Archive | July, 2015

VENUS retro re-enters LEO :: Underneath the Drama, Find True Self Love. Recognize Old Patterns, Complete Old Contracts, and REnew from the Heart.

31 Jul

VENUS retro re-entered LEO TODAY JULY 31
where ‘she’ will meet up with JUPITER on AUG 4, square SATURN on AUG 5, meet MERCURY on AUG 6, and the SUN on AUG 15:
Underneath the Drama, Find True Self Love.
Recognize Old Patterns, Complete Old Contracts, and REnew from the Heart!


Birth of Venus, by Botticelli

How has your VENUS retro / JUPITER – SATURN ‘square dance’ journey been so far?
• Have you (RE?)connected with women from the ‘past’ (even from different time lines)?
• Have you been RE-minded of, and attracted to RE-connect with loved ones and lovers ‘from the past’?
• Are you drawn to standing in the full light of your loving Beingness (LEO), to Live Life Lovingly, and ‘operate’ / work from there, in pure alignment, as the Sacred Feminine in her temple (VIR)? Alignment is crucial for Virgo.

The VENUS RETROGRADE phase will be a checking in on our values, desires, connections, and attractions.
And, even more so, it’s a RE-newal and RE-alignment of the Inner Feminine with Spirit (the SUN). With the LEO / Sphinx Point vibe be aware of your attraction to show / performance / narcissism, as a compensation for the need to be seen and loved, vs. true intrinsic Self-love, and radiance through Spirit, in natural Self Awareness.
• What makes you unconditionally happy from within?
• What’s the Truth about the Love of the Self?

This SUMMER and FALL, old, limiting relationship patterns are ‘doomed to die’.
VENUS squares off with SATURN (cooling off, challenges in relationships – which test us: are we willing and able to work through this?) not only once (which happens twice a year) but 3 times! Plus, Venus is now retro which is also a turning away from being stuck in unsustainable relationship patterns with a focus on the other person, to finding intrinsic value and Self Love and heart connection, from which we can attract more authentically – without ‘needing a relationship’.

Overview of the 3 VENUS – SATURN squares:

(while Venus was direct in LEO, and Saturn retro in SCO): Attracting from old patterns – which trigger deep painful stuff.

(Venus retro, back in LEO, after having gone on the VIRGO cusp of Self Awareness, and Saturn direct in late SCO): ‘She’ retreats… . ‘Just say NO’ to what’s not a good fit from a deeper (Scorpio) place, even though it may ‘look good’ and pamper the ego – or bring out more drama (Leo). Let’s not get ‘sucked in’ (Saturn in Scorpio can help us with boundaries there) into others’ agenda that triggers our stuff. Knowing who we are, and coming into RE-alignment with ourselves, we have to stop these patterns. Out of healthy self-love.

OCT 10
(Venus in VIR – after the retro phase, as the ‘Morning Star’, and Saturn in SAG, both direct): Knowing what’s good, healthy, and functional for us and what our values are, we can now commit to a new focus and intentional journey.

The TRIPLE VENUS – SATURN SQUARE brings out our old contracts, to acknowledge and complete them. What’s an old contract? A soul connection, where both people on a soul level agreed to help each other heal something – even though it doesn’t ‘taste good’, can be very intense, and as challenging it is to interact with one another there can be a deeper purpose of why you got together in ‘real life’. This doesn’t mean, stick it out together. What matters is to address and acknowledge the ‘chosen challenge’. And give it time, or say clearly and consciously, NO MORE.

Here is an excellent talk by Matt Kahn, re: Soul Contracts, Twin Flames, and Soul Mates. A powerful ‘paradigm shifter’.

Plus, JUPITER in the ‘mix’ as well, enhances VENUS, and makes the theme bigger, which actually helps us to get a bigger understanding of what’s going on, and that we need to give relationships more SPACE, and our true self more room to grow.

Here’s the triple VENUS / JUPITER ‘itinerary’:

First conjunction of both in LEO – the DAY of the Full Moon: Big drama? Lots of Summer fun? What’s going on underneath? Well, the meetings of Venus with Saturn in Scorpio will show.

(Venus now retro, back in LEO, and together with Jupiter connected with LEO’s brightest star Regulus, near the ‘Sphinx Point’): Self-awareness shows. It might tell us that we engaged in an attraction pattern because we wanted to be seen and loved – and so did they.

