’t belong to you. 


Photo: Wall St. Bull (Wiki)

But, as history has it, humanity had to take a ‘detour’.
And Manhattan owes its ‘birth’ to this historic deal:

It’s May 16, 1626 chart sports PLUTO / SUN / VENUS in TAURUS (the sign of the Settler, the Land, the Bull, assimilation, purchases, money, value…. and yummy things like APPLES in the Garden of Eden).


So, let’s take a look at the chart, and what it tells us.

Whoa…. soo much encoded in it, so many stories in these Archetypes – worth of much deeper and broader research and exploration.
But hey, let’s get the ball, or shall I say: Apple, rolling, on ‘HER’ Birthday:




  • With the time I have for the transaction, 9:33 am EST, the Rising sign is proud and glamourous LEO, ruled by the solid TAURUS SUN – ‘coming out of’ PLUTO, and next to VENUS, in the 10th / 11th house. EARTH is the predominant element.
    But that’s just the first glance…


  • What a powerful (overpowering?) purchase (PLUTO / SUN / VENUS in TAU) – given the VALUE of the land, as history has shown.
    Let me put it in neutral terms: A model to the world (10th house) of what transforming and developing the potential of the land value(PLUTO in TAU) can do. And proudly showing it (LEO Rising) to the world. Definitely not shy. Definitely Celebrity City.


  • Early LEO has an ARIES undertone – pioneer spirit shows. NYC has always been so innovative and creative. Here is where the individual can rise and shine – if…. they also got something potent, valuable, and attractive (PLUTO / SUN – Ruler of the AC / VENUS) to put out to the world.


  • The AC on the CAN / LEO cusp is also the Spirit of Creativity and Welcome! (MOON / SUN ruled). Both definitely signatures of the City – with the hallmark of the Statue of Liberty.


  • SUN / VENUS in late TAU on the 10th – 11th house cusp: Purpose (10th) for the future (11th), from the perspective of 1626, was – with the human PLUTO shadow attached – to create something ever so attractive, through craftiness, ingenuity, and smart, skillful work(late TAU has a VIRGO undertone). The VIRGO undertone also brings us to the Sacred Feminine.
    You probably know that the Statue of Liberty was donated by France in 1886. Researchers speculate its intentional, masonic placement was, in short, invoking the Egyptian Goddess Isis! Lots of fascinating material out there.


  • On that note, NYC’s North Node ‘happens to be’ on the ‘Sphinx Point’, also in early VIRGO in ‘her’ 2nd house, next to SATURN: A mandate for NYC to: “Know yourself!” Know what you can do, be in integrity, and don’t loose energy by getting pulled into others’ agenda (South Node in PI in the 8th house).
    Well, there have been more than a few fishy, shady, criminal things going on in NYC’s history that made her infamous… yet, ‘cleaning up’, esp. in the 1990’s became the talk of not just the town but a model of what’s possible. Check out this City Journal article. In the 1990’s, NYC had its Nodal Return in VIRGO, and also SATURN, URANUS, and NEPTUNE were moving through ‘her’ 6th house in CAP. Serious clean-up business.


  • Re: Early VIRGO North Node, with SATURN, reminds me immediately also of Woody Allen’s movie Manhattan (which I first saw in German, called Der Stadtneurotiker – the City Neurotic – which is what early VIRGO can also turn into, ha-ha!). Woody Allen has a SAG SUN and VIRGO Rising. Makes sense, with his humour. No wonder he is / was one of NYC’s movie trademarks.


  • The MOON in late CAP (with the VIRGO undertone), in the VIRGO related 6th House – NYC had a CAP MOON Lunar Return earlier today too (rare on a birthday): Well, lots of hard work that pays… in the end, if you have resilience, perseverance, and… know the right people – a trine to the SUN / VENUS on the 11th house cusp.


  • The City that never sleeps (MARS in cozy CANCER in ‘her’ 12th house), and always strives (the MOON – ruling CANCER – in CAP in ‘her’ 6th house).


  • NYC’s MOON connects with the U.S. PLUTO in late CAP, both transited by PLUTO, for the first time in history in 2020 – 2022 – a development that can change everything… A major political event? An Evolution that’s already under way…. ? How well do we use resources and time???! Maybe a Revolution at the same time, since the NYC MOON, and the U.S. PLUTO are on the ‘Prometheus Point’ in the Zodiac, where CAP turns into AQUARIUS – rules by… URANUS. Prometheus bringing the ‘Fire of the Gods’ / the privilege of the Elite to Humanity.



