Archive | August, 2017

VENUS in LEO (Aug 25 – Sept 19) – Shine, Celebrate, Show your Mane, and: LIVE LIFE LOVINGLY!

26 Aug

What a weekend!

SATURN direct now, passed by LILITH.
MERCURY retro half-way Point of Enlightening Insight.

Lady VENUS has entered the LEO domain – meowy roarrr!

Practiced a few pouncing jumps on my Yoga mat this morning, to honour MARS and now also VENUS in LEO 🙂

Lioness Hanging Out

Don’t be shy, SHINE!

Show Time, Glow & Glamour Time…

And esp.: Show your LOVE!


Rather than… being too self enamored, narcissistic, a high maintenance / spoiled brat (the shadow sides of LEO that everyone else BUT the LEO sees, hilarious actually…).

VENUS will be in LEO until SEPT 19, adding to the Summer Radiance – and FIRE until Summer turns into Fall, on the Equinox Day of Sept 22.

What’s ‘she’ up to during her ‘cat walk’ in LEO?
Whom / which other Archetypes does ‘she’ go into contact with, sizzlingly so, while in LEO?

Nothing sharp and edgy.
Mainly fun and games.
Even an enticing con-incentive from VENUS and the North Node in their union mid-Sept, to be more in LEO mode of
LIVING LIFE LOVINGLY, and showing ourselves Heart-fully (vs. just ‘watching the show and drama’ of others, in depleting AQ mode).

VENUS will even go into Grand FIRE Trine (yep, the one we had with the Total SOLAR ECLIPSE & MARS this week), Sept 12 – 17.
Together with LILITH ahead of SATURN in SAG, and URANUS in AR.

This bodes well for a Heart-fully passionate and creative month!



If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships.
AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month in my Astrology practice – celebrating its 17th anniversary – with substantial discounts on consultation sessions – 10 – 50%!
The longer ago you had your first session the less you pay in August! 🙂 .
But even as a newbie you get 10% off this month!
Still ON until AUG 31.
Treat Yourself – LEO style!


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
In a world of online offers, our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!




Day of Enlightening IN-Sight – ‘New MERCURY’. Mind aligned with Consciousness and Creative Spirit.

26 Aug
MERCURY retro is half-way today!
Which means: The SUN is ahead of MERCURY again!
In other words, the MERCURY Mind has been ‘lassoed in’, and is not leading the Show anymore.
‘Old stories’ (which the first half of M-r, called ‘Epimethean’ phase has brought up) turn at this ‘Point of Enlightening Insight’ into New Vision and Creativity from the Heart (in the ‘Promethean’ phase of M-r).
Lighter, and freer from the grasp of the Mind which is in its proper place again, of being an instrument and tool (speaking VIRGO language, where MERCURY and the SUN are).This is the whole point of each MERCURY Retro period:
To bring the Mind again into alignment (esp. now in VIRGO) with Consciousness.

‘Golden Boy’ with wheat sheaves (very Mercury in Virgo) and torch (hmm, also Promethean), on top of the MB Legislature in Winnipeg.

Plus: URANUS, the Planet associated with Prometheus, and Awakener Archetype is – clearly 🙂 – so strong this month, since it turned directions on AUG 2, on the cusp from ARIES to almost-TAURUS.
It will enter TAU next year, quite a shift, after 7 years in AR.
URANUS can rattle and shake us, shock and disrupt, is a wake-up call, and ultimately a Call for AWAKENING.

Any exciting and enlightening breakthroughs for YOU today / these days?

Esp. around what all the ‘old stories’ that Mind is telling you have to do with? And how Spirit responds?

Where / how does the creative Spirit shake you up to be fresh and new and YOU?!


This is to RE-alizing that Mind is like the clouds passing by like a curtain in front of the Blue Sky of Consciousness!
Yet don’t look at the SUN directly! 🙂 – it’s within anyway!


If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships.
AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month in my Astrology practice – celebrating its 17th anniversary – with substantial discounts on consultation sessions – 10 – 50%!
The longer ago you had your first session the less you pay in August! 🙂 .
But even as a newbie you get 10% off this month!
Still ON until AUG 31.


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
In a world of online offers, our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!


LILITH Passed SATURN on AUG 22: Outgrowing ‘Obstacles’ on the Path, with Our True Authentic NATURE!

24 Aug

Besides the Total Solar ECLIPSE, this is also a LILITH shift week and month, as ‘she’ takes flight, out of SATURN’s ring /cage.


Ancient Sumerian Lilith Relief, with Owls & Lionesses – ‘her’ Entourage. ‘She’s a clawed and winged one herself, strong and wise – feared by those whom she ‘triggers’.

The ECLIPSE that gets all the attention (SO LEO), yet it’also a strong LILITH – SATURN week and month: 

LILITH just met and passed SATURN on AUG 22!
…which is a major ‘game changer’ (compounding with the Eclipse), and only happens every 12 1/2 years – last time was in FEB 2005 in CANCER.

A ‘wildly Feminine’, or rather Instinctual Energy on its Fly-bye (and perhaps waves bye-bye) to the Archetype of Authority.

In its SAG shadow (one of SATURN’s jobs is to reveal the shadow, and have us work through it) SATURN shows up as a saboteur of inspiration, a linear, judgmental, righteous, dogmatic ‘boss’ / patriarch that takes the FUN out of SAG, and replaces it with FEAR.

Yep, the inner and outer SATURN gets also symbolically ‘eclipsed’, or at least passed, in ‘Wild SAG Flight / Ride’ by LILITH who will from now on take the lead for quite a while, while SATURN follows.

A new 12 1/2 year LILITH / SATURN cycle started – now in late SAG – the realm of the Nature-Ally Wise Ones. May they / WE speak UP and lead ON, from the HEART!

Time to go beyond being blocked, caged in, and held back by old stories, paradigms, labels, dogmas, and beliefs that have (even historically) produced patterns of fear from moving forward, and fear of ‘the foreign’ / ‘the other’.

Perhaps we’ve over-compensated, by living a narrow trajectory of expectations, judgments, and projections of negativity, coming up with ‘game plans’ to control (and prevent) what SAG is really about: Trusting in the journey, the adventure of LIFE itself, and to follow our Heart.

Well, SATURN has definitely taught us a lot about all this, in the last 2 years since it’s been in SAG (until Dec 19, 2017) and recently retro, pushing us to be ‘done with inner obstacles on the journey’, such as old limiting beliefs, or at least to unburden ourselves from a big part of it.


Owl Freeing

  • Where and how have we let ourselves be kept small, caged in, and prevented from growing, and living in the fullness of our truth and our path?


SATURN is also having a ‘Change of Heart’ or at least, a change of direction, from inward-retro to outward-direct (on Aug 25) – but can’t catch up with LILITH who’s leading now.

Hopefully (and likely painfully so) we would have experienced in the SATURN retro phase since early APRIL how Fear can hold us back.
A Yoga teacher this week mentioned these two acronyms for F.E.A.R.:
Fear Everything And Run.
Face Everything And Rise.
Both very apropos SATURN in SAG.
And there’s always:
False Evidence Appearing Real (perhaps my favourite one).

SATURN reto would have also shown us how it’s legit to trust intuition and inner guidance, and not move forward if appropriate.
SATURN retro to direct is an inner ‘wrap-up’ of walking around with blinders on (either too focused on something that’s just not realistic, or not seeing what’s possible / lacking perspective). Now we hopefully know more. Yet, don’t let your knowing turn into dogma.

With LILITH moving past SATURN, things are shifting, and our ‘Inner Wildness’, i.o.w.:


Our intrinsically Free and Happy (no ‘pursuit of happiness’ needed) True Nature leads us onward, on the Path, with heartful inspiration and radical inner trust.

The Grand FIRE Trine theme in the LILITH / SATURN in late SAG (the ‘Integrity Point’ of the Zodiac) says: Claim Intrinsic AUTHORITY.
See my blog post re: Grand Fire Trine activations.

Can’t hurt to invoke their Archetypes. Hint: SATURN likes ritual (putting intention into form).

“The Truth Shall set You FREE” is another LILITH – SATURN in SAG theme.
Truth about what???
Clues can be found in late SAG in your, or in a relationship’s / organization’s / city’s / country’s chart.