OCT 25
(Venus direct again, post-retro, now both Venus and Jupiter in VIR): Healthy Self-love: We don’t ‘need’ a relationship, are self-sufficient, and aligned with what serves us and the whole. We enjoy the service we offer in the world. Attraction from there can follow. Maybe we (RE)connect with loved ones in a way that shows us why our Love matters….

I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The astonishing light of your own being ~ Hafiz

I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The astonishing light of your own being ~ Hafiz

In this cycle,
AUG 15
will be the half-way point ‘, Day of the SUN – VENUS alignment (both in radiant Leo!), and ‘BIRTH of the NEW VENUS’.
Which happens to be also quite the ‘Goddess Day’ in the Catholic calendar: The heavenly Assumption of Mary
And it will be the day after the LEO NEW MOON (Aug 14).
Mid-August promises to be a potent time for new beginnings.

Keep an eye on the area in YOUR CHART in late LEO / early VIR (VENUS / JUPITER ‘resi-dance’ these days / months), and late SCO / early SAG (SATURN’s domain over the Summer / early Fall) esp. if you have planets, Sun, Moon, AC, MC there.
These sides in you are called to LOVING SELF AWARENESS (LEO / VIR), and to GO DEEPER, and RISE FROM THERE (SCO / SAG).<3

July 31 – Aug 1 AQ – LEO FULL MOON, with URANUS and SATURN stationary :: Co-Creative, Wide Awake, and Deeply Committed to Change

31 Jul


Crow Guardian, Photo by Melanie, July 2015

Sleepless nights, anyone?

Not ‘just’ the bright Midsummer Full Moon…

Climaxing last weekend, the Awakener struck us (and thunder was heard too here in Vic, a rare thing on the coast), as URANUS (the planet of this Archetype) turned from direct to retro – this ‘U-turn’ energy makes end of July / early August a very Uranian time.

What’s that?

URANUS – representing the Transpersonal Archetype Prometheus the Awakener, has been in fresh, fierce, fiery, and adventurous ARIES since 2011 (in fact, entered this sign on the DAY of the Fukushima quake, March 11, 2011). Erratic, upsetting, revolutionary, out-of-the-box, wake-up call scenarios are common under a Uranus influence.
I surprised myself by being awake until dawn, creatively playing with my website project. My intention is to launch it on Aug 15!

I heard from friends and clients that they had, for various, exciting or upsetting, reasons sleepless nights recently. The influence will fade now, and when we are on the other side of the Full Moon. Great to consciously align with its higher vibrations!

After outer experiences of upsets, unsettled energy, and situations that might have kicked us out of our ‘comfort zone’, Liberation and Awakening from within is the motto, under Uranus’ retro (inward – backward) journey which goes until Christmas Day (yearly for 5 months) bring

The energy of ARIES which URANUS will activate until 2018 is always up for something new NOW. You never know what comes next. Expect the Unexpected, take quantum leaps. Which is now turning into an inner experience. Surprise and liberate yourself! Wide Awake!

URANUS is the planet that rules AQ where the FULL MOON will be tomorrow morning!

So there is an inner ‘kinship’ between these energies, stimulating each other.

Which brings us to:

AQ – LEO FULL MOON 2015 – exactly climaxed this morning, July 31 at 3:43 am PDT.

AQ - LEO FM 20150002


The only AQ Full Moon this year, even though you might have heard it’s considered a ‘Blue Moon’. But that’s not based on Astrology but on the Gregorian calendar:

July 1 was the first Full Moon in July, and July 31 is the second. They nicely ‘frame’ July.

Astrologically, they carry different, and (as always) evolving energies.


A lot has been processed, for many of us, since the last FULL MOON on Canada Day, July 1:

The Moon was in CAPRICORN then, aligned with PLUTO, highlighting our needs for Integrity, Maturity, and Accountability / Commitment.

If those weren’t met a Plutonic process started…

With the CANCER – CAP axis that has been processed:

Where is our Tribe that we belong to? Where is our (inner!) Leadership?

On that note, check out Seth Godin’s excellent, inspiring TED Talk – I came across it this last week:


The seeds we planted under the last NEW MOON in late CANCER (the ‘Creativity Point’), on July 15, brought excitement, surprises, or upset that was bound to turn into liberation and authenticity, via the square with stationary URANUS. And VENUS went retro in the meantime, on July 25 – Liberation from old relationship patterns, and for a new found Self Love.

