Tag Archives: Uranus – Eris

ARIES New Moon with URANUS, MERCURY Turnaround & CHIRON Entering ARIES: Breakthrough into the Authentic YOU!

14 Apr

Dear Astro~News Readers,

The energies from the pre-Easter Full Moon are getting turned up another notch – or a few:

You MUST feel this already – at least ‘in the making’ (as in: New Moon)!
Tomorrow’s New Moon in late ARIES comes with URANUS, and brings a liberating Firework:
Freedom from… Freedom for… and ‘simply’:

Freedom to be Authentically YOU!

Whatever is in the way, like polarization splits a la ERIS in ARIES (see my recent post for the Full Moon on March 31, with ERIS involved) is being recognized for what it is, and gets busted right on the spot.

No need to ‘assert or defend yourself’ (which is also an ARIES energy but always implies an ‘against’).
Simply be YOU! Says liberating URANUS, right next to the New Moon.

Which can perhaps look like this:
Being consciously (SUN) emotionally (MOON) free (URANUS).
Feeling it coming big time?


Star Magnolia Dance – Photo by Melanie


If more and more of us wake up and step into LIFE (ARIES) with this Power? It can have massive effects on our lives, onto society, humanity, and our Life on Earth.

I’d say this Spirit is pushing so strongly now to come alive that there’s no more holding back or regressing. 
Also catalyzed by MERCURY and CHIRON, wrapping round the ‘Emergence’ / “Come Alive” Point from PI to AR!

MERCURY is now stationary in early ARIES – going out of retro tomorrow Apr 15 – about 16 1/2 hrs before the NEW MOON:
How have you come to more authenticity in your conscious thinking and communication?
Maybe you caught yourself in old conditioned / fearful / fake / ‘strategic’ / pleasing-oriented inauthentic patterns in this MERCURY Retro phase since March 22, questioned this, and tried on a new approach? Ha, or ‘simply’ something authentic ‘escaped you’ and brought out what you really think. 🙂
Maybe you noticed that when you speak-as-you-are things flow, you come alive, and people really only meet you for real.
Thaaank you, MERCURY Retro!
More about MERCURY below 🙂


CHIRON is about to ‘Come Alive’ & enter ARIES on Apr 17!

…with stationary MERCURY as a ‘midwife’
For a try-on / preview phase until Sept 25, when it re-immerses itself into PISCES. And then from Feb 18, 2019 on, the full-on emergence of ARIES Medicine will show up.

All is fresh and NEW in ARIES.
The Medicine is to be Authentically YOU!
Emerging from the Collective Consciousness.
Which can be scary, and / or hugely liberating.

CHIRON brings up ‘wounds’ and awkwardness, and we feel like an outsider – in ARIES when we show up or stand up for ourselves, and for what matters to us. It might be also awkward if we didn’t have role models, or their teachings don’t apply to THIS. 
Yet, what the heck? says ARIES, It’s my life, this is ME.
Early ARIES is a Warrior / Survivor. All about the NOW.

That’s what ARIES is all about: NOW THIS!
Alive, alert, letting life force emerge in every moment – like blossoms surprising us daily now. Time for fresh beginnings – or for simply being present with what’s always NEW.

Show up in a new way, try out what you haven’t before, not in a long time, or don’t have a ‘model’ or comparison for. If it ‘doesn’t work’ try something else (ARIES doesn’t mind starting anew). The essence of being innovative.
Anger (and ARIES expression) can be your vulnerability yet also guide you to your Medicine.

Those of you born with CHIRON in ARIES (Apr – Oct 1968, and Feb 1969 – March 1977) know a bit (or a lot) about this state of Being.
For you, round age 50 CHIRON will make its Return, and your ‘original wound / Medicine’ comes full circle.
All of us (independent of age) esp. if we have SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets in ARIES (or triggered by it, in LIBRA, CAN or CAP) we’ll get a CHIRON ‘kick’ too, to step forward, authentically as we are, esp. in the area of life related to our ARIES House in the chart.

Let’s explore how this shows up for YOU, and in the World (symptoms are already manifesting) in our…

Special ASTRO Medicine Parlour:
The Medicine of Being Authentically YOU!

Coming Monday Apr 16
Afternoon and Evening Group to choose from.


