Tag Archives: Elders

CAP – CANCER Full Moon (June 24): Natural Organic Authority & Soul-Full-Filling Purpose

23 Jun

Dear Astro~News Reader, in the Cosmic-Human Family!

The first FULL MOON of SUMMER 2021 is here to bless us – tomorrow June 24.

In CAPRICORN – as the SUN is now in CANCER.
Well, that’s sometimes ‘tough love’… and a few things to process, compliments MOON – PLUTO. I’ll get to that (and we feel it…).

Next ones – 3 more this Summer, 4 altogether:

  • Fri / Sat July 23 / 24, on the cusp of AQ – LEO
  • Sun Aug 22, at the very end of AQ – LEO – ‘Blue AQ – LEO Full Moon’ on the ‘Sphinx Point’
  • Mon Sept 20, at the end of PI – VIR – just 2 days before Fall Equinox – the Harvest Moon

Happy Strawberry & Rose Moon of June!

So many beautiful flowers in full bloom now, incl. Wild Roses and cultivated Roses. Time to smell the Roses, and take their Heart Medicine in.

Wild Roses by the Sea – photo by moi, earlier this month

You might already know…
Native Americans and other traditions around the World gave names to the Full Moons of the year. Each Nation / culture has given the Full Moons of the month different names, according to what that month brings and requires.

So many names, so much diversity… directed by Nature.

My friend Otto Heitzer in Germany took this amazing photo of the strawberry coloured Full Moon – not today but some Moons ago

What does this FULL MOON mean to YOU?
And even more so, how does it MOVE YOU?

I invite you to follow the trail into the Heart of Astro~News, to find its gifts and Medicine through the read, and even more so: in your HEART! 

The first Full Moon in Summer comes with a double CAP – CAN theme:
MOON in early CAP opposing SUN in early CAN.
VENUS in late CAN opposing PLUTO retro in late CAP.

Early CAP / CAN has a double CAP / CAN undertone, late CAP has a VIR, late CAN a PI undertone.

I posted the Full Moon chart below – can you see the two polarities?

Themes of care, compassion, kindness, sensitivity, belonging, home & welcoming, children & family (CANCER)
vs. / and (Full Moon polarity axis)
Infrastructure, resources, building, big business / corporations, governments, bosses, rules, laws (CAP)

...show up big time, to come to fruition / harvest (Full MOON) now.

Even more so, as grand JUPITER in early PISCES (with CANCER undertone) is a stationary focal point now, as it just turned retro on Summer Solstice. The Big One is showing us where ‘in the family’ (in all senses) resonance, ease, and good vibrations are – and where they just aren’t, and it’s time to let go and bless rather than play the Piscean victim – perpetrator – saviour game.

MERCURY in GEM has JUST come out of retro on June 22.
This one (in square with NEPTUNE in PI) has been one of the weirdest, wildest in a looong time.
Besides all the mental / communicative havoc and bizarre labyrinths and rabbit holes we might have experienced, it showed us a lot about old thought patterns.
Would be great to RE-view now, in the out-flying ‘storm’ until end of June, and supported by Grandmother MOON.

Dec 25 / 26, 2019 Ring of Fire Eclipse Connection

Guess what?
The CAP – CAN Full Moon reconnects with the ‘Ring of Fire’ Annular Solar Eclipse on Dec 25 / 26, 2019 – also at 4° CAP!

Can’t ignore the sign that something major in the worlds of CAP comes to fruition now, connected to the seeds that were planted with that epic exact Christmas New Moon.

Out of the Old Paradigm. Into New Ways of Being
…was the motto I felt called to give to that ASE.
The blog post for the ASE on Dec 25 / 26, 2019 could be worth (re)reading, in retrospect and for integration and context about where we’re at now.

What a year and a half since Dec 2019!

Massive endeavours, infrastructural, societal and esp: HUMAN impacts in 2020. Massive shadow revelation.
SATURN, PLUTO, and JUPITER all aligned in CAP in 2020.
A historic year with long term consequences.

We’ve seen those also in the two CANCER countries of Canada (July 1, 1867) and U.S. (July 4, 1776) – with their leaders and governments (CAP) – in dire need of / undergoing massive transformation (PLUTO).

Lots of authority issues in both countries are on the table.
What’s with respecting the Earth, Nature, Natural Law, Elders and Indigenous Cultures?!
All of these are / would be expressions of a healthy CAP ‘culture’.
More layers of major systemic violations of human rights in the name of entitled authority have been shockingly revealed just even lately.
And then there’s the capitalist-colonial supremacy (CAP shadow) of disregard for Nature, esp. the last Ancient Forests.

Themes of authority – the polarity of SOLAR creative, radiant authority (Summer Solstice SUN in early CANCER) vs. / AND the earned and experienced authority of the Elder, represented by Grandmother MOON in early CAP (Winter Solstice) are now UP, with the CAP – CAN Full Moon, and VENUS – PLUTO also in CAN – CAP (more about that below).

  • Have you experienced Authority issues / conflicts, in the build-up to the Full Moon?
  • Have you projected one side or the other onto ‘the other’ and gone into outer / inner confrontation?
  • Have you on the other hand been supported by natural experienced & true lived authority by respected Elders (incl. Spirit Elders), and Good People, or: shown up as one of them (CAP) – with the effect of naturally feeling warmly welcome and inspired (CAN)?
  • How are both sides already IN you, just waiting to be reconciled?
  • What needs to be balanced in this dynamic, so that the two sides that need each other can be complementary, and create a well-rounded Natural, Organic Authority?
  • How can this turn into / show up as Soul Fulfilling Purpose?

Not an ‘easy’ MOON Scape…. you probably feel it…

Given the direction of the MOON towards PLUTO retro in CAP (their alignment will be exact / LUNA will pass PLUTO on Sat June 26 at 12:36 am PDT).
There are so many old and internal layers & sediments when it comes to internalized hierarchical / established power structures. Inner ‘archaeology’ needed – and rewarded.

