PLE / Release ECLIPSE in SCO – TAU, w. URANUS & Wesak Moon (May 5): Sit in the Buddha Hub. Process-to-Freedom.

3 May

Wesak Moon Eclipse Blessings,
dear Reader in the Astro ComMOONity!

She’s coming….!

This Full Moon is one of THE most potent FMs of 2023! With Her many attributes, She invites us to connect with Her in all these ways:

* Eurasia / Africa / OZ Lunar Eclipse –
Her Earth Shadow goes over these continents.

* Partial Lunar Eclipse

* SCO Full Moon where the Moon is most challenged / ‘in fall’ –
SO many sticky emotions and power issues are hanging around now – to be processed.

* Lunar ‘Release’ Eclipse
The SCO Full Moon by the Lunar South Node – calling us to release destructive / self-defeating emotions (linking back to the PSE ‘Release’ Eclipse in SCO on Oct 25, 2022).

* PLUTO, ruler of SCO(!), freshly in AQ,
has juust gone retro (May 1 – Oct 10) – Inner Soul Power to Change

* URANUS Eclipse
The SUN in mid-TAU is super close to / catalyzes URANUS – the ruler of AQ where PLUTO is freshly in (connection w. PLUTO!). The SUN – URANUS union will be on May 9 – surprise-surprise (which can be upsetting / unsettling and / or liberating)!

* LILITH Eclipse
‘Wild’ LILITH in mid-LEO in T-square w. the Eclipse FM.
Whoaaa, more ‘trouble’? And / or the opportunity for liberation from attachments, and return to our unconditioned Self – which is LOVE.

* Many names for this Full Moon (in May), in many earthly traditions:
Flower Moon of May
Thanks to the abundant blooming this month – very Taurean.
Also known as (according to Farmer’s Almanac): Budding Moon / Egg Laying Moon / Frog Moon / Leaf Budding Moon (all according to Cree traditions), Planting Moon (Dakota, Lakota), Moon of Shedding Ponies (Oglala)

* and of course:
Wesak (or: Vesak) Moon of the Buddha
One of the most important festivals in Buddhist cultures.
See special chapter about the astrological Wesak Moon in this article, below.

May the May Bloom Begin! – photo by moi

What a Time we live in!
Change is the only certain – has always been…

And nowadays ever more ‘in our face’.
Things seem so out of control…

How can we be empowered and liberated, in – and through! – this challenging & changeful Time?
Essential themes that this Eclipse Season (Hybrid TSE / ‘Ring of Fire’ ASE end of AR on Apr 19 / 20 in square w. PLUTO, and this PLE in SCO – TAU on May 5) brings out, from the back-/ under-ground, and into the light.

Eclipses themselves carry the Medicine of showing Shadow, and bringing the Light back, after an occultation ‘re-set’.

Let’s be easy and gentle in the intensity of it all, nurture & nourish what wants to be revealed, so that old sticky attachment / resistance issues & emotional pain points can move, and be set FREE!

Eclipses & the Lunar Nodes

We’re at the height of the first Eclipse season of 2023.
This year’s first pair of Spring Eclipses (they always come in pairs) started with the Hybrid TSE / ‘Ring of Fire’ ASE end of AR on Apr 19 / 20 in square w. PLUTO, followed by this Wesak Moon PLE in mid-SCO – TAU, on May 5).

The Fall Eclipse season will peak on Oct 14 (American ASE / ‘Release Eclipse’ in LIBRA) / Oct 28 (PLE / ‘Seed Eclipse’ in TAU – SCO).

Eclipses are linked to the Lunar Nodal Axis.
This Apr / May Eclipse season is the last one with the Lunar Nodes in SCO (SN = South Node) – TAU (NN = North Node), Dec 23, 2021.
This Nodal / karmic / evolutionary dynamic extends until July 13, 2023.
Big Time Purge. Back to Nature & to our Senses. EmBodying Freedom.

Not only do the Eclipses bring out these themes that are SO on now, for evolution (rather than devolution), but also (can’t miss it) for revolution, via URANUS in TAU, close to the SUN & MERCURY retro (see chart below).

The PLE in SCO opposite URANUS / NN / SUN and M-r (until May 14) all in TAU triggers emotionally things that can be pre-cursors for what’s to come.
Relating to hidden, private, secret, sexual (trans debate!), power, and control issues, and what needs to come out into the open about those.

Feeling HER Effects in You?