Now, under the FULL MOON in AQ – LEO, we can see the ‘harvest’ of the last New Moon:

From the place of authentic Creativity and Heart-Love from within (LEO), we can meet our like-spirited friends, comMOONity, and forward-thinking groups in the web of Humanity (AQ), and co-create for a future that we wish to see.


So, where is your Spirit Tribe?

Mature, responsible, and visionary friendships want to come into the ‘limelight’ also, under the AQ Full Moon.

Let’s celebrate the heart connection with those humans whom we are in circles with!

May the Long Time Sun shine on our Friendships, illuminate and inspire our shared endeavours!

Let’s CO-CREATE, because we LOVE!


Saturn Pop

And what’s SATURN got to do with it?

And PLUTO standing by, heart-fully….

Pluto Heartjpg

What’s the Heart and Core of things….?


Our ringed friend, presently in Pluto ruled Scorpio, is indeed making a ‘move’:

SATURN, retro since March 14, and presently very sloooowly moving (= stationary), will turn DIRECT on Aug 1, and gradually forward again, from Earth perspective!

Saturn is another ‘focal point’ that we can’t ignore, initiating a turn-around…

Ha! Another Harvest theme this Summer….
Saturn, known as ‘The Reaper’, shows us where things are ripe, where karma and ‘inner contracts’ are ready to be completed, so that we can integrate the lessons.

Which is often a painful process – when the ego resists, and when fear persists, and we hold on to the old for all too long.

Saturn ‘dipped’ back into the tail end of SCORPIO, in retro mode, on June 14, and showed us where ‘Residual Processing’ (my Saturn mantra ever since) is necessary.

Now, Saturn has reached the furthest point back, at 28° 17’ SCO, from which the ‘U-turn’ happens tomorrow, Aug 1. Saturn will re-enter SAG for good (not to return to SCO until 2041) on Sept 17.

Doing the deep dark ‘ground work’ and putting an end to self-inflicting pain and sabotage is inevitable – and rewarding.

The first step is to acknowledge what you have hidden, avoided, procrastinated, what keeps ‘biting’ you, and how you hurt yourself by engaging in old patterns. In the meantime, with Saturn’s retro effect since March, we have been shown how this is an ‘inside game’ and related to old conditioning. In other words: We are doing it to ourselves, we can be our own worst task master, saboteur, but also: We are the ones who can turn this around.

Good old Saturn shows us our perception of separation. We hurt ourselves most with that perception of reality where we need to guard, strategize, protect, cover, you name it. Yikes! Time to release that ‘stinger-selfie’.

“The urge to purge” can be well channeled into transformational processes.

PLUTO in Saturn Ruled CAP, knows a lot about that too – and shows us that we always have inner resources we can invoke: Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, and our Inner Elder, while the Liberating AQ Full Moon’ shows us that a trusted comMOONity or with friends whom you feel comfortable with to show your naked face and ‘true colours’ helps immensely too.

Ask yourself honestly:

  • What is it that I can pro-actively clear and complete now?
  • How can this make my life and my journey (SAG) so much clearer, lighter and more focused?

Make a commitment with yourself (and with Saturn, if you will ).

Don’t be afraid to go into the ‘underground’, dark zones and corners of our lives that are usually hidden (Scorpio rules in the body the large intestines and sex organs).

Saturn supports us as we approach and process the inner shadow that we usually hide from ourselves and the world (for better or worse) and that makes us cover up something, or a few things. In that dark zone, the magic and treasures are being found when we let transformation happen. Let them see the light of the day! Definitely by Sept 17, when Saturn enters SAG – or any time between now and then.

Saturn rules the Root Chakra, by the way. Foundation matters.

In our Crown-to-Root / Sun-to-Saturn Manifestation Journey which started right after the Cancer New Moon, we will reach Saturn, and complete the group process end of August, by then under Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in earthy Virgo, very timely aligned.

The Saturn turnaround is an excellent time to create a new foundation from the ground up, esp. for endeavours that are oriented towards deep change, magic, and vision.

Saturn now forward moving in SCO loves us when we are deeply committed to this ‘underground / underwater work’.


Saturn in Scorpio can affect you strongly, and you can use this energy for the highest good, if you have planets, Sun, Moon, AC at the end of the fixed signs, in other words, end of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius.

And in case it’s not happening quite NOW for you if you are not in the ‘target group’ of the Full Moon T-Square (and you are not in denial… 🙂 ) it’s still an excellent Summer to do a major clean-up in the ‘attic or basement’, and renovation. Either literally, or symbolically, depending on where Scorpio is in your chart.

