Archive | August, 2018

MARS in late CAP turns direct on Aug 27: RE-newed Energy

27 Aug

Mars (Hubble Telescope picture)

We MADE it through MARS Retro!

MARS has been retro since June 26 (from early AQ back into late CAP) – here’s the blog post before the fact, if you’d like to read it up and review).
Believe it or not: It’ll go direct /  forward again today Aug 27 at 28-29° CAP!

It’ll be stationary / slow moving between 29° CAP and 2° AQ on the Community Building and ‘Prometheus’ Point until Fall Equinox, before picking up momentum, as it moves through AQ until Nov 15.

The CAP / AQ cusp that MARS activates now for a while (and already has, mid-May, and retro mid-Aug) is about collaboration in mature leadership, responsibility, and community.
We’ve seen lots of examples in the retro phase where this would have been necessary but wasn’t the case. What do you think?

MARS turning around in late CAP (where it’s the strongest in the Zodiac), close to evolutionary PLUTO is a renewing energy – and can even activate a push for renewable energy – given the catastrophic climate situation that requires a serious, timely turnaround of how resources on Planet Earth are being extracted and ‘used’ – or rather: where the Earth is stewarded in a responsible way.

  • If you have your SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets end of CAP what’s the energy renewal for you, and how do you use it wisely? 
  • How is better collaboration now coming into place in your life?
    Maybe in different future oriented, innovative communities, groups, and systems…?

MARS activating the ‘Prometheus Point’ can be (esp. in square with URANUS – which is the Prometheus Archetype – exact on Sept 18) quite cathartic for innovative solutions, and revolutionary breakthroughs.
Watch for surprise news – and also watch out for accidents as a release valve for excess anger, and give the energy a better outlet.

LILITH is in the meantime in AQ, and will be met and passed by MARS on Oct 1 – what a boost for the liberation in our wild and FREE Nature!


Wishing you a boost of sustained and sustaining energy into September!


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month, at the occasion of the 18th anniversary of my Astrology practice!
Come on over, or let’s meet online, for a substantially discounted Astro session (11% – 22% – 33%, depending on how long you’ve been my client). And let your friends know!


ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
Our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!

PISCES – VIRGO Full MOON (Aug 26) with 2 Kites, Catalyzing MARS’s Turning Point: RE-newable Energy

25 Aug

Dear Astro~News Reader,

Once again, the Heavens mysteriously (PISCES) yet precisely (VIRGO) mirror Life on Earth and in us… since all is connected, all is ONE.

This last Full Moon of Summer 2018 (yes it is – the next one will be the Harvest Moon on Sept 24, just after Fall Equinox on Sept 22!) carries so much energy and information, and yet the big themes with PISCES – and NEPTUNE retro close to the Full MOON is:
What’s the atmosphere?
What are you picking up if you’re sensitive?
What’s showing up in all its fullness and ripeness, to be surrendered and released?

If your MOON or SUN, your Rising Sign or Planets in your birth chart are in PISCES I’m sure you’re feeling the collective energy strongly now – and might already have taken a lot IN.

As with the Piscean Ocean it’s so important to release and cleanse too – physically and energetically – for our overall well-being.
Have you?

How about this d.i.y. release (PI) practice (VIRGO) that I learned a few years back from a meditation teacher friend:

Visualize your body being a temple, a cathedral, or another beautiful (contained) sacred space.
Notice in what area / even chakra related energy is stuck and stagnant…. which level / ‘floor’ is it?
Could it be that you took this energy in, as you moved into situations – or the people and situations came towards you?
Notice how these frontal portals in your body (even ‘just’ the pores of your skin, your nose, mouth…) might have absorbed that energy which is sitting now in that…. area.
Now ‘simply’ visualize portals on the back of your body in the area of the the stuck energy opening, and a ray of golden or silver light carrying the stuckness out of your body and energy field.
Give yourself time for this process until you feel it’s complete.

How are you feeling now?
How’s your body and energy field?

Maybe an Epsom salt bath to round it up… or a walk… follow your intuition.


PISCES – VIRGO is the energy of the Sacred Feminine and spiritual practitioner, a.k.a. PRIESTESS in Tarot.

Crystal (mainly clear Quartz) activated Voyager Tarot card II – Priestess – Crystal Activation and Photo by Melanie

Being in Priestess Consciousness means:
Being self aware, whole and complete in our body-mind-spirit temple.
Practicing what keeps us well.
Being of service with our gifts.

The Priestess also relates to the extension of the ‘Sphinx Point’:
An initiation from LEO to VIRGO with the theme of Self Awareness  – which was activated by the SUN this week (exactly on Aug 22).

The Sphinx is an oracle, offering a silent mirror image.

Our perception of the world ‘as it is’, and of ‘other people’ shows us a lot about ourselves.

In LEO, a strong Self is developed.
In VIRGO, the question is explored:
Who or what IS the Self….?

To be self aware is to come back to these questions, and to live from that place.

Here’s the recent blog post about this activation.


In that Spirit, let’s take a look at the

PI – VIR FULL MOON and her ‘Entourage’


Can you see what I see?

The chart is very complex / layered, and interconnected (very apropos the VIRGO – PISCES dynamic)- as is the current world situation, and the state of personal affairs for many of us.

Often, the Universe shows things in several ways, and via similar flavours of the same theme….

‘Complex’ can be a good opportunity, since we have a chance to see patterns, problems, and solutions – a la VIRGO. Not that everything is ‘fix-able’, mind you….


