Tag Archives: Divine Feminine

Friday the 13th, with Libra pre-Full Moon: Divine Feminine Calling…

11 May

Dear Ones,

OMGoddess, the one and only Friday the 13th of 2022 is coming!

Expecting a dramatic spooky story, apropos Friday the 13th?

No way!
I’d rather say (and so does the South Node since Dec 23 in SCO – activating the Total Lunar Eclipse on May 15, and North Node in VENUS ruled TAU):
It’s time to disengage from getting hooked & spooked by disempowering stuff, and to enjoy Nature & honour Mother Earth!

Friday the 13th is not what the superstitious or programming world would want us believe…

How do you hold Friday the 13th?

What’s your sense about its reputation as a ‘bad luck’ or even scary day?
What’s considered ‘scary’ might actually be sacred!

Birth of Venus – painting by S. Botticelli

Did you know that the Norse Goddess Freya gave Friday its name?
She is the equivalent of 
VENUS / Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, attraction, erotic pleasures, and art.

The Romans called the 6th day of the week ‘De Veneris’ (belonging to VENUS) which became Venerdi in Italian, Viernes in Spanish, and Vendredi in French.

So here’s the case for VENUS and Friday.

Here are all the 7 days of the week and their associations with Planets, Sun, and Moon



MARSday (Mardi, Martedi) – Tuesday relates to Tyr / Tew (Norse god of war and law – equivalent of Mars)

MERCURYday (Mercredi, Miercoles)

JUPITERday (Jeudi, Jueves) – Thursday relates to Thor (Norse good of thunder – similar to Jupiter / Zeus)

VENUSday (Vendredi, Viernes) – Friday relates to Freya


And now, what’s with the 13?

Uhh, there are a lot of scary stories around the number 13…

The sacred number 13 may have been purposely hijacked vilified by the founders of patriarchal religions in the early days of Western civilization because it represented femininity. 

Moon Goddess
Moon Goddess – artist unknown

Thirteen is said to have been revered in prehistoric goddess-worshiping cultures because it corresponded to the number of lunar (menstrual) cycles in a year (13 x 28 = 364 days).

Zodiac years have 12 – 13 New Moons and / or Full Moons.

As the solar calendar triumphed over the lunar with the rise of male-dominated civilization, so did the “perfect” number 12 over the “imperfect” number 13.

Clearly, the association of 13 with the feminine and lunar cycle is the lunar side of Friday the 13th.

Friday the 13th is about Celebrating the Divine Feminine – via VENUS and the MOON

Those who sowed the seeds of superstition must have been very afraid of the power of the Feminine…

This year, we even have the pre-Full MOON (TLE!) in LIBRA (ruled by VENUS) on Fri May 13.
And it’s TAU season, also ruled by VENUS!
Can it get more Friday the 13th in its original sense than that?

Let’s celebrate, and live the Divine and Sacred Feminine!

© 2022 by Melanie Lichtinger

If the Astro~News Blog with Astro~Weather & Astro~Medicine that I write about on-goingly has good value for you in your navigation with the cosmic currents, you’re welcome to offer me a donation via e-transfer to my email address licht@islandnet.com.

You can also donate directly via PayPal here.

Received in gratitude! ♥



Live Your True Self & Be Free!

Astrology and Voyager Tarot
Consultations, Courses, Coaching

with Melanie Lichtinger
21 Years Professional Experience
Serving You In Victoria BC and Worldwide

Email: licht@islandnet.com
Phone: +1-250 381 4299

Astrology for Self Realization FB Page

Subscribe to email Astro~News
Sent to you before every New Moon & Full Moon:
Astro~Weather, Astro~Medicine, Courses, Offers


Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.
I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Which can lead to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel more connected with yourself and with all-that-IS, in the bigger on-going evolution.
Ultimately, you dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less & less affected, more & more liberated, and self-realized.

I welcome you as a client who is not seeking an ‘old school reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transition, stuckness, transformational crisis, for new perspectives at a crossroad or dilemma, and for important choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!    

Feeling called to explore your own Cosmic Map, and how it can guide you on your Earthly Journey?
Come over / let’s meet online, for Your private Astro session!

Stay tuned on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 16 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic. The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

Find upcoming events on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

Friday the 13th, with VENUS going from VIRGO into LIBRA (on Aug 15): Divine Feminine Calling…

13 Aug

Dear Ones,

OMGoddess, the one and only Friday the 13th of 2021 is here!

Expecting a dramatic spooky story, apropos Friday the 13th?

I’d rather say (and so does the South Node in SAG, since June 2020 until Dec 2021):
It’s time to drop and outgrow old, limiting beliefs, agendas, and stories – in so many ways!

Friday the 13th is not what the superstitious or programming world would want us believe…
I’ll roll that out in a bit.

Let’s start with VENUS

How’s it been going, with VENUS in VIRGO (since July 21)?

Virgo and Mercury – painting by Johfra Bosschart

Have you been clearing your Inner Temple?
Have you been honouring the inner and outer Feminine?
Have you become aware about ‘issues’, and found ‘remedies and recipes’?
Do you feel more self sufficient perhaps? Whole and complete, ‘perfect’ as you ARE…

VIRGO is the astrological vibration of the Sacred Feminine and Priestess Archetype.

Hope you’ve been able to honour your work, your practice, your body, and to align more fully with what’s healthy, what works for you, and how you can be in your ‘temple of service’.

VIRGO is so self-contained (and has sometimes – often! – a hard time asking for help, and being open to receive). VENUS is traditionally not well placed in VIRGO – being so much in the d.i.y. mode isn’t so conducive to attracting partners, more to working and being in service to others, being busy and often concerned about things that could ‘go wrong’. and even to dealing with inadequacy issues: SO much work-on-self to be ‘perfect’ or even ‘good enough’ – phewww!

To this I say (echoing NEPTUNE in PISCES): Relax, VIRGO!

Yet, when channeled into being in alignment with one’s Higher Self, VIRGO is so exquisitely and purely on purpose, bringing order into chaos, seeing and seeding the Sacred in the ‘small’.

VIRGO comes before LIBRA – cultivating self-awareness and self-sufficiency are prerequisites for relationships.

VENUS will go into LIBRA, one of ‘her’ domains (besides TAU), on Sun Aug 15 (until Sept 10)

A wonderful phase for meeting others in natural complementariness, attracting good ‘matches’, being more relationally oriented, regaining peace and balance, being drawn to beauty, arts, and culture, and to all things refined. Ahhhh!

VENUS in LIBRA is a beautiful time to bring the Sacred Feminine into relatedness – and perhaps to re-balance our lives if we’ve become too busy, hectic, anxious, and have been dealing with too many to-do’s.