It really feels like a massive Birthing & Purging Process.
The cosmic energies of & around the Eclipse confirm this.

What a Lunar Infusion – extending her effects for a while already!

The growing Full MOON in SCO will be exact on May 5 at 10:34 am PDT.
The max. Eclipse will be at 10:23 am PDT, 19 min before the exact FM.
The Eclipse map shows where She has her strongest effects – quite multi-continental!

Such an intense polarity of the MOON in her deepest – yet most potent – position of SCO, facing LOTS of planetary action in the field on the other side (of the Earth, during the Eclipse), esp. mid-AR to mid-TAU (4 Planets, the SUN, and the NN, see below in the Birth-ing chart)!

Plus, URANUS is also in the picture. 
A very URANian (exciting, electric, shocking, unpredictable, wake-up calls evoking, liberating) phase we’re in.

The PLE evokes Transformation of the Old & ‘Sticky’, and Regeneration of Creativity, Freedom, and Self-Radiance

It’s an ECLIPSE of the MOON, by the Earth Shadow which causes the temporary lunar darkening – the umbra (= shadow), out of which the MOON re-emerges.

Mother Earth provokes and evokes a RE-generation of SCORPIO, and strengthening of TAURUS themes:

* Don’t hide in the dark (and notice what in you takes you there…)!

* Re-connect with inner Magic, Essence, Soul Power!

* Live Life magically again!

* See through manipulation, power trips, ‘psychology’, and other (inner & relational) tricks! MERCURY currently retro helps with this too.

* Come (back) into your organic-creative strength, freedom and radiance (NN, SUN / M-r / URANUS, and soon JUPITER in TAU)!

* Be in consciously emBodied Freedom!

So much shadow has been cast on the Lunar / Yin / Feminine to be in Her strength – keeping Her rather ‘in the dark’ & oppressed.
To clarify, I’m not talking generically about men and / vs. women, nor joining a gender identity debate here, but about the Inner Feminine IN all Beings.
We (men, women, children) need to reconnect with our intrinsic & instinctive organic power!

The Yin Energy meets the Yang Energy in equality, and with her own intrinsic strength.

As an Eclipse (exact FM alignment of Moon – Earth – Sun), She’s a super charged & super charging & super changing Full Moon:

SO much is coming to fruition & harvest that’s now ripe for birthing!

SO much release of darkness, stuckness, disempowered situations!

SO much birthing out of the Old Matrix where fear & control rule, and into the New & yet unknown World.

A ‘Release Eclipse’ she is – aligned with the Lunar SN.
Calling us to bring the shadow to light – for it to be released.
Also supported / intensified via PLUTO, ruler of SCO, having just turned retro – a stationary focal point, currently. PLUTO is freshly in AQ, ruled by URANUS – which is also super involved in the Eclipse ‘happenings’.

Rather than dwelling on stuff / getting sucked into the ‘dark zone’ again, it’s better to do ‘interventions’ & experiments, by shifting habits, and getting out of the uncomfortable ‘comfort zone’.
What brings more embodied Joy & Freedom???
URANUS in TAU, opp. the Eclipse helps with this.

Where could YOU start?

This Partial Lunar Release Eclipse Full Moon in mid-SCO complements the Partial Solar Release Eclipse New Moon in early SCO on Oct 25, 2022.

What has been revealed and energetically come to an end (since) then that’s now coming up for emotional / instinctive / somatic release?

TAURUS Themes are strong now

Fixed, earthy TAURUS (ruled by VENUS) is all about embodiment, enjoyment of Life-on-Earth, sensuality, food, assimilation, and gathering of value.
A substance building energy.

Immersed in the realm of TAURUS, like in the full bloom of Spring, we celebrate the physical senses, comfort & pleasure, everything that creates security and grounding, and grows over time.
Taurean energy takes roots, builds, cultivates, and conserves, like a gardener, farmer, and good custodian of the Earth.
TAU likes to attract what’s pleasant, to experience it via the senses, to eat, assimilate, gather & accumulate, to settle and to claim ownership & territory.
TAU slows down, after the fast and furious ARIES energy, and favours predictability and patience; therefore habits and routines are formed.

The Taurean orientation is very life affirming, yet can obviously lead to attachment to the known and comfortable, to the material & worldly plane in general, and to physical satisfaction, yet also hoarding, and greed. TAU has a strong resistance to change and to pain.