There are 3 configurations that all hinge on the VIRGO SUN and URANUS retro in early TAU, and they even extend into 3-D:

  • A Tetradic Yod / Green Kite, pointing to the SUN (super rare). It’s highlighted with the Full Moon, and fades fast – yet keeps us questing… and the themes don’t ‘go away’.
  • A Grand Earth Trine with SUN / SATURN / URANUS involved (exact on Aug 25), and extended as a Blue Kite to the Full MOON.
    Wow, two overlapping Kites! The odds are really slim.
    The SATURN – URANUS trine continues until end of Sept (even though never precisely exact).
  • A T-square from the Nodal Axis in early AQ – LEO to URANUS retro in early TAU (active Aug – Oct!).
  • It almost looks like in 3D that there’s a Pyramid, with un-settling URANUS retro in early TAU (at the FM time FM time here on the West Coast even right overhead) being the ‘cap stone’.
    URANUS / Prometheus in TAU (freshly since mid-May), and until brings Freedom from Known, from attachments, the pyramidal hierarchy / solid and reliable structures… and for collaboration: Wake up, Earthlings!
    Here’s the still pertinent blog post about URANUS’s entry into TAU.


Mars (Hubble Telescope picture)

The Full MOON also catalyzes MARS’s turnaround!

MARS has been retro since June 26 (from early AQ back into late CAP) , and is about to go direct /  forward again, on Aug 27 at 28-29° CAP!

It’ll be stationary / slow moving between 29° CAP and 2° AQ on the Community Building and ‘Prometheus’ Point until Fall Equinox, before picking up momentum, as it moves through AQ until Nov 15.

The CAP / AQ cusp that MARS activates now for a while (and already has, mid-May, and retro mid-Aug) is about collaboration in mature leadership, responsibility, and community. We’ve seen lots of examples under the retro phase where this would have been necessary but wasn’t the case under MARS retro. 

MARS turning around in late CAP (where it’s the strongest in the Zodiac), close to evolutionary PLUTO is renewing energy – and can even activate a push for renewable energy – given the catastrophic climate situation that requires a serious, timely turnaround of how resources on Planet Earth are being extracted and ‘used’ – or rather: where the Earth is stewarded in a responsible way.

  • If you have your SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets end of CAP what’s the energy renewal for you, and how do you use it wisely?
  • How is better collaboration now coming into place in your life?
    Maybe in different future oriented, innovative communities, groups, and systems…?

MARS activating the ‘Prometheus Point’ can be (esp. in square with URANUS – which is the Prometheus Archetype – exact on Sept 18) quite cathartic for innovative solutions, and revolutionary breakthroughs.
Watch for surprise news – and also watch out for accidents as a release valve for excess anger, and give the energy a better outlet.

LILITH is in the meantime in AQ, and will be met and passed by MARS on Oct 1 – what a boost for the liberation in our wild and FREE Nature!


Amazing FULL MOON Alignments 

Let’s take a closer look (a la VIRGO) at the Full MOON, her cosmic geometry, and the messages as they keep revealing themselves…. 
This one’s really quite magical and multi-layered:

Let’s start with the Pointer right at the VIRGO SUN:
Yet another YOD / Finger of God / Celestial Pointer, with LILITH / SN in AQ, and CHIRON retro in early AR forming the ‘base’.
It extends to the PI Full MOON, as a ‘Green Kite’ with the Full Moon as its ‘spine’. 
We also had a YOD to the recent LEO New Moon / PSE on Aug 11!
Now, that’s really rare to have two in a row.
Consciousness, Life giving Energy (the SUN) and literally:
The SUN as the focal point.


‘Randomly’, when ‘checking in’ this week on Crop Circles for the season, I found immediately this amazingly beautiful Sunflower like Circle that showed up right next to a Solar Farm, on July 14 –  right after the New Moon / PSE in CAN opp. PLUTO retro in CAP on July 12 / 13 – What humanity needs, vs. old and unsustainable energy ‘dinosaurs’ and other waste and abuse that needs to change.


A pointer to ‘go solar’?
Pretty obvious to me…
Using clean, green technology to work with natural resources – a powerful evolution of ‘farming’ that’s regenerative rather than destructive (as seen…).

Very much apropos the Grand Earth Trine also, with

  • The SUN in early VIR – Raising Awareness:
    What are we doing? What would be solutions to this problem?
  • SATURN in early CAP, about to go direct – Cosmic Coach:
    We know now how same old brings more of the same – and worse. Building what works is really time critical – takes work but there’s no way around.
  • URANUS retro in early TAU – Innovator:
    New / not-so-new innovative and revolutionary ways or working with natural resources that are FREE.


So, what’s with the YOD to the early VIRGO SUN / extending even to a Green Kite as the Full MOON in PI moves into the alignment?

A pointer towards SoUlar Consciousness – in VIRGO.
The Self Awareness Point: What’s going on here, what are we doing???!

What would healthy, aware, conscientious, skillful and helpful, practical and reasonable consciousness say to the PISCEAN chaos?
That also shows: We’re all on this Space Ship Earth together?

What’s the problem, and what can be a solution?
Since early VIR has a CAP undertone: What does Integrity and Responsibility say?
What would be simple first steps that can help and bring healing (CHIRON in AR on the base)?
What does humanity, society, group consciousness, and the future say (LILITH / SN in AQ on the base too)?
Are ‘the many’ even being seen and heard, or is it more about the ‘celebrities’ who get all the attention (LILITH / SN in AQ and LEO NN)?
And how does Humanity and do Groups and Organizations now need to step up?


