NEPTUNE in PISCES goes retro on June 25 – Connectedness beyond Co-Dependency

22 Jun

Hasn’t June been quite the Oceanic Month?

...with the whole spectrum of flow / ease / bliss to storm and wild waves and back to calm…

Also related to the vibe we’re surfing, to our openness, connectedness, confusion, overwhelm, what we’ve let ourselves be influenced by…

Waves of Light – photo by moi

June is World Oceans Month, raising awareness for the Beauty and vital Importance of the World Oceans. Every day is World Oceans Day!
Obvious by now how the Oceans show us:

We’re all, and it IS all connected.

Just as the Oceans and atmosphere connect all sentient beings, we experience now (well, always have, but perhaps even more so NEPTUNE has entered PISCES, 2012, recently joined by JUPITER) how everything links with everything, in a limitless energetic continuum.

The veils between dimensions, incl. Time and Space have become more and more permeable.

And then there’s this…

Have you recently felt inundated by information and possibilities, yet going nowhere?
MERCURY retro square NEPTUNE in PI…
Where is this… going? What’s the direction?
South Node in SAG doesn’t help…
Have you been doubting & questioning everything?
North Node in GEM in ueber-drive in GEM season…

Have you been in a maze, blues, blah mode, aimless, passive, confused, maybe even depressed, drifting, dreaming, disillusioned, disappointed, feeling like checking out and escaping ‘reality’ lately,  and / or ‘hooked’ on something that has turned into an addiction?
Seems like you’re tuning into a low grade expression of NEP-TUNE’s turnaround mode….
Which can easily happen, given the collective & pervasive confusion & overwhelm vibe reinforced by the media.

Neptunian Turning Point 

Neptune, as seen by the Hubble telescope on Voyager 2

The Planetary Archetype of Oneness takes us inward-backward, via its 5-months retro journey that starts on June 25.
This doesn’t mean to retreat from the ‘outer world’ and ‘do nothing’.

Yet, a retreat from overwhelm / addiction (which are often linked and of the same Archetype: “Still haven’t found what I’m looking for…”) and inner ‘refuge’ would be well-supported by NEPTUNE retro.

Since we’re still in the cycle since the alchemical GEMINI New Moon / ‘Ring of Fire’ ASE (June 10), and MERCURY in GEM is in triple-square with NEPTUNE (last of 3 contacts on July 6), a good starting point would be inquiry into:

  • What’s missing, what am I yearning for?
  • What would complement and change me?
  • How can this… be found within, in connection with / as the ONE?

NEPTUNE is 2nd the first of 4 planets going retro this Summer (JUPITER on June 20, NEPTUNE on June 25, CHIRON on July 15, URANUS on Aug 19), joining a ‘team’ of 5 – 6 Retrograde ‘Players’ in Aug / Sept – the record of the year!


Poseidon / Neptune, Puerto de La Habana – photo by moi, from a Neptunian Journey in Cuba in 2012 – when Neptune was freshly in PI

Good to be aware of the NEPTUNE Archetype, and able to recognize what’s up when we’re getting ‘hooked’, what alternative and higher vibrational expressions may look like, and how to tune into those.

NEPTUNE’s a Very Important Planet this month, since it’s on a turnaround course (twice a year) from Earth perspective, exact on June 25, hence moving very slowly mid June to early July, and an energetic focal point.
NEPTUNE will be retro until Dec 1 (a yearly rhythm of 5 months retro / 7 months direct).

NEPTUNE has been also involved in the GEMINI NM / Annular ‘Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse on June 10 (which widely squared stationary NEPTUNE in PI) – which, in combination with MERCURY retro, created its share of communicative confusion.
Could you disentangle medium and message, in the mental labyrinth?

Mermaid – painting by J.W. Waterhouse

NEPTUNE is presently activated by a Water Trine from VENUS in CANCER (exact June 21) – active all week.

Love sweet Love and all-connective vibes…

Gentleness and flow allows to connect and to release – with Love.
Be like (and by / in!) the Ocean. Stay connected, in tune with the Universe, and in open, receptive, fluid mode.

And such Mermaid vibes…

Water is Life!

In case you haven’t seen (in a while) the moving and mobilizing video about Standing Rock Water Protectors/ Warriors with the song by Trevor Hall please watch and RE-connect. 
Still and always important to protect our Waters!
And our Ancient Forests!

We’re all in THIS together…

Remember when people were talking about the theory of ‘six degrees of separation’, but since NEPTUNE moved into PISCES (2012 – 2026) the experience of separation through Time and Space has more and more morphed into interconnectedness anyway.
And then there’s super Neptunian 2020 / 21!

NEPTUNE / PISCES rules no-boundary states, anything permeable, the immune system, influenza and influences of all kinds.

My sense is NEPTUNE in PISCES mirrors the outflow of the Piscean Age – as the Aquarian Age is already ‘overlapping’ / ‘moving in’, with highly individualizing technological self-sufficiency (and isolation). It got a boost via the JUPITER – SATURN alignment at Winter SoUlstice 2020 at 1º AQ.

Internet and media allow (and hook!) us to be continuously plugged in and connected to and through technology – which is now omni-available, ever since NEPTUNE sailed through AQ from 1998 – 2012.
And to and through media – omni-present, and for many of us the place where ‘social’ happens most, ever since NEPTUNE entered PI, in 2012.

We’re swimming in, or rather: AS, a collective and universal field of energy – all connective and vibrational, atmospheric and boundary-less. 
Well, solid form is an illusion anyway.