Let’s take a look at the ARIES NEW MOON chart…

…and see which other Archetypes show up now, reminding us to let their energies enliven us!
The ARIES NEW MOON will be exact at 6:57 pm PDT tomorrow, Apr 15.


Boom! There’s URANUS right next to the SUN and MOON Union in late ARIES.

URANUS has finally passed ERIS (their connection happened over the last 2 years, 2016 / 17. See the blog post for the last Full Moon, describing the theme – disruptive, shock and awe, ‘splitting’ and polarizing effects.

Their combined energy has been (well, one facet of it!) erratic, unpredictable, volatile (“You never know what comes next!”) which could have kept us on adrenaline / alert mode – and has also been used and ‘worked’ by ‘power players’.

Yet, on a higher vibrational mode (hey, good reminder: Astro Awareness is all about Raising your Vibration and be free – in my world anyway 🙂 ), it’s been a shake and wake-up call for a new approach to… everything – esp. old core issues that are up for transformation (PLUTO in CAP).
The Power is IN You.

As the shocking discordance producing scenarios are being integrated the (Uranian) Awakening in Humanity emerges big time now.
We the People don’t buy into the old ‘divide et impera’ (divide and rule) principle anymore that’s based on being set up against each other.

The NEW MOON just past ERIS and approaching URANUS (the MOON unites with URANUS on Apr 15 / 16, and the SUN on Apr 18) is a strong momentum towards Conscious Breakthrough and Freedom.


Image Credit: Pexels – free stock photos


The ARIES NEW MOON with URANUS is unaspected (stands by itself without a link to other Planets) – that really stands out too!
This dynamic has ‘a life of its own’, which could manifest as ‘being in the closet’. But not for too long, with URANUS:
Liberation is ready to be released!


‘Winged Messenger’ MERCURY at the Beginning of ARIES 

…freshly out of retro (at 2:21 am PDT = 16 1/2 hrs before the NM).

Hope you’ve also had lots of paradigm shifts of / from the mind, with MERCURY retro, while URANUS the ‘higher octave’ of MERCURY (still) also in ARIES, on a transpersonal dimension has been rattling us to wake up.

MERCURY is now in post-retro ‘storm’ in its ‘U-turn’ from retro to direct – a re-adjustment time (like a ‘reverse culture shock’ which can happen when we come back from a re-treat to our ‘known’ environment). Let’s give it a week or so to integrate.

The ‘storm’ (MERCURY moving very slowly in forward gear) goes technically until Apr 24, followed by the post-retro shadow until May 4 (when it goes over the Zodiac degree zone which it went retro from = 17° AR).
A good time to process and start to act on ARIES Retro themes that have come up, a la “Back to the Beginning!”:

  • Did M-r re-connect you with people from the ‘beginnings’ when you started things / when you were new in town / in your work…?
  • Did it bring that spirit back?
  • Was that refreshing and re-inspiring, to bring you back to a ‘Beginner’s Mind’ approach?
  • Or did it show you (ha, the CAP contrast that also came up – MERCURY in triple square with SATURN): “Been there, done that. That was me in the beginning, Now with all my experience however…” (a fine line between being realistic and judge-mental).

Mainly, it’s about Authenticity and Origin-ality, with M-r in ARIES.

The stationary MERCURY invites CHIRON over from PISCES into ARIES: Being YOU is the Medicine!

MERCURY and CHIRON (only 5 degrees apart from each other, wrapping around the ‘Emergence Point cusp from PI to AR) are also unaspected. What brings you ‘back to life’? It’s YOUR Life.


Who else shows up for the ARIES New Moon Party?

As you see in the chart, there’s lots of cardinal activation in the New Moon and beyond: (Soon CHIRON), MERCURY, the SUN / MOON, URANUS, SATURN, MARS, LILITH, and PLUTO are all in cardinal signs, actually only two of the four: ARIES and CAPRICORN:

What are you initiating (AR), and where do you show up in leadership and integrity (CAP) – without taking too much on or becoming a scapegoat?!


Vibrant Country Goat

MARS in CAPRICORN having passed SATURN (Apr 2) will unite with LILITH on Apr 19 and with PLUTO on Apr 26!
A MARS activation happens only every 2 years.