Presently, there’s a LOT going on in TAURUS, via:
URANUS (since 2019), the North Node (since Dec 23, 2021, until July 13, 2023), the SUN (seasonally, until May 21), MERCURY (until June 11) now retro (Apr 21 – May 14), and also soon JUPITER (May 16, 2023 – May 26, 2024).
What a TAUREAN energy field – polarized by the SCO SuperMoon!

Being calm, conscious, and creative – rather than just complacent / habitual, as well as standing our ground & communicating common sense (without getting stubborn and attached to a mind-set) are themes of SUN / MERCURY retro in TAU.

PLUTO freshly in AQ, squared by JUPITER, newly in TAU, on May 17:
No point getting used to new ‘normalized AI’ / transhumanism take-over.
We Humans are organic, nature-ALL Earth Beings (TAU).

 the shaker-upper / waker-upper, now (2019 – 2026) in TAU has been pointing to disruption of Nature, of the economy / the monetary system, of the comfortable, habitual consumer culture, and of our organic ways of being in physical contact w. each other.

Yet, URANUS help us to awaken from ‘convenience’ (incl. ‘convenient paradigms’) and to be more unconditionally free.

TAURUS & the Heart Torus

In 2020, I was wondering how the ‘6 ft apart’ physical (TAU) tactile / sense free distance affects our auric / Heart Chakra energy exchanges.

This Heart Math Institute image shows the electromagnetic (URANUS) energy field of the Heart – extending as a ‘doughnut like’ Torus shape (not to be mixed up with TAURUS – but hey, maybe there IS a connection…). 

Let’s keep emitting Heart Energy!

May our Heart Toruses expand and connect!
And may Heart Intelligence move us through all the predicaments that present themselves currently.

Consider yourself Heart Hugged!

SCO (ruled by PLUTO) carries Transformation Medicine

The fixed deep water (like a lake or pond) sign SCO, in contrast to the ‘above ground’ green & growing Taurean world, brings up emotionally intense, ‘ugly’, uncomfortable, and painful places in the ‘muck’ where hidden, and often covered or repressed emotional material sits.

Just as the leaves rot and go beneath the earth in late Oct – late Nov, the Scorpionic energy takes us to the ‘grand mystery’ of death & rebirth, and to processes that have nowhere to go but down & through, for alchemical processes to happen.

SCO penetrates the underground / underworld / underbelly, which can be a painful process (TAU – SCO also represent the pleasure – pain, and life – death axis). This is where transformational ‘digestion’ of what’s already dead happens, so that it can be purged and eliminated.

Our very ‘human humus’ and shadow can’t be just ‘gotten rid of,’ or ‘hidden away’. It needs to be processed to become a composting ‘fertilizer’ for renewal – the Alchemy of Life.

SCORPIO is for the MOON the most ‘challenging’ sign.
While LUNA is considered ‘exalted’ in TAU, it’s trad. ‘in fall’ in SCO – since:

The MOON represents emotions, our instinctual mind (in a broad sense of body-mind, feeling-mind), and our needs and habits which by nature long for nourishment and sustenance.

Taurean energy provides such sustaining delivery & assimilation – intake through feeding & reliable presence…
Whereas SCO represents necessary detoxifying elimination, often through painful processes. That’s not what our Lunar side (representing also our Inner Child) is most comfortable with… deep & difficult emotions come up.

Moonlight on Lake Ontario – photo by Diego T. Silvestre

Under a SCO MOON (whether we’re born with it, have it by astrological Progression for 2½ years every 29 years, or whether the MOON in SCO for 2½ days per month affects us), we’re instinctively sensitized towards the need to purge what’s toxic & outlived, what controls us, and doesn’t allow us to be free, in a deeper sense.

The process calls us to go into the ‘mouth of the monster’ and through its bowels even, while our head and ego might severely protest and resist.
A SCO MOON experience can lead us to the deepest abyss of our inner worlds, yet is an opportunity to take us through it, and be regenerated and transformed through the process.

Not ‘comfortable’ or ‘easy’ but so spiritually rewarding, and blessed by the Wesak Moon.

Uranian Intervention / Innovation / Liberation

Prometheus, mythological Archetype of URANUS, bringing the Fire of the Gods to Humanity – artist unknown

A LOT can shift and move quite suddenly and surprisinglyvia the URANian involvement.
Freedom comes in so many ways.

Wake-up calls from Mother Earth are striking. Let’s get out of our habitual comfort zone, and cut the energetic umbilical chord to an old outdated and exhausted model.