Since the slow moving planets NEPTUNE (2012 – 2026) and CHIRON (2010 – 2018, in the meantime in ARIES) have been in PISCES, there’s been a flood of influences and confluences, overwhelming and weakening (NEPTUNE), and leaving us vulnerable (CHIRON).
Our individual (which is of course an illusion) identity experiences itself as separate, and has a need to connect and feel connected. 
Where to turn? 
How to turn connectedness on?

Yoga has become a big phenomenon, and a lot of people turned to a spectrum of spiritual (PI) practices (VIR) – all showing the path to / AS the ONE (PI).

NEPTUNE also reflects trends and mass movements 
(also mass manipulation, by the way, and was activated by MERCURY retro in Feb / March 2020).
In April 2022, JUPITER, then fully in PI will meet and pass NEPTUNE.

So, what’s with Co-Dependency?

PISCEAN energy is about connection.
It’s a transpersonal, universal energy. 

When ‘drawn into’ relationships it can turn into a need to connect in a no-boundary / never ending state with someone that’s quite unhealthy, and doesn’t allow for breathing space or closure, and maybe one of the partners has the co-dependent need to be needed?
“Can’t be with you, can’t be without you” sums up the feeling culture in such co-dependent / addicted relationships. Often, they’re based on various early life experiences (like abandonment, neglect, confusing bonding, or overwhelm / abuse) that one or both partners unconsciously try to compensate for, to ‘get the loving connection’, yet they might re-attract similar addictive situations as they looks for love at the wrong places with the same vibration.

A while ago, I saw a video based on the experiences and teachings of Dr. Gabor Mate that showed how addiction is a misdirected need for connection (both so Piscean!).
In German, the words for seeking (Suche) and addiction (Sucht) have the same root. – “Still haven’t found what I’m looking for…”.

In the Piscean Age that humanity is outgrowing now such patterns and tendencies have constellated, simplistically put, in the classic co-dependent triad of victim – perpetrator – martyr / saviour.
They need each other to maintain the constellation. The pattern shows up in all kinds of relationships – with partners, with authorities (esp. ‘spiritual’ ones), with society…
Always good to check in which role/s (maybe two at once) we might play in a difficult / stressful situation – and to keep releasing…

And good to be aware of:
NEPTUNE is a transpersonal planet – actually the ‘higher octave’ of VENUS. In other words, we are personally attracted to and connected with one another via VENUS, while NEPTUNE is about… being connected.

PISCES and the Paradox

The essence of timeless Tao Wisdom: Yin-Yang Balance is always dynamic and interwoven.

With PISCES, the approach is paradoxical (“Let go, relax, and it comes to you, you can’t ‘get’… (LOVE?) what you already have, or rather: are….”).
And transpersonal (“Don’t take it personally!” Is that possible?)

I’m sure there’ll be more downloads and releases from NEPTUNE now as it goes retrograde in PISCES… in the 3rd decanate of PISCES (20 – 30°) = double PISCES.
It’s all coming together now… at the every end of the cycle.

May the Universe-All Love show us:
All is connected.

May we relax into this, breathe out and let go, and let the in-breath come naturally…

Let’s tune into the

Sabian Symbol of the NEPTUNE Turnaround Degree

NEPTUNE goes retro at 23°12′ PI – back to 20°24′ PI on Dec 1, hence still in the 3rd decanate (which it first entered in March 2021) all year, and for its remaining time in PI (2026).

Since NEPTUNE goes back to 23° PI, let’s take this degree:


The ability to give of one’s own vital energy to substantiate one’s conscious ideals or unconscious desires.

The person who believes he or she has a mission or mandate, or any special gift that can be of value to his community, must substantiate this belief. He has to produce results.

Sometimes this involves difficulties and special conditions or circumstances; it always demands to some extent the gift of some power of value which is deeply one’s own. The thought of sacrifice was suggested by the “white lamb” in the first symbol of this five-old series. Something precious involved in a deeply personal experience has to be surrendered, offered to others.

The medium’s psychic substance provides the materials made visible in the phenomena, if the latter are genuine. After the séance, the medium is usually exhausted. The performer gives of his very life to the performance.

This refers to the third stage in the seventy-first five-fold process. The display of psychic power that the symbol depicts can be interpreted positively or negatively according to the motives that induced the “medium” to give the seance.
In its most constructive aspect it suggests the Keyword: SUBSTANTIATION.
The shadowy aspect of the process is “deception.”

Hmm – a mysterious image that-IS…
The Medium is the Message, indeed.
And the Media are the Message, I might add…

NEPTUNE turning retro from this degree (while MERCURY in GEM is in turnaround ‘storm’ from retro to direct, once more squaring NEPTUNE on July 6!) suggests quite practically speaking: to step back from the ever so inundating ‘media showers’, and into (post-Mercury retro) our own Heart Intelligence, and find find connectedness from within.

What a Miraculous Mirage!

… that NEPTUNE in its own domain PISCES (2012 – 2026) shows us:
All is fluid, ever changing, yet everything is always here.
There is nothing constant about life, about you, yet something permeates existence.
Big paradoxes. Wherever you go, there you are.
Yet where is the Self to be found (let’s contemplate THIS)?

Humanity and all life forms are interconnected. 
We see that now inevitably on all levels, ecologically, climate wise, via the media, politically, economically, culturally.
All our Relations, through Time and Space – One Humanity!

Blessings to all of us for Oneness in Freedom, in the unifying journey with NEPTUNE & JUPITER in PISCES!


© 2021 by Melanie Lichtinger


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