It can be full-filling – on a deeper level, to connect with Elders and Ancestors, help complete old contracts, transform old contractions and conditioning, and heal in the NEW and NOW (CHIRON in ARIES is in wide – and building T-square with the Full Moon axis!).

In CAP, the MOON is in ‘exile’ – furthest away from its CANCERian ‘home’ with its warm, cozy and caring qualities, in safe momma-babe connection.

  • Feeling rather ‘cold and wintry’ – at the onset of Summer?
  • Making sure resources are in place?
  • Managing scarcity and fears?
  • Being sustained / providing feels like an effort?
  • Can you channel the caring into taking care of important ‘business’ that has priority?

If these themes come up for you, it’s time to take a look at old ancestral and societal conditioning and contractions around that.

I.o.w., with the MOON approaching PLUTO retro in CAP – an inquiry could be (take your time and do this at home):

  • What does the inner / old authority say to the need to be safe, cared for, and caring?
  • What were historic (PLUTO in CAP) traumas and hardship that your biological ancestors, Spirit Elders, or your inner karmic journey went through?
  • How can you honour and acknowledge them?
  • How can the experience find completion in YOU, rather than unconsciously self-sabotaging (also a theme with PLUTO retro), out of ‘soul loyalty’, or even guilt for having ‘a better life’ than your Elders and Ancestors?
  • What helps in the deep transformation through time, and from your inner true Soul Nature (PLUTO retro in CAP)?

And there’s also VENUS (end of CAN) involved – She opposed PLUTO end of CAP today June 23.
What’s with the healing quality of the Power of Love (esp. when the Love of Power seems to be up)?

How about creating a felt-sense Family / Ancestry mini-constellation (with placeholders from and IN Nature, like rocks, flowers, twigs…) as a Full Moon Ceremony, and seeing how it moves in you?

The Full MOON approaching PLUTO retro in CAP ushers Transformation in

Loving how the Transformation Card ‘The MOON’ can guide and inspire us in this:

The Moon (front)- Transformation Cards by Diana Varisco
  • What is your purpose and role in Evolution?

  • What transforms the old hierarchical / patriarchal structures of domination, subordination, separation?

  • Forming a chain and a circle (AQ where SATURN, ruler of CAP is now) of sisters and brothers in equality and cooperation beyond old hierarchies and separations IS building the NEW.
The Moon (back)- Transformation Cards by Diana Varisco

A ‘serious MOON business’ as it seems.

An important Full MOON.
Soul-Full-Filling Completion.

The Full Moon in CAP, ruled by SATURN links to a theme that we’ll see continuing throughout the year, both themes just activated in June:

The triple square from SATURN in AQ with URANUS in TAU in 2021 (Feb 17, June 14 – with SATURN retro -, and Dec 23):
A conflict between old (order) and new (chaos, awakening).

Plus, ‘Wounded Healer’ / Medicine Bringer CHIRON in early ARIES squares the Full Moon axis!

With that, the triple sextile from SATURN in AQ with CHIRON in ARIES in 2021 (Feb 9, June 23 – with SATURN retro -, and Nov 26) gets activated by the Full MOON.

What are the prime wounds of society & various systems, and what’s the New Medicine to meet them?

It’s time to acknowledge early (ARIES) / passed-on / wounding ‘conditions’ and conditioning in society (SATURN in AQ), and be compassionate with ourselves and others (CAN).
CHIRON in ARIES brings healing and teaches us through the Medicine of emerging from the old, and being authentic in the NEW and NOW.

What are your Main Themes in this?

It isn’t comfortable, but important to acknowledge what’s there, and has perhaps been building up for a very long time and throughout society (MOON & PLUTO retro in CAP – SATURN retro in AQ).

Which can lead to an inner sense of completion – otherwise it goes in circles (the shadow of CAP is it’s never complete, always more to work on – late CAP has a VIRGO undertone).

Maybe it’s about completion as in: good enough for here-now.
Knowing we / they show up the best way we / they can, with what we / they are dealing with – nobody’s perfect.
That’s where conscious SoUlar CANCERian (self)compassion and VENUSian loving kindness come in.

And on deeper levels, it’s true, certain ‘conditions’ can’t be completed…. they have ‘a life of their own’ – and come to a natural evolutionary ‘re-purposing’ transformation in their own time.
Nothing ever really ‘dies’, it just changes form – says PLUTO.

Acknowledgement is a prerequisite for ‘completion’ (so CAP).

And acceptance of a natural imperfection, impermanence and continuum takes us deeper into Living from Soul (as represented by PLUTO in CAP – which the MOON will meet on June 26).

I felt called to bring in the

Sabian Symbol 

for the Zodiac degree of the FULL MOON (3°27′ CAP)


Pulling Together Canoe Journey 2017

KEYNOTE: The ability to use natural resources and basic skills in order to achieve a group-purpose.

As this scene was recorded in the original version only in imprecise terms, it seems merely to indicate the start of a journey undertaken by a cohesive group of people, who perhaps together have built this large canoe.

Thus we see here a common enterprise which may be an answer to the need for a change of locality. A social group more strongly than ever reveals its homogeneity and common will when it decides to move away from its familiar habitat. The zodiacal sign Capricorn brings this common will to a focus in concrete actions. It does so in terms of socio-political expediency and under a definite type of executive direction, even though the decisions are arrived at by common consent.

As this is the fourth symbol in the fifty-fifth five-fold sequence, we find in it a hint of how to do something concrete. The “canoe” may also have a special technical meaning, as it uses water in order to move.
A common feeling-response to a specific situation may be implied.

The main emphasis is nevertheless on GROUP-ACTIVITY in circumstances implying a need for change.”

This Sabian Symbol brings together the CAP side of resourcing, and the CANCER side of a sea journey of a comMOONity of people. Even the theme of the Transformation Card The Moon is reflected here – together with our Spirit Brothers & Sisters we pull together into / AS the New Human Family.

The ‘familiar habitat’ in the Sabian Symbol may be literally geographic, or energetic / dimensional:
From a place of density / polarity / separation to fluidity / unity / connectedness.