MARS in CAP is a ‘kicker’ for all of us with SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets in CAP, but also for the ARIES, CANCER, and LIBRA sides in us which aren’t by nature accomplishment oriented but can use a boost (inner / outer Spring clearing and ‘reno’ anyone?).

Check out my Astro~News blog for MARS in CAP 2018.

  • With MARS past SATURN, have you noticed (since early April) a shift to leave obstacles, frustrations, fears, shoulds, expectations, limitations behind and move on anyway?
    A challenge perhaps yet going ahead, with ‘right action’ is what matters.
    Congrats on the MARS – SATURN front!
  • Now as MARS meets LILITH this coming week, go with / come from what’s natural for and in you. Work with your time and resources (what you’re naturally good at, and what you have access to) , which is powerful and transformational (MARS / PLUTO – coming up end of the month!).
    Let Being in Your True Nature express itself. Work with your strengths, and be in your power.


Back to SATURN:
The ‘Ringed One’ is also stationary this month of April, since it goes retro on Apr 17 – at 9°9′ CAP (until Sep 6). 

If you have anything on or round 9° CAP (and also AR, CAN, LI) you probably notice the pressure. Yet, it’s the pressure of a chiseling away of what you don’t need anymore and actually, what you are NOT. 

I felt called to look up the Sabian Symbol for the SATURN station (haven’t brought those in in a while – being positively retro here, let’s see..):


KEYNOTE: The revelation of the spiritual meaning and purpose at the core of any life situation.

This picture simply says, “Heaven is within us.” All we have to do is to be open and listen to the total harmony of life, a harmony in which we play a part that is necessary to the completeness and meaning of the whole. In order to do this we have to surrender our separative ego- consciousness and flow with the universal current which, to the religiously minded person, is the Will of God.

This is the fourth symbol of the series. The technique it implies is that of ATTUNEMENT to the rhythm of universal life. Angels are to be considered personalizations of various aspects of this life, and totally subservient to its rhythms and purposes.”

This much for the Ringed One teaching us to model ourselves after other Winged Ones… ❤

Yet also, to realize that we can (from a SATURN perspective) ‘repurpose’ situations (incl. those challenging ones that we suffer, resist, and judge) by connecting with their spiritual core (PLUTO) and inner nature (LILITH). Which brings them to a higher vibration, as we surrender to the Higher Order of the Universe to use us, for a higher purpose.


Speaking of Higher Power and Purpose…
PLUTO in CAP is also stationary this month at 21 / 22° CAP, as it will go retro on Apr 22 (until Sept 30) – just before MARS passes PLUTO (Apr 26).

I see this dynamic on a societal level (together with the URANUS / New MOON in MARS’s domain ARIES, in wide square with PLUTO / MARS) as a strong momentum for revolutionary uprising against dominating establishment that holds and abuses power and isn’t in integrity. 
True leadership requires integrity – one of the essentials (PLUTO) of CAP.

As SATURN (authority) and PLUTO (power) both go retro this month
(which happens yearly in April, yet: extra activated via the AR New Moon, MARS, and LILITH this year) these positions and institutions are being held accountable so that ‘real change’ can come from this.

On an inner / spiritual (PLUTO) level, any soulful action in integrity is powerful (MARS / PLUTO in CAP).  And we’re called to find inner authority (SATURN retro) and inner power (PLUTO retro) again.


JUPITER this year in (PLUTO ruled) SCORPIO helps with revelations of what used to be under cover, hidden, taboo, in the closet – to evoke a change for the better.
With JUPITER presently (until July 10) retro it’s time to re-visit certain ‘dark corners’ that might look scary yet are important to clear, process, and transform.


VENUS now in TAU is about to go into opposition with JUPITER in SCO – (also on Apr 17): Enjoying this precious human embodiment with all our sense perceptions comes with seeing the bigger picture (JUPITER) of impermanence and change (SCO).

VENUS – JUPITER connect with the Planetary Archetypes in CAP, namely: MARS / LILITH / PLUTO:
How can we work with this human dilemma and tension (the joy of being alive vs. the changefulness) without engaging in attachment and suffering, in a ‘simple’, deep and mature way?
Maybe starting with some acts of voluntary simplicity (phew, can be applied in so many ways…).


‘See you’ next time, in person here in Victoria, online, here on this ‘blog channel’, on my FB Page, or on the email Astro~News!
Next one: for the AR New Moon to the SCO – TAU Full Moon / the Wesak Moon.