Quick guideline for where the realm of transformational purging needs to happen, as Saturn in Scorpio is transiting your…

1st house: How you show up, 2nd house: What you have; 3rd house: Your environment, 4th house: Your home and history, 5th house: Your creativity, 6th house: Your work and health, 7th house: Your significant others, 8th house: Your deep involvement and ‘contracts’, 9th house: Your travels and worldviews, 10th house: Your calling and purpose, 11th house: Your community, 12th house: Your oneness with ALL.

If you have planets, Sun / Moon / AC in late Scorpio, or Taurus, Leo, or Aquarius these sides of you will be strongly affected by the Saturn station. In a private (I bet your Scorpio side will like that) session we can explore the exact alignments more deeply, and safely go into the ‘personal underground’ – which is very timely, healing, releasing, and rewarding now.

August would be a great time to come if you’d like to take me up on my Anniversary Client Appreciation Offer, Aug 1 – 31.
10 up to 50% discount on personal sessions (depending on how long ago your first one was)!

VENUS Retro Summer 2015 – Practicing True Self Love & Attracting for Real!

14 Jul

The VENUS Retro ‘Season’ is ON!

July 13: VENUS – SATURN Square #1 (out of 3) 

July 18: VENUS will cross the ‘Sphinx Point’ into VIR

July 25 – Sept 6: VENUS Retro phase (from early VIR back to mid-LEO)


Venus Birth Botticelli

Birth of Venus – by Italian Renaissance painter S. Botticelli



How has your VENUS – JUPITER journey been so far?

Remember? On the day of the last Full Moon, July 1, they showed up so beautifully together in the evening sky… and Venusian themes have been enhanced, since their first rendez-vous…
Yes, under VENUS in LEO, you feel inspired to party and enjoy the Summer festivals, but hey, this Summer of Love energy doesn’t require any external reinforcement if the Heart is in its true place. It’s all about basking in the radiance of the Self, and Living Life Lovingly.

Just before the New Moon, tomorrow, July 15, VENUS stationary in Leo (also getting ready for her ‘U-turn’ to retro, on July 25) exactly squared SATURN which is presently retro / stationary in Scorpio.

This squeezy alignment happens now for the first time, and again twice, on Aug 5 (with Venus retro, and Saturn just out of retro), and on Oct 11 (with Venus then in Virgo, out of retro, and Saturn then in Sag, also post-retro).

Big stuff here:

‘Just say NO’ to what’s not a good fit from a deeper (Scorpio) place, even though it may ‘look good’ and pamper the ego (Leo).

Let’s not get ‘sucked in’ (SATURN in Scorpio can help us with boundaries there) into others’ agenda that triggers our stuff. Yes, we are all ONE, and there is also the human drama playing itself out. VENUS soon retro in LEO can show us where we are attracted to / attracting attention via drama.

VENUS is slowing down, to go retrograde, exactly from July 25 – Sept 6.

Venus goes retro approx. every 1 ½ years. The last time Venus went retro was in late-to-mid CAP, from Winter Solstice 2013 until early Feb 2014. Remember?

The theme was valuing oneself and attracting (from) sustainability, resilience, maturity, and simplicity.

VENUS presently the ‘Evening Star’, will go ‘into the underworld’ to regenerate herself as the Morning Star. We are invited if not required to let old patterns round relationships, pleasing and comparing ourselves with others (Evening Star quality of Venus, with a Libra undertone) die, so that a renewed way of attracting from loving self-worth (Morning Star quality of Venus, with a Taurus undertone) may arise.

With Venus ‘cruising’ now on the LEO – VIR ‘Sphinx Point’, it’s all about self (LEO) awareness (VIR), doing daily heart centred (LEO) practice (VIR), and offering service (VIR), based on love and joy (LEO).


4 R

Virgo, ruled by Mercury, by Johfra Boschart

Venus will briefly cross over the ‘Sphinx Point’ (Self Awareness Point) into VIR on July 18, go retro from the first degree of VIR on July 25, and back into late LEO on July 31, to continue ‘her’ retro journey until Sept 6, and finally leave LEO on Oct 8.

With Venus’s slowing down period now (in pre-retro ‘shadow’ and from mid-July on in stationary ‘storm’) you might have noticed ‘early Venus retro symptoms’ and premonitions about the effect of Venus retro.

Have you (RE?)connected with women from the ‘past’ (even from different time lines)?

Have you been RE-minded of, and attracted to RE-connect with loved ones and lovers ‘from the past’?