‘Golden Boy’ Prometheus at the Rockefeller Centre NYC, surrounded by the Zodiac belt. Prometheus the Awakener is the Archetype related to the Planet Uranus!


  • And in contrast: There’s also ARIES, namely: NYC’s Midheaven, recently transited by URANUS: The spirit of innovation and revolution…Technologically, start-ups, new wave of entrepreneurs, and: Women’s March. URANUS in ARIES (2011 – 18) has brought lots of fast paced innovation, and acceleration of processes, big time via technology, but also in general, for human consciousness. Wake-up calls, and awakening spirit. Independence is a big theme there for URANUS on NYC’s MC.
    More Uranian square activation for the U.S. PLUTO to come, this year, mixing things up, for outmoded controlling forces and structures. Liberty!
    So much fast paced, competitive energy on the ARIES MC – if you can make it there… yet, perhaps nowadays not JUST NYC anymore – the Uranian spirit is everywhere…


  • Speaking of URANUS, it sits on NYC’s 2nd house cusp in LEO – thank Goddess for eccentricity, and unique creative ways of standing out! We love you for that, Big Apple!
    The Total Solar Eclipse over the U.S. on Aug 21 will be on NYC’s URANUS – a new beginning for Liberation and Independence of Self Expression!


  • JUPITER / NEPTUNE in LIBRA in ‘her’ 4th house – City of Dreams – Dream BIG!
    So many hopes (JUPITER) and dreams (NEPTUNE) have brought so many people from many cultures (LIBRA) to New York. And what a cultural and art scene there!
    Plus: The ‘energy exchange’ of the original deal between Peter Minuit (which means midnight in French) on the ‘midnight point’ of the chart, represess to the land and ‘home’ itself, was a big time (JUPITER) give-away (NEPTUNE) / gain. Speaking of ‘balance’!!!

    New York will have ‘her’ JUPITER return this Sept (first contact was already in Jan / Feb) – goes to show, LIBRA’s notion for fairness, justice, and balance is also BIG this year – now that could lead to a whole political discussion…


  • Lastly, the NYC CHIRON in late PISCES in ‘her’ 9th house also returns (every 50 years!) 2017 – 18. The ‘melting pot’ for people from across the world. Once again, we see how vulnerable one can be when looking for a new shore, or simply: surviving. 


Let’s be compassionate. We are all in this together.


New York City Night Map



Birthday Blessings to NYC, and to the NEW YORK SPIRIT in all of us!

© 2019 by Melanie Lichtinger



If you feel a resonance with these themes, and could use support in your Journey drop me a line, and we can set up a private Astrology consult session, or initial 20-min orientation talk, to find out what would be the best course of action.

Maybe it’s time to fully benefit from a 3- or 5- sessions coaching sequence?

For starters, just email me (, and we can get the ball rolling 🙂

Interested in courses, workshops, embodied, experiential Astrology in Victoria BC, or online, via Skype / FB Messenger?

Find options and invitations at Astro~News that come to your email inbox, every 2 weeks, from the New Moon to Full Moon or FM to NM, with cosmic downloads for the lunar cycle, seasonal offers, and invitations to Astro~Experiences!
I’m happy to subscribe you (pls message me your email address).
Or come over to my ASTRO FB page which is where the creative action happens, and where you can also sign up for Astro~News.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!



MARS in CANCER (May 15 – July 1): Homeward Bound-Unbound

10 May

Dear Astro Friends,

May 15’s the day:
Not only will VENUS enter TAURUS (
see VENUS article).
Also MARS will enter CANCER the same day.
A 2-year cycle (MARS was the last time in CANCER June / July 2017).

While VENUS is at home in TAURUS, MARS isn’t per se so comfortable in CANCER.
Why is CANCER traditionally the least favoured sign for the Warrior Archetype?

And how can we best navigate with that energy?

MARS is natural in straight-forward ARIES (where it was early this year, with NO Planets retro – remember? or did it go by like a whoosh, a la MARS in ARIES?), and it’s exalted (extra strong) in CAP where the energy can express in consistent, persevering, accomplishment & goal oriented ways.

CANCER doesn’t move linear and up (like the CAP ‘mountain goat’) but rhythmic and cyclical, goes sideways, needs to backtrack, and sometimes naturally goes 2 steps forward, 1 step back (into the safe ‘shell’ to integrate the experiences emotionally), is always close to the water, sensitive and empathetic.