You’re welcome to join the mailing list via signing up on my FB Page, or email me (licht@islandnet.com) and I add you manually.

Many Blessings for the Liberation Journey!


© 2018 by Melanie Lichtinger




Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to YOUR INNER ‘COSMIC COMPASS’.

Please find upcoming Astrology workshops (CHIRON into ARIES coming Mon!) and classes, Embodied Astrology, as well as offers, plus almost daily updates (more frequently than here on the Blog), incl. videos, on my FB Page:

Astrology for Self Realization.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gifts of Astrology!

Super-Charged LIBRA – ARIES Full Moon (Apr 10 / 11) – Finding Peace and Power, in a Polarized World

9 Apr

Blossoming Spring Blessings, dear Astro*News Reader!

Nature is bursting open with bounteous Beauty, here in the Pacific North-West!
As we’re reaching the First Full Moon in Spring!
Exact tomorrow Apr 10 at 11:08 pm PDT!



Celtic Wheel of the Year, with OSTARA / Spring Equinox, Beltane, Litha, Lughnassad, Mabon, Samhain, Yule, and Imbolc.

The pre-Easter Full Moon celebrates the start of the ‘Solar Half of the Year’, as the days are now longer than the nights in the Northern Hemisphere. The SUN is ‘reborn’.

Did you know? Easter – the only Christian holiday based on the lunar calendar – is celebrated on the Sunday after the first Full Moon in Spring.
The word Easter is related to the Dawn / Spring Goddess Ostara.

Death-Rebirth Energy is so much on at this time, with this Full Moon, squared by stationary PLUTO.
How can we BE the Changeless in the Change? 


In the esoteric tradition, this is the first of the three Spiritual Spring Full Moon Festivals:

  • The Festival of the Risen Christ – Easter Full Moon (Apr 10 / 11)
  • The Festival of the Buddha – Wesak Moon (May 10 / 11)
  • The Festival of Humanity (June 9)



Blossom Bounty – photo by Melanie, April 2017


Do you feel it?
The upcoming FULL MOON is full-ON super-charged – in the polarization of opposing energies, with Planet Earth, and us Earth Beings in-between two major energy fields (linked to the biggest bodies in the Solar System – JUPITER and the SUN) that express themselves in quite contrasting ways:

  • Beauty, Bounty, Blessings (Full MOON in LIBRA, with JUPITER retro – to be found within!) – Goddess Energy (MOON / JUPITER).
  • Shake-ups, Turbulence, Disruption, Conflict (SUN / URANUS in ARIES, both also close to ERIS – the Asteroid of Discord). The SUN will connect with URANUS directly on Apr. 13.
  • Change must happen, and IS under way (well, it comes often as destruction and rebuilding, death and resurrection), says evolutionary change agent PLUTO in CAP, presently (Apr / May) stationary (since it’ll go retro on Apr 20) AND in sharp T-square to the Full Moon axis. PLUTO is the release point… what does it mean to BE the Change / BE the Phoenix?

Going mental over all that craziness?
MERCURY retro (started today Apr 9 from early TAU, see Mercury retro energy blog post, and tool kit blog post) will re-visit ARIES for an extended time, Apr 20 – May 15, and connect with URANUS there twice, on Apr 28 and May 9. As you see in the Full Moon chart, MERCURY is very close to SUN / URANUS / ERIS, and about to approach them, in reverse gear. What has been stirred up and caused turmoil is also a wake-up call, and awakening kicker.

What may be reflected in a polarized collective and geo-political scene (just check events from last week!) can also show up personally as inner dilemmas, conflicts, and ‘hard choices’ (esp. in areas of life relating to where we are sensitized to the ARIES – LIBRA axis).
Bridging, and, perhaps even more so, Finding Balance is a BIG Deal (JUPITER in LIBRA, activated by the Full MOON).
Naturally, what’s experienced as ‘The Other’ is often a reflection or even a projection (“no, I’m not like that!”). Can we balance and integrate the shadow (PLUTO), just as an acknowledgement, not as a ‘big deal’, and come back to the balancing ‘Still Point’?


Beacon Hill Bridge

Bridge Reflections – Photo by Melanie


The ‘old world’ / old consciousness in its patriarchal, hierarchical control-based military / industrial complex manifestation is SO passe and unsustainable (PLUTO in CAP). Yet, it still seems to be in charge – destructively so, which can render us depressed and disempowered.