Speaking of Sacred Feminine:
How do you hold Friday the 13th?

What’s your sense about its reputation as a ‘bad luck’ or even scary day?
What’s considered ‘scary’ might actually be sacred!

Birth of Venus – painting by S. Botticelli

Did you know that the Norse Goddess Freya gave Friday its name?
She is the equivalent of 
VENUS / Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, attraction, erotic pleasures, and art.

The Romans called the 6th day of the week ‘De Veneris’ (belonging to VENUS) which became Venerdi in Italian, Viernes in Spanish, and Vendredi in French.

So here’s the case for VENUS and Friday.

Here are the 7 days of the week and their associations with Planets, Sun, and Moon



MARSday (Mardi, Martedi) – Tuesday relates to Tyr / Tew (Norse god of war and law – equivalent of Mars)

MERCURYday (Mercredi, Miercoles)

JUPITERday (Jeudi, Jueves) – Thursday relates to Thor (Norse good of thunder – similar to Jupiter / Zeus)

VENUSday (Vendredi, Viernes) – Friday relates to Freya


And now, what’s with the 13?

Uhh, there are a lot of scary stories around the number 13…

The sacred number 13 may have been purposely hijacked vilified by the founders of patriarchal religions in the early days of Western civilization because it represented femininity. 

Moon Goddess
Moon Goddess – artist unknown

Thirteen is said to have been revered in prehistoric goddess-worshiping cultures because it corresponded to the number of lunar (menstrual) cycles in a year (13 x 28 = 364 days).

Zodiac years have 12 – 13 New Moons and / or Full Moons.

As the solar calendar triumphed over the lunar with the rise of male-dominated civilization, so did the “perfect” number 12 over the “imperfect” number 13.

Clearly, the association of 13 with the feminine and lunar cycle is the lunar side of Friday the 13th.

Friday the 13th is about Celebrating the Divine Feminine – via VENUS and the MOON

Those who sowed the seeds of superstition must have been very afraid of the power of the Feminine…

Let’s celebrate, and live the Divine and Sacred Feminine!


One of the best OFFERs of the Year is now ON:
Client Appreciation Month of August!

At the occasion of the 21st (yep!) anniversary of my professional Astrology practice, this month.
Giving back to YOU, dear clients, with 11 – 22 – 33% discounts on ALL consults!

© 2021 by Melanie Lichtinger



Live Your True Self & Be Free!

Astrology and Voyager Tarot
Consultations, Courses, Coaching

with Melanie Lichtinger
20 Years Professional Experience
Serving You In Victoria BC and Worldwide

Email: licht@islandnet.com
Phone: +1-250 381 4299

Astrology for Self Realization FB Page

Subscribe to email Astro~News
Sent to you before every New Moon & Full Moon:
Astro~Weather, Astro~Medicine, Courses, Offers


Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.
I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Which can lead to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel more connected with yourself and with all-that-IS, in the bigger on-going evolution.
Ultimately, you dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less & less affected, more & more liberated, and self-realized.

I welcome you as a client who is not seeking an ‘old school reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transition, stuckness, transformational crisis, for new perspectives at a crossroad or dilemma, and for important choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!    

Feeling called to explore your own Cosmic Map, and how it can guide you on your Earthly Journey?
Come over / let’s meet online, for Your private Astro session!

From time to time, I have OFFERS on which you can find on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

AUGUST is Client Appreciation Month –
with fabulous discounts on ALL consults, at the occasion of the 21st anniversary of my professional Astrology practice.

via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 15 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic. The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!
Find upcoming events on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.


If you feel the Astro~News Blog with Astro~Weather & Astro~Medicine that I write about on-goingly has good value for you in your navigation with the cosmic currents, you’re welcome to offer a donation via e-transfer to my email address licht@islandnet.com.
You can also donate directly via PayPal here. 

Received in gratitude! ♥

VENUS Retro 2020 (May 12 – June 24) – all in GEM: Regeneration of the Inner Love Goddess

8 May

The VENUS Retro ‘Season’ is almost ON!

Birth of Venus, by S. Botticelli


And here’s a nice multi-faceted (a la GEM) piece for your reading pleasure – enJoy! 

As I’m welcoming the VENUSian Turning Point, I’m reflecting on the patterns and experiences of  previous VENUS Retro phases (every 18 months). There’s an inner thread between VENUS Retro phases.

Often, I re-connected with significant others, and found the deeper truth of the relationship which could lead to transformation and often release… 

If you’d like to tune in too, and find clues, here’s the line-up of the last 5 VENUS Retro phases, since the BIG one – the ‘VENUS Passage’ over the Sun disk in early June 2012 – remember?   

May 15 – June 27, 2012 – in GEMINI

Dec 21, 2013 – Jan 31, 2014 – in CAP

July 25 – Sept 6, 2015 – in LEO

March 4 – Apr 15, 2017 – in AR / PI

Oct 5 – Nov 16, 2018 – in LIBRA / SCO

May 12 – June 24, 2020 – in GEMINI

The one this year will move over approx the same segment of the Zodiac as in 2012 – a VENUS Retro ‘Return’.

Venus – Moon Evening Dance – April 2020

Magnetic VENUS has been our faithful ‘Evening Star’ companion for the last months – so beautiful to behold.

Here’s a pic of Her (faint light on the bottom right – due to my reg. little camera), not far from the waxing MOON.

VENUS is going ‘into the Underworld’ now (will be invisible as She approaches on retro course the SUN) to regenerate herself as the Morning Star!

Astrologically, VENUS is now stationary in late GEM, and will go retro (inward-backward) on May 12 (until June 24).

This cosmic process will help us shift from being so other-oriented (VENUS ‘Evening Star’ has a LIBRA undertone: pleasing, comparing, copying, judging) to find our Intrinsic Value, fall in Love with ourselves, and naturally attract from there (VENUS ‘Morning Star has a TAURUS undertone)!


Ever since She entered GEMINI in early April the Retro themes are already showing up:
In the pre- and first half of retro phase, it’s about noticing which old themes in relationships (LIBRA undertone of the ‘Evening Star’ VENUS) come up.
Maybe literally with partners on all levels – unresolved relationship issues that need to be spoken about and alchemized (GEMINI).

The VENUS Retro phase in GEMINI can help us with finding our own Alchemy & Self Love – always a better foundation for relationships anyway.
And the theme of Twin Flames is a big one for VENUS (plus retro phase) in GEMINI.


The VENUS retro phase happens only every 18 months.

The last one was Oct 5 – Nov 16, 2018 in LIBRA – SCO – perhaps you remember VENUS retro themes you were experiencing and learning then and which are rippling over again – esp. if they’re unresolved?