I can’t help but seeing the socio-political side of the alignment…:
Please note in terms of North American leadership(?) that:

  • Trudeau has his AC in early VIR and his SUN in early CAP – this year challenged by SATURN.
  • Trump has his AC in late LEO – eclipsed by the ‘Great American Eclipse’ on Aug 21, 2017, and VIR also in his 1st house. No further comment…
  • For the City of Victoria, the early VIR YOD Full Moon is also quite relevant:
    The City’s AC and MOON are in early VIR. Municipal elections coming up on Oct 20 – which is in the Zodiac the LI-SCO ‘Tipping Point’ and the MOON will be in PI again – two Moons from now….
    Again: What would reason and (un)common sense, responsibility and true leadership say to ‘the mess / chaos’?


Here are the charts – check out the VIR AC areas:



…with SUN in VIR / SATURN retro / stat in CAP / URANUS retro in TAU involved (was exact on Aug 25), and extended as a ‘Blue Kite’ to the Full MOON, also shows us that this chaos-that-connects (PI) can be an opportunity for grounded common sense, and new innovative if not revolutionary solutions to problems and lack of responsible leadership which don’t go away without significant paradigm shifts.


…continues until end of Sept (even though it won’t be precisely exact). SATURN retro in CAP will go direct / forward from Earth perspective, on Sept 6, and is already a stationary focus (mid-Aug until late Sept).
While SATURN retro (since Apr 17) in CAP has given us ample evidence of what doesn’t work, what’s a waste of resources, and isn’t responsible leadership (rather more of the old) here’s the challenge / opportunity to turn the ship around, and bring better plans and leadership in integrity into responsible positions.

Sept is an important SATURN month.
URANUS retro in early TAU in alliance with stationary SATURN now brings new (and actually not-so-new) innovative approaches into the picture.


And then, there’s the URANUS hinge – on ‘top of the 3-D Pyramid’!

Quite a fascinating alignment and ‘pointer’!
It doesn’t look very ‘comfortable’ and ‘stable’ for the establishment (the ‘Settling Point’ in early TAU has also a CAP undertone), for business-as-usual, and for the economy…
Will the bubble burst?

Maybe not immediately – URANUS has an inbuilt surprise effect…


What’s with the T-square from the Nodal Axis in early AQ – LEO to URANUS retro in early TAU (active Aug – Oct!)?
Karmic pathways away from draining AQ, as seen in society: Isolation / anonymity, watching the show of the ‘celebrities’, the individual doesn’t count, is just part of a system, and towards healthy LEO: Everybody is special, seen and celebrated from a Heart space, everybody’s got creative talents that are welcome to be expressed.
Unplug. Play more.

The Nodal Axis is catalyzed by URANUS in-between these two points these months which can bring awakening shifts in consciousness that can have domino effects, in our personal lives and in society.

MARS will step into the picture again as well, when it re-enters AQ – the sign ruled by URANUS on Sept 10, goes into (# 3 of 3 ) square with URANUS, on Sept 18, and conjunct the SN in AQ on Sept 22.
Sounds like no boredom in September.
What would be new, innovative, experimental and creative ways of cooperation and co-creativity for you?
I can think of some already – hushhhh, to be revealed later.


Blessings for the PISCES – VIRGO Full MOON and beyond,
in ONEness and Wholeness!


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month, at the occasion of the 18th anniversary of my Astrology practice!
Come on over, or let’s meet online, for a substantially discounted Astro session (11% – 22% – 33%, depending on how long you’ve been my client). And let your friends know!


ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
Our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!



Sphinx Point Week and Day (Aug 22): Love & Know Thyself!

21 Aug

Dear Astro Friends,

You sense it, you know it…
The Summer SUN will make a move this week (exactly on Wed AUG 22 at 9:09 pm PDT) – into VIRGO, the last month of the season –
Harvest Time!


Peasant Woman Binding Wheat Sheaves – Painting by Vincent Van Gogh


What’s the SPHINX POINT got to do with it?
And what’s it all about?

Sphinx on the Giza Plateau – Photo by Melanie, Egypt Journey Nov 2010

Self Awareness: Know Thyself. Who ARE YOU?
Which can be taken very deeply…

The SPHINX is an oracle, and offers a silent mirror image.
Our perception of the world ‘as it is’, and of people show
us a lot about ourselves.

In LEO, a strong Self is being developed.
In VIRGO, the question is explored: Who or what IS the Self….?

On a ‘practical’ level: Self (LEO) Awareness (VIRGO) means:
Who am I?
What brings me joy?
What do I do with Love, and as an expression of my fullness and wholeness?
What do I create from Love that’s in service to others?
How can I use my creative play, my passion, and my strengths not just for myself but to help others?
How do I put my Love into Service?


Virgo and Mercury – Painting by Johfra Bosschart


VIRGO is motivated by alignment, as in:
Order into chaos, and alignment with the cosmic order and the higher self.
Bringing these to the ‘ground level’, and Heaven to Earth.
Clearly a (necessary, next level) ‘humbling’ effect in VIR after glorious and sometimes bombastic LEO.

In the seasons / yearly cycle it’s the time when Summer play time turns into ‘back to school / work’, and when harvest work begins.
In human development LEO – VIR is the phase from adolescence (show time, party time, being seen and popular, having fun) to young adulthood (taking on new responsibilities, transition into college / university or into the work world).

The passionate, fiery ‘anything goes’ LEO energy becomes grounded, practical, realistic, and checks in: Does this work, is it healthy, functional?
What would work better?
What needs to be realigned?

Paying attention to details and ‘issues’ is helpful, becoming neurotic – not so much.  
Always good to check in with awareness: 
What’s going on here?
What am I doing and why?
Whom and what does this serve? Or is it self-serving?
Can I be aware of the ego, and put its energy into some practical use?


Blessings for our Transition into Self Aware VIRGO!



© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month, at the occasion of the 18th anniversary of my Astrology practice!
Come on over, or let’s meet online, for a substantially discounted Astro session (11% – 22% – 33%, depending on how long you’ve been my client). And let your friends know!


ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
Our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!

LEO ‘Celestial Pointer’ Super New Moon / Partial SoUlar Seed Eclipse – and 7(!) Retro Planets: Living Life Lovingly!

10 Aug

Dear Astro~News Reader,

Leo-nasadhHow’s your creative FIRE and Love for Life these days?

Do you Live the Life you Love?

Do you Love yourSELF fully?

Do you stand in the Light and Radiance of your Being?


…central questions for LEO – the Zodiac energy in central Summer!

This exact / partially ecliptic and central (18°41′) LEO New Moon is planting a powerful Seed into our cosmic / human beingness, for all of the above – if we choose to invoke, welcome, and nurture it (the nodal energy goes from LEO to CANCER this Nov).


What’s Special about the upcoming LEO NEW MOON on Aug 11?

A LOT! All these ELEVEN factors:

  • LEO IS special! 😉


  • It’s the 3rd of three SUPER strong New Moons (as the MOON is closest to Earth in her orbit):
    In GEMINI on June 13, in CANCER / PSE on July 12 / 13, and now in LEO / PSE on Aug 11.

    Again, a very strong lunar, emotional and somatic influence on us Earth Beings.
    Feeling and sensing it?

    Creative SOLar Fire is being channeled via the cool MOON – a conception of the NEW into creative, heartful, playful LEO expression – ruled by the SUN.
    As with every New Moon, a seed is planted ‘in the dark’, and we can’t see it sprout yet until… it does. Yet something stirs, within… The SEED of LOVE, nurtured when we live lovingly.

    LOVE is the force in the Universe that creates – and fuels our human creativity. 


  • Yes, it’s an Eclipse!
    The path
    goes over the Arctic, Greenland, Iceland, North Atlantic, North East Europe, and North East Asia – its effects will be mostly noticeable there.

    If only our Hearts melted, instead of the precious ice… The partially ecliptic shadow of the MOON ‘wandering’ in front of the SUN disk symbolizes a temporary occultation of the light of consciousness (SUN) through mental / emotional processes and ego identifications (isn’t Mind a continuum of thoughts and emotions…?!) from which it re-emerges, renewed, clear and radiant.
    With the LEO energy, let’s not let the egoic drama of our mind and emotions get the better of us, and overshadow our Heart and pure consciousness.
    Let’s offer it up to a new beginning from LOVE.


  • This PSE closes the Summer 2018 Eclipse Portal.
    See Astro~News post Heart Medicine & Creativity Boost – 3 Summer ECLIPSES: Welcoming Our Loving Heart into the Change:

    Two Partial Solar Eclipses on July 12 / 13 and Aug 11 have been ‘wrapping around’ the Total Lunar Eclipse on July 27 / 28.
    The whole planetary ‘team’ invites us to come from the Heart, and show ourselves in a warm, loving, playful, and generous way that’s based on intrinsic Self Love, while releasing old aggression that may come from a place of isolation and separation.
    The central Eclipse, a Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse was also the Guru Purnima – celebrating the Spiritual Teacher, and Inner Guru.


Amma, the ‘Hugging Saint’ and Spiritual Teacher to many, embracing and healing, while embodying the Divine Mother energy.


  • It’s also a LEO SEED Eclipse (as I like to call it), since it comes with the North Node (see chart below) which is also in LEO these days (May 2017 – Nov 2018), while the South Node is in AQ:
    A ‘cosmic invitation’ is to ‘unplug’ from collective isolation, and from group / system dynamics that suck our energy (AQ shadow); to play more, create more, love more (LEO) which we bring to our AQ co-creations.
    Everybody is special, and we’re all Stars in the Constellation of L.O.V.E. Last year, we had TWO LEO New Moons!
    The second one on Aug 21, 2017 was a Total Solar Eclipse (its path went over the U.S.), on the Self Awareness / Sphinx Point cusp to VIRGO. I’m sure you remember.

    What has happened with our LEO creations and expressions since – from awareness of who we are, and how we can be of loving service with our gifts and skills (VIR)?
    Have they grown and flourished?
    It all starts from the Heart, and from loving ourselves fully.This last (in the next 18 years) LEO SEED Eclipse brings us into the Heart Centre from which Life and Love and Creativity emanate, and where Love of Self, of Life, of ‘other’ are united as-ONE.


  • This Eclipse creates a Full Circle / Cycle going back to the Total Solar Eclipse (TSE) in LEO on Aug 11, 1999 at the same(!) degree in LEO (that one was more dramatic, and still….).
    Remember where you were at in Summer 1999?
    Do some journaling / let me know if you like to show & tell & review.

    I was still in Europe and experienced the Eclipse in a field in Bavaria, together with a friend.
    Quite an intense experience, as there was a thunder storm and some lightning happening ‘on the other side’ (towards North) while the sky darkened and everything became so still.
    What a powerful experience to have the SUN come back as the MOON moved on! A Solar Renewal in LEO indeed – following the Heart and Love.
    At that time, the seed was planted for me to come to Canada. 

    This PSE is also a Seed Eclipse in LEO.
    What did your Heart call YOU then?
    Where is it / are YOU now?

    Whatever the Question.
    LOVE is the Answer. 