How do we regain regenerative power?
Or rather : How can we come to the inner power-centre that’s always ‘there’?


  • Neither ‘fighting the demons’, nor putting the head in the sand…?
    What’s the ‘Middle Way’ that’s not a compromise but comes from a truly balanced place and powerful core?
    SO many ancient spiritual teachings, traditions, and practices (TAO, Yoga, ZEN, Buddhism…) have already entered the modern world during the PLUTO in SAG years 1995 – 2008. Now it’s time to actually LIVE the spiritual teachings that resonate with our soul. Whichever they may be, none better or more ‘true’ than the other, all taking us to our divine nature and nature-all perfection that isn’t identified with the ego-construct, rather in tune with life… that’d be the direct way in my sense.
    In the meantime:


  • Rather than ranting at the destructive Patriarchy (well, yeah, so much anger stirred up, understandably!) are you up for living in the Alchemy of Inner Masculine (SUN in ARIES, ruled by MARS), and Inner Feminine (MOON in LIBRA, ruled by VENUS)?The Full Moon ‘constellation’ highlights the Alchemy!


Johfra Bosschart Gemini Phoenix

Mercury Rules Gemini, the Masculine & Feminine Twins of Polarity / Duality. Painting by Johfra Bosschart. Upper detail: The Phoenix


  • The GEMINI / MERCURY / PHOENIX image points to MERCURY, the ‘lesser Alchemist’ (while PLUTO represents the Big Magus). MERCURY went retro yesterday, just before the  LI – AR Full Moon., and can also help us access the inner Alchemy of Opposites – so liberating (MERCURY / URANUS connection in the ‘Heart of M-r’)!


  • The Lunar North Node, presently on the LEO – VIR ‘Sphinx Point’ (still on the VIR side, ruled also by MERCURY) gives us incentive to be self aware, and aligned with our cosmic Self (PI South Node).
    The ‘karmic’ Nodal Axis will shift backwards in the Zodiac (always ‘retro’) into AQ (South Node) – LEO (North Node) on Apr 29 – themes for another blog post round the TAURUS New Moon on Apr 26. Stay tuned.In accord with VIRGO awareness, it always helps to identify the archetypal ‘players’ first. Awareness leads to freedom from being unconsciously, ‘chaotically’ identified with or absorbed by them, and having a charge around ‘the opposite’. And from there / as that, be in tune and alignment with nature – and our true nature (which is super simple… but not always easy, in the human journey).
    That’s why Astro*News is here, and what I want you to help with, via writing, personal sessions, and in groups.


So, let’s take a look at the LIBRA – ARIES Full Moon chart, and glean more messages from it:
The Full Moon will be exact tomorrow Apr 10 at 11:08 pm PDT!


LI - AR FM 2017

I penciled the names of some sign cusps in that planets occupy, since cusp energy stands out nowadays!

The Sphinx Point where the North Node is (see above) is a commonly used term among Astrologers, while the others are the terms I use to illustrate the transition energy from each Zodiac sign to the next.

So let’s hear it for the Archetypes, and cuspy vibes:


  • North Node on the LEO – VIR Sphinx Point: Awareness Rules. 
    We’ve learned an important set of tools (on all levels) since the NN entered VIR, in Oct 2015, that help with being clear, in alignment and wholeness, rather than drawn into chaos, addiction, overwhelm.
    April is a practice wrap-up time of that cosmic ‘workshop’, as we’ re transitioning into expressing more clearly from our heart-integrity (LEO – VIR).


  • SATURN hovers now stationary (just went retro on Apr 6) at the end of SAG, in the ‘Galactic Centre’ which may appear as a ‘dead end’ / ‘black hole’, just before the transition into CAP, the Integrity Point.
    When ‘nothing makes sense’, and the leaders don’t have answers: What’s the Pathless Path…? Not that it ‘gets us somewhere’. Rather an inner guidance without any agenda. A preparation to live even more so from what we know, in our ‘simple’ inner authority, under SATURN in CAP (from Dec 19 on). 