A very relevant event in public at that time was the Dr. Blasey Ford – Judge Kauvenaugh investigation / sexual assault allegations going back (VENUS retro) to their high school years in the 1980’s. Even though, Dr. Ford gave at a public hearing gave a testimony that couldn’t be refuted, and two other witnesses also came forward accusing J. K. of past sexual assaults, the Senate voted on Oct 6 (day after VENUS went retro in SCO) 50:48 to confirm Judge K.’s nomination to the Supreme Court – a very controversial ‘Tipping Point’ decision. The whole event in the VENUS (mostly pre)retro phase had clearly to do with LIBRA (law / judge) – SCORPIO (until then hidden / covered sexual assault).    

Wondering whether during this upcoming VENUS retro phase in GEMINI we’ll see another public scandal that has to do with relationships from the past, in this case prob. rather related to information / education / science / trade (GEMINI).   


VENUS goes retro at 22º GEMINI – super close to U.S. President Trump’s SUN / URANUS.
Plus, it’s exact to the degree on the U.S. MARS in the 7th House.
Obviously, the U.S. are very affected by this VENUS retro.

We already see around the world SO much debate (GEM) and controversy (MARS) re: the present virus policy. Freedom of speech (GEM) is critically important (SATURN in AQ). But also important to notice what we’re attracted to and give energy / thereby feed even what we don’t want to see (Laws of Attraction).

And – a la VENUS retro – there’s likely another historic / hidden (retro) background that the public doesn’t know about yet.
I’d be surprised if we were NOT surprised by what will be presented under VENUS retro – quite possibly through the Feminine.

A variety of scientists and journalists (GEM / MARS in AQ) are coming forward…
Which scientists and journalists and other public voices can we really trust (GEM – SAG – where the Nodal Axis will shift into early June)?!
I’d say, a prerequisite is that they’re genuinely curious, and invite / are themselves available for open discourse.  


With VENUS ‘cruising’ now in GEMINI, the inner and outer Feminine are VERY communicado – interested in / attracted to learning and discussing with people – maybe a bit scattered too, since SO much is interesting to find out about.

A lot of information is out on the internet, and people are attracted to, esp. re: the Covid Crisis.
Controversial Covid discussions happen.
Which is totally ok – if it’s about information / discussion / allowing for questioning (GEM), rather than judgment / attack / shutting down the other/s, from a place of being ‘on the right side’ / entitled to represent ‘the Truth’ (a la CAP / SAG where the Lunar South Node is now and which shows more and more how we loose energy over this).
Thank goodness JUPITER & PLUTO in CAP are also already or soon on retro course, to dismantle the shadow and support big REveal.


On a lighter note:
If YOU have GEMINI in your chart (SUN, MOON, AC, Planets), enjoy being a magnet this Spring and early to mid-Summer, like a flower to butterflies!
Even in ‘social distancing’ mode – since that’s certainly not a hindrance for VENUS’ turning soon retro.


Don’t close the door to Love says VENUS retro.
And how about learning new things you’re attracted to, together with / while meeting others (online or in ‘real life’)?

Raises the vibrations, is a welcome distraction from the virus distress, plus: Learning connects.
Return to lightness and openness to listen and learn, says VENUS soon retro in GEMINI.

With VENUS presently slowing down (‘she”s already in pre-retro stationary ‘storm’ since end of April) you might have noticed early VENUS retro symptoms and premonitions:

  • Have loved ones and lovers ‘from the past’ / from ‘past’ relationships (even from different time lines) RE-connected with you, or ‘just’ shown up in your life? 
    How about women from the past – esp. relating to the House where GEM is in your chart?
  • Have you been RE-minded of, and attracted to RE-connect with them?
  • Are you drawn to connect through starting a new conversation (GEM), but so many things are ‘in the way’ / old agenda needs to be cleared first???? VENUS retro can show you what that is.
  • Are you called to read and learn about something you love but those books have been left sitting on the shelf / courses in your folders? Time to pull them out – who knows what the read and learning re-kindles… Puzzle pieces might come together, dots might be connected in your understanding, old and almost forgotten questions might be answered.


Sabian Symbol for the VENUS Retro Point on May 12

VENUS reaches 21º50′ GEMINI before going retro.
Since that’s so close to 22º GEM let’s see what it tells us.

Mexican Concurso


KEYNOTE:The wholesome enjoyment of organic processes and emotional drives.

Again we have an image in strong contrast to the first of this series. From the mind-built city, where workmen claim a larger sphere of social abundance, we find ourselves in the village, where men and women live in far greater harmony with natural and seasonal processes, giving free rein to their emotional instincts.
The two poles of a wholesome society – the large industrial city and the agricultural village – should be included; likewise the two poles of a healthy personality – mind and natural emotions – should be active.

This is the contrasting second stage of the seventeenth sequence of five symbols. It stresses the value of rhythmic, healthful activity in a natural setup, for this leads to an often much needed process of BIOENERGETIC REBUILDING.”


Uhhh – wouldn’t that be wonderful if by mid-May when VENUS goes retro an overall bio-energetic rebuilding in human health was on the upswing?

Yet – rather than just building up our hopes for something to happen on outward levels, how can we integrate wholesome wellness, by living in harmony with Nature and the seasons?
Besides / despite all the information and instructions that are swirling around, GEMINI style – what do our instincts & Self Love say?
As mentioned – when VENUS goes retro we move from a strong relational orientation to ‘the other’ (for better to worse) to come to our own values and to Self Love.

Overall, with VENUS in GEMINI, we learn about Love & Values.
It also affects money (as an expression of values) – a redefinition.


Anahata – Heart Chakra Yantra

And VENUS Retro is about transforming Fear into Love – best Alchemy and prob. the most important!

The Heart Chakra also connects with the lungs and has the AIR Element attributed.
Love literally strengthens our immune system.
Let’s breathe this IN & offer it out – aaahhhh!

It’s a good time for writing, in loving, relational ways (VENUS), and ‘just’ as l’art pour l’art.
And for those Springy reads on your porch or under shady trees (no social distancing from them required)…


As in every VENUS retro phase, this will be also a checking in on, and evaluating of our patterns in relationships: How, whom, and what we desire and attract, and what’s really a good harmonious match for us.
Even more so, it’s a RE-newal of Self-Love, and Self-Value, and a RE-alignment of whom, what, and how we attract, with Consciousness & Spirit (the SUN) leading – vs giving in to what looks / sounds attractive from the outside / onset.


VENUS is pre-, during, and post-retro for a long time in GEMINI (started Apr 3, and goes until Aug 7).
There are so many ways of seeing things. GEMINI celebrates diversity, and learning from one another.