Plus: one’s motivation and energy depend on moods and feelings.
It’s the sign of Mother-Child after all, ruled by the MOON.

MARS in CANCER can bring up lots of emotions with and in men, fathers, men in the family, men who feel like family…


So let’s be gentle with ourselves and others, and notice when we’d tend to take our feelings or unmet needs out on others. MARS in CAN has the potential for emotional conflict, and conflicts at home and with family – which may come up to clear the air as an expression of perhaps a fearfully restrained and repressed unhealthy situation a la MARS opp. SATURN / PLUTO / SN in CAP. But it can also go around and around…
A redeeming grace comes from going into relationship with the Inner Elder and Spirit Elders (SATURN / PLUTO in CAP). How would they show up, and what would they do here?


13 Indigenous Grandmothers

11 of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, with the white scarves offered to them by HH the Dalai Lama…


Let’s channel the MARS in CANCER energy into

…sharing our authentic feelings with each other (MARS in CANCER square CHIRON in the MARS sign ARIES), rather than holding them in a la SATURN / PLUTO in CAP.

…being passionate about our Home Planet – Mother Earth who keeps on nurturing and sustaining us.

…being protective and standing up for our feelings and needs, our Family, the Human Family, and the Family of all Living Beings.

It’s also a beautiful energy for Honouring the Dads (not only on Father’s Day)!

Practically speaking: MARS in CANCER gives us also a boost to do physical activities like renovations and clearing in the home that benefit from a lot of energy and motivation.


So yes, homeward bound is MARS in CANCER.
Yet also unbound – since it’s also the energy of cutting the umbilical chord to what has kept us connected and fed us emotionally in some ways – while it’s not a reality anymore
(says SATURN / PLUTO in CAP).
And NEPTUNE may add: The cosmic umbilical chord is always feeding us.
MARS’s major transits (coming up mid-June) are its trine with NEPTUNE in PI, and its opposition to SATURN / PLUTO in CAP.

We live in times of deep change, and what used to feel family-ar and gave us a sense of belonging might not be anymore – which can cause grief, or liberation, or the whole spectrum of emotions…
Time to let go…. which can be hard, yet a gift in itself, says NEPTUNE in PISCES, in Water Trine with MARS, and very prominent in June, as it’s in slow-station, to go retro on June 21, plus: we see the 2nd  square from JUPITER in SAG and the second sextile from SATURN in CAP to NEPTUNE in PI (with all 3 Planets in their natural sign) on June 16 – 18 – a very concentrated phase while MARS is in CANCER.
Wisdom and clearing comes from letting go…


So here’s the

Calendar of MARS contacts with other Planetary Archetypes while in CANCER:

Major markers are May 22 / 23, June 4 – 6, and June 13 – 19.

Good to know: MERCURY will be also in CANCER June 4 – 26.

MAY 15
MARS enters CANCER for its watery journey until July 1.
Homeward Bound-Unbound.


MAY 22 / 23
MARS sextiles URANUS in TAU, and squares CHIRON in ARIES (ruled by MARS)
EmBody Freedom, and find the Medicine of being authentic and true to what you feel.


JUNE 4 – 6
MERCURY enters CANCER (until June 26).
The MOON in CANCER activates MARS, and ‘simulates’ the contacts of MARS 2 weeks later:
A Water trine to NEPTUNE in PI, opposes SATURN retro / the Lunar South Node / PLUTO retro in CAP.
Tuning into and sharing our deep feelings and needs.
Where does letting go come in, and how can the Inner & Spirit Elders support and sustain us?


JUNE 13 / 14
MARS goes into Water trine with stationary NEPTUNE in PI, opposes SATURN retro and the SN in CAP, and goes into quincunx with JUPITER retro in SAG.
Wisdom and clearing comes from forgiving and letting go of the Old (incl old judgments, resentment, and karmic patterns that keep us separate).


JUNE 18 / 19
MERCURY in CAN meets MARS, and MARS opposes PLUTO retro in CAP.
Rather than engaging in personalized power dynamics or taking out your emotional frustration on others, see the deeper underlying, perhaps historically ‘inherited’ core themes on the bottom of it all, and meet those bravely. It might appear acute but you’ll have more time to process.
Purging and clearing actions on all levels very supported.
All about freedom and letting go…


Mid-to-end-of-June will be a very concentrated NEPTUNian phase:

  • June 16: JUPITER retro in SAG squares stat. NEPTUNE in PI (# 2 of 3 this year).
  • June 18: SATURN retro in CAP sextiles stat. NEPTUNE in PI (# 2 of 3 this year).
  • June 21: NEPTUNE goes retro 

…with MARS involved in this, perhaps as the stirrer-upper, perhaps as the activist of love and true connection… beyond foggy scenarios.