JUPITER in PISCES uniting with NEPTUNE in Apr 2022 helps with this.
This grand union is of course already accessible when / as we transcend (in PISCEAN fashion) the confines and conditioning of time-space.

Argo Navis constellation in CANCER

Speaking of Sea Journeys:
The sign CANCER also involves the constellation of Argo Navis – the boat of Jason and the Argonauts in Greek Mythology

And a la CANCER (and lots of retro energy to come over the Summer) – sometimes we need to pull back to move forward.

Let’s take a look at the FULL MOON Chart

The culmination of the Full Moon will be 11:40 am PDT on Thu June 24.

It illustrates the themes described above…

See the polarity / opposition of SUN and MOON and also of VENUS and PLUTO?
Framing CAN and CAP symmetrically at 3-4 degrees at the beginning and end of the signs.

CHIRON stationary (going retro on July 15) is on the apex of a wide T-square with the Full Moon axis, calls for
Healing of the wounds of war, aggression, life as a battleground, and:
Healing through authenticity, new beginnings, and: Presence.

Also in the Full Moon ‘Boat’ (just happened / about to shift):

How does the CAP – CAN Full MOON and Her connection with PLUTO in CAP show up for you? 

Do the themes above sound familiar?
What are you processing
(MOON approaching PLUTO retro) about the ‘things of old’?

Esp. if your birthday is
end of June (early CAN),
end of December (early CAP),
end of March (early ARIES),
or end of Sept (early LIBRA)?

Or you might have your MOON, AC, or Planets in the early degrees of these cardinal signs (check out your chart, or let’s take a look together).

Then a lot of this is probably UP for you now / these days / months, and might culminate with the FULL MOON.

Important Questions with the CAP Full Moon

  • How can your basic-and-beyond needs be met, and your life be sustainable, in the context of the structures you’re living in?

  • Time for foundational changes (which may just ‘organically happen’), esp. in the areas of life relating to CAP / CAN in your chart, e.g.
    1st – 7th House: Self & Relationships,
    2nd – 8th House: Owning & Sharing,
    3rd – 9th House: Social / Local Environment & World at large,
    4th – 10th House: Home / Family & Public / Purpose,
    5th – 11th House: Creativity / Children & Community,
    6th – 12th House: Health / Wellness / Livelihood & Soul Service.

  • How about purging, repurposing, and downsizing to keep life simpler, and have all that you need – plus more time (CAP)?

  • Is the structure / the system you’ve been in changing?
    How is it sustainable? Where’s your part in the change?

CAP – CAN Axis of Family / Tribe, and Elders / Leaders

More questions – to contemplate personally, and explore with your Soul Family:

  • How can important themes round home, family, belonging, safety, emotional needs, and on the other hand (is it a dilemma?) long term building of sustaining structures, responsible working with time and resources, and ‘s-aging well’ be reconciled?

  • In a time where nuclear and extended families in the traditional sense seem to lose their cohesiveness (or will there be a renaissance?) – what’s your world of home and family transforming into?
    Where / who is your tribe?

  • Who are the Elders and leaders you turn to for guidance?
    Who are your Spirit Elders?
    Your inner Elder might be waiting to connect with you.

All important questions to explore and LIVE now, under the Full Moon dynamic and beyond.

They’ll be deepened and brought again to our consciousness with the CANCER New Moon on July 9, in square with stationary (going retro on July 15) CHIRON in ARIES and wide opposition with PLUTO retro in CAP.

Much Love and Cosmic Blessings for the CAP – CAN Full Moon!

© 2021 by Melanie Lichtinger


Live Your True Self & Be Free!

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Received in gratitude! ♥

CAPRICORN – CANCER Full Moon (with SATURN) on June 27 / 28: Soul-Full-Filling Completion

27 Jun

Dear Astro~News Reader,

The first FULL MOON of SUMMER 2018 is here to bless us – today June 27 (CDT and West of it) / June 28 (EDT and everywhere East of it)!

In CAPRICORN – as the SUN is now in CANCER.
Uhh, has it ever a strong CAPRICORN theme:
MOON / SATURN retro, PLUTO retro, LILITH, all in CAP!
And here on the West Coast even the Ascendant in CAP, since the MOON with SATURN would have just risen before Fullness!

I posted the Full Moon chart below – can you see the CAP concentration?


A Rising Beauty, next to the Ringed Planet – both shone upon by the SUN!

This also means, the SUN in CANCER was exactly opposite SATURN (once a year), this morning, June 27.
Authority Themes.
We’ve seen those also in the two CANCER countries of Canada (July 1, 1867) and U.S. (July 4, 1776) – with their leaders and governments (CAP) – that are in dire need of transformation (PLUTO).

The polarity of SOLAR creative, radiant authority vs. / AND the earned and experienced authority of the Elder (SATURN).

  • Have you experienced Authority issues / conflicts, in the build-up to the Full Moon?
  • Have you projected one side or the other onto ‘the other’ and gone into outer / inner confrontation?
  • Have you on the other hand experienced support by Elders and true authority that ignited your own creativity fire?
  • How are both sides already IN you, just waiting to be reconciled?
  • What needs to be balanced in this dynamic, so that the two sides that need each other can be complementary, and create a well-rounded Authority?

The Full MOON conjunct SATURN will rise on the Eastern horizon into exact Fullness at 9:53 pm PDT on June 27, here from the West Coast perspective!

Not an ‘easy’ MOON scape though…. you probably feel it.

Yet, it can be still full-filling – on a deeper level, as we connect with Elders and Ancestors, help complete old contracts, transform old contractions, and heal in the NEW and NOW (CHIRON in ARIES is in T-square with the Full Moon axis!).


In CAP, the MOON is in ‘exile’ – furthest away from its CANCERian ‘home’ with its warm, cozy and caring qualities, in safe momma-babe connection.
Rather cold and wintry?
Making sure resources are in?
Caring channeled into taking care of business?
Managing scarcity and fears?
An effort to be sustained?

If these themes come up for you, it’s time to take a look at old ancestral and societal conditioning and contractions around that.