The Lunar North Node will also enter GEMINI (and the South Node SAG), on June 5 – day of the SAG – GEM Full Moon / Partial Lunar Eclipse, and just 2 days after the ‘New VENUS’ (as ‘she’ aligns with the SUN, on June 3, and a new cycle begins).
This Nodal dynamic will be on for 1 1/2 years, until Jan 2021.

Nodal themes on this karmic axis will be:
To question (GEM) the old story / agenda / narrative / ‘truth’ (SAG), to inquire and learn rather than assume and ‘know’, and not to believe everything you (or even: they) think.

More about the Nodal shift closer to the date.

U.S. President Trump will have his Nodal Return this year (every 18 – 19 years), AND he was even born under a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in SAG / SN – GEM / NN (which we’ll have on June 5).
I’d be surprised if he wasn’t up to something / the Universe hasn’t something in store for him.




The double effect of NN in GEM & New VENUS in GEM supports and welcomes attracting new Alchemy.

As the image of the Feminine – Masculine ‘Phoenix Twins’ below shows, the dualities are being alchemized in GEM.
Both Woman & Man hold the Caduceus, the winged staff of Hermes / Mercury (ruler of GEMINI) with the two yin & yang serpents – rather than the modern medical / pharmaceutical / WHO symbol of the staff with only one serpent… might be a bit one-sided – got an idea on which side? 
While the tendency of the Mind (MERCURY) is to go into dualities, starting with naming this and / vs that, the GEMINI path is to meet and transmute Dualities. The Phoenix behind / above their Union represents to me Rebirth in the ONE.


Mercury Rules Gemini. Interchange and alchemical union of ‘opposites’ – Painting by Johfra Bosschart


When VENUS has reached the half-way point of ‘her’ retro journey on June 3, ‘she’ meets the SUN – a ‘NEW VENUS’ is born!
A turning point where we have (hopefully!) come back to ourselves, let Spirit  (the SUN) lead, and attractions that are aligned with the Consciousness of Alchemy (GEM) can follow.


Esp. if you have SUN, MOON, PLANETS, or AC in GEMINI…
this VENUS retro phase will be a gift for you, to transform deep old patterns about attraction and relationship – in relation to those Planetary Archetypes.
Fall in Love with yourSelf, with Life, with Spirit / Consciousness, while naturally magnetizing from that place!

For all of us:
In the area of life related to GEMINI in our charts (esp. House wise – or via our Planetary Archetypes in GEM) we’re invited to go inwards-backwards, release & regenerate, and from there to attract in a new way.


Where in your chart is GEMINI?

That’s where you look for / find new inspiration, diversity, and are interested in learning & exploring.
VENUS helps you appreciate and attract in relation to these areas of your Life.


VENUS retro in GEMINI in your… House –
From other-orientation to Self Love in these areas of Life:

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House
Your Values, your Body, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House
You in Your Local Environment

4th House
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House:
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is


If you’re interested in learning more about the gifts of VENUS now and for a looong time – until mid-Summer in GEMINI let’s set up an Astro Sample Session focused on VENUS!
We could also extend it to a full session that puts Her into context, and supports you in being in alignment with the cosmic Alchemy.
The Cosmic Relief Offer (11% off) which is on for the time being.


Come join us in a small group of up to 6 women and men – where we explore these themes while going directly into participants’ charts and life experiences, at the

Online ASTRO~PARLOUR for your Journey with VENUS RETRO
(May 12 – June 24)
REgeneration of the Inner Love Goddess

Tue MAY 12
4:12 – 6:12 pm PDT afternoon group
7:12 – 9:12 pm PDT evening group

We welcome what shows up and is ripe for transformation for everybody in the group.
Audio recording link will be sent to all participants.


And here they are:

Continued VENUS Dates with other ‘Planetary Players’ while She’s in GEMINI

…with some (SATURN, MARS, CHIRON, LILITH, and NEPTUNE) 2-3 times pre-, during, and post-retro


  • MAY 12
    VENUS goes retro at 21º50′ GEMINI (check out the Sabian Symbol below!)
    From outer-other orientation (making it about ‘them’) to RE-connecting with the Love within.
    And yes, of course also: Re-connecting with Loved Ones! Heart Communication is an act of Love.


  • MAY 20 (also July 27)
    VENUS retro in GEM in square with NEPTUNE in PISCES.

    Picking up gifts of Love Alchemy that might have been temporarily lost. 


  • MAY 22 – New MOON in early GEM
    MERCURY meets VENUS retro in GEM
    New ways of lovingly inquiring? Love Letters encouraged too 🙂
    Uhhh, and so many people from the past whom we can lovingly check in with these days.


  • MAY 26
    VENUS retro ‘Evening Star’ disappears from our view (as She approaches the SUN).
    Into the depth of the ‘Underworld Alchemy’ 


  • JUNE 2
    VENUS retro in GEM in square with MARS in PISCES
    Even if we don’t know where we’re going, let’s stay curious and connected, and be adaptable like surfers.


  • JUNE 3 – Day of the ‘New VENUS’
    VENUS retro meets the SUN in GEM – half-way point of the VENUS retro Journey.
    And VENUS retro is in sextile with LILITH in ARIES (again on July 27)
    The ‘New VENUS’ guides us to our intrinsic values, and LILITH reminds us: Our True Nature is unconditionally / unconditioned wild & free.


  • JUNE 11 (also July 10)
    VENUS retro in GEM in sextile with CHIRON in AR
    Did new-old vulnerabilities arise through the VENUS retro Journey? Hopefully they brought their own Medicine too. Part of the Alchemy. And adding to the Self Love bundle.


  • JUNE 12
    VENUS emerges as the ‘Morning Star’.
    We Rise again, and from Self Love we attract for the Alchemy.


  • JUNE 24
    VENUS goes direct again at 5º20′ GEMINI
    …and will soon rise as the ‘Morning Star’ again before Sunrise.
    Intrinsic Love Goddess lift us up!


  • JULY 10
    VENUS post-retro in GEM in sextile with CHIRON – then stationary (going retro on July 11) in AR (3rd and last time)
    How has what’s been shared and learned contributes to healing?
    Integration time to follow with CHIRON retro (July 11 – Dec 15)


  • JULY 27
    Lots of VENUS alignments, and a very astro active day otherwise!
    VENUS post-retro in GEM in sextile with LILITH in ARIES (3rd and last time), in square with NEPTUNE then retro in PISCES (also 3rd and last time), and in quincunx with JUPITER retro in CAP, plus VENUS goes out of the post-retro ‘shadow’ (passes 21º50′ GEMINI – the point in the Zodiac She went retro from).
    Full-on graduation / integration of the Alchemy, when it comes to being fiercely authentic yet loving, staying connected, and showing up with our Best.