For the U.S., that’s in the country’s first house of identity.
LILITH / SATURN at 21° SAG exactly oppose the U.S. MARS at 21°22 GEM in their 7th house of ‘significant others’, i.o.w. other countries and individuals the country is partners or opponents with – who face them, and whom the country dialogues with.

“Why are there all these enemies to the State/s and within the State/s now?”
“In whom or what can we / they trust?” (SAG)?!


Welcome to the LILITH LIBERATION AstroParlour, next WED AUG 30! (in person or online participation possible)

As we INVOKE and EVOKE the ARCHETYPES we set them FREE, and invite their gifts, in group synergy.

Naturally, we explore where the LILITH / SATURN passage shows up for YOU personally, and how YOU can ride this wave of FREEDOM.

Come if you hear the CALL of the WILD!

Blessings to You and ALL, for the Change!

Let’s stay HEARTful, and well guided on our Path!


If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships.
AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month in my Astrology practice – celebrating its 17th anniversary – with substantial discounts on consultation sessions – 10 – 50%!
The longer ago you had your first session the less you pay in August! 🙂 .
But even as a newbie you get 10% off this month!
Still ON until AUG 31.


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
In a world of online offers, our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!



RE-Post: AUG 21 2017 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE end of LEO, over the U.S.A. on the ‘SPHINX POINT’, and close to REGULUS, the ‘Heart of the LION’.

20 Aug

Dear REader,
in case it escaped you (MERCURY retro’s ON, after all) – I’m RE-posting and adding to the part of the Total Solar Eclipse from the August 2017 is Big Time ECLIPSE Month post.


AUG 21 2017 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE end of LEO, over the U.S.A. on the ‘SPHINX POINT’, and close to REGULUS, the ‘Heart of the LION’.

Total Solar Eclipse with ‘Diamond Ring’ effect

The path of the TSE will cross centrally over the U.S.A. (Northwest / OR to Southeast / SC).

The TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE Effects are clearly related to the United States, and to everything that emanates from the U.S. who themselves declared / ‘owned’ it as the Great American Eclipse – so American… “make Eclipse great again???!”


Definitely a spectacle to view (Eclipse show a la LEO?) – yet:

What are the deeper and longer term implications of this ‘cosmic event’?
Astrology (literally: language  of the stars) helps us reveal the themes:


LEO Constellation, with Regulus, the Heart of the Lion,

The TSE will be at the end of LEO, the ‘SPHINX POINT’, in transition to VIRGO, and close to the fixed star REGULUS ‘Heart of the Lion’, and brightest star in LEO!

This is where the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse / LEO – AQ FULL MOON of Feb 10 was (just 3 weeks after Trump’s inauguration).

Did you know? Trump was born on June 14, 1946 –  the DAY of a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE (just 3 1/2 hrs before totality!) I’ll show his chart below.

According to EarthSky, “A series of monthly lunar occultations of REGULUS (i.o.w. a series of  Eclipses of REGULUS by the MOON) started on DEC 18, 2016, and will continue to take place until the series’ conclusion on APR 24, 2018.”
Interesting… DEC 19, 2016 was the day when the U.S. Electoral College voted for Trump, in the ‘winner takes it all’ plurality per state fashion that received a lot of controversial attention, given the shocking result (ha, URANUS was end of DEC also turning direction) – plus, MERCURY went retro in mid-CAP next to PLUTO the same day, DEC 19!
Note: MERCURY will be retro during the TSE (MERCURY retro starts on AUG 12 and goes until SEPT 5, 2017).

Here is the whole line-up of REGULUS Occultations by the MOON – monthly, from the EarthSky page:

1. DEC 18, 2016
2. JAN 15, 2017
3. FEB 11, 2017
4. MARCH 10, 2017
5. APR 12, 2017
6. MAY 4, 2017
7. MAY 31, 2017
8. JUNE 28, 2017
9. JULY 25, 2017
10. AUG 21, 2017
11. SEPT 18, 2017
12. OCT 15, 2017
13. NOV 11, 2017
14. DEC 8, 2017
15. JAN 5, 2018
16. FEB 1, 2018
17. MARCH 1, 2018
18. MARCH 28, 2018
19. APR 24, 2018

Exactly midway through the occultation series – on AUG 21, 2017 – the MOON occults = eclipses REGULUS on the same date that it totally eclipses the SUN on REGULUS.

This is very significant for the U.S. and their current president whose MARS / AC is at the end of LEO / REGULUS!
See Trump’s chart below.

Io.w. the Martian / REGULUS LEO Rulership appearance / persona of Trump gets overshadowed / eclipsed by the late LEO MOON once a MONTH (ha, like a menstrual cycle), when the MOON in late LEO passes in front of REGULUS. 

This cycle started just the day before he was sanctioned by the EC., then 5 days before his inauguration, then monthly when the MOON was late LEO until APR 24, 2018, culminating half-way with the TSE on AUG 21 – what a symmetry!
One could research and follow the dates and respective Trump effects (well, there are soo many!).
I’d say, at least at the first two occultations true ‘kingly’ ‘lionhearted’ Rulership got overshadowed / showed up in shadowy ways.
Let’s see what the TSE occultation brings.

The Fixed Star REGULUS at 29°53′ LEO has the following traditional connotations:
The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence. Said by some to be the most benefic star in the universe.
Here’s an extensive description of REGULUS –  the drawing of the LEO constellation above is also from that page.

REGULUS, astrologically positioned at the very end of LEO, in transition to VIR where the theme is: The King / Queen is the first servant of the state (Frederick the Great coined this term) –
Rather than ‘staying stuck in LEO mode’ a la “L’Etat c’est moi!” – quote by the ‘Sun King’ Roi Soleil Louis XIV.
The current U.S. president is under scrutiny in this regard.



Sphinx on the Giza Plateau – Photo by Melanie, Egypt Journey Nov 2010


The LEO / VIR transition, as addressed many times on this ‘channel’, is also known as the ‘SPHINX POINT’, or Self Awareness Point in the Zodiac.

Here, the vibrant, self radiant, self enamored LEO energy reflects upon itself, and becomes aware of who s/he is, and what s/he can do for others.

The ‘SPHINX POINT’ is an Initiation from ‘being chosen’,  ‘special’,  ‘privileged’, ‘being King / Queen’ to becoming a Priest/ess, who offers sacred service. A transition from the ‘palace’ to the ‘temple’. And as it’s been said: The King is the first servant of the State.

If you have Planets, SUN, MOON, Nodes on the ‘SPHINX POINT’ their Archetypes guide you through this Initiation to being of service in your life.

It starts with self reflection and self awareness “Who am I?”, from which follows the notion to extend ourselves to others:
“How can I do what I love and what inspires me creatively?” “What can I do for others?” , “What are my strengths, what am I naturally good at that would help others?”, “How can I put my love into service?”.

The TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE is a ‘RE-SET’ of the theme on the ‘SPHINX POINT’ and REGULUS, i.o.w., we are all, president, Queen, King, or not, called to bring our LOVE, our LION HEART, and our Strengths into Service.
What is it that calls YOU?


Here is the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE chart for Victoria BC: 

The NEW MOON will be at 11:30 am, the maximum Eclipse at 11:21 am PDT, as noted on the chart.
We’ll be able here in Victoria to see 90% of the SUN disk occulted by the MOON, and the total Eclipse time takes 2 1/2 hrs, from 9:08 am to 11:37 am PDT.




Check this out:

MARS / Lunar North Node / SUN / MOON all end of LEO, and MERCURY Retro nearby (will meet the SUN on Aug 26), all round the ‘Sphinx Point’ / REGULUS.
A FIRE Trine to URANUS retro / stationary, at the very end of ARIES:
Can all this Ecliptic ‘reboot’ energy be channeled into major paradigm shifts, innovation, and inner liberation?!

Another FIRE Trine to LILITH / SATURN retro / stationary, grounding out the journey, and showing us our True Nature (LILITH) when it looks like “rien ne va plus” (SATURN in SAG).

FIRE is the predominant element (SUN, MOON, MARS, North Node, SATURN, LILITH, and URANUS, all in the 3 FIRE signs): So much stirred up – can it be expressed in passionate, creative ways? Things can really get rolling if we put intention and motivation behind them.


Who are the ‘Players’ in the Grand FIRE Trine? 
Well, more than half of the Astro Archetypes!