Are you drawn to standing in the full light of your loving Beingness (LEO), to Live Life Lovingly, and ‘operate’ / work from there, in pure alignment, as the Sacred Feminine in her temple (VIR)? Alignment is crucial for Virgo.


The Venus retrograde phase will be also a checking in on our values, desires, connections, and attractions.

And, even more so, it’s a RE-newal and RE-alignment of the Inner Feminine with Spirit (the SUN). With the LEO / Sphinx Point vibe be aware of your attraction to show / performance / narcissism, as a compensation for the need to be seen and loved, vs. true intrinsic Self love, and radiance through Spirit, in natural Self Awareness.

What  makes you unconditionally happy from within?

What’s the Truth about the Love of the Self?


I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The astonishing light of your own being ~ Hafiz

I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The astonishing light of your own being ~ Hafiz


In this cycle, Aug 15 will be the half-way point ‘, Day of the SUN – VENUS alignment (both in radiant Leo!), and ‘Birth of the New VENUS’

Which happens to be also quite the ‘Goddess Day’ in the Catholic calendar: The heavenly Assumption of Mary

And it will be the day after the LEO NEW MOON (Aug 14).

Mid-August promises to be a potent time for new beginnings.


VENUS also meets JUPITER 3 times, during ‘her’ pre-retro (happened on July 1), in retro and connected with LEO’s brightest star Regulus (Aug 4), and post-retro phase (Oct 25) – then as the newly born ‘Morning Star’, and in VIR.

To be in loving alignment, to find the Love and the WHY (Jupiter) for our ‘work’ and ‘service’, and for our practice-in-love could be an inquiry and intention for the journey with Venus and Jupiter this Summer and early Fall.

Maybe we (RE)connect with loved ones in a way that shows us why our Love matters….


Keep an eye on the area in your chart in late LEO / early VIR (VENUS / JUPITER ‘resi-dance’ these days / months), and late SCO / early SAG (SATURN’s domain over the Summer / early Fall) esp. if you have planets, Sun, Moon, AC, MC there.

These sides in you are called to loving self-awareness (LEO / VIR), and to go deeper, and rise from there (SCO / SAG).


For a group exploration of our journey with Venus Retro, join us

NEXT MON, July 20

* VENUS RETRO 2015 (July 25 – Sept 6) Triple-Squaring Stationary Saturn:
Practicing True Self Love & Attracting for Real!

7:20 – 10 pm: Group drop-in Session

How these energies are affecting you, and how you can be best aligned with them can be seen by consulting with your personal birth chart, based on your birth date, time, and place, its unique pattern, and, foremost:
It depends on how YOU live from the energies of your chart (that’s why I find it’s so important to work with clients in person, and I refuse doing written reports).

If you feel a resonance, and hear the call to work with me come for a 1-on-1 consult session (incl. an initial 1 hr orientation session), or book a package of 3 – 5 sessions: Intentionality and commitment have by nature deeper effects. But hey, try my services out before you commit to a series of sessions!

We can go into the heart of the matter, and draw out what’s possible to help you change from within.


Experience Astrology with Melanie



Transformational, Liberating,

and Empowered Astrology

Consultations, Coaching, Mentoring,
Workshop Circles, and Courses


Melanie Lichtinger
Professional Astrologer
Serving you since 2000
In Victoria BC, and worldwide



Phone:+1-250 381 4299
Skype: melanielichtinger



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© 2015 by Melanie Lichtinger

CANCER New Moon on JULY 15: Bringing Transformation & Liberation Back HOME!

13 Jul

CANCER New Moon on JULY 15, square stationary URANUS in AR.

MARS / MERCURY, also in CAN, opposite PLUTO retro in CAP:

Bringing Transformation & Liberation Back HOME!

CAN NM 2015

At first glance: What a Cancerian concentration and watery gravitation!

MERCURY / MARS in central CAN, opposite PLUTO retro in central CAP – on the day of the CAN New Moon!

Plus, the New Moon squares off with fiery, unpredictable, exciting URANUS in AR which is a stationary focal point in July!

Vive la (R)Evolution!

The URANUS in AR – PLUTO in CAP Squares (7 exact alignments from June 2012 to March 2015 – remember those?) are nowhere near ‘over’.

Their impact and effects move through our world and lives, these years,.…only makes sense – it’s an organic process, not just a mechanical series of ‘events’.
Some clients and group participants have been asking me over time, “What happened with that?”, “ Where is it going from there?” –

Voila, this upcoming New Moon is an activator and reminder for the integration of that big process.