  • As you’ll see in the chart below, there’s also rare YOD (elongated green triangle) configuration, with two quincunxes pointing  from PLUTO retro in CAP and NEPTUNE retro in PI to the SUN / MOON in LEO.
    This YOD, a.k.a. ‘Finger of God’ is a Celestial Pointer that orients our attention and energy in the direction of the Eclipse New Moon, with the archetypal energies ‘on the bottom’, PLUTO / Transformation of Resources, and NEPTUNE / Transcendence-in-Oneness, as a foundation. 
    It’s like a ‘pilgrimage’ – not that we ever ‘arrive’ anywhere specific, yet we’re on an inner journey, and need to surrender our attachment to a desired outcome, aiming at Love.

    The archetypal energies on the bottom are:

    * PLUTO retro in CAP: 
    The transformation of engaging in what promises personal power / can have power over us (all from a place of hierarchy / duality / judgment), and can waste time and resources, into the power that IS, incorruptible, and always a renewable resource. The source of integrity, and for the work we’re here to do.
    So, practically speaking: What are you investing your time, energy, and resources into?
    With the retro dynamic: The old ways don’t work anymore, time to transform and renew.

    * NEPTUNE retro in PI:
    Letting go of overwhelm (of the separate, disconnected Self), and surrendering in Oneness. When we tap into the Field of Union / Love, there’s flow, and there’s ‘only one of us here’.NEPTUNE in PI has been this Spring and Summer in a ‘Saving Grace’ Water Trine with JUPITER in SCO (will be once more exact, on Aug 19):  As we dive into what might be uncomfortable at first we discover hidden treasures that transform us for the better.
    Of course, all this transpersonal, transformational, transcendent energy is a great foundation and ‘funnels’ (the YOD) into Living from LOVE.
    Rumi sums it up so beautifully:



  • The PSE comes right after the 08 / 08 mid-LEO / mid-Summer ‘Gate of Power’ where energy concentrates and emanates:
    The LEO Power to LOVE. ❤


  • Plus, 08 / 08 was the day of SIRIUS the ‘Dog Star’ (brightest star in the Dog constellation Canis Major, and in the night sky!) rising again before the SUN – the ‘Heliacal Rising’ (Helios = SUN in Greek)!
    REbirth of the Spiritual SUN!



  • Synchronistically with SIRIUS Rising on 08 / 08 was also the half-way point of MERCURY retro, a.k.a. ‘Point of Enlightening Insight’, where MERCURY retro stepped behind the SUN – which you can also see in the chart below.
    Up to then, with MERCURY ahead of the SUN in the Zodiac, the mind (MERCURY) could have easily run the show.
    Purpose of each MERCURY retro phase is to ‘lasso’ the monkey mind a.k.a. MERCURY in, and let Spirit, Consciousness, and the Heart (represented by the SUN) direct again, and the mind be in its service.

    This half-way point with the MERCURY – SUN conjunction is also a ‘New MERCURY’ (like New Moon) – a new way of communicating with Love (LEO), starting from the inside-out.


  • Speaking of MERCURY retro:
    The PSE in LEO CAT-alyzes the Retro Record peak of SEVEN Planets now (until Aug 18 when MERCURY goes direct again)!

    RETRO Record Summer 2018 – Resourcing from Within
    This Summer (esp. July / Aug), we’re called to go backwards / inwards, to REsolve and RElease, esp. when it comes to old low and unconscious perhaps karmically ‘inherited’ vibrations of…MERCURY in LEO (retro July 25 – Aug 18):
    Old mental patterns that revolve around oneself, perhaps in narcissistic ways.

    MARS in AQ (retro June 26 – Aug 27 – back into late CAP):
    Old ego and societal patterns that divide and isolate us from friends, community, and humanity.

    SATURN in CAP (retro Apr 17 – Sept 6):
    Old REpetitive patterns, karma, blocks and obstacles, through being stuck in (self) judgment, taking too much on, carrying too much, being the scapegoat.

    CHIRON in AR (retro July 4 – Dec 8 – back into late PI):
    Old stressful survival mode wounds.

    URANUS in TAU (retro Aug 7 – Jan 7, 2019 – back into late AR):
    Old attachments and sticky habits that prevent our true freedom.

    NEPTUNE in PI (retro June 18 – Nov 24):
    Old overwhelm, confusion, delusions, addictions, feeling victimized, and ways of ‘checking out’ and giving up.

    PLUTO in CAP (retro Apr 22 – Sept 30):
    Old (outer and inner) powers that oppress and abuse, old control patterns.

    …and find through the release from the ‘inside’ more conscious vibrations of:

    Expressing and showing ourselves lovingly, passionately, creatively, and heart-fully.

    MARS in AQ / CAP:
    Building in Community. Together we’re stronger.

    SATURN in CAP:
    Standing in our Authority, prioritizing what matters most, and working with our Best.

    CHIRON in AR / PI:
    The ‘wound’ carries the Medicine. We’re suffering the wounds of the collective, and heal when we surrender and are authentic.

    URANUS in TAU / AR:
    Embodied Liberation into the vibrant NOW Presence.

    NEPTUNE in PI:
    Dropping into Unity Consciousness, in the Unified Field.

    PLUTO in CAP:
    Empowered by and for Evolution.


Voila, here is the cosmic map of the

LEO New Moon 2018 / Partial Solar Eclipse

The New Moon will be exact at 2:58 am PDT, and the height of the Eclipse at 3:02 am PDT.


Can you see the LEO concentration, and the YOD to the New Moon, plus all the 7 Retro Planets?

Lots of fixed energy, in TAU, LEO, SCO, and AQ. Don’t get pulled into personal power dynamics, and channel the energy into natural power-that-IS.

Also, there are two exact T-Squares now, channeled through the Eclipse New Moon:

To URANUS retro in TAU from the Nodal Axis (still on until the end of the year!), this month accentuated also through MARS retro and LILITH in early AQ:
Awakening from old collective, separative, competitive group consciousness, and into Heart Love.
Remove yourself from systems that fight other systems or carry inner battle-over-territory energy, and continue to feed the wheel of karma, and channel the energy into loving creativity.