  • AUG 4
    VENUS post-retro in GEM in quincunx with SATURN then retro and back in CAP
    Yes we can stay light & loving while lots of stuff needs to be done – or rather: completed.


  • AUG 7
    VENUS enters CANCER (until Sept 6).
    Home is where the Heart is.


Quick overview again re:
Multiple contacts of VENUS with…


  • SATURN in AQ / CAP
    April 4: Air Trine to SATURN in AQ while VENUS is pre-retro,
    Aug 4: Quincunx to SATURN retro in CAP while VENUS is post-retro


  • MARS in AQ / PI
    Apr 7 – May 7: Wide Air Trine to MARS in PI while VENUS is pre-retro
    June 2: Square to MARS in PI during VENUS retro


    Apr 10: Sextile while VENUS is pre-retro
    June  11: Sextile while VENUS is retro
    July 10: Sextile to stat. CHIRON while VENUS is post-retro


    Apr 12: Sextile while VENUS is pre-retro
    June 3: Sextile while VENUS is retro
    July 27: Sextile while VENUS is post-retro


    May 3: Square while VENUS is pre-retro
    May 20: Square while VENUS is retro
    July 27: Square to NEPTUNE retro while VENUS is post-retro



Transforming Co-Dependency

Voyager Tarot card VI Lovers – also relates to GEMINI


As mentioned, the purpose of VENUS retro is to transform from the recent Evening Star quality (LIBRA undertone) into the Morning Star (TAURUS undertone) / Goddess of the Dawn.

In the retro phase it’s time to release esp. co-dependency – and embrace ambiguity, as the Voyager Tarot card Lovers says. 

We tend to project denied parts of ourselves onto another, and re-attract them as a ‘polarity’ because of the charge and ‘contract’ we hold. 

Time to retreat from the projection game, to alchemize inner polarities, and direct the energy into so(u)lar conscious self radiating Being and Loving (SUN / VENUS), full of natural self love (‘Morning Star’ TAURUS undertone), like Nature in Spring.   


RE-posting this piece (from a previous VENUS Retro post) – still and timelessly relevant:
Discovering the RElationship ‘Story Line’ of Co-dependences, and REleasing it with Love!

I believe this is an excerpt from an interview that Gwyneth Paltrow did with Gay & Katie Hendricks.
It found me again, under VENUS pre-retro:     


What is a conscious relationship?

  • “In a co-dependent relationship, you have two halves trying to become whole: one person who doesn’t love him / herself trying to get the other person to love them anyway.” 
  • “A conscious relationship is one in which people are awake to themselves, their feelings and thoughts, and are open to the flow of love and attention with one another.
  • “In a conscious relationship, you can be completely yourself AND completely connected.


What are some examples of co-dependent vs. conscious relationship?


  •  Co-dependent:
    “You have difficulty allowing others to feel their feelings. If someone feels bad, you rush in to make it better because you think it’s your fault. You worry about other people’s feelings frequently.”
    “You are able to be present and attentive when people around you are feeling their emotions. You encourage them to feel their emotions deeply and to express those feelings openly.”


  • Co-dependent:
    “In spite of your ‘best efforts’ people around you do not change their bad habits.”
    “You commit to stop enabling the bad habits of people you care about. Instead, you take effective actions that give people the opportunity to take full responsibility for their own well-being.”


  • Co-dependent:
    “You have secrets. There are things you have done or not done that you are hiding from another person.”

    “You have no secrets. You reveal rather than conceal. You understand that hiding your feelings causes you to withdraw from intimacy, and you take every opportunity to speak honestly about your feelings.”


  • Co-dependent:
    “You do not let yourself feel the full range of your feelings. You are out of touch with one or more core emotions such as anger, fear, or sadness. Anger is a particular problem for you. You find it hard to admit that you’re angry, and you have trouble expressing it to other people.”
    “You recognize the body sensations that let you know you’re angry. You communicate about all your feelings in a straightforward, easy manner that others can understand.”


  • Co-dependent:
    “You criticize or get criticized frequently. You have a strong, nagging internal critic that keeps you feeling bad even in moments when you could be feeling good.”
    “You experience very little criticism, either from outside or within. Your internal critic is in full retirement, having been replaced by a strong inner appreciator.”


  • Co-dependent:
    “You try to control other people, to get them to feel and be a certain way, and you spend a lot of energy being controlled or avoiding being controlled by others.”
    “You are aware of those things you can control and the things you cannot control. You put your attention on things you can change, such as expressing what’s true and keeping your agreements, and you make choices that support those areas you can actually influence.”


  • Co-dependent:
    “In arguments, much energy is spent in trying to find out whose fault it is. Both people struggle to prove that they are right, or to prove the other wrong.
    “When difficulties or differences arise, you shift into wonder and healthy responsibility, asking, “Hmmm…, how am I creating this, and what could I do differently to create a better result?”


  • Co-dependent:
    “In arguments, you find yourself pleading victim or agreeing that you were at fault.”
    “You take full responsibility for the events that happen in your relationship. You invite the other person to take full responsibility, too. You understand that a relationship can only take place between two people who are equals, both taking full responsibility for events that occur; anything else is an entanglement, not a relationship.”


  • Co-dependent:
    “You frequently agree to do things you do not want to do, feel bad about it, but say nothing.”
    “You consider every agreement before making it, and listen closely to your body wisdom as well as your mind as to whether you should make it. You keep the agreements you make and know how to change an agreement that isn’t working.”


So much Love for YOUR Journey with VENUS Retro!




© 2020 by Melanie Lichtinger 










Astrology and Voyager Tarot Consultations, Courses, Coaching
with Melanie Lichtinger
19 Years Professional Experience
Serving You In Victoria BC and Worldwide

Email: licht@islandnet.com
Phone: +1-250 381 4299
Skype: melanielichtinger
Astrology for SelfRealization FB Page

Subscribe to email Astro~News
Sent to you before every New Moon & Full Moon:
Astro~Weather, Astro~Medicine, Courses, Offers  



Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.
I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.
Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with yourself in the bigger evolution. Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’ and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life. 

I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified with them, and they don’t have to run your life. I welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!    

Feeling called to explore your own Cosmic Map, and how it can guide you on your Earthly Journey?
Come over / let’s meet online, for your private Astro session!


ASTRO~SPA for Moms is on!
As a mom, treat yourself, or treat a mom to a 20% discounted Astro~Alchemy session!
Apr 22 – May 10
Earth Day until Mother’s Day


…via Courses. Workshops, and Embodied Astrology:

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 16 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic.

All ONLINE at this Time

Stay tuned for upcoming ones on my FB Astro Page.



Mon MAY 11
5:11 – 7:11 pm PDT
Audio recording link will be sent to all participants.