Balance is a key theme for the Eclipse opposition.
A FM is the ‘Mother of Oppositions’, calling for Balance & Integration, in fairness, justice, and Right Relationship.

The essence & incentive of TAU (where the NN is now) is to be an emBodiment of Nature, to live life joyously, and in accordance with the Earth and our Earth Body.

Shadow expressions of SCO (current SN) are manipulation, power games, destruction, black magic, self-defeating psychology – to be revealed & released.

The Scorpionic Kali Moon Goddess / Death Doula

…holds space for it all to transform and come through.

Kali Ma – artist unknown

Below, you can find Her ‘Birth Chart’.

Hopefully, we can SEE Her in all Her glory (suspense-suspense, and no attachments, ha-ha)!
Not here on the Pacific West Coast – but maybe in your part of the Earth?
We sure FEEL Her already… even more once She enters SCO (tomorrow May 4 at 7:32 am PDT).

So much emotional intensity is UP these days – culminating with the SCO – TAU TLE on May 5. 

The tides are high.

Things come to a culmination and to fruition (think: Full Moon – Harvest Moon, Full Birthing Belly), to be revealed, transformed and released.

Spiritually, the Buddha Moon supports it all…

Why is PLUTO relevant now?

Pluto – as seen by New Horizons Mission 2015

PLUTO rules SCO – the energy of the PLE SuperMoon.
The FM energy can find an outlet via PLUTO, and vice versa.

PLUTO, now in early AQ, turned from direct-forward from Earth perspective to retro on May 1, hence a stationary focus mid-Apr to mid-May – calling us:

* Not to give power away / hide out with our Power / keep it hidden from ourselves.

* To regenerate, find empowered Soul Integrity from within, and walk with / in it – while being in empowered / empowering community.

TAURUS is ruled by VENUS – currently end of GEM, and feeding into the Eclipse, via sextile w. JUPITER in late AR & square w. Her ‘higher octave’ NEPTUNE in late PI – both on May 4, the day before.

Being brave / authentic and taking initiative, whether in writing, or communicating otherwise – esp. related to themes of love & attraction can reveal & unravel so much that’s been fuzzy and confusing – for whatever reasons.
A breezy blend of wind & water – surf the waves of Love!

On May 7, VENUS goes over the ‘Nesting Point’, and enters CAN (until June 5) – Loving Gentleness & Care.

URANUS in TAU these years, and esp. this TAU season is a call to wake up, enJoy Life-in-Spring, be in Goddess Power.
And to emBody Freedom as your True Nature!

Birth Chart of the SCO-TAU PLE & Wesak Moon

The Full Moon will be exact at 10:34 am PDT on May 5.
Max Eclipse: 10:23 am PDT – 19 min before Fullness.

What a concentration of mid-ARIES to mid-TAU energies!
Contrasted by the mid-SCO MOON, not far from the SN.
The SoLunar polarity is T-squared by LILITH in mid-LEO.

The center of the fixed signs are extra fixed – concentrated energy – for better or worse. Here are the Festivals of Beltane – TAU, Lammas – LEO, and Hallowe’en – SCO – they represent ‘gates of power’.
How do you use your power of joy (TAU), and the power of change (SCO)?

With LILITH in mid-LEO on the apex of the T-square:
Express Your Unconditioned Love & Sovereignty!
Be Wildly-Creatively-Lovingly You!
Our true, wild & free Power is LOVE.

JUPITER will enter TAU on May 16 (until May 26, 2024).
Which will be even more activated by the end-of-TAU New Moon on May 19.
Gratitude for Mother Earth & Her Gifts, for Nature & everything natural.

JUPITER / the NN on the AR / TAU cusp are in square w. PLUTO freshly retro, on the CAP / AQ cusp.
The square from JUPITER to PLUTO will be exact right after it enters TAU – on May 17, and is now building.
What’s going on in the systems? How is Power ‘over’ Nature playing out, and what needs to be revealed and transformed?!

Stay tuned for the JUPITER in TAU article.

VENUS will enter CANCER on May 7 (until June 5)
Loving Gentleness and Care.
Astro~News article to come.

Protect Children and be there for your Inner Child!
Supported by MARS now (until May 20) and VENUS soon (May 7 – June 5) in CAN & JUPITER / CHIRON in AR –Mama Bear protection & loving presence helps with healing old / early wounds…

MERCURY is now retro (Apr 21 – May 14), in TAU:
What do You Truly Enjoy & Value?
Maybe a re-evaluation is happening?