To SATURN retro, from VENUS in LI (was exact Aug 9, now fading) and CHIRON retro in AR (on for the rest of Aug): 
Integrating the teachings of how the Medicine comes with the wound, and when ‘rejection’ / frustration happens in relationships it’s often just ‘not a good match’. Notice judgment. Finding our Balance in what might look like a Battle. What would Integrity, Wisdom, and the Ancient Ones say and do?


Johfra Bosschart Leo

The SUN Rules LEO – Painting by Johfra Bosschart


LEO rules the fiery Solar Plexus (just take a look at that glorious SUN Lion on the JB picture!), the Heart Chakra, and the Crown Chakra.

En-coeur-aging us to radiate powerful strength, to express from your beautiful Heart, and to BE in our SoUlar Cosmic Consciousness!
All these Chakras get lit up now – and bright Summer sunlight clearly helps too 🙂

LEO’s all-time motto:
LIVE LIFE LOVINGLY guides us in this!

The LEO Super NEW MOON PSE catalyzes that energy – a Seed is planted.

First ‘sprouting’ can be seen at the PI – VIR FULL MOON close to NEPTUNE in PI, on Aug 26:
When we do Spiritual Practice (PI – VIR) and let Love flow (PI) it naturally channels into Service (VIR).

Blessings for a Heart-full LEO New Moon PSE Season and Seed Energy!


Would you like to join our Cosmic Circles?
Always with Love and Joy present!

Check out the upcoming ones, posted on my Astro FB Page.
The circles are intimate, so that everyone is being seen (LEO) and met.


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month, at the occasion of the 18th anniversary of my Astrology practice!
Come on over, or let’s meet online, for a substantially discounted Astro session (11% – 22% – 33%, depending on how long you’ve been my client). And let your friends know!


ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
Our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!

* SIRIUS is RISING on 08 / 08 * REbirth of the Spiritual SUN!

8 Aug



Two Winters ago, I saw SIRIUS through a friend’s telescope, and felt immediately connected to the bright blue star.

On 08 / 08, SIRIUS a.k.a. The Dog Star (brightest star in the Dog constellation), a.k.a. The Scorcher, will rise again, before the SUN!
Hot Dog Days of SUMMER are on NOW, and we’ve certainly had an ‘extra dose’ of scorching heat lately, with wildfires starting.


Synchronistically with SIRIUS Rising, today 08 / 08 is also the half-way point of MERCURY retro, a.k.a. ‘Point of Enlightening Insight’ where MERCURY retro steps behind the SUN.
Thus far, with MERCURY ahead of the SUN, the mind (MERCURY) could have easily run the show.

Hardly any astrologers talk about this:
Purpose of each MERCURY retro phase is to ‘lasso’ the monkey mind a.k.a. MERCURY in, and let Spirit, Consciousness, and the Heart (represented by the SUN) direct again, and the mind be in its service.
This half-way point with the MERCURY – SUN conjunction is also a ‘New Mercury’ (like New Moon) – a new way of communicating with Love (LEO), starting from the inside-out.



Sirius Dog Star


SIRIUS the ‘Dog Star’ is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major, ‘the Dog’ and in fact brightest star in the night sky(!)

Please find an excellent description here and here.

SIRIUS now RISING again before the SUN is called the ‘Heliacal Rising’ (Helios = SUN in Greek), this year on 08 / 08 (which is also the 08 / 08 ‘Lion’s Gate’ – the Centre of the fixed signs, TAU, LEO, SCO, and AQ, are Gates of Power)…
…while hot LEO Days (‘DOG DAYS of Summer’) are here, in the Northern Hemisphere.



Walk with your Cat or / and Dog friend, (not only) under the conjunction of the SUN in LEO the Lion, with SIRIUS the Dog Star! 🙂


A special treat and invitation awaits you and your dog(!) again this year, at this fine occasion: 
Welcome to * You and Your Star-Dog @ Sirius Rising on 08 / 08 THU see the FB event.
Last minute registration (well, until 1 pm) welcome!

When SIRIUS the brightest star in the night sky re-appears before the SUN at dawn it’s the time for the ‘Spiritual SUN’, or Heart of our physical SUN to be REborn.

Well, always a good time to RE-connect with the Spiritual SUN…


Isis Papyrus

Egyptian Goddess Isis


Ancient Egypt honoured the yearly reappearance of SIRIUS which announced the flooding of the Nile and the Goddess Isis, heavenly wife of Osiris, and Mother of Horus.

Blessings for the SIRIUS Initiation to our Spiritual SUN! 


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month, at the occasion of the 18th anniversary of my Astrology practice!
Come on over, or let’s meet online, for a substantially discounted (11% – 22% – 33%, depending on how long you’ve been my client) Astro session. And let your friends know!


ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
Our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!

Balance is Beautiful. VENUS ‘Evening Star’ enters LIBRA on Aug 6 (until Sept 9, plus: Oct 31 – Dec 2, due to VENUS retro, Oct 5 – Nov 16)

5 Aug

The Birth of Venus by Botticelli

VENUS Love Goddess makes a move from VIRGO into her ‘domain’ of LIBRA – ahhh!

VENUS in VIRGO (since July 9) has attracted lots of themes (if not problems) to ‘work on’ and bring into alignment and healing – to be in wholeness.
Which also means: self sufficiency, and not ‘needing’ a partner. 

From this place, attraction is based on complementariness, rather than co-dependency. 
With or without ‘significant other’ relationship, VENUS in LIBRA invites us to bring harmony, balance, and beauty into our lives.


