MARS in CANCER (March 25 – May 20): Be pro-actively (Self-)Caring & Healing. Find Your Tribe. Homeward Bound-Unbound

19 Mar

Hi Astro Friends,

Spring starts with multiple energetic shifts – already this week!

* SPRING EQUINOX March 20, 2023
Happy Astrological New Year! Happy New ARIES!

* Cuspy / early ARIES New Moon March 21
Be New! BE You! Live Now!

* PLUTO enters AQ for the first time March 23 (until June 11)
…to start the 2023 – 2024 CAP – AQ Transition Phase
Evolution of Our Shared Humanity

* MARS, the Ruler of ARIES, enters CANCER March 25
…and connects w. CHIRON on Apr 27
Be pro-actively (Self-)Caring & Healing.
Find Your Tribe. Homeward Bound-Unbound.

Quick Review of the Epically Looong Phase of MARS in GEM (since Aug 20, 2022)

Guess what?!
The epically loooong phase of MARS in GEMINI (since Aug 20 – with retro phase from Oct 30 to Jan 12) comes to an end!

Lots of discourse and debates, incl. those round ‘hate speech’ (doubly MARS in GEM), yet also incentives & triggers galore to find our voice, speak up & speak out!
Could you be the Alchemist of duality and polarization?

The U.S. had their bi-annual MARS Return (this time super long and retro).

More about the now closing MARS in GEM phase in the blog article from last Aug, and in the separate MARS Retro article.
Hope they’re also useful to you in retrospect.

Yep, MARS is the Planet that goes most infrequently retro, only every 2 years and 2 months.
Looking back, I wonder, what happened to the divisive states of mind?!
War does start in the head.
The war zones and battles on the ground are still operational.

Us and them’ mentality is still going ever so strong, and always eager to find new antagonisms.
In retrospect of the last 7 months, what have we learned about war and violence? Whose interests do they serve?!

MARS moves into CANCER, starting on March 25 – after last week’s square from MARS end of GEM to the SUN and NEPTUNE end of PI.
What a finale to let go of the notion of polarization, and tune into Oneness / Unity Consciousness instead / from a transcended (not: by-passed!) place.

Now for MARS into CANCER…

Already feeling it?
MARS enters CANCER this week, for some 
(prob. much needed) emotional stimulation and activation for the ARIES & TAURUS season.

The MARS shift comes right after the Spring Equinox New Moon in early ARIES (March 21), ruled by MARS.

So cool!
Right after the SUN & MOON (which rules CANCER) go over the Spring Equinox Point, MARS moves over the Summer Solstice Point. A striking ‘double whammy’, for themes of starting a-new, Home wise, pro-active ways of Self Care, and: What do we do about our feelings of Belonging?!

I like to call the GEM / CAN cusp that MARS moves across the ‘Nesting Point’.
What has been gathered and learned is being brought into the ‘nest’ for integration.
We’re also moving from the intellect / mental body to the emotional / feeling body.

MARS in CANCER can also look like:
A battle for / in the Home / with Family?!
Hmmm, the U.S. and Canada are CANCER countries…

(More?) Internal battles between ‘tribes’?

Let’s channel the energy into physically going to places that feel safe / like Home, spicing up our Homes, and taking care of our Home Planet Earth, this early Spring.

MARS was the last time in CANCER Apr 23 – June 11, 2021

in its approx. 2-year cycle
What came up for you then, and where are you at with it now?
Most directly in the area of life related to your CAN House (see list below), and also re: SUN / MOON / AC / Nodes / Planets in CAN and their themes…
Since CANCER does have a large memory bank / is a memory keeper, and goes in cycles & rhythms, it’s worth reviewing the phase since then.

MARS in CANCER and the Lunar Phases

CANCER is the Lunar Zodiac Sign.
So, let’s keep an eye on how MARS activates the New Moons & Full Moons during its ‘visit’ in CANCER – and how they in turn bring out Martian themes.

What stands out:
* MARS enters CANCER right after the early ARIES (rules by MARS) New Moon on March (the month of Mars) 21.
* MARS leaves CANCER just 1 day after the late TAU New Moon on May 19.

What a frame!
The springy ARIES & TAU months are activated by MARS in CANCER.
Bodes well for a boost of energy for home activities this Spring.
Just don’t over-do it / burn yourself out / go into unnecessary confrontation over homey things, esp. during ARIES season.