  • URANUS stationary retro at 29° AR – AUTONOMY:
    Set yourself FREE, and come alive (again).
  • MARS / North Node / MOON / SUN on the Sphinx Point – AGENCY (in AWARENESS) at 29° LEO:
    Do something that’s aligned for, and from your Self, from Self Awareness, and from the Spiritual Heart. After the re-boot, re-new and re-initiate your creative play. Be bright, alive, inspiring.
    The LEO Eclipse energy can be channeled through AQ on the other side of the spectrum:

    Your creativity feeds and inspires synergy in groups and humanity!
  • LILITH / SATURN retro stationary (going direct on AUG 25) at 21° SAG – AUTHORITY:
    Be the author of your ‘story’. Intentionally invite the best in everyone – in freedom!

SIX retrograde Planets (SATURN about to go direct, on Aug 25) – we’re also dealing with ‘unfinished business’ and recurring themes – many ‘inside jobs’.

MERCURY (until Sept 5), SATURN (until Aug 25), CHIRON, URANUS, NEPTUNE, and PLUTO (until Sept 28).

MERCURY retro in VIR (until Sept 5):
RE-considering what hadn’t been in the discussion in a while.
RE-entering the conversation, about what hadn’t been shared in a while, from a place of VIR awareness. Also a RE-fining tools, and discerning what serves / is practical and useful and what isn’t.

SATURN retro in SAG (goes direct on Aug 25):
Cropping and pruning where less is more.
Wrapping up inner limiting beliefs, world views, and ‘old stories’.
Catching the saboteur.

CHIRON retro in PI:
Why / when do I go into a mode of overwhelm?

What’s the re-curring wave of this?
How do I self-medicate with addictions?
How can I be there for others as for myself (esp. when I feel ungrounded)?

URANUS retro in AR (just turned retro on Aug 2 – Aug is quite a Uranian month):
Inner Liberation sets us FREE – unconditionally.

NEPTUNE retro in PI:
Inner and Universe-all Oneness  – you are never alone.

Not being in inner division and as the ONE – makes us immune to ‘Divide et Impera’ agenda.

PLUTO retro in CAP (goes direct on Sept 28):
Inner timelessness, call of the ancestors, inner mastery, and resource-full living.

Practically speaking, a better time to start a project when MERCURY and SATURN are out of retro & post-retro ‘storm’ – with the next Very VIRGO NEW MOON on SEPT 20.


Here is Trump’s chart.

He was born just 3 1/2 hrs before a Total Lunar Eclipse!


The TSE is right on his MARS / AC which is conj. REGULUS.

He also just had his 6th JUPITER return in LIBRA, and SATURN / LILITH are on his MOON / South Node in SAG / opp. his SUN / URANUS / North Node in GEMINI – ‘rien ne va plus’, re: shooting / tweeting from the hip? Roadblocks for his attitudes and wild and crazy unpredictability?

We shall see what this culmination of occultations brings to / through him (he surely is a catalyst to bring out the shadow of the establishment and system).



The U.S. chart (signature of the Declaration of Independence) looks like this:


Have you noticed?
end of AQ is right opposite the SOLAR ECLIPSE Point: “We The People….”


Blessings to You and ALL, for the Eclipse Season!


Let’s stay HEARTful, and connected in our HUMANITY!


If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships.
August is Client Appreciation Month in my Astrology practice – celebrating its 17th anniversary – with substantial discounts on consultation sessions – 10 – 50%!
The longer ago you had your first session the less you pay in August! 🙂 .
But even as a newbie you get 10% off this month!


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
In a world of online offers, our small, intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!




Total Solar ECLIPSE Initiation Aug 21. LILITH / SATURN Aug 22. Grand FIRE Trine: Autonomy – Agency – Authority.

19 Aug

Hey Cosmic Community, in Eclipse count-down!

SO much fiery charge is UP and around and within now, as we’re approaching THE Big Event very fast.
‘Not only’ is the Eclipse THE cosmic event of the year – definitely for the U.S.A. who even claim it as the ‘Great American Eclipse’, the only country on its Totality Path.
Just look at how fired-up the atmosphere (mirroring the astro-sphere) within and from the States is these days….!

The ecliptic New Moon – with fiery LEO MARS! – also creates a Grand Fire Trine which is ‘a good thing’, i.o.w. a growth opportunity in spirit-in-action. Where? How? Hang in, we’ll get to the specifics further down.

MERCURY retro (Aug 12 – Sept 5), now in full swing (moving faster backwards after the initial ‘U-turn’) brings Awareness and IN-sight, as a mindful witness, ob-serving the ‘Big Show’, RE-minding us to look at what we might have been blind-sighted by / to…

Lion Eye Covering

Blinded by the Light – of too much bling and ‘shiny objects / subjects’ that court for our attention, incl. narcissistic ‘selfie’ bling – this is the shadow of LEO.

A Solar Eclipse is quite simply, factually, a Light – Shadow – Light process.

The extra strong LEO Solar side and August SUN gets dramatically ‘occulted’ / overshadowed by the late LEO MOON, before LUNA moves on.

Lioness Energy stepping in front of Lion Presence….?
Let’s check out what that ecliptic process between SUN / MOON and Earth symbolizes… 
Heavens, give us signs! And they do…

An exact, super-duper NEW MOON, happening on the Initiation Point from LEO to VIRGO.
So much concentrated energy in all of this.


What a concentrated Eclipse Initiation Portal:

All within 27 hrs!
AUG 21:

  • Maximum Eclipse 11:21 am PDT (Occultation of the SUN by the MOON shadow starts at 9:08 am PDT)
  • NEW MOON at 11:30 am PDT, at 28° 52′ LEO.
  • The MOON crosses over the ‘Sphinx Point’ into VIR at 1:25 pm PDT.

Aug 22:

  • The SUN crosses over the ‘Sphinx Point’ into VIR at 3:20 pm PDT.

The fact that the MOON eclipses the SUN 9 min before the New Moon yet the NM is aligned with the North Node of the Moon (rather than South Node which was the ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse on Feb 26) gives it a ‘hybrid’ quality:
On one hand, the Eclipse occurs technically at the VERY end of the old lunar cycle, as the ‘Dark Moon’, and that’s about endings and release.
On the other hand, the connection of the Eclipse with the North Node of the Moon where fresh energy can be found, gives it an energy of ‘Incentive’ for uplifting, higher vibrational end-of-LEO qualities.

I.o.w., Self Awareness is the way to let-go, and to renew!
Who am I? How do I operate?
What’s working here, and what isn’t healthy and doesn’t serve – let go!

Crystal (Clear Quartz, Lemon Quartz, and Hematite) activated Voyager Tarot Card II – Priestess – Can you see the Sphinx on the right side? Crystal Activation and Photo by Melanie

Being in the Integrity of the Body-Mind-Spirit Temple, and evoking qualities of …

The Priestess perhaps, who calmly observes, and is in alignment. She owes that to herself as in: ‘Higher’ / ‘Cosmic’ Self, and to those whom she is in service to.

She sees the world as symbolic, an oracle. “See yourself in where your attention goes.” and, deeper: “You are THAT.”

Sounds a bit ‘lofty’ and ‘far out’?
Let’s bring some other flavours and voices of Astro Archetypes in that are very influential in the Eclipse energy!


Could the Grand Fire Trine be a SoUlution?

Definitely a ‘Divine Intervention Opportunity’ – which needs to be activated (otherwise it’s just ‘sitting there’ like money on the bank account).


Who are the ‘Players’ in the Grand FIRE Trine?
Well, more than half of the Astro Archetypes!

  • URANUS stationary retro at 29° ARAUTONOMY:
    Set yourself FREE, and come alive (again).
  • MARS / North Node / MOON / SUN on the Sphinx Point – AGENCY (in AWARENESS) at 29° LEO:
    Do something that’s aligned for, and from your Self, from Self Awareness, and from the Spiritual Heart. After the re-boot, re-new and re-initiate your creative play. Be bright, alive, inspiring.
    The LEO Eclipse energy can be channeled through AQ on the other side of the spectrum:

    Your creativity feeds and inspires synergy in groups and humanity!
  • LILITH / SATURN retro stationary (going direct on AUG 25) at 21° SAGAUTHORITY:
    Be the author of your ‘story’. And invite the best in everyone – in freedom!


Ancient Sumerian Lilith Relief, with Owls & Lionesses – ‘her’ Entourage. ‘She’s a clawed and winged one herself, strong and wise – feared by those who she ‘triggers’.