Freshly in LIBRA, VENUS will have ‘dates’ with 4 cuspy / early-sign retro Archetypes all within 3 days, Aug 7 – 9:
MARS retro in AQ, CHIRON retro in AR, URANUS retro in TAU (ruled by VENUS), and SATURN retro in CAP.

VENUS in LIBRA trine MARS retro in AQ.
Stepping away from social conditioning that creates unnecessary conflict attracts better matches.

AUG 8 – 8-8 / SIRIUS Rising.
VENUS in LI opp. CHIRON in AR.
Yes, you can be in peace and harmony AND authentic.

VENUS in LIBRA quincunx URANUS retro in TAU, and square SATURN retro in CAP.
‘Nice’ and charming isn’t always the answer. Free yourself from bullying, stand by your values, and in your integrity, but don’t be too rigid and judgmental either. Keep it simple.

Love, Peace, Harmony, and right Relationship can help balance lots of old, long-standing issues…
Yet don’t get too much drawn into their / old agenda – otherwise VENUS retro has to sort it out again this Fall…


Yes, VENUS will be for a long time in LIBRA and SCORPIO this Fall and early Winter since she’ll go retro from Oct 5 to Nov 16 (from mid-SCO back to late LI, the ‘Alchemy Point’).
VENUS is now ‘Evening Star’ (setting after the SUN), which also has a LIBRA ‘undertone’, showing us, we can make our life and self-worth a lot about other people (comparing ourselves, etc…). 
The VENUS retro phase (every 1 1/2 years) will help us come back to our own self-value. Which often starts with: re-evaluating relationships…
Inner Goddess re-emerging.

If this intrigues you stay tuned for a Special VENUS Retro Parlour early Oct. 

Of course, I’d be honoured to visit your VENUS retro themes with you already before, in private session.


Blessings for the VENUSian Infusion!


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month, at the occasion of the 18th anniversary of my Astrology practice!
Come on over, or let’s meet online, for a substantially discounted (11% – 22% – 33%, depending on how long you’ve been my client) Astro session. And let your friends know!


ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
Our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!

Your True Nature is FREE – LILITH enters AQ on Aug 6 (until May 4, 2019), and URANUS goes retro on Aug 7.

3 Aug

LILITH, the Archetype of the ‘Wild Woman’, or rather ‘Unconditioned Nature’ will enter Freedom loving AQUARIUS on Aug 6 –
…while URANUS, the ruling Planet of AQ is being squared by MARS (exact Aug 1), and goes retro on Aug 7 – whoa!

Dramatic Lightning through the Clouds (Photographer unknown)

URANUS, the Archetype of the Awakener and Liberator ‘sitting’ in stationary (unsettling!) mode on the ‘Settling Point’ in early TAU throughout July while in square with MARS which is presently retro in URANUS ruled AQ (exact / culminating on AUG 1) – a ‘double whammy’.

It’s been indeed an erratic zigzag course of slow and stagnant ‘sitting on things’, mixed with sudden break-outs / breakthroughs which can also erupt as accidents.

MARS – URANUS brings sudden ways of disrupting old defunct energy, and perhaps release Martian anger. 
Remember, URANUS is innovative and MARS finds a way for the energy to be released – like a flash of lightning…

Ultimately, it’s about FREEDOM:
URANUS in TAU disrupts our old attachments to certain ‘comfort traps’ that prevent us from being free.

Now, as of Aug 7, URANUS joins the club of retro planets, and makes it a record of SEVEN (MERCURY, MARS, SATURN, CHIRON, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO) in the first half of August.

With so much cosmic RETRO energy we’re called to go backwards / inwards, for REsolve and RElease, esp. when it comes to old low and unconscious perhaps karmically ‘inherited’ vibrations.
Check out my blog post about the RETRO Record Summer for the particulars.

With URANUS in early TAU going retro (Aug 7 – Jan 7) we might re-visit our inner less attached and freer Self from the past, and find the place inside that’s free, independent of Taurean security. And we’re called to find freedom in the physically embodied self (and don’t need to ‘check out’ to be free).

URANUS will on its retro trip and over the Winter go back into ARIES (where it’s been since March 2011 until Apr 2018) to show us how new approaches to a situation and seeing it in a fresh, new light can be so liberating and surprising (btw: life never turns out how we expect it to….).

Bottom line: URANUS in TAU / AR:
Embodied Liberation into the vibrant NOW Presence.


What’s LILITH got to do with it?

You bet LILITH and URANUS are buddies.

LILITH has a 9-year cycle, and hasn’t been in AQ since Oct 2009 – June 2010 (last phase).
‘She’ travels 9 month in one sign – a ‘pregnancy phase’ to cultivate intrinsic qualities of that Zodiac energy, through / in our True, Free, unconditioned Nature.
And by the way, ‘she’ never goes retro.


Ancient Sumerian Lilith Relief


Quick re-CAP, for the context:

LILITH in ‘traditional Astrology’ represents the wild and free inner Feminine. ‘She’ is a force of Nature, and relies on ‘her’ inner natural knowing.
Under LILITH in CAP over the last 9 months since Nov 2017, we’ve seen countless BS regarding Integrity and ‘mature Leadership’. Our instinctual Nature knows when something doesn’t smell good / sit well, and we need to walk away / find our Freedom.

‘She’ fiercely resists being conditioned, subordinated, disrespected, and ‘used’, in societal, patriarchal ways, in terms of what a woman (and: Nature) is ‘supposed to be’, as defined by patriarchal values.