I.o.w., with SATURN retro next to the MOON – an inquiry (take your time and do this at home):

  • What does the inner / old authority say to the need to be safe, cared for, and caring?
  • What were historic (PLUTO in CAP) traumas and hardship that your biological ancestors, Spirit Elders or your inner karmic journey went through?
  • How can you honour and acknowledge them?
  • How can the experience find completion in you, rather than you self-sabotaging (also a theme with SATURN retro), out of unconscious loyalty?
  • What helps in the deep transformation through time, and from your inner true Soul Nature (PLUTO retro and LILITH in CAP)?

This is the first Full Moon with, and super close(!) to SATURN since it entered CAP on Dec 19, 2017.
Their exact ‘date’ is just 1 hr 20 min before the Full Moon!
Even the astronomers suggest: Time to watch SATURN 😉

The Full MOON brings the SATURN in CAP themes that have been up for us in the last 6 months to a first fruition and maturation.
The Full Moon brings a monthly / 29-day (fertility) cycle to fruition, and SATURN brings a longer, 29-year cycle to maturation – full adulthood.

MOON / SATURN are also associated with children, family, motherhood & adulthood.
In one of the Astrology schools I studied, the Swiss API Institute for Astrological Psychology, SATURN is in the family triad associated with the Mother (the SUN as Father, and the MOON as the Child).

In other words, the Full MOON with SATURN is a prime opportunity to take a good look at our Mother-Child themes, and how they might be contrasted and highlighted by the (inner / outer) Father (opposition with the SUN).

How about creating a felt-sense mini-constellation (with placeholders from and IN nature, like rocks, flowers, twigs…) as a Full Moon Ceremony, and seeing how it moves in you?


The Moon – Transformation Cards, by Diana Varisco


The Moon (message on the back) – Transformation Cards by Diana Varisco


The Full MOON with SATURN in CAP ushers Transformation via PLUTO in:

  • What is your purpose and role in Evolution?
  • What transforms the old hierarchical / patriarchal structures of domination, subordination, separation?
  • Forming a chain and circle (AQ) of sisters and brothers in equality and cooperation beyond old hierarchies and separations IS building the NEW.

MARS now in AQ and going back into CAP (close to PLUTO) in Aug / Sept has just gone retro yesterday June 26, and will also help in overcoming old conflict, animosity, adversity and war, and activating the Inner Warrior of Change for Cooperation in Integrity.
Leading with this, and noticing the contrast to the old separating world sets an example that we all need and are nurtured by (MOON in CAP).


A ‘serious MOON business’ indeed. 
An important Full MOON.
Soul-Full-Filling Completion.


Plus, ‘Wounded Healer’ / Medicine Bringer CHIRON in early ARIES squares the Full Moon axis!

With this, the Full Moon initiates a theme that we’ll see throughout July and Aug:
The square (not precise but almost, and lingering) between SATURN retro in CAP and stationary / going retro (on July 4) CHIRON in ARIES.

So, it’s time to acknowledge early (ARIES) / passed-on / wounding ‘conditions’ and conditioning that have also matured us (CAP), and made us compassionate with ourselves and others (CAN).
CHIRON in ARIES brings healing and teaches us through the Medicine of emerging from the old, and being authentic in the NEW and NOW.

CAP themes
are related to accomplishment, success, responsibly stepping into our purpose, and committing to what’s not easy but what we’re ‘built for’, and what matters in the long run (rather than going for short term comfort), and doing the work, consistently.

An old / conditioned / lower / often ‘hidden in plain sight’ CAP shadow vibration it can be semi-/ unconsciously expressed through taking a lot on / labouring, carrying a lot / feeling burdened by the ‘load’ of…, feeling heavy and depressed, judged and judgmental, resentful, running out of time.

What’s your main theme in this?
It isn’t comfortable, but important to acknowledge what’s there, and has perhaps been building up for a very long time (CAP)…
Yet it can lead to an inner sense of completion – otherwise it goes in circles, because it IS about completion (and our sense might be it’s never complete).


This time I felt called to bring in the SABIAN SYMBOL for the Zodiac degree of the FULL MOON (6°28 CAP) and SATURN (5°48′ CAP) as a divination oracle which confirms this:


Log SeaScape with Crow. Photo by Melanie, Oct 2017

KEYNOTE: The need to complete any undertaking before seeking entrance to whatever is to be found beyond.

Number 10 is a symbol of completion; it symbolizes even more the revelation of a new series of activities just ahead. Yet unless the concluded series is brought to some degree of fulfillment, nothing truly significant is likely to be accomplished by a restless reaching out toward the as-yet-unknown. Number 10 is a symbol of germination, but the seed (Number 9) must have matured well. No natural process can be accelerated safely beyond certain limits.

This represents the first stage in the fifty-sixth five-fold sequence.
It establishes a foundation for what will follow. Here we reach a THRESHOLD in which we may have to pause in order to safeguard our further advance.”

This Sabian Symbol is so apropos SATURN / FULL MOON in CAP – wrapping around that degree!

  • Where does this theme of completion ‘get you’ emotionally?
  • Where is a cycle coming to completion – and it’s ‘simply’ your job to acknowledge that? It might have taken quite some time, yet for some reason necessarily so.
  • Can you reconcile home, family, belonging, safety, emotional needs, and on the other hand (is it a dilemma?) long term building of sustaining structures, responsibly working with time and resources, and ‘s-aging well’?

Acknowledgement is a prerequisite for ‘completion’ (which CAP is about).


Yet, certain ‘conditions’ can’t be completed…. they have ‘a life of their own’ – and come to a natural evolutionary ‘repurposing’ transformation (nothing ever ‘dies’, it just changes form).

Acceptance of a natural impermanence and continuum takes us deeper into Living from Soul, and our in our True Nature
(as represented by PLUTO / LILITH in CAP – which the MOON will meet on June 29).


Let’s take a look at the FULL MOON Chart:

It illustrates the themes described above…

See the CAP Cluster on the Eastern horizon / AC?
Even MARS and the Lunar North Node will move into CAP
(MARS Aug 12 – Sept 10, the NN mid-Nov).