The CAN NEW MOON, with its sharp (square, opposition) links to URANUS and PLUTO, brings the Evolution / Transformation (PLUTO) and Revolution / Liberation (URANUS) that got catalyzed from 2012 – 2015, back ‘home’. Can you FEEL it?

The Cancer NEW MOON with the opposition axis to PLUTO has almost a Full Moon flavour, and reverberates the Canada Day (July 1) Full Moon in CAP – CAN.

Plus, the NEW MOON squares URANUS in AR (the SUN exactly squares UR today, July 12, and the MOON will square UR on the day of the New Moon, July 15).

Here in Western Canada, we have seen a series of massive wildfires in the meantime which broke out right after the Canada Day Full Moon. It required the mobilization of emergency response and resources, and nevertheless caused widespread destruction of nature and homes, and displacement of people. It will take time to rebuild…
Things we lost in the FIRES – and through burning fossil fuels….

Is this a Wake-up call?

What’s with the upcoming federal elections in October?

We are all connected as the Human Family – it’s not just about Canada…

Late Cancer, where the New Moon will be, has a unifying Pisces undertone, and it is linked with NEPTUNE retro in early Pisces which has a Cancer undertone.

What’s with MERCURY – MARS, both uniting on the DAY of the New Moon, and opposing PLUTO retro in CAP?

How about speaking out, and assertively protecting our home land?

Good to be aware that resisting ‘powers’ doesn’t necessarily make them ‘go away’ or transform. It can (and often does) energetically ‘simply’ charge the issue.

On a personal level, this energy helps us with verbalizing our needs, and asserting (MARS) what works best and most sustainably, in in the long run (PLUTO in CAP).

State what you want and stand for, not what you don’t want anymore.


It’s also important to consciously take care of our needs, and not project those onto the outside world. And on the other hand, helping others helps us emotionally too.

What does your Inner Child and what do the Children of the world need, at this point?

And how is what you or they need already available? What do you have access to?

When you might feel deprived or abandoned if that experience that you see ‘over there’ is not available:

What of the quality you seek do you already have, and don’t need to go out and ‘get’?

And how can you providing for and nurturing others make you feel better too?

If you are sensitive by nature, and feel sooo much these days – no surprise, with so much Cancerian energy! – please give yourself credit.

This is not a weakness but a gift that you can be so empathic. How can this gift be best used and applied, for the highest purpose? (PLUTO in CAP)?

Energetically invite the Elders in, either biological ancestors, spirit elders, ancient ones, avatars… all of them are here to support us – a wonderful omnipresent ‘resource’.

How can you set an example of helping someone, ‘simply’ through the resources available to you? Connecting them to these resources might cost you nothing, and make a world of a difference for them.

This is empowering and strengthening for all (you’re not creating a co-dependency though…). There is not a lack of resources. They are just not always ideally allocated.

This can change, and is changing nowadays. So many great examples for that evolution.

What would be a creative, innovative, liberated, and awake approach to the whole situation (SUN & MOON square URANUS)?

We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for and looking up to.

We are the Change….

Let’s bring THAT back HOME now.

CAPRICORN – CANCER Full Moon, with Sirius and Vega – ‘Birthday Gift’ for Canada and the U.S.?

2 Jul

CAP – CAN Full Moon on July 1, with Mars, Pluto, Sirius, and Vega  ‘Birthday Gift’ for Canada and the U.S.?

What a Full Moon coming up!

Exactly today July 1 at 7:20 pm PDT.

CAP - CAN FM 2015

Can you feel it?

Not only will it be a Full Moon on the CANCER (ruled by the Moon) – CAPRICORN (where the Moon is in ‘exile’ – furthest away from its Cancer ‘home’) axis, but also with Pluto retro next to the CAP Moon (the Moon will pass Pluto 7 ½ hrs after the Full Moon, on July 2 at 2:56 am PDT), and with Mars very close to the Sun, both in CAN.

And Mars squares the Lunar Nodes (North Node in LI, South Node in AR which is ruled by Mars).

Lots going on here – these are just the highlights.

BALANCE is a key theme, for every opposition (and the Full Moon is the ‘Mother of Oppositions’), and with the LIBRA North Node.

Balance of what?

The CAP – CAN axis brings up safety and security issues, and dilemmas between feelings and needs, and working with resources in a timely manner.