The ECLIPSE that gets all the attention (SO LEO), yet it’also a strong LILITH – SATURN week and month:

LILITH will meet and pass SATURN on AUG 22!
…which is also a major ‘game changer’, and only happens every 12 1/2 years – last time in FEB 2005 in CANCER.

A ‘wildly feminine’ / instinctual energy passing the Archetype of authority – which in its SAG shadow (one of SATURN’s jobs is to reveal the shadow, and have us work through it) shows up as a saboteur of inspiration, a linear, judgmental, righteous, dogmatic ‘boss’ / patriarch.

Yep, the inner and outer SATURN gets also symbolically ‘eclipsed’, or at least passed, in ‘Wild SAG Flight / Ride’ by LILITH who will from then on take the lead for quite a while, while SATURN follows.

A new 12 1/2 year LILITH / SATURN cycle starts – now in late SAG – the realm of the Wise Ones. May they speak UP and lead ON!

Why does that remind me of the ‘nasty woman’ quote? Well, LILITH was in SCO when it was directed towards Hillary who has a massive SCO concentration, mostly in her ‘collective’ 12th House…

For all of us, it’s time to go beyond being blocked, caged in, and held back by old stories, paradigms, labels, dogmas, and beliefs that have (even historically) produced patterns of fear from moving forward, and fear of ‘the foreign’ / ‘the other’.

Perhaps we’ve over-compensated, by living a narrow trajectory of expectations, judgments, and projections of negativity, coming up with ‘game plans’ to control (and prevent) what SAG is really about: Trusting in the journey, the adventure of LIFE itself, and to follow our Heart.

Well, SATURN has definitely taught us a lot about all this, in the last 2 years since it’s been in SAG (until Dec 19, 2017) and recently retro, pushing us to be ‘done with inner obstacles on the journey’, such as old limiting beliefs, or at least to unburden ourselves from a big part of it.


Owl Freeing

Where and how have we let ourselves be kept small, caged in, and prevented from growing, and living in the fullness of our truth and our path?

Besides the Total Solar ECLIPSE, this is also a LILITH shift week and month, as ‘she’ takes flight, out of SATURN’s ring /cage.

SATURN is also having a ‘Change of Heart’ or at least, a change of direction, from inward-retro to outward-direct (on Aug 25) – but can’t catch up with LILITH who’s leading now.

Hopefully (prob. painfully) we would have experienced in the SATURN retro phase since early Apr how fear can hold us back, and how it’s legit to not move forward based on intuition. Also: an inner ‘wrap-up’ of walking around with blinders on (either too focused on something that’s just not realistic, or not seeing what’s possible / lacking perspective). Now we hopefully know more. Yet, don’t let your knowing turn into dogma.

With LILITH moving past SATURN, things are shifting, and our ‘Inner Wildness’, i.o.w. our intrinsically free True Nature leads us on the path onward, with heartful inspiration and radical inner trust.

The Grand FIRE Trine theme courtesy of LILITH / SATURN in late SAG (the ‘Integrity Point’ of the Zodiac) says: Claim Intrinsic AUTHORITY, 
Can’t hurt to invoke their Archetypes. Hint: SATURN likes ritual (putting intention into form).

“The Truth Shall set You FREE” is another LILITH – SATURN in SAG theme.
Truth about what???
Clues can be found in late SAG in your, or in a relationship’s / organization’s / city’s / country’s chart.

For the U.S., that’s in the country’s first house of identity.
LILITH / SATURN at 21° SAG exactly oppose the U.S. MARS at 21°22 GEM in their 7th house of ‘significant others’, i.o.w. other countries and individuals the country is partners or opponents with – who face them, and whom the country dialogues with.

“Why are there all these enemies to the State/s and within the State/s now?”
“What does that have to do with the GEM SUN / URANUS Trumpotus / ‘precedent’?”
“What’s with all that rhetoric?”
“In whom or what can we / they trust?” (SAG)?!


Here’s the U.S. chart for Illustration:



The ‘Encounter Axis’ in SAG – GEM for the U.S. (Trump was born with the Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse on this axis!) brings up a few (may I understate) ‘inconvenient’ / shadowy issues to be discussed and brought to light.

Energetically / archetypally, the public figure of Trump is a catalyst who brings things into motion, the bad, the ugly, and perhaps through this ‘messy process’ the ‘good’, or neutrally put: the NEW that comes from it.

Why am I saying this?
This claimed ‘Great American’ TSE (and first Solar Eclipse over the U.S. in 99 years since 1918) catalyzes the 1st PLUTO Return for the U.S. (2020 – 2023) in the country’s history!

What does that mean?
A complete restructuring, to hopefully leading by example / from integrity, based on the core of foundational principles, incl. the essence of the American Constitution – but also and perhaps foremost: Natural Law.
Intense transformational years for the ‘Land of the Free’.


Prometheus – the Archetype of URANUS – Bringing the Fire of the Gods to Humanity

Speaking of Freedom, in the meantime (2016/17) URANUS in late AR has been squaring the U.S. PLUTO.
A destabilizing, unsettling, traumatic, uprising, revolutionary, and ultimately liberating energy – as we’ve seen.

The TSE in late LEO is exactly (less than 2° off) opposite the U.S. MOON in late AQ (which URANUS is ‘at home’ in):
“WE the People”! 

Vs. ‘The One / the Elite / the Special Superstars’ who get all the attention and seem to have all the Agency and political power.

The TSE brings a RE-Boot in that regard.

The curtains of the LEO stage in the shadow ‘reality show’ of drama, narcissism, and ‘high maintenance’ are being closed – done with this act!

And opened again…
Who’s the agency of ‘the curtain’?

Well, the MOON – crossing like a curtain the ‘face of the SUN’.

Total Solar Eclipse with ‘Diamond Ring’ Effect

In a country the MOON represents The People (vs The Ruler/s = The SUN). And also The Feminine. LEO type strong women who aren’t shy to ‘roar’ from the Heart.

Makes me think of a provocative FB live with Brene Brown at the occasion of Charlottesville that I saw the other day. She pointed out the need for awareness (VIR) of undeserved white privilege (LEO), incl. NOT needing to deal with any discrimination, and the shadow effects of this core narrative of the country. And the polar opposite, woven into the country’s history: Dehumanizing and objectifying ‘the others’ so that they can be treated less than human (shadow of AQ).

Very apropos MOON in LEO to see passionate strong Feminine and ‘People’ Forces ‘roaring’ now, incl. privileged women, artists, actors, and many people who express their passion (not just against but FOR).


What comes ‘on stage’ when ‘the curtain’ is pulled up again?
A profoundly Re-NEWed end-of-LEO energy!
What could that look like?

  • Strength through Integrity.
  • A Leadership of the Heart.
  • Channeling Passion into Healing Activism.
  • Highest Potential of Working with Spirit.

Crystal (Carnelian and Jasper) activated Voyager Tarot Card XI Strength – Photo and Crystal Activation by Melanie

And: It’s an Initiation.

That’s what happens with Eclipses.
AND on the ‘Sphinx Point’ – the LEO – VIR cusp where this one occurs.
A double dose!

In other words, the change clearly doesn’t ‘happen’ immediately / automatically.
The heavenly signs are pointers and mirrors, they don’t ‘produce’ the ‘effects’.

It might take a while to change…
To ‘handle’ one’s fiery LEO passions, and channel them into Service from the Heart.
But things ARE quickening now. Lots of build-up.

A Total Solar Eclipse for a country has effects over years…
The Initiation is being initialized, with the U.S. TSE.

The same is true for a personal chart and life.
I.o.w. if you are affected by the TSE (esp. if you have your AC, SUN, MOON, or planets in late LEO) the ‘cosmic Heart surgery’ / resurgence is under way….


Here’s the TSE chart, with Grand Fire Trine incl. LILITH / SATURN, and the points of Autonomy – Agency – Authority.

Check out all that FIRE (Feuer in German) in the elemental table.




The LILITH / SATURN theme of Intrinsic Authority (i.o.w., we know what’s going on, as we follow inner guidance and wisdom, have our ‘act together’, and walk our talk) ties well together in the Grand FIRE Trine, with

URANUS in ARIES, the Awakener Archetype –  which often acts through disruptive wake-up calls, and brings us radically into our AUTHENTICITY and AUTONOMY.
URANUS also feeds into the end-of-LEO ECLIPSE energy: A Radical Renewal of AGENCY in AWARENESS.


