Equinox / Cuspy ARIES New Moon (March 21), Initiating SO much more – Be New! Be You! Live Now!

20 Mar

Happy Spring-ing,
dear Cosmic Friend on Planet Gaia!

Cherry Blossom Bliss – photo by moi

Happy Astrological New Year!
New Life emerges. A new cycle starts.

The SUN entered ARIES today March 20, 2023 at 2:30 pm PDT.
Nice date / time alignment!
More about the Spring Equinox in this special article.

Followed by a SUPER SPECIAL cuspy ARIES New Moon,
on Day One of the new cycle – tomorrow March 21 at 10:24 am PDT.
Bringing so much energy into fierce & fearless & renewing ARIES (SUN, MOON, CHIRON, JUPITER) –

Begin the Begin. BE You! Live NOW!

What a radical shift – even from last week, with so much PISCES, incl. SUN / NEPTUNE. May the Winter wash-out lead to radical renewal & fresh Life!

The cuspy / early ARIES New Moon initiates even MORE Newness,
to start a super dynamic ARIES Season (see the itinerary above)!

For now (directly activated by the cuspy ARIES NM):

* SATURN now freshly in PI – which was already ‘birthed’ by the Full Moon on March 7, but gets fully started with the ARIES New Moon –
and the upcoming Water trine from MARS freshly in CAN – on March 30:
Asserting our instinctual needs / being a tribal warrior, and moving away from toxicity on all levels, while practicing the Dao of Unity, in the Web of Life.

* PLUTO enters AQ for the first time March 23 (until June 11)
…to start the 2023 – 2024 CAP – AQ Transition Phase
The Power & Evolution of Our Shared Humanity, in an Era of Change
Astro article for PLUTO into AQ to come (thx for the patience, ARIES!).

MARS, the Ruler of ARIES, enters CANCER March 25 (- May 20)
…and connects w. CHIRON on Apr 27
Be pro-actively (Self-)Caring & Healing.
Find Your Tribe. Homeward Bound-Unbound

A ‘mutual reception’ / double whammy of MOON & MARS / ARIES & CANCER will be ON this week, and as a start into the Spring Season, between the New Moon in ARIES (ruled by MARS) – even happening on Tue (day of MARS – Mardi / Martes!) and MARS in CAN (ruled bu the MOON).
Asserting instinctual needs; defending & protecting New Life.

You can see those shifts in the ARIES New Moon ‘birth chart’ below…

Happy All-NEW Spring Equinox week!

Spring is here – and Nature is freshly-fiercely alive!

What an Inspiration & Medicine (also a la JUPITER & CHIRON in AR), showing us how to regenerate & renew, after the cold and dark Winter, and silvery-grey wash-out over the last month.

Nature is ‘by nature’ / organically in alignment with solunar / cosmic cycles, and resilient through adaptation – when not excessively disrupted, as has been happening so much over long time. Humanity’s only waking up to it lately – URANUS in TAU.
So much to learn from Her, and integrate into our lives!

In the last years (since 2020), it’s been such an obvious contrast how Nature is free from the calamity in human-to-human / human-to / in-society (AQ) and country-to-country interaction / conflict.

How freeing to be in full NOW presence in Nature (URANUS in TAU) – highly recommended for daily grounding, regeneration, and overall sanity!

What a fierce time it’s been for Humanity – for the last 3 years!

Pretty much since the early ARIES / Spring Equinox New Moon on March 24, 2020 – which came with LILITH & CHIRON, when ‘everything started’ – the beginning of a wildly new world of Medicine – of battles therein, and of finding our intrinsic, authentic (ARIES) Medicine (CHIRON).

I hope and trust you haven’t been in emergency / chaotic survival mode (understandable, given what’s been going on, yet one of the low vibrations of the PISCES – ARIES cusp: “Am I making it / do I even want to be here, or am I going under?”).
And I hope you’ve been blessed to be well, ready to let something new & alive emerge, and get activated, out of the ‘chaos’ – just as Nature always does, on-goingly, especially NOW.

If you or your loved ones have been affected by the virus and the Wars in / round Medicine, and its ripple / fall-out effects, physically, mentally, or emotionally over the last years – and who isn’t nowadays???! – I’m sending heartfelt blessings for a good regeneration of body, mind, spirit, emotions, livelihood to you / them – and to all of our Humanity!

Likewise, the tragically escalating & expanding war in Ukraine, involving and affecting in the meantime so many countries and its people, while wasting and exhausting so many resources, and destroying infrastructures, and killing so many soldiers and civilians.
The massive wounds of war… and who benefits from keeping it going???! – more CHIRON / JUPITER in ARIES themes here.
This cruel unconsciousness needs to end / go extinct asap.
Precious lives must be saved.
The end of PI Age ‘noble martyrdom’ / sacrificial lambs.
New life& PEACE must be given a chance.