How can we strike a balance between these two opposing – but complementary – orientations?

  • CAN: activating gentleness, pro-actively nurturing our own needs, family, tribe, belonging, going with rhythms and cycles, and protecting nature and our loved and little ones with loving care (Mars in CAN is quite a ‘Mama Bear’ energy).
  • CAP: working with priorities, resiliently, respectfully, using time and resources well.

The two sides of the equation don’t have to be a dilemma but can cooperate.


How is that relevant for you?

The Full Moon highlights the CAP – CAN axis, with Moon and Sun.

Esp. if your birthday is between July 1 and 6, and the days around those days:

  • How can your needs be met, and your life be sustainable, in the context of the structures you are living in? 
  • Do you need to make foundational changes? In the areas of life relating to CAP / CAN in your chart? 
  • Do you need to downsize, to keep life simpler, and have all that you need – plus more time? 
  • Is the structure / the system you have been in changing?

The dynamic plays itself out in a deeper way when the CAN Sun opposes exactly Pluto retro in CAP – this year on July 6:

It is the axis of Family / Tribe and Elders / Leaders.

  • How can important themes round home, family, belonging, safety, emotional needs, and on the other hand (is it a dilemma?) long term building of sustaining structures, responsible working with time and resources, self-sustainability, and ‘s-aging well’ be reconciled? 
  • In a time where nuclear and extended families in the traditional sense seem to lose their cohesiveness (or will there be a renaissance?) – what is the world of home and family transforming into? Where and what is your family and home, in essence? Where is your tribe? 
  • Who are the Elders and leaders you turn to for guidance? Who are your Spirit Elders? Your inner Elder might be waiting to connect with you.



Out in the countryside, on the trails of the Elders Photo by Melanie, June 2015


More potent transits are coming up, in the polarity / complementary axis of CAN and CAP, building up to the CAN New Moon on July 15 (Mercury and Mars, close to the CAN New Moon, will also oppose Pluto retro).

There’s a lot of tension in the first half of July – which can be a good challenge for empowerment from within.

And back to the collective impact: The not-so-new questions:

How can our Human Family on our Home Planet (CAN) and the bigger structures cooperate in partnership to sustain, or at least minimize damage for, Life-on-Earth (CAP)?

How can our caring (CAN) and responsible (CAP) nature help build just and peaceful structures (LI / CAP) for the children of the world (CAN)?

Planet Earth Americas

Makes me think of the upcoming U.N. Climate Change Conference in Paris (Nov 30 – Dec 11). 

“According to the organizing committee, the objective of the 2015 conference is to achieve, for the first time in over 20 years of UN negotiations, a binding and universal agreement on climate, from all nations of the world.”

May it be effective for sustaining our beautiful planet.

Clearly, the Full Moon on July 1 affects Canada (* July 1, 1867) and the U.S.A. (* July 4, 1776).

Here’s the chart of Canada, with the Full Moon transits:


Canada July 1, 2015

The Full Moon is almost exactly on Canada’s IC with its CAN Sun / Uranus – CAP MC axis.

What does that mean?

Canada is called to be a model of maturity and integrity (CAP) to the world (MC), in other words, needs to ‘grow up’ and get its act together – which is super timely, given PLUTO’s influence in Canada’s 10th house now, since 2011 / 2012 (which was also when Canada had the exact opposition by Pluto to its Sun / Uranus in CAN) – for the first time in Canada’s history (Pluto has a 248 year cycle).

PLUTO brings out the shadow, so that transformation from the core can / must happen. It’s the ‘destroyer – rebuilder’ Archetype.

The CAP shadow has indeed shown its ugly face in the last years in this country, with leadership not in integrity with what the people need and what sustains nature, an adherence to big / global corporate agenda of hierarchical control and dominance, and disrespect / abuse of natural resources and even indigenous rights.

This Full Moon on Canada’s ‘birthday’, with the federal elections coming up in Oct could bring the change – from the core and soul (also: Pluto) of the country, and from its people (represented for a country by the Moon – which will be at the birthday Full Moon with Pluto retro in CAP).
Also, Uranus is now in Canada’s 1st house: Wake Up, and renew yourself, Canada!

More could be discussed about Canada’s chart and transits. I leave it with this in this context.

If some of you are interested in a workshop circle, we can certainly set that up.