* The NM in the middle of that ‘MARS frame’ is the potent cuspy end-of-ARIES (yes, second / ‘blue’) New Moon on Apr 19 / 20 – which will be a hybrid Total / Annular Solar ‘Seed’ Eclipse!
Yes, another one in MARS’s sign ARIES!
On the ‘Settling Point’ cusp from AR to TAU.
A ‘Seed’ Eclipse, close to the North Node in early TAU.
Together with MARS, then in mid-CANCER – and (barely but still) in the phase without retro Planets until Apr 21 – , such an activation to plant new seeds, for themes like:
Where – physically – is our place in the World? How can we find more Joy (TAU) & Freedom (URANUS in TAU) on the Earth / in Nature, and in our Earth body (despite disruptions of what’s natural and organic)?

What’s with the Full Moons, during MARS’s Journey through CANCER?

* The first one – also first one in Spring – will be the pre-Easter FM in mid-LIBRA – mid-ARIES (w. JUPITER & CHIRON), on Apr 5, in wide T-square(!) to MARS in CAN.
Such a charge between War (ARIES) and Peace (LIBRA).
Aren’t we all a Human Family on this Planet (CAN)?!

* The second one – the SCO – TAU FM on May 5 – will be triple charged:
Energetically the most challenging one of the year, since SCO accentuates deep emotional processing and transformations.
It’s the yearly Wesak Moon of May – the ‘Buddha’s Full Moon’.
And: It’ll be a Penumbral Lunar ‘Release’ Eclipse – with the Lunar South Node in TAU close to the MOON.
Even more important to process and release what’s not conducive to our feeling body, or sucks us emotionally into ‘dark places’.

Additionally, PLUTO, ruler of SCO, freshly in AQ (from March 23 on, just 2 days before MARS’s entry into CAN) will be in turnaround ‘storm’, since it’ll go from direct (since last Oct) to retro, on May 1, calling us out, re:
Not giving power & freedom away / hiding out with our power / keeping it hidden from ourselves. Regenerating and finding empowered Soul Integrity from within.
In early AQ, it’s all about society and systems.
Time for soulful collaboration, and sharing with like-spirited others / in community – rather than feeling overpowered by deep changes in / via various systems, or via the power of ‘the System’.

Bottom line:
Lots of action and likely emotional stir-ups during MARS in CANCER, round these New Moon / Full Moon phases.
Oh yes, MARS in CAN will be also on at Mother’s Day (May 14).

MARS isn’t per se ‘comfortable’ in CANCER

Why is CANCER traditionally the least favoured sign for the Warrior Archetype (considered ‘in Fall’ there)?
And how can we best navigate with that energy?

MARS is natural in / rules straight-forward ARIES – an athletic / belligerent Warrior / activism energy.
MARS is exalted (extra strong) in CAP where the energy can express in consistent, persevering, accomplishment & goal oriented ways.

Dad & Child on the Beach – so MARS in CAN – artist unknown

CANCER doesn’t move linear and up (like the CAP ‘mountain goat’) but rhythmically and cyclical, goes sideways, needs to backtrack, sometimes naturally goes 2 steps forward, 1 step back (into the safe ‘shell’ to integrate the experiences emotionally), is always close to the water, sensitive and empathetic.

Plus: one’s motivation and energy
(MARS) depend on moods and feelings. It’s the sign of Mother-Child after all, ruled by the MOON.

So let’s be gentle with ourselves and others, and notice when we would tend to take our feelings or unmet needs out on others (one of the lower vibes of MARS in CAN).

MARS in CANCER can bring up lots of memories.
Also, emotions with and in men, fathers, men in the family, men who feel like family…

MARS in CAN has the potential for emotional conflict, and conflicts at home and with family.
Which may actually come up to clear the air, when there’s been unhealthy lack of authenticity (to avoid ‘hurting their feelings’ or being ‘banned by the tribe’), or if we’ve repressed standing in our power for too long.

What can help turn unhealthy MARS in CAN expressions around?

* Fiercely-actively tending to our feelings and needs first (before the next steps).

* Turning to Family, or approaching / initiating action in our Spirit Family / Spirit Tribe whom we can be authentic with.

* Going into relationship with the Inner Shamanic Hero/ine (CHIRON in ARIES), and with a Council / Community of Spirit Elders (PLUTO in CAP / AQ). How would they show up, and what would they do in this situation?

11 of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, with the white scarves offered to them by HH the Dalai Lama…

The 13 Indigenous Grandmothers remind us of the Next 7 Generations…!
We DO need to backtrack and remember 
(CAN), to move forward as protective Warriors (MARS in CAN), for a livable & organic future for the Human Family (AQ).

Let’s channel the MARS in CANCER energy into

…sharing our authentic feelings and our Inner Power with each other, rather than holding them in.

…being passionate about protecting our Home Planet – Mother Earth who keeps on nurturing and sustaining us.

…being protective and standing up for our feelings and needs, our Family, the Human Family, and the Family of all Living Beings. It’s also a good energy for Honouring the Fathers & Forefathers! 