Where in your chart is CANCER?

That’s where you long to belong, where our feelings get evoked, and family themes come up.

MARS freshly in CANCER in your… House stirs up and energizes these areas of your Life.
Channel the Energy rather than into emotional / family conflict into passionate-compassionate-caring action – relating to…

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House
You in Your Local Environment

4th House
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.


Blessings to us all, for channeling the MARS in CANCER energy into expressing your feelings authentically, and finding your True Home!



© 2019 by Melanie Lichtinger



If you feel a resonance with these themes, and could use support in your Journey drop me a line, and we can set up a private Astrology consult session, or initial 20-min orientation talk, to find out what would be the best course of action.

Maybe it’s time to fully benefit from a 3- or 5- sessions coaching sequence?

For starters, just email me (, and we can get the ball rolling 🙂

Interested in courses, workshops, embodied, experiential Astrology in Victoria BC, or online, via Skype / FB Messenger?

Find options and invitations at Astro~News that come to your email inbox, every 2 weeks, from the New Moon to Full Moon or FM to NM, with cosmic downloads for the lunar cycle, seasonal offers, and invitations to Astro~Experiences!
I’m happy to subscribe you (pls message me your email address).
Or come over to my ASTRO
FB page which is where the creative action happens, and where you can also sign up for Astro~News.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!


VENUS into TAURUS (May 15 – June 8): Enjoying Life-in-Spring!

9 May

Dear Astro Friends on Planet Earth!

Johfra Bosschart: Venus Rules Taurus (and the Martian / Aries Warrior Takes a Rest)


SPRING is in full bloom here in the Northern Hemisphere, as VENUS enters TAU on May 15!

She follows MERCURY who already entered TAU on May 6, helping us to slow down the super active mind (post-ARIES) and helping us get us in touch with what we really value & enjoy (here’s the Mercurial article).

Now with the SUN, MERCURY, and also VENUS in TAURUS, it’s time to settle, enjoy Life-in-Spring, and our auspicious embodiment – without attachment, since nothing is permanent…

A beautiful, sensuous energy – yummm & ahhh!


Birth of Venus -Painting by S. Botticelli.

VENUS in TAURUS celebrates the Goddess in all her expressions of Beauty, Life, and Love.

Your TAURUS SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets and the House TAU occupies in your chart become a magnet, while VENUS visits, until June 8.

Let VENUS show you how to slow down, cultivate pleasure and the Arts, be in Nature, and let your Earth Body be a temple of joy!


Primavera / Spring – Painting by Italian Renaissance Painter G. Arcimboldo

Not really stressful, mostly a calm, grounding, and powerful ‘weather’ for VENUS in ‘her own’ TAURUS abode (one of the Zodiac signs ‘she’ rules)

The entry into TAU comes as a sighhh of relief, esp after the intense square from VENUS in ARIES with SATURN retro / South Node / PLUTO retro in CAP on May 7 – 9 which could have evoked conflicts between being attracted to the New & joyful, and ‘solid reasons / experience’ (or fear) that can hold us back. Rather than getting sucked into the ‘Old Empire’, did you let the Inner Sage and the Fierce Feminine join forces, to show where the Evolution goes, and lead on with Love?

Just before ‘landing’ in TAU, on May 14, VENUS in ARIES (ruled by MARS) goes into sextile (a VENUS aspect) with MARS in GEMINI. 
Upward-onward, into a new de-lightful Dance & Alchemy!

And at the entrance to the Taurean realm, VENUS meets URANUS!

So here they are:

VENUS’s Dates with other ‘Planetary Players’ while She’s in TAURUS


  • MAY 15
    VENUS enters TAU, just after having been in sextile with MARS in GEMINI.
    Enjoyable landing, after a de-lightful Dance & Alchemy!


  • MAY 16
    VENUS freshly in TAU sextiles LILITH freshly in PI.
    Slow down, relax, and dive into what brings you Joy and one with your True You!


  • MAY 18 – Day of the SCO – TAU Wesak Full Moon!
    VENUS newly in TAU meets URANUS.

    EnJoy freely and without attachment. Be surprised at what (or whom?) you fall in love with.
    Could be the Buddha in you.