  • VENUS retro, now back in late PI, approaches CHIRON, both on the ‘Birthing Point’ a.k.a. Spring Equinox Point. And: After a retro journey since March 4, VENUS will turn direct on April 15. VENUS and CHIRON are close to each other all April.
    In the VENUS retro journey, ‘love wounds’ and old co-dependent relationship patterns on all levels (interpersonal, societal, spiritual – yes, even relationships with the spiritual realm!) are coming back so that we feel them, release, and allow healing to happen.
    From there we can more truly re-connect in what IS, live and attract from LOVE. A Birthing indeed.


  • VENUS retro / stationary / CHIRON squares SATURN stationary / retro (throughout April, CHIRON – SATURN exact on Apr 30) – an inward journey… perhaps to discover what never dies, what can’t be wounded or healed. Can you let yourself BE, without the notion to ‘go anywhere’? A teaching that may come in that space isn’t really so much ‘teaching’, rather ‘unlearning’. The Medicine in the Love that IS.


  • SUN / URANUS / ERIS and MERCURY retro on the ‘Settling Point’ from AR to TAU.
    Settling? Comfort? Security? So much conflict in the world!
    We gotta look at Asteroid Goddess ERIS of strive and discord. ‘She’s been in ARIES since 1926, and presently at 23:14 AR (check her Ephemeris here), super close to URANUS, and activated by the Full Moon.
    The mind (MERCURY) might wonder… “you gotta be kidding, these times?!”
    When the world is so unsettled and polarized, where is the ground (TAU), in every moment (UR in AR)? We may realize, security is just another concept. The Sabian Symbol for the MERCURY station tells us a bit about that… What a powerful, and definitely ‘retro’ message for the whole M-r phase – bringing the Mind back to SPIRIT / Consciousness (see Mercury retro / Saturn retro blog post). Radical impermanence, and aliveness in what-IS may be the ultimate security in the ‘Ground of all Being’. Acting from that place is more powerful anyway – as the Ancients and Masters know.


  • Lastly, stationary PLUTO in CAP (going retro from Apr 20 on, hence April is quite a PLUTO month too), in squaring the Full Moon Axis, is the ‘release point’ – rather than being torn and polarized, fragmented and pulled under, the ‘way out’ is the ‘way IN’: Transformation into Living from the Core!
    Warning (relief): it’s not a destination / outcome (as ‘old CAP’ would like to see it) but a powerful way of Being, to be found step-by-step.


Wishing us all a powerful, deeply transformational FULL MOON and Easter Time!

The TAURUS New Moon on April 26 will be a SuperMoon!
You might wonder: Wait a minute, it’s not a Full Moon!
Also New Moons can be SuperMoons – when they are very close to the Earth (called perigee) – the first of 3 SuperNewMoons

Astrologically, a SuperSeed energy… stay tuned for the SuperNewMoon Astro*News.



© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger




If the above described themes sound familiar, if you feel the resonance and could use support in your journey drop me a line, and we can set up a private Astrology referenced consult session.
r maybe it’s time to fully benefit from a 3- or 5- sessions coaching sequence?

Email me (licht@islandnet.com), and we can customize it.

Interested in courses, workshops, embodied, experiential Astrology in Victoria BC, or would you like to participate online, via Skype / FB Messenger?

Check out the email Astro~News for Insiders that go out every 2 weeks, from the New Moon to Full Moon or FM to NM, with invitations to upcoming Astro~Experiences. I’m happy to subscribe you (pls message me your email address).

FB page with news, events, offers.
Visit me on my Web.



* MARS in ARIES since Jan 27 (until March 9), and VENUS enters ARIES Feb 3 (until Apr 2, and Apr 28 – June 6): Let Your SuperHero/ine Activist / Shakti-vist Emerge!

3 Feb

Have you seen them dancing in the evening sky?

VENUS, super bright ‘Evening Star’ these weeks after sunset, and recently closer to MARS (orange dot to ‘her left’ in the Ecliptic) was even joined by the MOON on Monday – Wednesday – so beautiful to behold, and a super charge to download. 

The primal and initiating energy of ARIES gets now activated: First through MARS – since Jan 27 – came with the AQ New Moon, followed by VENUS today Feb 3 – woohoo!

As you see from the dates above, MARS is ‘only’ 6 weeks in ARIES, while VENUS will be in ARIES for much longer, because – you guessed it – ‘She’ will go retrograde this Spring (March 4 – Apr 15) mostly in ARIES, and back to the ARIES / PISCES cusp – RE-Emergence of the Feminine, literally.