ASTRO~PARLOUR for your Journey with
(May 12 – June 24)
REgeneration of the Inner Love Goddess

Tue MAY 12
4:12 – 6:12 pm PDT afternoon group
7:12 – 9:12 pm PDT evening group

We welcome what shows up and is ripe for transformation for everybody in the group.
Audio recording link will be sent to all participants.


Stay tuned for upcoming events – and daily updated ASTRO~Weather and other goodies, on my FB Astro Page.





Friday the 13th with VENUS – PLUTO: The Power in the Feminine – Falling in Love with the Divine Within

8 Dec

Dear Ones,

Let’s honour VENUS – She plays a big role this month, and can help us with choosing to step UP into our full Potential that Soul calls forth, esp. as she meets up with PLUTO.

And what does that have to do with Friday the 13th?, you may ask…

Since it’s not only a VENUS-MOON Day
(yes! Again it’s time to debunk the old superstition myth), but VENUS will also align with PLUTO (once a year) on that very day!
Plus it’ll be just 1-2 days after the GEMINI – SAG Full MOON on Dec 11/12
(depending on where you are on Planet Earth).


This is the second Friday the 13th this year.
# 1 was in September – on the very day of the PISCES – VIRGO Full Moon!
A lot happened since.
This Full MOON & Friday the 13th week is astrologically in dynamic 3-months square tension with Sept 13.

Don’t know about you.
But I found in clients’ and my own life, since that time a lot has happened (very much apropos the MARS character of the square). There’s been massive deep shedding, and a strengthening effect of ‘no way back’ into the ‘old skin’.

PLUTO in CAP facilitated the Snake Effect as it turned from retro to direct on Oct 3, and we’ve had a phase of multiple SCORPIO activations since then:
MERCURY – retro Oct 31 – Nov 20, and in SCO since Oct 3 will move on /up into SAG tomorrow Dec 9, after 9 1/2(!) weeks in SCO – pretty much a record for MERCURY to be in one sign. The SUN and VENUS have also been in and through SCO since, and MARS is still helping us purge through the deepest sign of the Zodiac – until Jan 3.


VENUS now in CAP (since Nov 25, until Dec 19) will connect with PLUTO (once a year) ON Friday the 13th and also be close to SATURN (united on Dec 11 – the very Day of the Full Moon).
Sounds ominous, on top of a day fraught with superstition?

Well, another occasion to debunk the myth & programming – by power structures.


Starting with VENUS – PLUTO in CAP:
It happens once a year, yet this one will be very powerful, since there’s SO much else going on in the realm of CAP already. And their union is a precursor for several historic shifts in 2020, starting with the much anticipated SATURN-PLUTO conjunction (every 38 years) on Jan 12 in CAP (with lots of planetary energy in CAP wrapped around).
Power (PLUTO) structures (SATURN) on all (outer and internalized) levels that aren’t in integrity / core alignment with what they stand for and not sustainable need to transform / be ‘composted’ to make room for evolution – and for Time and Life to be reclaimed from the ‘monster that eats it all’. No more selling of the Soul.

With VENUS – PLUTO so prominently placed in cosmic space and earthly time (just 12 days before Christmas) it’s a high yet priority call to let Love be the Change Agent. Esp. in the rock-solid and ‘very real’ CAP terrain of experience where fear & control, accomplishment & outcome, performing & conforming, responsibility & hard work, status & acknowledgment seem to dominate. “Show me the evidence! / “What do you have to show for?”.

And to transform through Soul Power – connection with the Divine & Timeless within – what seems hard and difficult to attain, a long and arduous road (CAP) to being a Magnet (VENUS) for attracting what’s best for the Soul’s Purpose.

The best mapped-out plans & resolutions (CAP) can’t come near the perfection of Divine Intelligence.
So yes, a time to fall in Love with Source, under VENUS – PLUTO, and in that vibration to know we’re sustained by Life, by Nature.

Being sourced by the Divine Within with VENUS-PLUTO Power, how can we buy into ‘traditional’ limiting beliefs altogether?
And esp. one coming from repressive institutions:

Friday the 13th is not what the superstitious world (and Church fed conditioning) would want us to believe…
It is actually a VENUS / MOON Day – related to Goddess and the Divine Feminine.


How do you hold Friday the 13th?

What’s your sense about its reputation as a ‘bad luck’ or even scary day?
What’s considered ‘scary’ might actually be sacred!

Birth of Venus Painting by S. Botticelli.

Did you know that the Norse Goddess Freya gave Friday its name?
She is the equivalent of 
VENUS / Aphrodite, Goddess of beauty, attraction, erotic pleasures, and art.

The Romans called the 6th day of the week ‘De Veneris’ (belonging to VENUS) which became Venerdi in Italian, Viernes in Spanish, and Vendredi in French.

So that’s the case for VENUS and Friday.

Just for fun, here are the 7 days of the week and their associations with planets, Sun, and Moon:



MARSday (Mardi, Martedi) – Tuesday relates to Tyr / Tew (Norse good of war and law – equivalent of Mars)

MERCURYday (Mercredi, Miercoles)

JUPITERday (Jeudi, Jueves) – Thursday relates to Thor (Norse good of thunder – similar to Jupiter / Zeus)

VENUSday (Vendredi, Viernes) – Fridey relates to Freya



And now, what’s with the 13?

Uhh, there is a lot of story around vilifying the number 13… do your research.
The number 13 may have been purposely vilified by the founders of patriarchal religions in the early days of Western civilization because it represented Femininity.
Thirteen is said to have been revered in prehistoric Goddess-worshiping cultures because it corresponded to the number of lunar (menstrual) cycles in a year (13 x 28 = 364 days).


Moon Goddess


Zodiac years have 12 – 13 New Moons and / or Full Moons.
As the solar calendar triumphed over the lunar with the rise of male-dominated civilization, so did the “perfect” number 12 over the “imperfect” number 13.
Those who sowed the seeds of superstition must have been very afraid of the power of the Feminine…

The association of 13 with the feminine and lunar cycle is the MOON side of Friday the 13th.

Hence, we have a strong VENUS / MOON themed day, just 1-2 days after the Full MOON on Dec 11 / 12.
In September Friday the 13th was even ON the Full MOON Day.

…while PLUTO in CAP was in its last weeks of retro this year – showing how the old hierarchical, patriarchal structures and systems are going extinct and transform into where the Power of Evolution / EVE-olution is going now- while still doing everything in their power to assert their legitimacy and authority – even with brutal orders and wars that mostly affect children and families.
Change happens though – let it be IN and through US!


This time Friday the 13th will be even on a day with the MOON in CANCER where the Lunar Goddess is ‘at Home’ – showing us: Home is Within and Nature takes care of her Children.