  • MAY 30
    VENUS in TAU in sextile with NEPTUNE (VENUS’s ‘higher octave’) in PISCES.
    (well, it’s also a very activated yet waning MOON in ARIES day)
    Relax & be at ease. Open for blessings to come your way.


  • MAY 31 – JUNE 2
    VENUS in TAU in Earth Trine with SATURN / PLUTO both retro / South Node in CAP, and quincunx with JUPITER retro in SAG, while the waning MOON will be also in TAU, and meet VENUS on JUNE 1.
    Gratitude for all that’s been given over Time. As the World is changing certain things – and people! – are comfortingly solid. Enjoy the good & precious Times!


  • JUNE 8
    VENUS enters GEMINI (until July 3).
    De-Lightful Connections.


Where in your chart is TAURUS?

That’s where you look for / find comfort, values, and connection to the Earth.

VENUS freshly in TAURUS in your… House helps you appreciate and attract in relation to these areas of your Life:

1st House:
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House:
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House:
You in Your Local Environment

4th House:
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House:
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House:
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House:
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House:
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House:
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House:
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House:
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House:
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.


Wishing you a truly JOYful Spring Time, with VENUS in TAURUS!


© 2019 by Melanie Lichtinger










Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with yourself in the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified with them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!



May the 4th Mid-TAURUS New Moon with URANUS – New EarthBody Consciousness

3 May

Dear Cosmic Friends, emBodied on Planet Earth!

Being Children of the Earth, inhabiting an EarthBody, and being exposed to the Earth changes hits home for us these years of acute awareness and urgency to truly treat the Earth as our Home (rather than an exploitation ground).

Camas Field Bounty – Photo by Melanie 2019


Earth My Body!
Here’s the video of the song sung so powerfully by young Spirit Elder Nicole Sangsuree  – what a legacy before her body was taken back by the Earth, in Thailand!


TAURUS is the first Earth sign in the yearly cosmic cycle.
Nature has awakened, and the EARTH delights all our senses, and is ripe for seeding & planting.

The MOON is exalted in TAURUS – so nourishing and comforting and feeding.
The mid-TAU (14°10′) New MOON on May the 4th is in mid-TAU (double TAU) – full-on Beltane energy!
Happy Beltane Week!

In the centre of the fixed signs (TAU, LEO, SCO, AQ) are the ‘Gates of Power’ where energy concentrates. Let’s work well with the Power of the Earth and the Earth in us.
May the Power be IN us – it IS, as we are of the Earth!


Green Unfurling – Photo by Melanie 2019

Gardening and planting can be the perfect body-mind-ground wellness practice for starters, and to bring the EarthBody Consciousness right home!

Where mid-TAU is in your birth chart it points you to the area in your life that’s now primed for a conception (MOON/SUN, Yin-Yang). 

BE both active in the ‘planting’ and receptive for what is being planted in you.


1st House:
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House:
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House:
You in Your Local Environment

4th House:
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House:
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House:
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House:
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House:
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House:
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House:
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House:
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House:
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.

The TAURUS New Moon on May 4 is close to URANUS –

Wake UP, Earthlings!

Earth is our Mother.
A Renaissance of Earth Consciousness.

Here’s the in-depth article dedicated to URANUS in TAURUS.


TAURUS is the Zodiac energy relating to Mother Earth with her Beauty and Bounty, and where we appreciate our precious human embodiment.

And clearly:
The Earth doesn’t belong to us.
We belong to the Earth.

The Spirit of URANUS in TAU also brings a Renaissance of Back to Nature / incl. to communal farming, and a sharing economy.
More and more people opt out of the status quo of destroying Nature in so many ways, and consuming de-natured food. A big trend to have more freedom while working and living with Nature, not at the expense of the Earth.

The Earth herself might release lots of built-up stress and pressure.
The Kilauea quake and volcanic eruption in May 2018, just before URANUS entered TAU for the first time was a precursor… see the blog post: The Ancient, Sacred Earth showing her Power.

Wake-up calls is what URANUS is famous for.
Freedom from complacency, indulgence, and taking wayyy too much time (shadows of TAU), and Freedom for a new Earth Awareness.
We really can’t wait another decade or 5 to do anything about getting our act together (is also what SATURN and PLUTO in CAP say).

The Awakening to a new Earth Awareness, reflected through URANUS in TAU will affect food, money / value exchange, and economy / ecology, and calls for innovative solutions in a volatile world.