Where in your birth (or relocation) chart is mid-SCO & mid-TAU?

That’s where deep, likely hidden / repressed emotional material comes up, with the Eclipse.

Shadow is being revealed to be processed, purged, and transformed into ‘compost’ (SCO) – for new grounding, nourishing and sustaining energy (TAU).

Which tends to show up in / via relationships (Full Moon) between opposing sides in ourselves, with others, with society, etc.

Maybe your SUN, MOON, Nodes, or Planets are there?
Extra activation ‘markers’.

In any case, check out the SCO  – TAU House Axis in your birth (or relocation) chart for this:

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House
Your Values, your Body, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House
You in Your Local Environment

4th House
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.

Feel welcomed to get in touch if you could use an Astro boost for this current and pivotal dynamic!

Let’s bring in the 

Sabian Symbols for the Wesak Moon / PLE Energies

Starting with the MOON at 14º 58′ SCO – super central!

Vitruvian Man
by Leonardo da Vinci


Early steps in the development of a mind seeking to be attuned to the higher level of human evolution

This is a particularly cryptic symbol.
It may be deciphered if one realizes that essential human destiny is to develop as a five-fold being, a Pentagram or five-pointed star.

Number 5 symbolizes mind in its most creative and penetrating aspect, while number 4 refers to the life processes operating at present within the Earth’s biosphere.

Our Western civilization has realized only the lower level of this vibration 5.
I.e. mind contaminated by compulsive instincts & emotional involvement.

Some individuals, however, are born with a special potential for development of the higher, creative mind, and in social circumstances favoring this development.
In most cases, they are still “playing around” with their unusual capacity. They are in the kindergarten stage of this higher mind development.

In this final stage of the forty-fifth sequence of five symbols, the transcendent possibilities of mental evolution, which require interpersonal communion in consciousness, are evoked.
The free spirit of true scientific inquiry is only a foreshadowing of such a type of mind, which demands dedication to humankind as a whole.
What is seen here is FUTURE-ORIENTED GROWTH.”

And for the SUN at 14º 58′ TAU – equally super central:

Braving the Storm – painting by Cara Frafjord


The courage needed to meet the crises precipitated by social ambition

The man with the silk hat has seen some of his ambitious efforts bring him social success; but he learns that often “nothing fails like success.”

The storm may be within him, or it may attack his social status.
He is ready to face it daringly.

This shows a willingness to accept crises and to go through them — and therefore great character, the soil upon which a higher kind of consciousness may develop.

This is the fifth and final stage of this ninth five-fold sequence of symbols.
It implies a transition to a new level at which the individual who has learned from experience demonstrates a truly mature mind.
What is revealed here is CHARACTER under adverse circumstances.”

What fascinating combination of symbols –
At the very centre of the SCO – TAU axis.
How might they be interpreted, in the context of the PLE / Wesak Moon?

So cool that the FM will be on 05/05, and the SCORPIO 15°  with its “5 mounds of sand” emphasizes the “Number 5 symbolizing mind in its most creative and penetrating aspect”.

Plus the pentagram / five-pointed star.

Lots of ‘5’s here – which may also indicate, an opening to the ‘5th Dimension’ is available – which of course requires a Scorpionic transformation of consciousness – out of 3-D / 4-D (incl. time, ruled by CAP) consciousness.
Remember my statement above, re: “Density issues” (= dimensionality)?

And certainly also implying a demonstration of “CHARACTER under adverse circumstances.” (TAURUS 15°).

Crises of consciousness are what Eclipses bring up – a gift in disguise, since emotional intensity (esp. with the SCO FM) present. Powerful stuff to work with – that’s otherwise ‘under the radar’ / part of the ‘comfort zone’.

Let’s take a look at the many facets of

The Wesak Moon of the Buddha

Buddhist Stupa – perhaps under the Wesak Full Moon –
photographer unknown

In Buddhist cultures, the Full Moon in May traditionally marks the Wesak Moon, which falls this year on May 5, as the PLE – quite rare.

The Wesak Moon is celebrated by the Buddhist World Sangha (community), honouring the birth, enlightenment, and passing of Gautama Siddhartha, the Buddha, who walked the Earth more than 2500 years ago, and set an example for the Living Buddha in all of us.