The MOON / SATURN in early CAP, and the SUN in early CAN squaring CHIRON in early ARIES:
What is the Medicine in the New and Now?


How do the Full MOON with SATURN, and their connection with PLUTO / LILITH in CAP show up for you? 

Do the themes above sound familiar?
What are you acknowledging (SATURN) and processing (PLUTO) about the ‘things of old’?

Esp. if your birthday is
end of June (early CAN),
end of December (early CAP),
end of March (early ARIES),
or end of Sept (early LIBRA)?

Or you might have your MOON, AC, or Planets in the early degrees of these cardinal signs (check out your chart, or let’s take a look together).

Then a lot of this is probably UP for you now / these days / months, and might culminate with the FULL MOON.


Important questions with the CAP Full Moon:

  • How can your basic-and-beyond needs be met, and your life be sustainable, in the context of the structures you’re living in?
  • Time for foundational changes (which may just ‘organically happen’), esp. in the areas of life relating to CAP / CAN in your chart, e.g.
    1st – 7th House: Self & Relationships,
    2nd – 8th House: Owning & Sharing,
    3rd – 9th House: Social / Local Environment & World at large,
    4th – 10th House: Home / Family & Public / Purpose,
    5th – 11th House: Creativity / Children & Community,
    6th – 12th House: Health / Wellness / Livelihood & Soul Service.
  • Do you need to downsize to keep life simpler, and have all that you need – plus more time?
  • Is the structure / the system you’ve been in changing? How is it sustainable? Where’s your part in the change.

CAP – CAN is the axis of Family / Tribe, and Elders / Leaders:

  • How can important themes round home, family, belonging, safety, emotional needs, and on the other hand (is it a dilemma?) long term building of sustaining structures, responsible working with time and resources, and ‘s-aging well’ be reconciled?
  • In a time where nuclear and extended families in the traditional sense seem to lose their cohesiveness (or will there be a renaissance?) – what’s your world of home and family transforming into?
    Where / who is your tribe?
  • Who are the Elders and leaders you turn to for guidance?
    Who are your Spirit Elders?

    Your inner Elder might be waiting to connect with you.

All important questions to explore and LIVE now, under the Full Moon dynamic and beyond.

They’ll be deepened and brought even more to our consciousness when the CANCER SUN exactly opposes PLUTO retro in CAP on the DAY of the Partial Solar Eclipse / ‘Seed’ New Moon in CANCER on July 12 / 13, heralding the North Node from LEO into CANCER this Fall.



Much Love and Cosmic Blessings for the CAP – CAN Full Moon!


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger



Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, to live from YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

My Invitation

If you feel the resonance with the themes above,  and you could use support in your journey drop me a line, and we can set up a private Astrology consult session, or initial 20-min orientation talk, to find out what would be the best course of action.
Maybe it’s time to fully benefit from a 3- or 5- sessions coaching sequence?
Just email me (licht@islandnet.com) if you’d like to discuss options.

Please find upcoming Astrology workshops and classes, embodied Astrology, as well as offers, plus almost daily updates (more frequently than here on the Blog), incl. videos, on my FB Page:

Astrology for Self Realization.

June is Dad’s Month – check out the offer that’s still on until June 30: 
Starry Gifts are 20% off & 2-for-1 Sessions are on!
Maybe a perfect occasion to explore YOUR Astrology and its guidance for your journey?

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gifts of Astrology!

LILITH Enters CAPRICORN (Nov 8 – Aug 6, 2018): Wild & Wise Inner Integrity and Leadership

2 Nov


LILITH, the Archetype of the ‘Wild Woman’, or rather ‘Unconditioned Nature’ will enter CAPRICORN on Nov 8.

LILITH has a 9-year cycle, and hasn’t been in CAP since 2009.
‘She’ travels 9 month in one sign – a ‘pregnancy phase’ to cultivate intrinsic qualities of that Zodiac energy, through our True, unconditioned Nature.
And by the way, ‘she’ never goes retro.


Quick re-CAP, for the context:

Under LILITH in SAG over the last 9 months since Feb we’ve seen through the ‘fake’, manipulative agenda, empty promises, and life threatening ‘stories’ and beliefs.
Have you been able to cut through and rise beyond that, and be in your intrinsic Truth?
What does that look like?
LILITH from SAG to CAP shows collectively: The ‘Wild Feminine’ / our Inner ‘Wild Nature’ has been in ‘her’ Truth, and wants to live in Integrity and mature Leadership now!
If you have a CAPRICORN side in you it gets ‘lilified’:
Done with guilt and ‘shoulds’, taking too much on, feeling resentful… you name it. Heavy, heavy stuff. Lighten the load!
LILITH in CAP is quite ZEN about things.

Simplicity beyond complexity.

AGE… what age? A matter of Spirit.
For / with LILITH, nobody’s ‘too young for’ or ‘too old for’ what they’re wildly-authentically capable of.
Same goes for all sorts of hierarchies and classes, on the ‘mountain’ / ‘pyramid’ of society.
LILITH is into re-establishing natural order and natural law.

LILITH from SAG to CAP shows collectively and for us personally:
The ‘Wild Feminine’ / our Inner ‘wild’ Nature has been in ‘her’ Truth, and wants to see Integrity and mature Leadership incl. Life Leadership now!
Being the Change, for Real.

If you have a CAP side in you it gets ‘lilified’, and infused with untameable and indomitable Spirit.


Ancient Sumerian Lilith Relief


LILITH in YOUR chart…

…shows where YOU need to be in tune with YOUR nature, which areas of life trigger that (money, children, relationships, travel, career…) and in what way (sign, and aspects to other planets).

So, give the inner CAP LILITH a good outlet in the next 9 months, and be in the authentic, mature and FREE Spirit of Integrity and Leadership.
It’s Your Life and Your Time!

On a spiritual level, the LILITH in CAP ‘Call of the Mountain’ is to find the ultimate ‘purpose in life’ in the unconditioned Nature of the Self.