Will be interesting what shows up in this, in combination with the Chinese Yin Phoenix Fire!

More about VENUS retro closer to the retro date.
But let’s keep in mind that the pre-retro shadow has started last weekend, so close to the Women’s March. More activism shakti-vism to follow, you bet!

MARS got the ball rolling, initiating and igniting the fiery Phoenix Spirit. We rise again, indeed!


Mars (Hubble Space Telescope)


What could that mean?

  • New vitality and Spring-like energy is emerging and arising – it all starts HERE! If you’ve been sick and weakened, you get a boost of energy, esp. if you have Planets, Sun, Moon, Nodes, AC in ARIES. MARS is natural in its ARIES domain, as a survivor, an ‘energizer bunny’, and ‘he’ comes to life when battling the elements.
  • People can get quite angry and upset – no more PISCEAN tolerating – time for action – find healthy outlets. Can be a fired-up and confrontational period, with MARS in ARIES.
  • Our inner SuperHero energies want to be launched. Let’s do something pro-active and productive with them! What matters is to get going. If it ‘doesn’t work out, not to worry. ARIES gets up and starts again, in a new way. Like a toddler learning to walk, with natural instinct and trust.

The week of Feb 22 – March 2 will be quite fired-up, as the JUPITER retro opposition with URANUS (exact on March 2) will have a huge concentration in ARIES: VENUS, the MOON, URANUS, ERIS, and MARS.
That’s quite an explosive, erratic energy. We better channel it well into dynamic outlets to fight FOR something!


A note on ERIS – the most massive and second largest ‘dwarf planet’ in the Solar System with a 560 year orbit. Only discovered 12 years ago, and since ‘she’ appeared larger than PLUTO this caused the whole new definition of planet vs. ‘dwarf planet’. Ha – creating discord right with ‘her’ appearance.

ERIS is in Greek mythology the goddess of strife, discord, and chaos. Doesn’t sound appealing / promising. But already happening, over the last year 2016, since URANUS in ARIES caught up with ERIES (who’s been in ARIES since 1926 – check ‘her’ ephemeris here). Definitely lots of sudden flare-ups and traumatic shockers that have caused discord across the political board.


Eris - Antikensammlung Berlin

Eris – Antikensammlung Berlin


In 2016, URANUS was conjunct ERIS in May, and again in Sept / Oct (only once every century). France was strongly affected last year, as its SUN (July 14, 1789) was squared by URANUS / ERIS.
One more exact URANUS / ERIS contact will happen in early April 2017 when URANUS passes ERIS, to come ‘only’ close to ‘her’ again in Dec 2017 / Jan 2018.
The 2017 contacts between URANUS and ERIS will square the U.S. MERCURY (retro) at 24° 11′ CAN (where also Trump’s SATURN / VENUS sit). ‘Divided States’ – no wonder.
In my sense, the early March contact of VENUS / MOON / URANUS / ERIS / MARS (have I mentioned, in mythology Eris and Ares = Mars were siblings?!) is as least as potent as the April exact contact. Esp. since there’ll be also a Solar Eclipse on Feb 26 in early PI (close to the U.S. MOON in late AQ).

Here’s the chart for March 1 – what a concentration in AR, opposed by JUPITER retro in LI.




So let’s keep an eye on ERIS, and not feed more energy into discord and strife, while being authentically ‘out there’ in the ARIES spirit. Maybe with a whole new approach that doesn’t buy anymore into division and duality, and liberating ourselves from the ‘game’ of conflict (URANUS in ARIES).



Golden Venus


As VENUS is entering the ARIES scene today Feb 3, the rather masculine Warrior energy will be joined by the Heroine. VENUS in ARIES doesn’t wait to be asked ‘to dance’ or to be on the scene, she takes the first steps, goes for what she values, is direct and ‘in your face’.
How does VENUS in ARIES attract?
Perhaps through her rawness and courage. What you see is what you get. No more Piscean passive princess or mystical muse. Nor an Aphrodite who competes to be the fairest and ‘chosen one’ by Paris or any other prince who gives her the ‘golden apple’.

Time for the Feminine to come out in a new way!


© 2017 by Melanie Lichtinger


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