Only every 9 years does the Scorpionic Wesak Moon show up as a Lunar Eclipse (alternating as ‘Seed Eclipse’ and ‘Release Eclipse’ – as this time).

The SCO MOON – TAU SUN polarity that aligns astrologically with the Wesak Moon themes also connects with essential Buddhist teachings.

So many provoking and out-of-control situations are up… and the deep emotions they evoke can pull us into a pain-body loop.
Staying with what-IS, being calm (TAU) & conscious (SUN), holding space for what’s going on deeply-emotionally (MOON) can bring us to the core (SCO) of the matter (TAU), and is being transformed (SCO) in this cauldron.

Sitting in the Buddha Heart Hub, with wisdom and compassion, in the Wheel of Life, saves the day and is the way / the pathless path.

PLUTO, ruler of SCO, and ‘undertaker’ and archaeologist Archetype, helps unearth our core essence & Soul Power.

PLUTO now at the beginning of AQ (with LIBRA undertone) prescribes / can bring out (while also showing extremes in that regard:
The Power of our shared genuine Humanity, and World Community – also an antidote to isolation & alienation (shadow of AQ).

An essential question in Buddhist teachings:
Why do we humans suffer / are we dissatisfied / discontent 

It’s simple and ‘revolutionarily’ obvious to see it this way (why do we forget?!):
Because of our attachments to what we desire, and their frustration – not getting what we want, and not being able (or: willing!) to get rid of the unwanted and painful. 
Which is… very TAU – SCO!

Whoaaa – has that ever been intensely playing out in these times, and even: last week!

What a contrast!
Taurean Life-in-Spring, enjoyment, physical / material pleasure, eating, embodying, gaining, gathering, growing, having…
And Scorpionic pain, death, loss, grief and the whole spectrum of emotional depth – which, if it doesn’t crush us, can bring us to the essence of where real Power within sits, and change us in our evolution, personally & collectively.

What does the Buddha say to this essential polarity in life?

There’s a difference between physical / emotional pain, and the human suffering coming from it.

Suffering – even though it may feel so appropriate and legit – has to do with the attachment to the desire for what we want, and to the desire of getting rid of the unwanted and painful. It comes up in the ‘sticky’ fixed signs TAU – SCO, LEO (LILITH, in T-square w. the Eclipse) and AQ (PLUTO).

The Buddhists would suggest two ‘ways out’ of suffering:

* To be aware that nothing really lasts forever.
Everything that has manifested is impermanent. 
This world of phenomena is in constant flux and change (SATURN & NEPTUNE in PI show us a lot about this too…). Realizing this, we better surf the ‘waves of change’, and become free from wanting it ‘our way’.

* To walk the ‘Middle Path’, a.k.a. to practice the Noble 8-fold Path (right speech, right livelihood, right action, etc.) which brings intrinsic happiness.

Awakening, and emBodying Freedom (URANUS, now also in TAU, 2018/19 – 2026 stirs it up!) is buddha-ful.
Awakener URANUS is mega activated by the SUN in the Full Moon (the alignment will be exact on May 9)! Bright – clear – conscious – liberated – alive energy is available, on the other side of the SCO process…

I’ve been listening to Eckhart Tolle’s audio book (read by him) A New Earth, and find it so helpful / paradigm shifting / enlightening.
It’s from 2005 – and timelessly and timely relevant, esp. the central piece about the ‘Pain Body’, and how to become free from it.

May the season of the Buddha’s Wesak Moon PLE bring golden opportunities ‘in the dark’, for realization & practice that set us FREE!

More Offerings for the Wesak Moon

The SCO / TAU Wesak Full Moon is a fully solar illumined (and most potent) SCORPIO MOON that reveals our deepest needs for transformation.

With our conscious Self (the SUN), we have to patiently stay & ‘sit with’ (TAU) what comes up from the depth, for the processing (SCO).

Bali Morning Prayer – photo by Helga Hendricks

In Buddhist tradition, the image of the peaceful Buddha floating on a (Taurean) Lotus flower that blossoms so purely & beautifully while rooted in the (Scorpionic) mud swamp, represents the enlightened quality, rooted in real-life human suffering, and evoking compassion.

* Where do your swampy roots show up, these days?

* Can you ‘sit’ with it all, open to the light of consciousness?

* Can you dwell in the Buddha hub of calm – within the tension between enjoyment and pain?