What else stands out in the Eclipse chart, and at this time of cosmic ‘weather’?

SIX Planets are presently retro:

Sun Dial at Beacon Hill Park. Light – Shadow ‘Retro’ tool, yet always ‘On Time’  “Only Count the Sunny Hours” – yet the Eclipse clearly ‘counts’!– Photo by Melanie


MERCURY (until Sept 5), SATURN (until Aug 25), CHIRON, URANUS, NEPTUNE, and PLUTO (until Sept 28).

Lots of old ‘unfinished business’ to deal with, and ‘inner processes’ – an important internal / preparation phase, with:

MERCURY retro in VIR (until Sept 5):
RE-considering what hadn’t been in the discussion in a while.
RE-entering the conversation, about what hadn’t been shared in a while, from a place of VIR awareness. Also a RE-fining tools, and discerning what serves / is practical and useful and what isn’t.

SATURN retro in SAG (goes direct on Aug 25):
Cropping and pruning where less is more.
Wrapping up inner limiting beliefs, world views, and ‘old stories’.
Catching the saboteur.

CHIRON retro in PI:
Why / when do I go into a mode of overwhelm?

What’s the re-curring wave of this?
How do I self-medicate with addictions?
How can I be there for others as for myself (esp. when I feel ungrounded)?

URANUS retro in AR (just turned retro on Aug 2 – Aug is quite a Uranian month):
Inner Liberation sets us FREE – unconditionally.

NEPTUNE retro in PI:
Inner and Universe-all Oneness  – you are never alone.

Not being in inner division and as the ONE – makes us immune to ‘Divide et Impera’ agenda.

PLUTO retro in CAP (goes direct on Sept 28):
Inner timelessness, call of the ancestors, inner mastery, and resource-full living.


Blessings to You and ALL, for the Eclipse Season!

Let’s stay HEARTful, and connected in our HUMANITY!


If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships.
August is Client Appreciation Month in my Astrology practice – celebrating its 17th anniversary – with substantial discounts on consultation sessions – 10 – 50%!
The longer ago you had your first session the less you pay in August! 🙂 .
But even as a newbie you get 10% off this month!


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
In a world of online offers, our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!




VENUS – PLUTO – JUPITER Week: Wise Choices from Soul Purpose

15 Aug

In this TOTAL SO(U)LAR ECLIPSE count-down week, it seems like so much is closing and renewing now – a massive and profound INITIATION is taking place:

Solar Eclipse Total Diamond Ring

Total Solar Eclipse with ‘Diamond Ring’ effect

Less than 7 days to go:

The AUG 21 Total Solar Eclipse on the ‘SPHINX POINT’, where LEO meets VIRGO!

Themes are: 
Self Awareness
Putting our Love into Service
Showing our Brightness in the Work we do

A TSE is a RE-set / RE-boot

An intense, exact NEW MOON: 

The end of an old cycle (could be even of the last 18 years when the last TSE with the North Node was in LEO – on Aug 11, 1999 – visible over Europe).
Stay tuned for the ECLIPSE post that will also show how this TSE links to the Aug 1999 TSE!
And the beginning of a new cycle, through a metamorphosis.
This Eclipse with the NORTH Node emphasizes on New Beginnings.


Where is the Self Awareness been directed?
Into all the Archetypes that are presently activated.
This week: Mostly VENUS!

Mother-and-Child Pablo Picasso 1921

Mother and Child, by Pablo Picasso (1921)

Today Aug 15, VENUS in CANCER opposes PLUTO retro in CAPRICORN.
Tomorrow / Thu Aug 16 / 17, VENUS squares JUPITER in LIBRA.

Clearly, important decisions (the yang / masculine way of experiencing this) have to be made, and choices (the yin / feminine way of experiencing it) are available.
JUPITER in LIBRA this year (Sept 9, 2016 – Oct 10, 2017) has among other things shown us just how many choices there are, and brought up the notion to CHOOSE WISELY.
With PLUTO in CAP, deep soul work and soulful purpose is brought out of us, and we are seriously evolving, in a world / Zeitgeist that looks quite destructive to the ‘old world’ – for better or worse. Transforming structures, and old inner structures, in any case.

This theme could come to another super timely point this week, stimulated by VENUS, now in CANCER, as a catalyst:
Do you feel drawn to family? To something familiar, soothing, comforting, a place to belong? To being cared for, and care giving? A ‘mother – child’ theme…



And what does ‘the other side’ say (PLUTO in CAP)?

“Don’t regress, walk forward, even it it’s hard at times. Be the grown-up, and let others be grown-ups too. Evolve.”

“In many situations, for whatever reason, your care isn’t needed, maybe others can be there in a better capacity.
Maybe you are better ‘positioned’ elsewhere, where you are more ‘on purpose’ in the world, your time and energy is better invested, and you are a model for others.”

Can both sides be reconciled? 

What would be a wise, synergistic balance between these two? A win-win?
Clearly a soul searching dilemma. 
Hint: Don’t choose from guilt / fear, but from the depth of your love.
Starting with SELF LOVE – says also the Initiation Eclipse on the LEO – VIRGO ‘Sphinx Point’:
“Who am I?”
“How can I put my love and passion into service-in-integrity’?”

The pressure might be strong now, esp. for those of us with SUN / MOON / AC / Planets in mid-ARIES, mid-CANCER, mid-LIBRA, and mid-CAPRICORN.
It’s ok to stay with it, and see what the ECLIPSE brings.

It IS a NEW MOON – PowerHouse that is.


Blessings to You and ALL, for the Eclipse Season!

Let’s stay HEARTful, and connected in our HUMANITY!


If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships.
August is Client Appreciation Month in my Astrology practice – celebrating its 17th anniversary – with substantial discounts on consultation sessions – 10 – 50%!
The longer ago you had your first session the less you pay in August! 🙂 .
But even as a newbie you get 10% off this month!


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
In a world of online offers, our small, intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!




August 2017 is Big Time ECLIPSE Month – Partial LUNAR (Aug 7) over India, and TOTAL SOLAR (Aug 21) over the U.S.A.

6 Aug

Dear ASTRO~NEWS Blog Reader,

what an intense month of AUGUST – already…
It IS the ‘HOTTEST’, most charged month of 2017, with (brief overview again):  

Two Eclipses (Lunar on Mon Aug 7, Total Solar on the Sphinx Point / Regulus over the U.S. on Aug 21) – that’s what this article is all about;

URANUS turnaround on Aug 2 – Aug therefore ‘Uranian’ – shocks, surprises, wake-up calls;

JUPITER in LI square PLUTO in CAP on Aug 4 – Deep Imbalances and need for Sustainable Change;

MERCURY into ‘storm’ since Aug 2, retro Aug 12 – Sept 5.

With all these ‘imbalances’ to call it mildly, the ultimate ‘medicine’ is to be in the Centre, the ‘Hub of the Wheel’, the ‘Stillpoint’ where ‘nothing moves as everything is in motion, coming and going’. That would be the ‘shortcut’.

In the meantime, in the human journey we are experiencing all these dynamics.

Let’s see how they play out, and what’s ‘UP’.

Awareness leads to Freedom!

And LOVE is the Medicine that helps us in the ‘storm’ – is both grounding, and raises the vibration from which we experience the ‘events’! 



ECLIPSE Season is ON, this month of AUGUST:

  • AUG 7: ‘Gates of Power’ / SIRIUS Rising Partial LUNAR Eclipse in mid-AQ – mid-LEO – Eclipse Portrait below!
  • AUG 21: TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE on the ‘SPHINX POINT, close to REGULUS, the ‘HEART of the LION’.

The TSE path goes over the United States (NW to SE) – only (except for the Northeast of Brazil), and it’s the first TSE that’s centralized over the U.S. since the country was founded,
even though there have been Eclipses visible from the U.S., see list here.
Plus, it is exactly on Trump’s AC / MARS in late LEO.
Clearly significant for the United States and its present president.

Please find the charts of the PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE and of the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in the body of this article, and the charts of Trump and,of the U.S. as a reference on the bottom .



2017 Eclipses

Twice a year, a pair of Eclipses occurs, and they ‘string together’, through the Lunar Nodes.
Remember the last Eclipse pair in FEB?