Orangutans Smell da Roses…


Our connectedness with all of Earth’s Beings is being (re)awakened now (if it hasn’t already) – which spurs us into action and can shake others up too.
Perhaps to stand up, rise up, and speak up for those sentient Beings who can’t speak for themselves and need to be protected before it’s too late.


Loving this quote by Eckhart Tolle (from: A New Earth):
“Once there is a certain degree of Presence, of still and alert attention in human beings’ perceptions, they can sense the divine life essence, the one indwelling consciousness or spirit in every creature, every life-form, recognize it as one with their own essence and so love it as themselves.”
Being Awake in our True Nature, as Nature, in Nature.


How about taking some sweet time for a little TAUREAN inquiry:

  • Where do you stand in this?
  • What has shaken you up and is shifting for you?
  • How do you find comfort in the unpredictable?
  • Underneath a societally-economically conditioned consumer mentality – what truly feeds you and gives you comfort?
  • What’s new and freeing in your relationship to Mother Nature?


Those of you born with URANUS in SCO (Dec 1974 – Apr 1975, and Sept 1975 – Nov 1981) will have their URANUS Opposition in the years of URANUS in TAU – an awakening / liberation in mid-life which can be a huge catalyst for radical life changes.

All of us (independent of age) esp. if we have SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets in TAURUS (or in LEO, SCO, AQ) are in for surprises too, and we’ll get a Uranian ‘kick in the butt’ to be liberated and reinvent ourselves esp. in the area of life related to our TAURUS House in the chart.


Let’s take a good look at the

TAURUS NEW MOON ‘birth chart’

The New Moon will be exact at 3:45 pm PDT tomorrow May 4.


The NEW MOON in very central TAURUS is past URANUS (well, the SUN connected with URANUS on Apr 22, and the MOON today May 3).

SUN and MOON and all Planets entering TAURUS from now on, until 2026 are being initiated by URANUS.

Finding and standing our ground when it comes to unsettling, unpredictable energies, esp. relating to the Earth herself…
And perhaps on a more personal note:

  • How can we find comfort in the constant shifts that take us out of our comfort zone – or even pro-actively seek the edge rather the cushioning?
  • Can we sloooww down and listen with all our senses, while things are whirling?
  • What does our EarthBody call us to – when we’re in full Presence?

Being in Nature as Nature brings shifts in Consciousness.

Again, if you’d like to read up the URANUS in TAURUS Astro~News – voila!

The New Moon is in wide Earth Trine with SATURN / PLUTO retro and the South Node, all in CAP.
Lots of Earth energy nowadays (and counting, as MERCURY & VENUS will also enter TAU).
Showing us quite realistically where timely priorities are, supporting resourcefulness and integrity yet also teaching us not to get attached to certain outcomes, or dragged down by and depressed over what we can’t change.
The point being: Finding the Inner Power centre (not just on May the 4th…) that helps us move with change, and bring out our best.


The Mercurial Inner Messenger / Communicator / Mind Archetype, is about to settle in TAURUS too on May 6, until May 22!

What an animated, activated, and accelerated phase it’s been, with MERCURY and also VENUS in ARIES since Apr 16 / 20.
And on top of it, MERCURY in ARIES (ruled by MARS) has been in mutual reception with MARS in GEMINI (ruled by MERCURY).
Ready to mentally settle, after all the rush and action?


Buuut, MERCURY will pass unpredictable and not-at-all settled URANUS  first – right at the Taurean entrance ‘gate’ on May 8.

Plus, even though MERCURY is in slooow TAURUS it’s moving quite fast now, approaching its connection with the SUN on May 21 – also the day when both the SUN and MERCURY enter GEMINI. That’s the point furthest away from Mercury retro / right between retro phases.

Some paradoxes right there – only for the linear, habitual mind, wondering… 
How does that go together?
And what are the gifts of that ‘strange’ combo?

Here’s the full article for MERCURY in TAURUS
noteworthy esp. for all of us with TAURUS in our birth charts, and an incentive for all of us to think about our true values…


VENUS isn’t quite there yet, but scheduled to enter (her domain of) TAURUS also, on May 15.
A saving grace for enjoying life’s delights, and being even more aware of what we value.
Then, becoming a magnet for our values is quite natural (as long as limiting beliefs and lack of self value aren’t in the way).