If you have SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets in CAP…
…and for all of us, where CAP is in our charts, this is the 9-month ‘pregnancy’ phase to cultivate being in natural integrity with our True Self ♥


LILITH is now ahead of SATURN (since end of Aug) in late SAG:
Our intrinsic Truth, and Path leads us on, and helps overcome old limiting beliefs and ‘stories’, ‘shoulds’ and externalized authority.

Which prepared us for LILITH now crossing the ‘Integrity Point’ from SAG to CAP, where it becomes mandatory and so rewarding to walk our talk, and be consistent in our natural authority and maturity.

The powerfully wild and wise Crone / Elder got his / her act together, and offers inner counsel.
Therefore, find support from the realm of the Grandmothers and Elders who hold traditional and ancient wisdom.
Tune into your inner future Crone / Elder Self, and find simple straightforward support.


LILITH in ‘traditional Astrology’ (if considered as an Archetype at all!) represents the wild and free inner Feminine. ‘She’ is a force of Nature, and relies on ‘her’ inner natural knowing.

‘She’ fiercely resists being conditioned, subordinated, disrespected, and ‘used’, in societal, patriarchal ways, in terms of what a woman (and: Nature) is ‘supposed to be’, as defined by patriarchal values.
End of Oct, LILITH just crossed the Galactic Center (end of SAG), the ‘deep end’ from which ultimate Truth can be traced. The big mystery of the GC (Is it a ‘black hole’? A birthing place of our Solar System and Life on Earth?) evokes deep, unanswerable quests and inquiry into the Nature of Life itself.
On a more ‘down-to-Earth’ level, when the GC is activated, it’s like a vortex into the Unknown, or a ‘Pandora’s Box’ from which all kind of things are flying out / get absorbed into.

Naturally, the association with the ‘Me Too’ Wave comes to mind (which started mid-Oct, when JUPITER had just entered SCO too), as ‘Wild Women and Men’ spoke their truth about sexual harassment and abuse – which showed the shocking magnitude of the issue.
Now what? Many people wonder.
Was it just ‘dumped’ out into public?
Will it be forgotten again as new shock and awe phenomena stream through the media landscape?
Will we even be desensitized, through the bombardment with such scandals?
How can the abuse be processed???
How do we know it’s not all again just statements and ‘empty promises’ but real change, through people showing up differently with each other, in all types of encounters and energy exchanges, and towards Nature???


LILITH crossing over the ‘Integrity Point’ into CAPRICORN where ‘she’ will meet PLUTO next Spring will help move Humanity forward into taking Responsibility and stepping into Leadership, rather than blaming external authority.

We’re the one’s we’ve been waiting for, and looking up to.
I.o.w., we can ‘get the job done’. The question is not ‘if’ (disempowering) but HOW?
‘She’ holds us accountable, and gives us simple, natural support, as in:

  • What would your wise inner Elder / a role model / someone you respect and admire say to this… situation?
  • What would you know is in Integrity, as the ‘high road’?
  • What’s the most mature and responsible way of being in this situation (not because someone / society says so but because YOU know deep inside)?
  • How can you use (be with or learn from) this situation, for the Highest Purpose?
  • Being pragmatic and outcome oriented (CAP), what would be the best, most mature and effective approach?
  • By the way: Coach yourself! Says LILITH.


CAP rules old age, as well as ancient & timeless teachings and practices that simply ‘work’.

Connecting with wise Elders and your own inner Crone or Sage, and following your instinctual Spirit (perhaps also supported by Power Animals) help with finding what matters, and making simple decisions in challenging situations that require maturity and integrity.


CAP works with Nature and the Land.

Nature and the Earth have shown us their fierce responses to not being in Balance and ‘overburdened’ by humanity, through catastrophes that exponentially increased over this year.
LILITH in CAP gives us a chance and says, it’s TIME, to work respectfully and with integrity WITH Nature and the Land.
Abuse will have repercussions (PLUTO in CAP, and JUPITER in SCO this year which is ruled by PLUTO – a fierce LILITH – PLUTO – JUPITER dynamic!).

LILITH was the last time in CAP from Jan – Sept 2009.

The last big economic crisis had started in the U.S. (also activated by SATURN in VIRGO which rules the economy, opposite URANUS in PISCES – chaos and unpredictability).

What was your maturation at the time (remember?), and how could you, rather than going into fear and depression (low vibrations of CAP) find true purpose, build based on integrity, and stick to it, consistently, one step at a time?
How do you look back at your experience then? 


LILITH will align with PLUTO in May 2018 (every 9 ½ years),
starting a new decade long cycle relating to the deep, transformational wisdom that is available as we tune into inner nature and into Mother Nature in her capacity to transform and renew. Core integrity and responsibility are crucial now – rather than exploitation of resources, imposing human will onto Nature, or disrespecting others and our time on Earth….


LILITH affects until early Aug 2018 the area of your life that is related to CAP in your chart (SUN, MOON, Planets, AC/ MC, House/s).

LILITH’s course in Nov / Dec 2017 will be very stimulating for you if you have SUN, MOON, Planets, AC / MC in early CAP, and it will charge / creatively challenge your early AR, CAN, and LIBRA themes.


The Focused Transit Workshop

LILITH into CAPRICORN – Wild & Wise Inner Integrity and Leadership

ON Nov 8 (the day when LILITH enters CAP)
will be dedicated to the LILITH Archetype in general, and in YOUR chart and life.

We’ll invoke and welcome LILITH’s entry into CAPRICORN on the same day (NOV 8), and discuss how to be best aligned with it, for the upcoming 9 months, customized for your astrological themes.

Relevant esp. for all of you with a strong LILITH in your chart, or SUN, MOON, AC, MC or planets in CAP, or in the other cardinal signs AR, CAN, and LIB. In doubt, I can check for you.

If you’d like to join this focused LILITH Workshop please register via email (to licht@islandnet.com), with your complete birth info (date, time, place). Welcome!
I’m available for your preliminary questions too, of course.

Please find the curriculum of classes and workshops in more detail here,
and current ones on my FB Page.