  • FEB 10: Lunar Eclipse in late LEO – AQ. The Eclipse MOON, with the Lunar North Node, was close to ‘REGULUS’ the Heart of the LION where the Total SOLAR ECLIPSE on AUG 21 will be.
  • FEB 26: ‘Ring of Fire’ Annular Solar Eclipse (a ‘Closure’ Eclipse – PI SUN / MOON with the Lunar South Node).
  • And now the two AUGUST Eclipses, in LEO – AQ where the Lunar Nodes are since end of April.


Eclipses 101

  • Eclipses occur when a NEW MOON and FULL MOON are close to the Nodal Axis which is presently in AQ – LEO. The closer the more likely a Total Eclipse.
  • Eclipses come twice a year, and in pairs. When there’s a NEW MOON Solar Eclipse close to the Nodal Axis, say, in late LEO (AUG 21), the FULL MOON before (AUG 7) or after is an Eclipse too.
  • Eclipses are at the same position in the Zodiac every 18-19 years:
    On AUG 11, 1999 was a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in mid LEO. Its path went over Europe (I saw it, before coming to Canada in 2000 – had quite an effect!).
    For the AUG 21 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in late LEO you might want to review where you were at in 1999, esp. if you have your SUN, MOON, Planets, or even Nodes in LEO – AQ.
  • The effect of the Eclipses extends beyond ‘just’ a lunar monthly phase, rather 2 – 3 months, and it’s a chain from Eclipse ‘season’ (last one in Feb) to Eclipse season.
  • Eclipses are a RE-set, like rebooting your computer, after a temporary turning off of the energy.
    In other words, a RE-generation of YIN-Feminine (LUNAR ECLIPSE), and of the YANG-Masculine (SOLAR ECLIPSE) energies, after a ‘darkening’.


AUG 7 PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE in mid-AQ / mid-LEO (Gates of Power)

Close to INDIA’s 70th Anniversary of Independence on AUG 15, and centrally visible over the Indian Ocean.
Inner Power, Freedom, and Self-Radiance

Lunar Eclipse Partial

Partial Lunar Eclipse

Since it’s an ECLIPSE of the MOON, by the Earth Shadow  which causes the temporary lunar darkening, literally Mother Earth provokes and evokes a ‘RE-SET’ of themes like:
WE The People, The Climate & The Planet
Humman Community and collective Interconnectivity (AQ).

I.o.w.: We’re all in this together!
A movement is obviously already kindled, and happening globally, and even more so in  the U.S., since the new presidency.
Goes to show, often it has to get worse to get better or bring out our best…. human nature…

In our personal lives, the Eclipse calls us to be in touch with our loving and creative Heart, and in passionate creative (SUN / MARS in LEO) collaboration with others in community, and in solidarity with Humanity (MOON in AQ). 

The LUNAR ECLIPSE in mid-AQ / mid-LEO is super relevant for all of us with SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets in mid-LEO, mid-AQ, but also in mid-TAU, and mid-SCO.
Your personal birth chart and which houses the Eclipse axis falls into for you reveals the particular themes and areas of life this plays out for you.

For all of us, loving Heart creations and showing ourselves more fully and fiercely are LEO SUN / MARS / North Node incentives in the Eclipse dynamic, vs. just ‘watching the show’ (lots of ‘shows’ going on out there in the media, it can easily get draining and overwhelming) or dissociating (AQ South Node shadow).

Lunar South Node Glyph

That doesn’t mean not to be informed politically, but too much of a ‘good thing’ in a passive, numbing way doesn’t help, yet the tendency can be strong these days, as the MOON (our default moods and needs) connects with the South Node.


The Nodal axis invites us to balance both ‘poles’ in a healthy way, starting with ‘breathing in’ beneficial energies on the SUN / MARS in LEO side:

Lunar North Node Glyph

Loving and showing ourselves as we ARE.
From there connecting with others, friends, groups, humanity, or even an ‘anonymous crowd’ with a good energy.
If we ‘pick up’ ‘random vibes’ from the collective that are draining clearing and release is definitely cool and needed. Being in Nature, and being creative and playful helps.

Let’s loosen the connection with the technological umbilical chord (SN / MOON in AQ), and be naturally creative and playful FIRST.



India Flag Spinning Wheel

Indian Postage stamp commemorating the Independence Day, and the flag with the spinning wheel (symbolizing self sufficiency)


The Partial Lunar Eclipse in AQ – LEO will be most visible over Central Asia, especially India (and the Indian Ocean).
India will celebrate its 70th Anniversary of the Birth of the modern Indian Nation, and independence of Britain (midnight on Aug 15, 1947) just a week after the Eclipse!
Here’s an interesting little blog post about Gandhi and the spinning wheel.

The MOON in AQ (“Freedom to the People!”) will be temporarily eclipsed by the Earth shadow, before re-emerging, bright and clear.
So, what on Earth, and which part of Humanity is overshadowing the Spirit of Freedom and Independence?
I can think of a few people and things…. and the Earth is speaking too.
What brings the Spirit back, what’s called for Balance?
LEO celebration – but not just of the privileged elite on a power trip (LEO).

Everybody’s a Star, and by nature FREE, and Self-radiant as the LEO SUN.

Buddha Blessings

Bright Buddha Blessings


I’m immensely grateful for the spiritual teachings – and the many teachers originating / with their lineage from India – foremost Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha – who point us to the truth of the matter.

Let’s invite the AQ – LEO Spirit of inner Freedom and Self-Radiance, in our path through the LUNAR ECLIPSE, and in preparation for the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE!

Here’s to Nature-ALL Inner Buddha Power, and Inner Buddha Nature!



Celtic Wheel of the Year, with Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnassadh / LAMMAS, Mabon, Samhain.

The Four Center-Points of the fixed signs in the Zodiac wheel represent the center of each season (like now, mid-LEO / LAMMAS = mid-Summer), see Celtic Wheel to the right.
They are called the ‘Gates of Power’ where energy concentrates, and power themes come up.

The mid-Summer Lammas energy is double-LEO – very fiery – see the ASTRO~NEWS blog post about it!
Fiery MARS is this year super close to the Lammas SUN too
(see Lunar Eclipse chart below).

And it’s the time of SIRIUS (the ‘Scorcher’) Rising at dawn before the SUN, this year on 08 / 08!
See my blog article SIRIUS Rising – RE-birth of the Spiritual SUN.

Clearly, the Fire Element asserts its Power – to be used wisely.
You probably heard of, or are even personally affected by the smoke from the devastating BC wildfires that have been burning and spreading since the last Full Moon on July 8 when MARS and the SUN in CANCER were aligned with SIRIUS (check out the ‘Powerhouse Full Moon’ / Guru Purnima Full Moon chart and article)
Interesting SIRIUS Full Moon 07 / 08  –  08 / 07 Full Moon @ SIRIUS Rising Connection… 

Central AQ where the FULL MOON will be is double-AQ – a call for Humanity to not just ‘stand by and watch’.
AQ is an AIR sign, and a collective sign – i.o.w. “we’re ALL in THIS together”, as we’ve experienced here on the Westcoast with the wildfire smoke this week, building up to the AQ – LEO FULL MOON / PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE on Monday. So, yeah, AIR quality has been clearly ECLIPSED, and water-bearing clouds would be much needed.

Showing us as another wake-up call, how important and often taken for granted fresh AIR is (esp. when you live by the coast), and how much so many Beings – Humanity and all Sentient Beings on Planet Earth – are exposed to poor AIR quality nowadays, due to… well, mostly technological ‘progress’ that isn’t really innovative re: use of clean energy (all these are AQ themes).

In my opinion, the weather, the climate, and the fires aren’t just ‘random’, a ‘given’.
PLUTO in CAP, today Sat AUG 5 crossed by the MOON, has us look deeper, and take responsibility, incl. for the change we wish to see.

We’re ALL in THIS together, in the cycle of LIFE, says AQUARIUS.
What we do to a ‘small’ part (MERCURY about to go retro in VIRGO) we do to ALL (MERCURY opp. NEPTUNE in PISCES)… and we do to ourselves (LEO).

URANUS, Awakener Archetype and ruler of AQ, just went retro on Aug 2 – pointing us to previous shake-ups and wake-up calls (in different ways), and even more so, Inner Awakening.

Sometimes, an ecliptic, temporarily apocalyptic event triggers a change.
Let’s hope it’s a wake-up call that leads to a change in human behaviour, and support for more innovation that leads to sustainability.