For now / with the New Moon, VENUS in ARIES goes into T-square with SATURN & PLUTO retro, and the South Node, all in CAP & the North Node in CAN (May 7 – 9).
It can be a bit bumpy when we’re taking initiative and put out what we love and value – not all is met and reciprocated. Don’t take it as a personal rejection, failure, or defeat, and cut back on judgment.
VENUS in ARIES is a heroine energy – and ‘she’s the apex / outlet of the T-Square, looking for dynamic expression:
If approach A doesn’t work she gets up and starts a different approach. Hopefully with gentleness, care, and compassion, as the North Node in CANCER would support.


Also in the NEW MOON ‘matrix’:

MARS in GEMINI (still until May 14) is building up to oppose JUPITER now retro in SAG (exact on May 5).
Sooo many options, so much information, so many ideas, doubts, questions, and thoughts, and soo much distraction – where’s the Inner Heart Truth?

What do your Intuition, Trust, and Inner Guidance say?
Helpful to retreat and gain some space. Go on a vision quest.
Find your Inner WHY, and the direction becomes naturally clear.
It IS a Journey from the Head to the Heart.


In the cosmic watery atmosphere, we have

NEPTUNE in PISCES, with a Water Trine from the North Node in CANCER (exact throughout June), suggesting surrender, compassion, adaptation, flow, letting go & letting god. Faith beyond trust.

…and LILITH having just entered PISCES today
May 3 (until Jan 27, 2020) – Our True Nature is Wild and ONE.
Here’s the full article for LILITH now in PI.


A ‘wild card’ of the New Moon energy is CHIRON, freshly in ARIES, and presently not connected with any other planetary Archetype, except with the MOON when She goes into a new Zodiac sign.
An unaspected Planet can be like an outsider of the family / group with a strong desire to be oneself rather than ‘being nice’ to hopefully get love and appreciation. Now we see how fake / compensated this is, and that we’re only healthy when we’re true to ourselves.

I’ve found since CHIRON fully entered ARIES (on Feb 18 – here’s the full article for this shift), early childhood wounds are coming up a lot for clients, and for lots of us Humans, I should say.
The Medicine being to meet them with full presence, regardless how raw this may be, and to let these wounds help you draw out the authentic YOU.

Cuz it’s YOUR Life after all….


Hoping this TAURUS NEW MOON Article helps affirm your Authentic Self.

Blessings for EmBodying the True & Free YOU!


© 2019 by Melanie Lichtinger

Serving you since 2000
In Victoria BC, and worldwide



Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with yourself in the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified with them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!


Presently, until May 12 / Mother’s Day, ASTRO~SPA for Moms is on!
As a mom, treat yourself, or treat a mom to a 20% discounted Astro~Alchemy session!


…via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 14 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic.

You’re welcome to join… – so double TAUREAN:

EmBODY Astrology in Nature
ASTRO Archetypes Come to Life!

2:11 – 5:11 PM

You and your friends are warmly welcome!
This one’s of course live-in-person only. 🙂
Pls register with me at by FRI MAY 10 at 10:10 am:-)
More info on my FB page.


MERCURY in TAURUS (May 6 – 27) – What do You truly Enjoy & Value?

3 May

Dear Astro~News Friends!

What an animated, activated, and accelerated phase it’s been, with MERCURY and also VENUS in ARIES since Apr 16 / 20.
And on top of it, MERCURY in ARIES (ruled by MARS) has been in mutual reception with MARS in GEMINI (ruled by MERCURY).

Ready to mentally settle, after all the rush and action?

The Mercurial Inner Messenger / Communicator / Mind Archetype, is about to settle in TAURUS – until May 22!
Buuut, it will pass unpredictable and not settled at all URANUS first – right at the Taurean entrance ‘gate’ on May 8.
And even though MERCURY is in slooow TAURUS it’s moving quite fast now, approaching its connection with the SUN on May 21 – also the day when both the SUN and MERCURY enter GEMINI. That’s the point furthest away from Mercury retro / right between retro phases.

Some paradoxes right there – only for the linear, habitual mind, wondering… 
How does that go together?
And what are the gifts of that ‘strange’ combo?