* Hold (fixed energy of SCO – TAU) as much spiritual energy as possible.
And allow yourself to be held by it.

The Wesak Full Moon is a magnificent divine and meditative moment-in-time, when transformation (SCO) can be anchored (TAU).

Our attachment to desires and longing for what we want and don’t have, or ‘even’ to pain / suffering / complaining / to feeding those ‘hungry ghosts’ (TAU – SCO) that show up in obvious or subtle personal and collective / cultural addictions and compulsions (more consumption, information, work, entertainment, F.O.M.O., nothing’s ever enough, being pulled into the dark…) can be really UP and fully-ON, in these times.

Can you put these manifestations of attachments into the bonfire of the Soul (SCO) so that the deep Alchemy can do its job?!
Natural empowerment via intrinsic Soul connection comes from there. 

Supported by PLUTO having turned from direct-forward to retro on May 1: 
Finding Power within, and via intrinsic transformation. 

Truth on all levels is being revealed through the process.
Esp. as the MOON will move from SCO over the ‘Phoenix Point’ into SAG, on May 6
 (exact at 1:04 pm PDT).
The days after the Wesak Moon are considered ‘Days of Distribution’ of the Buddha Blessings – very apropos SAG MOON also.

The essence of timeless Tao Wisdom:
Dynamic & interwoven Yin-Yang Balance

The YIN-YANG is a perfect symbol for balancing the Yin / Lunar and Yang / Solar influences in us, under each Full Moon.
Especially under this astrologically potent (SCO – TAU PLE) Wesak Moon.

As above so below and within….
We ARE the field, and the catalysts for evolution & liberation…

In the light of the Wesak Moon….

…it’s good to sit a la TAU with what’s here-now, enJoy Life with all its blossoming expressions – without getting attached.
As the smiling Buddha would.

URANUS, now in TAURUS – and super activated by the SUN & M-r & NN – brings:
The wake-up call to EmBody unconditional Freedom.

How can we be free from what’s been stifling & stuck, from old fears that have proven redundant (many do), and the alike?
And / or we might be drawn to new freedom for

Yet: Real Freedom is unconditional Freedom.
Or, as the spiritual teacher J. Krishnamurti (his Taurean human birthday was on May 12) would point out brilliantly:
It’s about Freedom without an opposite (as in: from / for), since otherwise it pretends to be Freedom but isn’t the real deal.

Similarly, again quoting K., and inquiring myself:
What is Love that has no opposite?

That takes us full circle.
A good place to hand it over to the Wesak Moon, and Her infusion…

Flower Power Buddha Blessings

May the ‘Power of the Dark’ be fully seen and released.

May re-grounding in emBodied Freedom be restored.

May we come out of the (esp. emotional) trials & tribulations stronger, re-empowered, and with our ‘wild’ and loving Heart.

May we remember our always FREE Buddha Nature!

Many Blessings now-as-always!

Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it guides you on your Earthly Journey?

I’m here for you.
An ASTRO~ALCHEMY Session help shed light on things from deep levels, and get the process going.

Get in touch with me, via email (, and we can explore what would serve you best.

© 2023 by Melanie Lichtinger



Live Your True Self & Be Free!

Astrology and Voyager Tarot
Consultations, Courses, Coaching

with Melanie Lichtinger
22 Years Professional Experience
Serving You In Victoria BC and Worldwide

Phone: +1-250 381 4299

Astrology for Self Realization FB Page

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Sent to you before every New Moon & Full Moon
Astro~Weather, Astro~Medicine, Courses, Offers


Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.
I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Which can lead to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel more connected with yourself and with all-that-IS, in the bigger on-going evolution.
Ultimately, you dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less & less affected, more & more liberated, and self-realized.

I welcome you as a client who is not seeking an ‘old school reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transition, stuckness, transformational crisis, for new perspectives at a crossroad or dilemma, and for important choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!   

Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it can guide you on your Earthly Journey?
Come over / let’s meet online, for Your private Astro session!


From time to time, I have OFFERS on,
which you can find on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (16 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic.
The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!
Live in person, or online. Most Astro~Experiences are designed as ‘hybrids’, with some participants joining us online, some in person.

Find upcoming events on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.


If you feel the Astro~News Blog with Astro~Weather and Astro~Medicine that I write about on-goingly has good value for you in your navigation with the cosmic currents, you’re welcome to offer a donation via e-transfer to my email address
You can also donate directly via PayPal here. 

Received in gratitude! ♥

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