And this Friday the 13th, aligned with VENUS – PLUTO and the immanent SATURN – PLUTO alignment only one lunar cycle away, EVE-olution happens.
Let’s outgrow the separative in vertical (CAP) as well as horizontal ways (“Divide and Rule” – whether in Politics or Economy…) of the old and told (and believed in) through joyful co-creation in nature-all abundance. Nature does it all the time, always has.
That’s where it’s at. 

Let’s celebrate Friday the 13th – and beyond! – by honouring Mother Nature & Goddess Power, and let them bestow their abundant Gifts on us!


With Nature-All Goddess Love,



© 2019 by Melanie Lichtinger



Astrology and Voyager Tarot
Consultations, Courses, Coaching

Melanie Lichtinger
19 Years Professional Experience
Serving You In Victoria BC and Worldwide

Email: licht@islandnet.com
Phone: +1-250 381 4299
Skype: melanielichtinger
Astrology for SelfRealization FB Page

Subscribe to email Astro~News
Sent to you before every New Moon & Full Moon:
Astro~Weather, Astro~Medicine, Courses, Offers




Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.

I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with yourself in the bigger evolution. Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life. I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified with them, and they don’t have to run your life.

I’m always happy to welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!  


Feeling called to explore your own Cosmic Map, and how it can guide you on your Earthly Journey?

Come over / let’s meet online, for Your private Astro session!
December is TREAT TIME Month:


Or take me up on my upcoming Treat Time Offer (Dec 1 – 31):
Treat Yourself to an Astro session @ 22% off.
Treat Another at 33% off.
2-for-1 Sessions with your Friend / Partner / Family Member available too!


VENUS enters LEO (June 13 – July 9): Love Yourself & Show Your Love!

11 Jun

Boom – here comes the not-to-be-missed Summer Glory of VENUS in LEO!

Quite the week – no boredom:

MERCURY enters CANCER on June 12 (until June 28), and immediately connects with its ‘higher octave’ URANUS, and also with CHIRON on June 13.
The GEMINI New Moon / SuperMoon (closer to Earth than ‘normal’) on June 13.

Lady VENUS enters the LEO domain on June 13 – meowy roarrr!
Celebrate, Let your Hair down and Show your Mane, and most of all: 

Live Life Lovingly!


What’d got to show?
Your LEOnine side will be quite the radiant magnet these weeks!

Don’t be shy, SHINE!

Show Time, Glow & Glamour Time… and foremost: Show your LOVE!


Rather than… being too self enamored, narcissistic, a high maintenance / spoiled brat (the shadow sides of LEO that everyone else BUT the LEO sees, hilarious actually…).

VENUS will be in LEO until July 9, adding to the Summer Radiance.

What’s ‘she’ up to, during her ‘cat walk’?
Whom / which other Archetypes does ‘she’ go into contact with, sizzlingly so, while in LEO?


June 13 – The Day of the GEM New Moon!
VENUS enters LEO (until July 9):
Warm Summer Radiance from the Heart Attracts!


June 14 / 15
VENUS square URANUS in TAU, and trine CHIRON in AR:
A New Love?
A new way of being authentically present (CHIRON in ARIES), self-loving / life-loving (VENUS in LEO), naturally brilliant and magnetic. No room for old sticky attachments.
Set yourself free, and love yourself. Set your Heart on Fire!


June 16
The Crescent MOON in LEO meets VENUS ‘Evening Star’:
Sweet and sparkling Celebration of Life & Love.


June 19 – 21
VENUS quincunx SATURN retro in CAP.
VENUS conj. the North Node in LEO, and opposite MARS (which is about to go retro on June 26) in AQ:
Can you be done with working so hard to be acknowledged and loved, and start with a healthy dose of Self Love? It’s your life. Live the Love!
With VENUS activating the North Node in LEO let’s be more in a healthy LEO mode of LIVING LIFE LOVINGLY, and showing ourselves Heart-fully and creatively (vs. being ‘one of many’, just ‘watching the show and drama’ of others, in depleting, even self-harming, ‘detached’ AQ mode). 

The radiant, creative, loving Divine Feminine and Inner Goddess attracts!


June 25
VENUS square JUPITER retro in SCO:
Show your Love and Passion. Be intimately involved with Life!


June 27 – The Day after MARS goes retro
VENUS quincunx with (‘her’ higher octave) NEPTUNE stationary / retro in PI:
A Love Affair with the Universe. Don’t take things too purrrsonally. Love is letting go (incl. of ‘old’ conflict’, and letting BE. Tune into the Divine Feminine & Universal Love.


July 1
VENUS quincunx PLUTO retro / LILITH in CAP:
Dedicate your Love to the Well-Being of All. Find the ‘wild’, natural Soul Love that never gets old, and isn’t even time-bound.


July 9
VENUS crosses over the ‘Sphinx Point’ into VIR (there until Aug 6):
From the Queen to the Priestess. Bringing our Love into Service and Alignment.


VENUS will go retro (every 1 1/2 years) this Fall, from Oct 5 – Nov 16, in SCO / late LIBRA.
A time to re-connect with the ‘Inner Lover’ and re-connect with our intrinsic value, and more…
Blog post about it to come….


For now, it’s time for a Heart-fully passionate and creative month!


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger



Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

My Invitation

If you feel the resonance with the themes above,  and you could use support in your journey drop me a line, and we can set up a private Astrology consult session, or initial 20-min orientation talk, to find out what would be the best course of action.
Maybe it’s time to fully benefit from a 3- or 5- sessions coaching sequence?
Just email me (licht@islandnet.com) if you’d like to discuss options.

Please find upcoming Astrology workshops and classes, embodied Astrology, as well as offers, plus almost daily updates (more frequently than here on the Blog), incl. videos, on my FB Page:

Astrology for Self Realization.

June is Dad’s Month – check out the offer that’s still on until June 30: 
Starry Gifts are 20% off & 2-for-1 Sessions are on!
Maybe a perfect occasion to explore YOUR Astrology and its guidance for your journey?

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gifts of Astrology!


RE-Emergence of the Inner Goddess <3 ‘New VENUS’ on March 25!

24 Mar

As VENUS retrograde meets the SUN on March 25 – a ‘NEW VENUS’ is born, ‘in the underworld’, to regenerate herself as the Morning Star!


Venus Birth Botticelli

Birth of Venus – BotticelliVENUS will still go retro until Apr 15, but the important half-way point is reached.


This cosmic process is helping us shift from being so Other-oriented (VENUS ‘Evening Star’ with a LIBRA undertone: pleasing, comparing, copying, judging) to finding our Intrinsic Value, enjoying ourselves, and naturally attracting from there (VENUS ‘Morning Star has a TAURUS undertone)!