Purple Delights (with grounded yet light ‘winged’ sandals) – Photo by Melanie 2019

TAU is grounded, slow, embodied, communicates and learns through all the senses, and not just via the brain. Don’t chew on things too much with your mind. Ask the body!
Smell the grass, the Spring, the roses, be in the Camas fields if you’re in Victoria – good Medicine for the otherwise too overrated and busy brain!
Patience is a good TAU virtue too, and can allow YOU to relax and slow down the pace…

Yet, TAURUS is a fixed energy that can settle into or get stuck in what it considers enjoyable, comfortable, or simply habitual.
Together with the Awakener URANUS now in TAU, met by MERCURY on May 8, the Buddhist wisdom teachings 101
related to attachments are very apropos (and are always a good call for TAURUS anyway – lol)

First step is to acknowledge our attachment to not getting what we want, or to being stuck with what we don’t want, and to realize that it is the attachment that causes the suffering, not the ‘thing’ in itself.

How can we release / free ourselves from attachment?

Realization of how it all works (quite simply in fact) is already a huge freedom catalyst – for me anyway. Basically noticing: Hey, I’m doing this to myself. It’s not the situation, it’s what my mind makes out of it that causes the frustration.

Also, a key piece is to embrace impermanence.

No pain, problem, discomfort lasts forever. No pleasure and enjoyment either. So let’s not get so worked up and graspy or resistant, and relax in the ‘storm’.

Which naturally allows for the liberating process to go where it needs to go.

And we can turn to and feed ourselves with what we truly value and enjoy (TAU) without compulsion, attachment, or other fixations.


What could that look like?

  • Sloooowing down, tuning into the Body and our Senses. 
  • Asking ourselves: Where do I physically belong and need to ground myself?


  • Maybe we need to take ourselves to magical spots. Mercury is also the magician, and, esp. with its VIRGO rulership, rules ‘practical magic’ – tools and physical places (TAU) that transform, re-align, help, and heal. 
  • Letting go of being attached to and stuck in (TAU low vibe) mental (MERCURY) patterns, habits (TAU), gravitations, ruts. In fact, let’s get un-stuck. Very timely now. 
  • Buying less, enjoying more. 
  • The mind habitually attaches itself randomly to things that we have an affinity to, desire for, aversion against, and present them as interesting to engage in (almost like a shop keeper presenting his window display) – very Taurean. Our habit is to give in, and engage mentally with those ‘offers’. Our job and in fact freedom is ‘just’ not to buy it. 
  • Let’s tune into what brings us true intrinsic joy (not derived from ‘getting’ and consuming more on the outer level). 
  • Let’s re-connect with what we truly value. 
  • Let’s follow the messages (MERCURY) of the Body (TAU). 
  • Which can attune us differently, and shift a lot quite fast – paradoxically.


Speaking of Messages of the Body, and Embodying, and Nature –

Mark your calendar for our next Circle
EmBody Astrology in Nature, on SAT May 11, 2:11 – 5:11 pm


MERCURY contacts these other Planetary Archetypes while in TAURUS: 

Not too many, and quite a smooth ride (except for the URANIAN contact)


MERCURY enters TAU and sextiles LILITH freshly in PI.
Slow down, relax, enJoy life, communicate with and through the body, and experience Oneness.


EnJoy without attachment. Freedom from the Known.
And: What’s new and exciting?


MAY 16 / 17
MERCURY in TAU in Earth Trine with SATURN & PLUTO both retro in CAP, together with the SN also in CAP, and in quincunx with JUPITER now retro in SAG.
Finding comfort in simplicity & resourcefulness. Life offers sooo many gifts.


MAY 21
MERCURY enters GEMINI (until June 4) and immediately meets the SUN also entering GEMINI.
Find your Voice, and let Consciousness speak.


Where in your chart is TAURUS?

That’s where you look for / find comfort, values, and connection to the Earth.

MERCURY freshly in TAURUS in your… House helps you communicate about and with these areas of your Life:

1st House:
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House:
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House:
You in Your Local Environment

4th House:
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House:
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House:
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House:
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House:
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House:
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House:
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House:
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House:
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.


All the best for your Joyful Journey with MERCURY in TAURUS 2019!


© 2019 by Melanie Lichtinger


Serving you since 2000
In Victoria BC, and worldwide



Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with yourself in the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified with them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!


Presently, until May 12 / Mother’s Day, ASTRO~SPA for Moms is on!
As a mom, treat yourself, or treat a mom to a 20% discounted Astro~Alchemy session!


…via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 14 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic.

You’re welcome to join… – so double TAUREAN:

EmBODY Astrology in Nature
ASTRO Archetypes Come to Life!

2:11 – 5:11 PM

You and your friends are warmly welcome!
This one’s of course live-in-person only. 🙂
Pls register with me at by FRI MAY 10 at 10:10 am:-)
More info on my FB page.