And here is the U.S. chart, also with the transits that the Full Moon brings out:


U.S.A. FM July 1 2015

Moon / Pluto oppose almost exactly the U.S. Sun. 2014 / 2015 are the years of the exact opposition of Pluto in CAP to the U.S. Sun. Of course, the energy has been building up. Like with Canada, the Pluto opposition occurs just a few years before critical elections, in 2016, and in a time of a world in crisis and dire need for transformation. Established hierarchical institutional elite structures and ‘empires’ (Pluto in CAP) have to change from the core, while shadow is being released. The U.S. will also have their first Pluto return(!!!) since 1776 in the years 2020 – 2023. Full circle from establishing a new nation while breaking away from the British Empire (Britain is ruled by CAP, can’t you tell?)… We, the People….
Additionally, Uranus is this year and next (every 84 years) on the U.S. Chiron in Aries; stationary / exact June – Aug 2015, again April 2016 & Dec / Jan 2016/17. A call for radical awakening and renewal.

Plus, Saturn will cross the U.S. AC in 2016 (a 29 year cycle). Will the U.S. be able to (RE?)establish themselves, with a mission, vision, and credibility?

Again: More could be discussed about the U.S. chart and its transits. I leave it with this in this context.

If some of you are interested in a workshop circle, we can certainly set that up.


* * The SIRIUS & VEGA Connection


Sirius and Vega are presently activated by the Sun / Mars (next to Sirius) and Moon / Pluto (Vega)!

Aren’t they beautiful together? Worlds apart, from Earth perspective… we are basically suspended between them…

Mid-Cancer where the Sun is presently with the Full Moon, the ‘birth Sun’ of Canada, July 1, and the U.S., July 4, and also not far from the Sun’s position for the National Holiday of France, July 14, is close to the Zodiac position of Sirius (14°17’ CAN) which is the brightest star in the night sky, and one of the most powerful Fixed Stars, with rich mythological associations in various cultures. 

Here is an illustrative article for the effect of Sirius on the U.S. 

Makes me wonder whether the Founding Fathers with their Masonic connection chose the date intentionally, to align the Sun of their new country with Sirius…

And on the other side of the Earth, in the constellation Lyre is the 3rd brightest star (after Sirius and Arcturus), Vega, the ‘Harp Star’. Vega’s position in relation to the Zodiac is 15°33’ CAP – and guess who’s visiting there these days / years, from Earth perspective? Our friend Pluto, activated by the Full Moon!

I leave the message and meaning of Pluto – Vega up to further research – do your own too!

Pluto was exactly conjunct Vega in April this year when it stationed at – 15° 33’ CAP!!! And it will come back to that position in Jan and July – Dec 2016!

Let’s dive into the mysteries (hmmm, Saturn, the ruler of CAP presently retro in Pluto’s realm SCO can help us here!) to invite insights about the downloads from Vega.

Check out the Full Moon Chart, this time with Sirius & Vega.

Apologies for the bottom cut off in the scan.

CAP - CAN FM 2015 with Sirius & Vega


The Sun will, as every year, meet Sirius (between 14 and 15° CAN) round July 5 – 7.

HH the 14th Dalai Lama will have his 80th birthday on July 6!

Here is a beautiful quote by H.H. that a friend of mine who is a dedicated Buddhist practitioner sent me years ago – big gratitude, dear Heather!

Very apropos the CAP – CAN Full Moon, in a simple and profound way:


Never give up

No matter what is going on

Never give up. Develop the heart.

Too much energy in your country

Is developing the mind

Instead of the heart.

Develop the heart.

Be compassionate.

Work for peace

In your heart and in the world.

Work for peace.

And I say again: Never give up

No matter what is happening,

No matter what is going on

Around you,

Never give up.

~ The XIV Dalai Lama


© 2015 by Melanie Lichtinger




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How these energies are affecting you, and how you can be best aligned with them can be seen by consulting with your personal birth chart, based on your birth date, time, and place, its unique pattern, and, foremost: it depends on how YOU live from the energies of your chart (that’s why I find it’s so important to work with clients directly, and I refuse doing written reports). It’s all very unique – just as your life is.

Come for a 1-on-1 session or let’s custom design a package of 3 – 5 sessions. We can zoom right into the heart of the matter, and draw out what’s possible to help you change from within.

Or join one of our group sessions if that’s more your cup of tea. A few are coming up in July, and even a new 7-week Crown-to-Root / Sun-to-Saturn Astro*Chakra Manifestation Journey from July 16 on.

If you have questions, or would like to hear about options about working together, call me at 250 381 4299, or send me an email (