SATURN now (also) retro in CAP advises us to not give authority away, and source it from within.
We’re responsible for our lives. Done with guilt and ‘shoulds’, taking too much on, feeling resentful… you name it. Heavy, heavy stuff. Lighten the load!
LILITH in CAP has also shown us to be quite ZEN about things, and cultivate simplicity beyond complexity.
The main alignment for LILITH in CAP was the MARS – PLUTO – LILITH alignment in CAP this May – when Mt. Kilauea erupted, and the Earth Mother showed her power.… still in process…


‘Wild Woman’ LILITH is shifting Zodiac energies (only every 9 months), as ‘she’ enters Freedom loving AQ, on Aug 5 / 6). 



LILITH in AQ – Our True Nature is FREE.

Integrity & Simplicity (CAP) leads to Freedom (AQ).

Throughout Aug and Sept until early Oct, LILITH and MARS are travelling super close to each other and to the Lunar South Node, on the ‘Community Builder’ / ‘Prometheus Point’ (CAP / AQ) – see chart below.

LILITH gets a MARtian boost (exact alliances Aug 10 & Oct 2), to process anger and turn it into dynamic action, esp. related to society and humanity. Release draining, imbalanced associations, and engage in groups and with people where there’s Integrity & Freedom.
With the Lunar North Node in LEO, best to start with LOVE, and connect from there.

Socially speaking, this can lead to different, new, Heart ‘upgraded’ friendships, and community / social / cooperative alliances that are based on fairness, reciprocity, equality and… freedom! 
Wouldn’t work otherwise… since intrinsically freedom loving LILITH would be out of it.

Ultimately, ‘wild’ LILITH represents our True, ‘Wild’ and unconditioned / unconditional Inner Nature that’s always FREE.


Here’s the chart for LILITH’s entry into AQ!

Since I couldn’t find info about the exact time on Aug 6, I experimented, and found 11 pm PDT  worked best.


See the PLUTO / LILITH / MARS / South Node cluster from late CAP to early AQ?
That’s where a lot happens these ‘days’ / months! (LILITH, MARS, South Node) / years! (PLUTO), reflecting the death and transformation of the ‘Old World’, with lots of shadow coming to the surface in the process, and re-purposing of the energy into what’s more evolved.

LILITH moving into AQ also indicates a shift from dysfunctional old systems (AQ South Node – lined up with LILITH on Sept 18) to better communities – as we follow our Heart (LEO) and connect with good people to collaborate and team up with, and build the New and Alternative together.

LILITH on the CAP / AQ cusp will meet up / trade places with MARS twice, on Aug 10 (under MARS retro), plus again post MARS retro, on Oct 2.
LILITH is also very close to the Lunar South Node in AQ (exact alignment on Sept 18).
Basically, the trio of LILITH / MARS / South Node cruises together from Aug to early Oct, plus it squares URANUS in early TAU (exact for LILITH on Aug 28).
Lots of wild and crazy yet also wildly liberating and high frequency energy in the atmosphere / astrosphere.


LILITH in AQ will also go into ‘square dance’ with VENUS in SCO three times, before, during, and after VENUS’s retro journey ‘into the underworld’ this Fall:
On Sept 16 (VENUS direct), Oct 17 (VENUS retro – Oct 5 – Nov 16), and Dec 23 (VENUS direct).

Uhhh, that sounds like a juicy dynamic, shifting what others / society (VENUS ‘Evening Star’ before retro) deems beautiful and attractive to finding our intrinsic value (VENUS ‘Morning Star’) and freedom from deep within.
Imagine the freedom that ensues from fully valuing yourself.


LILITH in YOUR chart…

…shows the area where and how YOU need to be in tune with YOUR nature.
I.o.w., which areas of life trigger that (money, children, relationships, travel, career…) and in what way (sign, and aspects to other planets).

So, give the inner AQ LILITH a good outlet in the next 9 months, and be in the authentic Freedom!
It’s Your Life and the world needs YOU!

On a spiritual level, the LILITH in AQ shows us:
Our True Nature is always unconditionally FREE.

If you have SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets in AQ…
…and for all of us, where AQ is in our charts, this is the 9-month ‘pregnancy’ phase to cultivate being FREE in our True Self


In an esoteric sense, the CAP / AQ cusp is also the ‘Lightworker and Ascended Masters Point’.
Maybe LILITH  / MARS in AQ shows how angelic / light warriors are active and around us – reminding us: We ARE the Light!

If you have an Aquarian side in you it gets ‘lilified’, and infused with untameable and indomitable Spirit.

Let’s come together, on Day ONE of LILITH in AQ,
in our Special Astro Parlour:

LILITH into AQ (Aug 6, 2018 – May 4, 2019) – 
Your True Nature is FREE.

7:07 – 9:39 PM PDT
Join us in person, or online via zoom, from your home or holiday

We’ll invoke and welcome LILITH’s entry into AQ, and discuss how to be best aligned with it, for the upcoming 9 months, customized for your astrological themes.

Relevant esp. for all of you with a strong LILITH in your chart, or SUN, MOON, AC, MC or planets in AQ, or in the other fixed signs TAU, LEO, and SCO. In doubt, I can check for you.

If you’d like to join this focused LILITH Workshop please register via email (to, with your complete birth info (date, time, place). Welcome!
If you don’t have your birth time we can muscle test it!
I’m available for your preliminary questions too, of course.

Please find the curriculum of classes and workshops in more detail here,
and current ones on my FB Page.


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month, at the occasion of the 18th anniversary of my Astrology practice!
Come on over, or let’s meet online, for a substantially discounted (11% – 22% – 33%, depending on how long you’ve been my client 😉 ) Astro session. And let your friends know!


ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
Our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!