Re: AIR quality (AQ) and Heat (LEO) – my prediction is they only lessen post the AQ – LEO FULL MOON / Partial Lunar Eclipse – often after the FULL MOON there’s weather changes…
Maybe it takes until Tue (08 / 08) when the MOON goes into PISCES until the smoke wave goes towards the ocean… not to say the issue is gone…

And yes, mid-LEO / mid-AQ energy is quite intense… may we use these ‘Gates of Power’ for a good purpose!


Here’s the AQ – LEO FULL MOON (exact at 11:11 am PDT) / Partial Lunar Eclipse chart for Victoria BC:

Showing the central-LEO MARS / SUN and the North Node in late LEO, with MERCURY about to go retro, in early / mid VIRGO.
The MOON in mid-AQ and South Node in late AQ on the opposite side.

URANUS, ruler of AQ, now in late ARIES, just went retro on AUG 2.
JUPITER just squared PLUTO too (on AUG 4), see blog post for both cosmic events (Wake-up calls, and Soulful Choices).


AQ - LEO FM 2017 PLE



AUG 21 2017 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE end of LEO, over the U.S.A. on the ‘SPHINX POINT’, and close to REGULUS, the ‘Heart of the LION’.

Total Solar Eclipse with ‘Diamond Ring’ effect

The path of the TSE will cross centrally over the U.S.A. (Northwest / OR to Southeast / SC) and touch into Brazil.

The TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE Effects are clearly related to the United States, and to everything that emanates from the U.S. who themselves declared / ‘owned’ it as the Great American Eclipse – so American… “make Eclipse great again???!”


Definitely a spectacle to view (Eclipse show a la LEO?) – yet: What are the deeper and longer term implications of this ‘cosmic event’?
Astrology (literally: language  of the stars) helps us reveal the themes:


LEO Constellation, with Regulus, the Heart of the Lion,

The TSE will be at the end of LEO, the ‘SPHINX POINT’, in transition to VIRGO, and close to the fixed star REGULUS ‘Heart of the Lion’, and brightest star in LEO!

This is where the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse / LEO – AQ FULL MOON of Feb 10 was (just 3 weeks after Trump’s inauguration).

Did you know? Trump was born on June 14, 1946 –  the DAY of a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE (just 3 1/2 hrs before totality!) I’ll show his chart below.

According to EarthSky, “A series of monthly lunar occultations of REGULUS (i.o.w. a series of  Eclipses of REGULUS by the MOON) started on DEC 18, 2016, and will continue to take place until the series’ conclusion on APR 24, 2018.”
Interesting… DEC 19, 2016 was the day when the U.S. Electoral College voted for Trump, in the ‘winner takes it all’ plurality per state fashion that received a lot of controversial attention, given the shocking result (ha, URANUS was end of DEC also turning direction) – plus, MERCURY went retro in mid-CAP next to PLUTO the same day, DEC 19!
Note: MERCURY will be retro during the TSE (MERCURY retro starts on AUG 12 and goes until SEPT 5, 2017).

Here is the whole line-up of REGULUS Occultations by the MOON – monthly, from the EarthSky page:

1. DEC 18, 2016
2. JAN 15, 2017
3. FEB 11, 2017
4. MARCH 10, 2017
5. APR 12, 2017
6. MAY 4, 2017
7. MAY 31, 2017
8. JUNE 28, 2017
9. JULY 25, 2017
10. AUG 21, 2017
11. SEPT 18, 2017
12. OCT 15, 2017
13. NOV 11, 2017
14. DEC 8, 2017
15. JAN 5, 2018
16. FEB 1, 2018
17. MARCH 1, 2018
18. MARCH 28, 2018
19. APR 24, 2018

Exactly midway through the occultation series – on AUG 21, 2017 – the MOON occults = eclipses REGULUS on the same date that it totally eclipses the SUN on REGULUS.

This is very significant for the U.S. and their current president whose MARS / AC is at the end of LEO / REGULUS!
See Trump’s chart below.

Io.w. the Martian / REGULUS LEO Rulership appearance / persona of Trump gets overshadowed / eclipsed by the late LEO MOON once a MONTH (ha, like a menstrual cycle), when the MOON in late LEO passes in front of REGULUS. 

This cycle started just the day before he was sanctioned by the EC., then 5 days before his inauguration, then monthly when the MOON was late LEO until APR 24, 2018, culminating half-way with the TSE on AUG 21 – what a symmetry!
One could research and follow the dates and respective Trump effects (well, there are soo many!).
I’d say, at least at the first two occultations true ‘kingly’ ‘lionhearted’ Rulership got overshadowed / showed up in shadowy ways.
Let’s see what the TSE occultation brings.

The Fixed Star REGULUS at 29°53′ LEO has the following traditional connotations:
The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence. Said by some to be the most benefic star in the universe.
Here’s an extensive description of REGULUS –  the drawing of the LEO constellation above is also from that page.

REGULUS, astrologically positioned at the very end of LEO, in transition to VIR where the theme is: The King / Queen is the first servant of the state (Frederick the Great coined this term) –
Rather than ‘staying stuck in LEO mode’ a la “L’Etat c’est moi!” – quote by the ‘Sun King’ Roi Soleil Louis XIV.
The current U.S. president is under scrutiny in this regard. 



Sphinx on the Giza Plateau – Photo by Melanie, Egypt Journey Nov 2010


The LEO / VIR transition, as addressed many times on this ‘channel’, is also known as the ‘SPHINX POINT’, or Self Awareness Point in the Zodiac.

Here, the vibrant, self radiant, self enamored LEO energy reflects upon itself, and becomes aware of who s/he is, and what s/he can do for others.

The ‘SPHINX POINT’ is an Initiation from ‘being chosen’,  ‘special’,  ‘privileged’, ‘being King / Queen’ to becoming a Priest/ess, who offers sacred service. A transition from the ‘palace’ to the ‘temple’.

If you have Planets, SUN, MOON, Nodes on the ‘SPHINX POINT’ their Archetypes guide you through this Initiation to being of service in your life.

It starts with self reflection and self awareness “Who am I?”, from which follows the notion to extend ourselves to others:
“How can I do what I love and what inspires me creatively?” “What can I do for others?” , “What are my strengths, what am I naturally good at that would help others?”, “How can I put my love into service?”.

The TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE is a ‘RE-SET’ of the theme on the ‘SPHINX POINT’ and REGULUS, i.o.w., we are all, president, Queen, King, or not, called to bring our LOVE, our LION HEART, and our Strengths into Service.
What is it that calls YOU?


Here is the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE chart for Victoria BC: 

The NEW MOON will be at 11:30 am, the maximum Eclipse at 11:21 am PDT, as noted on the chart.
We’ll be able here in Victoria to see 90% of the SUN disk occulted by the MOON, and the total Eclipse time takes 2 1/2 hrs, from 9:08 am to 11:37 am PDT.



Check this out:

MARS / Lunar North Node / SUN / MOON all end of LEO, and MERCURY Retro nearby (will meet the SUN on Aug 26), all round the ‘Sphinx Point’ / REGULUS.
A FIRE Trine to URANUS retro / stationary, at the very end of ARIES:
Can all this Ecliptic ‘reboot’ energy be channeled into major paradigm shifts, innovation, and inner liberation?!

Another FIRE Trine to LILITH / SATURN retro / stationary, grounding out the journey, and showing us our True Nature (LILITH) when it looks like “rien ne va plus” (SATURN in SAG).
FIRE is the predominant element (SUN, MOON, MARS, North Node, SATURN, LILITH, and URANUS, all in the 3 FIRE signs): So much stirred up – can it be expressed in passionate, creative ways? Things can really get rolling if we put intention and motivation behind them.

6 retrograde Planets (SATURN about to go direct, on Aug 25) – we’re also dealing with ‘unfinished business’ and recurring themes – many ‘inside jobs’.
Practically speaking, a better time to start a project when MERCURY and SATURN are out of retro & post-retro ‘storm’ – with the next Very VIRGO NEW MOON on SEPT 20.


Here is Trump’s chart.

He was born just 3 1/2 hrs before a Total Lunar Eclipse!


The TSE is right on his MARS / AC which is conj. REGULUS.