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger




Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’, and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

  • Are you in a challenging transition or transformational crisis?
  • Are you looking for perspective at a crossroad or dilemma, and for empowered choices?

I welcome you to meet and explore with the invaluable and timeless tools of astrology, and to access your own wisdom source in the process.

If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you in being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships with others.
Plus, I can help you determine your powerful places on Planet Earth.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over the 13 years I’ve been facilitating them become quite potent and catalytic.
Come join us, in person here in Victoria, or as an online participant, if deep synergy in an intimate (up to 6 participants) circle speaks to you!

Please find upcoming Astro~Experiences as well as offers, plus almost daily updates (more frequently than here on the Blog), incl. YouTube videos, on my FB Page:
Astrology for Self Realization.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gifts of Astrology!





PLUTO goes direct / forward today: POWER to Change!

28 Sep

Today’s the DAY:
PLUTO in mid-CAP turns direct / forward again!
The MOON is in CAP too these days, connecting with PLUTO this evening, anchoring the Change in the emotional field. Power from within, from the Earth body.

After a retro trip since Apr 20 that brought up a lot of collective and personal inner and old conditioning that showed where we feel disempowered through power structures and hierarchies.

  • Where are the resources?
  • And how are we, Humanity, treating resources?
  • And who are the ones in charge???

Many man-made / human-controlled ones might be hard to come by / require ‘moving mountains’ to make change in distribution / accessibility – because of the structures.
Yet, that’s also an old Capitalist and PISCES Age story that’s changing now. Too slowly???

With the stationary / direct PLUTO in CAP, it’s Time to RE-generate from within, in Nature, and in our True Nature. Being connected to Source is instantly empowering.

What’s the POWER to CHANGE?

(Look at the signs…  )


New Horizons Pluto Heart

Heart on PLUTO – as seen by the New Horizons mission in July 2016


What does PLUTO in CAP point to, where can the change be sourced, and what can the state of things change into?

  • The Power of TIME and Timeliness.
    How do we know when’s the ‘right & ripe time’? Astrology helps through showing us the cosmic cycles, and how to align with them. And natural inner knowing and alignment helps too. Don’t let yourself get pressured from external forces (“You should be already….”) in this ever so 24/7 production mode world (which isn’t really all that productive if natural cycles of rest and regenration aren’t honoured.
    So perhaps the Power of TIME means to slow down, smell the Roses, and let things ripen…?
  • Honouring the Elders, and Receiving Guidance.
    Elders may be biological Elders, Spirit Elders, the spirit of the ‘Old World’…
    Being guided by and to them can be very powerful if you hear the call (SATURN, the ruler of CAP is now in SAG, testing us to find where the most important YES is).
  • Working Well with Resources. Being Resourceful.
    Which ties into Time and Natural Laws…

    Working respectfully with the cycles of nature, incl. our own nature, the human life cycle and day-to-day cycles. CAP traditionally works with the Land and cooperates with Nature. When and where is a good time / place to seed / plant / harvest?
    There’s simplicity and beauty in this. Can we apply it again more into our lives?
    CAP says: I use (I use what’s here and make the best out of it, I’m resourceful).
    The shadow would be to abuse, over-use, and the lack would be to under-use what would be a helpful resource.
    So, bottom line: Time for an inventory / invent-ory.
  • Wisdom of the Body.
    The most obvious ‘earthly’ resource close to us is our body of course. Mid-CAP where PLUTO is now has also a TAURUS undertone – TAU rules bodily sensation.

    Don’t let yourself get de-stabilized from chaos and imbalance around (low grade experience of UR in AR). Find and stand your ground.
    So yeah, let’s definitely bring the wisdom of the body in, for wise choices, and empowering change!


Goes well with the

Sabian Symbol for the degree where PLUTO goes direct / forward from tomorrow:


KEYNOTE: The escape from bondage to social inhibitions and a reliance upon the wisdom of the body.

Under the pressure of religions that have created a sharp and unwholesome division between soul and body, society has produced strict codes of values regarding the play of natural instincts, and has glorified them under the name of “decency” and “modesty.” The growing trend toward nudism — which of course has nothing to do with the “pornographic” display of one’s body — is a welcome protest against the depressing and neurosis-generating puritanism of the past. Men and women are demanding a psychologically as well as physically healthful freedom of the body as a means of overcoming the hypocrisy and constrictions of social behavior.

In this second stage symbol we see how our society has been able to repress and distort the natural activity of the human body and its sensitivity to the elements. Thus a contrast is established between healthy youth at play and the neurotic subservience to a socio-religious tradition. The symbol is a call for RELEASE FROM INHIBITIONS.

Indeed, the Body is wiser than all the concepts and expectations superimposed on life.
Let’s free ourselves up to BE more embodied, and true to our Nature!
Power and Evolution from the ground UP, and from the inside-out.



Would you like to explore the FALL 2017 Astro Weather, in a circle, and as it shows up in YOUR life? 
Come join us in the Fall 2017 Astro Parlour, next Mon Oct 2!
Here is the FB Event. All welcome, and online participation possible.



If you’d like to tune in astrologically, whether there’s an outer ‘occasion’ and change, or you just have ‘that calling’ I invite you to get in touch.
I’m happy to support you in being re-aligned and re-empowered, on your own path, and in relationships.


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.


The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.


ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
In a world of online offers, our intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gifts of Astrology!


MARS – PLUTO Opposition, between Canada Day and Independence Day: Caring for What Matters Most!

2 Jul

Hubble Mars

Mars – Hubble Space Telescope (NASA)

MARS, presently in CANCER (June 4 – July 20) goes into exact opposition to PLUTO retro in CAP, tomorrow July 2
 – once every 2 years.

Quite the ‘signature’ for the 150th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation, as well as for the first U.S. Independence Day under the Trump presidency…

Both countries have their SUN in CANCER.
Canada has a CANCER SUN / URANUS conjunction on its 4th House cusp.
The U.S. have VENUS / JUPITER / SUN, and MERCURY retro in CANCER in its 7th and 8th House.
The theme of Home is important for both countries. So many people (incl. myself) came to one of these countries to find a new home.