The VENUS retro phase happens only every 18 months (last one July 25 – Sept 6, 2015).

VENUS started her retro journey from mid ARIES, close to MARS / URANUS – an inner and outer Feminine that is raw, authentic, pro-active, and fresh in every moment – yet that could have been stressful too, to understate…

What have been your VENUS retro symptoms?

  • Have loved ones and lovers ‘from the past from ‘past’ relationships (even from different time lines) RE-connected with you, or ‘just’ shown up in your life?
  • Have you been attracted to RE-connect with them?
  • Are you drawn to be more connected with new people, but so many things are ‘in the way of making the first step’????
  • Are you wondering, what makes me unconditionally happy from within?

The VENUS retrograde phase has had us check in on our patterns in relationships: How, whom, and what we desire and attract.

And, even more so, it’s a RE-newal of Self-Love (VENUS – SUN), and Self-Value (TAURUS undertone of the ‘Morning Star’). Which naturally makes us more conscious (SUN) of whom, what, and how we attract (VENUS) into our lives.



Enter a caption

VENUS retro will cross from ARIES back into ‘her’ exalted sphere of PISCES on Apr 2, and re-emerge from PI to AR on Apr 28 – 2 weeks after coming out of retro.
What’s the Truth about the Love of the Self?
Finding Self Love in the Universal, Cosmic Self…

While turning around in late PI, VENUS will almost meet CHIRON (both ‘swim’ very close to each other almost the whole month of Apr) – Finding our Medicine to Heal the ‘Love Wound’ ♥ ♥
Do you have a sense where something can open to surrender for you?

Esp. if you have Planets, Sun, Moon, or AC in late PI / early-mid AR the VENUS retro phase will be a gift for you, to let go of old patterns.

And for all of us, for the area of life related to where late PI / early-mid AR is in our charts (esp. house wise) we are invited to go inwards, release, and from there attract in a new way.

Come join us in a small (up to 6 women and men – exploring directly with participants’ charts)

ASTRO~PARLOUR for your Journey with the ‘NEW VENUS’ (from March 25 on) – REgeneration of the INNER GODDESS

VENUS RETRO 2017 in AR – PI (March 4 – Apr 15)

WED, March 29 –
(under the TAURUS MOON – very Goddess friendly too)
6:29 – 9:09 pm

Reg.: $ 33
Low income: $ 27
Bring-a-friend who’s new to the groups: $ 27 for each of you.

It will be exciting to see what emerges for everybody in the group.

As always: Physical distance is not an issue – let’s skype / be on FB messenger, or G hangout, as you please (from the comfort of your home or holiday sanctuary)!

If you would like to dive deeper with my full attention and support you are welcome to a private session with VENUS Retro focus.


While turning around in late PI, VENUS will almost meet CHIRON (both ‘swim’ very close to each other almost the whole month of Apr) – Finding our Medicine to Heal the ‘Love Wound’ ♥ ♥
Do you have a sense where something can open to surrender for you?

© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger





If the above described themes sound familiar, if you feel the resonance and could use support in your journey drop me a line, and we can set up a private Astrology referenced consult session.
r maybe it’s time to fully benefit from a 3- or 5- sessions coaching sequence?

Email me (licht@islandnet.com), and we can customize it.

Interested in courses, workshops, embodied, experiential Astrology in Victoria BC, and via Skype / FB Messenger?

They are featured in the email Astro~News that go out every 2 weeks, and cover the Astro~Weather phase from New Moon to Full Moon or FM to NM, plus offers and Astro~Experiences. I’m happy to subscribe you (pls message me your email address).

FB page with news, events, offers.
Visit me on my Web.


Friday the 13th with VENUS conj. NEPTUNE in PISCES and North Node in VIRGO: Divine Feminine Calling…

12 Jan

So how’s it going, with the North Node in VIRGO (since Oct 2015, until end of Apr 2017)?

Have you been clearing your Inner Temple? Have you been honouring the inner and outer Feminine? Have you become aware and clear about ‘issues’, and found remedies and recipes? Do you feel more self sufficient perhaps? Whole and complete, ‘perfect’ as you ARE…

VIRGO is the astrological vibration of the Sacred Feminine and Priestess Archetype. So let’s honour our work, our practice, our body, our alignment in ‘cosmic order’ and follow opportunities to align more fully with what’s healthy, what works, what serves us, how we can be in our ‘temple of service’. 

Speaking of Sacred Feminine:
How do you hold Friday the 13th?

What’s your sense about its reputation as a ‘bad luck’ or even scary day?

What’s considered ‘scary’ might actually be sacred!


Did you know that the Norse Goddess Freya gave Friday its name? She is the equivalent of VENUS / Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, attraction, erotic pleasures, art.

The Romans called the 6th day of the week ‘De Veneris’ (belonging to VENUS) which became Venerdi in Italian, Viernes in Spanish, and Vendredi in French.

So here’s the case for VENUS and Friday.



Birth of Venus, by Botticelli (Uffici, Firenze)


Just for fun, here are the 7 days of the week and their associations with planets, Sun, and Moon:



MARSday (Mardi, Martedi) – Tuesday relates to Tyr / Tew (Norse good of war and law – equivalent of Mars)

MERCURYday (Mercredi, Miercoles)
JUPITERday (Jeudi, Jueves) – Thursday relates to Thor (Norse good of thunder – similar to Jupiter / Zeus)

VENUSday (Vendredi, Viernes) – Fridey relates to Freya



And now, what’s with the 13?

Uhh, there is a lot of story around vilifying the number 13… do your research.
The number 13 may have been purposely vilified by the founders of patriarchal religions in the early days of Western civilization because it represented femininity. Thirteen is said to have been revered in prehistoric goddess-worshiping cultures because it corresponded to the number of lunar (menstrual) cycles in a year (13 x 28 = 364 days).


Moon Goddess


Zodiac years have 12 – 13 New Moons and / or Full Moons per Zodiac cycle.
As the solar calendar triumphed over the lunar with the rise of male-dominated civilization, so did the “perfect” number 12 over the “imperfect” number 13.

The association of 13 with the feminine and lunar cycle is the MOON side of Friday the 13th.

So in reality we have a strong VENUS / MOON themed day.

Those who sowed the seeds of superstition must have been very afraid of the power of the Feminine…


This time,  Friday the 13th is ushered in by two beautifully harmonizing astrological alignments:

  • The Full MOON on Jan 12, in ‘her’ abode of CANCER – so motherly and nurturing.
  • VENUS, freshly in her ‘exaltation’ in PISCES meets up with NEPTUNE on Jan 12 – ethereal beauty, and universe-ALL Love!

Let’s celebrate, and live the Divine and Sacred Feminine!


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger



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