…remembering History, and standing up for not letting old battles / warfare patterns be re-run / repeated. 

…using the MARS boost to do physical activities like renovations and clearing in the home that benefit from a lot of energy and motivation.
At the same time, we might clear the ‘inner cobwebs’ where old emotions were trapped. The South Node in SCO is all for it.

MARS & the ‘Transpersonals’ URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO

MARS is a very ‘personal’ Planet, helping us with self assertion.
CANCER is a very ‘personal’ and instinctual Zodiac sign, taking us Home.

MARS in CANCER will meet the Transpersonal Planets, incl. its ‘higher octave’ PLUTO (where it’s about deeper Power, while ‘out of control’ changes of Evolution are underway). What to DO? (is what MARS might say…)

MARS in CANCER is homeward bound.
Yet also unbound – since it’s also about cutting (MARS) the umbilical chord to what has kept us connected, and fed us emotionally (CAN) – yet it’s not ‘alive’ anymore, in the evolution of Humanity (PLUTO in AQ – which MARS will go into opposition with on May 20, after coming out of CAN).

We live in times of deep change, and what used to feel family-ar and gave us a sense of belonging might not anymore – which can cause grief, or liberation, or the whole spectrum of emotions…
Time to let go…. which can be hard, yet a gift in itself…
…says also NEPTUNE in PISCES, in Water Trine with MARS on May 15.
Wisdom and clearing comes from letting go…
NEPTUNE in PISCES may add: 
The energetic umbilical chord, in the Web of Life always feeds us.

URANUS in TAU is ‘buddies’ with MARS in CANCER – they go into sextile with each other on Apr 29.
Be true to what you feel, and embody Freedom.

Speaking of MARS & Transpersonals…

MARS, URANUS, PLUTO, plus the FM on 05/05 ‘In Fall’?!

Have you noticed?

As PLUTO enters AQ and MARS enters CANCER, these two almost simultaneous shifts bring three Planets (together w. URANUS in TAU) into the Zodiac energies they’re ‘in Fall’ in (least easy & natural).
As will be the upcoming Full MOON / Wesak Moon in SCO on May 5!

Which doesn’t mean (in old ‘black & white’ boxed thinking / conditioning), that’s a ‘bad’ / ‘evil’ thing / time.
It’s rather about working with these planetary / archetypal energies in ‘unusual ways’ when challenging situations arise.

Some (apparent) paradoxes for us here, calling us to:

* Deeply feeling things through (even if it feels painful at first) and processing what comes up – MOON in SCO.

* Proactively tending to our feelings, caring for and protecting the children, the family, the tribe, and our Home Planet, is how the Warriors show up nowadays – MARS in CANCER.

* The Revolution builds from the ground-UP, organically, guided by our Earth Bodies. Wake up, Earthlings & EmBody Freedom! – URANUS in TAU.

* Finding our Spirit / Soul friends & community whom we collaborate with – rather than buying into overpowering technocratic / inhumane systems – PLUTO in AQ.

As always:

It helps to work WITH the energy, not force / push against.
And to emBody ultimate Power.
Says also PLUTO, ruler of SCO (of the 05/05 FM / PLE), by then freshly retro (from May 1 on). A very scorpionic / PLUTOnic early May.
Change is in the Air, and Freedom comes from the ground-UP.
Let it be an empowering change from the inside-out!

Given the Spring 2023 Line-up of Cosmic Events,
during MARS’s Time in CANCER…

lots of (esp. inner, emotional) adventures will be had – prone to trigger (MARS) emotions, memories, dreams, reflections (CAN).

Let’s see what these events are in themselves about:

MARCH 23 – just 2 days before MARS’s entry into CAN
PLUTO enters AQ for the first time (until June 11)
Initiating the 2023 / 2024 Transition into AQ
Evolution of Our Shared Humanity

Pre-Easter FM in mid-LIBRA – mid-ARIES (w. JUPITER & CHIRON), in wide T-square(!) to MARS in CAN
Such a charge between War (ARIES) and Peace (LIBRA).
Aren’t we all a Human Family on this Planet (CAN)?!

APR 19 / 20
Cuspy end-of-ARIES (yes, second / ‘blue’) New Moon & hybrid Total / Annular Solar ‘Seed’ Eclipse!
Where – physically – is our place in the World, and how can we find more Joy (TAU) & Freedom (URANUS in TAU, not far from the NN) on the Earth / in Nature, and in our Earth body?