Now, the question of HOME and BELONGING is stirred up, big time, and there’s also conflict and frustration at home, which is what MARS in CANCER shows, and it needs to be addressed directly, with care and respect, and not suppressed, ‘delayed’, or denied (PLUTO ‘ostrich’ method will backfire).
Esp. when old deep issues are unsettled: Whose home? Who belongs here? Do we belong here? What’s the origin of this, our home? etc.
There’s been a lot of controversy around Canada 150, and a sensitivity around “Celebrating Colonialism???” / unceded territories.
Round U.S. Independence Day, the heated atmosphere since the Trump admin started could get another ‘hit’ that brings out more shadow, could go to another, deeper layer, or could even come to a head.

Both countries’ birthday starts with that MARS – PLUTO opposition – a theme for the year – hopefully not dragged out but addressed in a mature way.

As we go through the ‘birth canal of consciousness’, in this World in Change, the transpersonal, collective, evolutionary energy of PLUTO in CAP is transforming us. The more we ARE in integrity with the Change we wish to SEE (even in ‘small’ ways – the vibration at the matters) the more we sense the energy that carries and renews us!


Pluto Heartjpg

Pluto Reveals… One of the first pictures New Horizons transmitted from the close fly-by in July 2015 – as the U.S. had their exact PLUTO – SUN opposition!

Basically, when we come from Love and Respect with a pure motivation life sustains us (PLUTO in CAP – essence of integrity).
Perhaps we meet more people and co-create community.

On the other hand, when we take advantage of others, and abuse the relationship for our gains (shadow of CAP) our ego and greed motive needs to be transformed into something more useful! (PLUTO).

Same goes for countries of course:
PLUTO in CAP has been ‘working on’ the Canadian and the U.S. CANCERian themes already for a few years. In the first phase, the shadow comes out, like through lack of First Nations consultation or consent, when it comes to building pipelines through Native land – let alone widespread environmental damages from potential leakage / accidents, and brutal police force in South Dakota.
CAP requires Respect, for the Elders, and the Land, and for common sense and Natural Law, and to BE the responsible and mature leader and elder in a position one it put into.
Still a lot of evolution necessary!

MARS stirs things up acutely. It’s a ‘hot’ early July time. Well, fireworks ‘@ home’ too.
MARS is the planet of self-assertion, the warrior Archetype. It can bring out the (personal and collective) ego too. One can become quite irritated and defensive, when it comes to one’s home environment and family, with MARS in CAN. And, things can go two steps forward, one step back, which again can be frustrating.

PLUTO on the opposite side of MARS is its ‘higher octave’ archetype: MARS is about personal will and assertion, and PLUTO about higher power, and bigger evolution.

The MARS – PLUTO Opposition can trigger change and realignment, esp. when it comes to ‘what we want’ – ‘what matters most’.
Personal / collective wants / egos vs. the necessity of the time, and timeliness of what needs to happen.
Can these two be ‘married’? Or do they have to be a dilemma?

With MARS in CANCER opp. PLUTO in CAP, what came up for me and for quite a few friends and clients this week:

As a Summer cold was going around, when I noticed first symptoms of feeling super tired and drained pro-active self-care (MARS in CANCER), ‘simply’ lots of sleep, little food and at-home time was a priority (CAP), to let the energy and health regenerate.
That was of course also a CHIRON station effect (turned retro yesterday – see blog post).

It can also look like: A mature person / country (CAP) shows care, and respect for the Elders, the Ancestors, and the Land, and only takes what is needed.

If you have mid-CANCER, and / or mid-CAPRICORN planets, SUN, MOON, or AC, you would have noticed the tension building up this week, or perhaps for longer, with themes like:

  • You have the resources and time – do it! Does the time and energy support you?
  • You feel drained and exhausted on a certain trajectory: Time to backtrack, self-care, and gently find a new more sustaining way.
  • Your Inner Child says (screams?): “But I want….!”. Your Inner Elder calmly holds space, and grounds the situation. What happens?

If you have mid-ARIES, and / or mid-LIBRA Planets, SUN, MOON, or AC, you’d experience tension too, perhaps through partners. It also depends on where in your chart CANCER and CAPRICORN are ‘located’.

I’m here to support you with changing perspective, and helping the energy to move. Just get in touch if you could use my help.
With PLUTO involved, chances are deeper layers are being provoked now. This is an opportunity to meet the essence of the matter, and let something be reborn from there.

The CAP – CAN ‘Thunder’ Full Moon with MARS and PLUTO on July 8 will be quite a ‘Powerhouse’ that will show us more about this theme.
Let’s take it step by step, and listen to the body’s (MARS) needs (CANCER), and to how it wants to regenerate and sustain itself (PLUTO) in simplicity (CAP).
It may show us the way to live LIFE in general in a way that works best, AND takes good care of our essential needs.

The MOON, ruler of CANCER, enters SCORPIO which is ruled by PLUTO this morning at 9:59 am PDT, until Tue eve.
The theme of caring and deep dive show up again.  Don’t be afraid. Tune into the magic of Nature, and of your deepest nature!

Also today July 2:
MERCURY in late CAN quincunx SATURN retro in late SAG:
Let’s listen to / feel into the voice of the inner wisdom Elder/s, and speak from a heart- and soulful place, not confrontational but from a deep place of truth that pierces right through right- or wrong-doing.


Wishing you a gentle, caring, and deeply regenerative start into July!


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’ those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with the bigger evolution.
Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘HUB OF THE WHEEL’where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.
I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified WITH them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 13 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic.
In a world of online offers, our small, intimate Astro hubs (6 – 10 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!

FB page which is where the creative action happens, and where you can sign up for Astro*News for Insiders, a newsletter that comes into your inbox at the New Moon and Full Moon, with Astro~Weather and Astro~Medicine, Offers and Astro~Experiences, for the whole 2-week period). Get the inside scoop, and be the first to find out what’s UP.