He also just had his 6th JUPITER return in LIBRA, and SATURN / LILITH are on his MOON / South Node in SAG / opp. his SUN / URANUS / North Node in GEMINI – ‘rien ne va plus’, re: shooting / tweeting from the hip? Roadblocks for his attitudes and wild and crazy unpredictability?

We shall see what this culmination of occultations brings to / through him (he surely is a catalyst to bring out the shadow of the establishment and system).


The U.S. chart (signature of the Declaration of Independence) looks like this:


Have you noticed?
end of AQ is right opposite the SOLAR ECLIPSE Point: “We The People….”


Blessings to You and ALL, for the Eclipse Season!


Let’s stay HEARTful, and connected in our HUMANITY!


If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships.
August is Client Appreciation Month in my Astrology practice – celebrating its 17th anniversary – with substantial discounts on consultation sessions – 10 – 50%!
The longer ago you had your first session the less you pay in August! 🙂 .
But even as a newbie you get 10% off this month!


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
In a world of online offers, our small, intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!




* SIRIUS is RISING on 08 / 08 * REbirth of the Spiritual SUN!

4 Aug



On 08 / 08, SIRIUS a.k.a. The Dog Star (brightest star in the Dog constellation), a.k.a. The Scorcher, will rise again, before the SUN!
Hot Dog Days of SUMMER are on NOW, and we’ve certainly had an ‘extra dose’ of scorching heat, with the BC wildfires, and the smoke cloud also blanketing the BC Westcoast.
Seems like they started with the CAP – CAN FULL MOON on July 8 that was aligned with SIRIUS on the CANCER side, and VEGA on the CAP side.

The Rising of SIRIUS is also associated with the AQ – LEO Full Moon which will be on AUG 7 – a Partial Lunar Eclipse which opens the Eclipse ‘Gate’ to the Total Solar Eclipse on AUG 21! It’s all linked this year.

I saw SIRIUS through a friend’s telescope last Winter, and felt immediately connected to the bright blue star.



Sirius Dog Star


SIRIUS the ‘Dog Star’ is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major, ‘the Dog’ and in fact brightest star in the night sky(!)

Please find an excellent description here and here.

SIRIUS now RISING again before the SUN is called the ‘Heliacal Rising’ (Helios = SUN in Greek), this year on 08 / 08 (which is also the 08 / 08 ‘Lion’s Gate’ – the Centre of the fixed signs, TAU, LEO, SCO, and AQ, are Gates of Power)

while hot LEO Days (‘DOG DAYS of Summer’) are here, in the Northern Hemisphere, and the fierce, record breaking BC wildfires.



Walk with your Cat or / and Dog friend, (not only) under the conjunction of the SUN in LEO the Lion, with SIRIUS the Dog Star! 🙂


A special treat awaits you and your dog(!) again this year, at this fine occasion: Welcome to * You and Your Star-Dog @ Sirius Rising on TUE 08 / 08 THU see the FB event.


When SIRIUS the brightest star in the night sky re-appears before the SUN at dawn it’s the time for the ‘Spiritual SUN’, or Heart of our physical SUN to be REborn.
Well, always a good time to RE-connect with the Spiritual SUN…


Isis Papyrus

Egyptian Goddess Isis


Ancient Egypt honoured the yearly reappearance of SIRIUS which announced the flooding of the Nile and the Goddess Isis, heavenly wife of Osiris, and Mother of Horus.

Blessings for the SIRIUS Initiation to our Spiritual SUN! 


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
In a world of online offers, our small, intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!



* It’s MidSummer! Happy Lammas / Lughnassad / LEO-nassad!

4 Aug

Lammas Landscape – Photo by Melanie, July 2016





Celtic Wheel of the Year, with Ostara / Spring Equinox, BELTANE, Litha / Summer Solstice, LUGHNASSAD, Mabon, Samhain, Yule, and Imbolc.

Blessings for the sacred season of Central Summer!

The Celtic ‘gate of power’ Lammas / Lughnassad is now being celebrated

Traditionally that’s on Aug 1.
Exact mid (15°) LEO would be actually a few days later, Aug 7 / 8 – on the day of the AQ – LEO FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse!

Central LEO is ‘double LEO’ (centre of the fixed sign, where energy concentrates): Solid Summer Glow!

Many harvest festivals are starting at this time.

And it’s the celebration of CERES the grain goddess.
Presently, Asteroid CERES dwells (since early July) for a Summer ‘episode’ in maternal CANCER, until end of Sept, before giving LEO the honour of her appearance.



Giuseppe Arcimboldo: SUMMER


With SUN / MARS and North Node in passionate, creative LEO, opp. the co-creation of AQ where the FULL MOON will show up in I trust your creativity and co-creation sky-rocket. Esp. in the area of life that corresponds with the astrological House where LEO and AQ are in your chart!



Lioness Friends


The LAMMAS AQ – LEO FULL MOON on Aug 7 (Blog post to follow) will be at 15°25 LEO.
Live Life Lovingly!
Access the LEO solid warmth-of-heart, and creative power in the area of life where mid LEO is in your chart!

1st House: How you show up. Celebrate and BE Yourself! 
2nd House: What you have and value – Own Your Radiance! 
3rd House: Your environment – Celebrate in the City!
4th House: Your home – Be the King or Queen – and generous Host/ess!
5th House: Your creativity – You’re the HEART-ist!
6th House: Your work and health – A warm Heart is the best health insurance, and good for your business too 🙂
7th House: Your significant others – they are special, as is your relationship!
8th House: Your deep involvement and transformations – perhaps from ego investment into the pure heart?
9th House: Your travels and worldviews – Travel with joy, and put your creations out there!
10th House: Your calling and purpose – is LOVE!
11th House: Your community – A Celebration! Where everyone’s a Star.
12th House: Your oneness with ALL – the ‘Real Gold’

Happy LEO Times to y’all!



If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships.
August is Client Appreciation Month in my Astrology practice – celebrating its 17th anniversary – with substantial discounts on consultation sessions – 10 – 50%!
The longer ago you had your first session the less you pay in August! 🙂 .
But even as a newbie you get 10% off this month!


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
In a world of online offers, our small, intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!



Aug 2 – 4 and beyond: URANIAN Wake-Up Calls. JUPITER / PLUTO Soulful Choices

3 Aug

Heart Lava, Kilauea. Photo by B. Lewis


The fiery URANIAN impulse (like an volcanic eruption, or a flash of lightning) is coming in stronger now, as URANUS just did its ‘U-turn’ at the very end of ARIES, to be on its yearly retro trip (Aug 2, 2017 – Jan 3, 2018 this time).
Mid-July to mid-Aug are very URANIAN weeks:
There may be more ‘crazy news’, and things can shift in a heartbeat, or the blink of an eye.
Let’s live NOW, not in the past or future. Let’s allow for inspiration in the moment, paradigm shifts, and liberation.
Motto:  Experimentation, no expectation! And: WAKE UP!


More fiery energy comets through the fiery (but now as explosive as URANUS) square, from JUPITER in mid-LIBRA to PLUTO retro in mid-CAP (exact tomorrow Aug 4). This is the 3rd of 3 exact squares (Nov 24, 2016, March 30 and Aug 4, 2017):
A pressure to make wise choices, esp. in relationships of all kinds, so that they serve the best purpose. Forget about going into old conditioned (even ancestral) patterns of ‘shoulds’, of taking too much on and feeling resentful, or like wasting your time (heaaaavy CAP energy needs to be purged), or being ‘too nice’ and accommodating while things are actually imbalanced – LIBRAN themes get a JUPITERIAN magnifying glass this year.


Johfra Bosschart: LIBRA, with abundant esoteric symbolism


What ARE good soul (PLUTO) synergies (LI) that enhance life (JUPITER) and bring out your best, mature qualities (CAP)?
Let’s choose wisely! And save a lot of time and energy…

Well, some ‘soul relationships’ (PLUTO square JUPITER in LI) that we may or may not have consciously chosen yet attracted anyhow are occasionally quite ‘uncomfortable’ when they purge and ‘burn off’ the egos…. All part of the game..

There’s a LOT to this, on personal, interpersonal, and collective levels…, now brought up and transformed.


If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships.
August is Client Appreciation Month in my Astrology practice – celebrating its 17th anniversary – with substantial discounts on consultation sessions – 10 – 50%!
The longer ago you had your first session the less you pay in August! 🙂 .
But even as a newbie you get 10% off this month!


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
In a world of online offers, our small, intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!