APR 21
MERCURY in mid-TAU (close to URANUS!) goes retro (until May 14)
Freedom from sticky mind-sets & habits / for new ways of enjoying Life

MAY 1 – Beltane
PLUTO in early AQ goes retro (until Oct 10)
Inner Soul Power to Change

SCO-TAU Full Moon / Wesak Moon / Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 
Sit in the Buddha Hub, and find Freedom through Transformation

MAY 16
 (until May 26, 2024)!
The Importance of Values and of Nature

MAY 19
End of TAU / cuspy New Moon on the ‘Voice Point’
Let Nature speak to you. Find your Voice, based on your Values.

MARS in CANCER Contacts w. other Planetary Archetypes

Voyager Tarot card VII Chariot
photo by moi – w. JUPITER sphere

The Voyager Tarot card VII – Chariot (with JUPITER activation) says it too:

Find your vehicle.

Be the relaxed charioteer.

Move with the Home on your back.

Go on Inner Journeys…

MARS enters CANCER, for its watery journey (until May 20), and goes immediately into quincunx w. PLUTO freshly (from March 23 on) in AQ
Be pro-actively (Self-)Caring & Healing.
Find Your Spirit Tribe.

Homeward Bound-Unbound, in our Shared Humanity.

The waxing / Half-MOON in CANCER activates MARS
Tuning into and sharing our authentic (stirred-up?) feelings and needs.

MARS newly in CAN in Water trine w. SATURN freshly in PI
Asserting our instinctual needs / being a tribal warrior – and moving away from toxicity on all levels, while going by the Dao of Unity, in the Web of Life.

Pre-Easter FM in mid-LIBRA – mid-ARIES (w. JUPITER & CHIRON), in wide T-square(!) to MARS in mid-CAN
Such a charge between War (ARIES) and Peace (LIBRA).
Aren’t we all a Human Family on this Planet (CAN)?!

MERCURY freshly in TAU (from Apr 3 on) goes into sextile w. MARS in CAN (# 1 of 2, again on Apr 23)
Perfect time for home care, gardening, and enjoying life in Spring – so nourishing & energizing!

MERCURY freshly retro (from Apr 21 on) goes into 2nd sextile w. MARS.
Hidden mental patterns can become transparent – esp. when we’re kind & self-caring when triggered.

APRIL 27 – 29
MARS in mid-CAN squares CHIRON in ARIES (ruled by MARS) and sextiles URANUS in TAU two days later
Find the Medicine of being authentic and true to what you feel, and go by what helps you to EmBody Freedom.

MAY 15
MARS end of CAN goes into Water Trine with NEPTUNE end of PI
Emotions stirred up, perhaps to bring out the activist of love and true connection… beyond illusion.
Letting go of the Old (incl old programs & manipulation that keep us separate) is the way. Let it wash out, along with tribal PI Age dynamics (Victims – Perpetrators – Saviours – Martyrs).

MAY 19 / 20
MARS leaves CANCER to enter LEO, and oppose PLUTO freshly retro in AQ
Rather than engaging in personalized power dynamics or taking out your emotional frustration / drama on others, see deeper underlying core themes at the bottom of it all, and meet those bravely.
It might appear acute / urgent but you’ll have more time to process.
Purging and clearing actions on all levels very supported.
All about true sovereignty & freedom…

Your SUN, MOON, AC or Planets in CANCER

These Inner Archetypes are surely getting activated now, likely through stirred-up memories – feelings – needs.

These sides in you can be very sensitive.
You probably feel it already coming – not ‘just’ when MARS ‘crosses’ them, technically (which would be for early CAN late March / early Apr, mid CAN mid to end of April, late CAN early to mid-May).

So, if MARS is knocking at the door, will you let ‘Him’ in?
Maybe ‘He’ gets you out of your house / shell?!
To find your true HOME…

Where in your chart is CANCER?

That’s where you long to belong, where primal feelings & needs for safety get evoked, and where family themes come up.

MARS freshly in CANCER in your… House stirs up and energizes these areas of your Life.

A time to channel the energy rather than into emotional / family conflict into passionate, compassionate, and caring action – relating to…

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House
You in Your Local Environment

4th House
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.

Blessings to us all, for channeling the MARS in CANCER energy into expressing our feelings authentically, and finding our True Home!


Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it guides you on your Earthly Journey?

I’m here for you.
An ASTRO~ALCHEMY Session help shed light on things from deep levels, and get the process going.

Get in touch with me, via email (, and we can explore what would serve you best.

© 2023 by Melanie Lichtinger



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I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Which can lead to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel more connected with yourself and with all-that-IS, in the bigger on-going evolution.
Ultimately, you dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less & less affected, more & more liberated, and self-realized.

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via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (16 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic.
The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!
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Find upcoming events on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

At Spring Equinox, a new intermediate / advanced class starts!
Astro 404: Cosmic Timing – Planetary Transits & Cycles

– details on the linked FB Event Page –


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Received in gratitude! ♥

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