Battles of ARIES

Mars Rules Aries –
painting by Johfra Bosschart

It can be super stressful (even by osmosis) once we get caught in vibes of panic & scare, via exposure to the omnipresent topics the media. 
But hey, fear & stress doesn’t help the immune system, or overall health / wellness.

Warrior Archetype MARS rules ARIES, and deals with assertion, warfare, survival, immune defense, adrenaline, iron, spikes and all.

Battles have been fought on so many fronts, since CHIRON has been in ARIES (Feb 2019 – Apr 2027), incl. literally in / round the medical field (ruled by CHIRON)!

What’s the like-heals-like / higher vibrational ARIES Medicine?
As simple as:
Healthy self preservation, and even more so: 
Being authentically alive, and: living from the inside-out.

…while SATURN in AQ (March 2020 – March 2023) has taught us to also be mutually respectful rather than judgmental with each other, in / between groups / in society. Everyone is going through their own challenges, and we’re all inter-dependent.

How can we co-create in the New Era for our Shared Humanity?
A good challenge at this time.
The epic JUPITER – SATURN conjunction in early AQ at Winter Solstice 2020 started a new 20-year cycle for exactly these themes – and was a pre-cursor for PLUTO’s entry into AQ in 2023 / 24 (starting on March 23!). 
The multiple / layered crises have also brought out opportunities (JUPITER in AQ) to reinvent community, as we need to stay connected in innovative ways.

It IS a new LIFE now.
Let’s show up in our Best – together!

JUPITER is in the meantime also in ARIES (was May 10 – Oct 27, 2022 for starters, and fully since Dec 20, until May 16, 2023- having met CHIRON on March 11)!
How’s it going with seeing things with fresh eyes, and stepping into the NEW, with our Truth, Trust, and Understanding?
JUPITER in ARIES can support us, in all the newness now unfolding.

The upcoming pre-Easter Full Moon in LIBRA – ARIES on Apr 5 / 6 will bring out JUPITER & CHIRON, big time.

Young Jacob Lambs, as seen at the Petting Zoo – photo by moi

One day & moment at a time, says ARIES.

Baby steps matter.

Trial & error is ok.

Every day and moment is a new situation, and a new beginning.

Just deal with what’s present NOW.


This is to a fresh & (re)vitalizing Start!

This year’s first New Moon of Spring(!) on DAY ONE(!) fully initiates the astrological cycle (just check out that chart below!), and brings a big boost of energy.

Welcome to the rare & all-new Equinox New Moon of March 21, with MERCURY, CHIRON & JUPITER all in ARIES!
* Calling for a new Medicine & the Medicine of Newness from within!
* A Medicine that’s ALIVE, and arises from the inside-out.
* A Medicine that heals wars, on the battle fields, and in the minds.

In this corrupted & disrupted world of turmoil & strive, division & warfare, may natural healing agencies prevail, and may there be a new Start from the Heart!

The ARIES New Moon ‘backed’ by NEPTUNE in PI carries a PI – ARIES theme.
What would the Spiritual Warrior do?
How does s/he show up NOW? 

Shamanic CHIRON is with / IN us in this –
channeled through the gifts & perspectives of JUPITER

JUPITER in ARIES met CHIRON recently – on March 11.
The energy of their encounter is also channeled through the early ARIES New Moon!

We can learn so much from the Medicine of Nature, and from tapping into vibrations of ease, calm, relaxation – when we’re in Nature, witness and are being blessed by the re-Emergence (ARIES) of Life!

What a resilience to show up again, year after year, after the cold & bleak of Winter! A whole interconnected (AQ – PI) natural system / network is coming alive (AR) now.

Reminding us of our own birth & vital existence (ARIES), connected in the Web of Life (PISCES). Such a good Medicine, bringing Healing on all levels, always, and esp. in times like these.

It doesn’t have to be the wilderness – can be a deep connection with a tree or plant, its life force & spirit. Even with our house / balcony plants.

I’ve found it SO helpful for body, mind, heart, and spirit, to be a lot in Nature over the last challenging years – and am in immense gratitude for her gifts.
Let’s take her Medicine
 (CHIRON) – start with fierce Self Love (ARIES), and show up with the fresh & vibrant Spirit of Spring!

The first New Moon in Spring 2023 will be on March 21 (Day ONE) – at 0º49′ ARIES – so: Let’s check out the very first of the 360 degrees!

Sabian Symbol for 1º ARIES 

Kopakonan (The Seal Woman) in Mikladalur on Kalsoy, Faroe Islands – photo © Marita Gulklett


Emergence of new forms and of the potentiality of consciousness

This is the first of the 360 phases of a universal and multilevel cyclic process which aims at the actualization of a particular set of potentialities.

These potentialities, in the Sabian Symbols, refer to the development of individualized human consciousness – the consciousness of being an individual person with a place and function (a destiny) in the planetary organism of the Earth, and in a particular type of human society and culture.

To be individually conscious means to emerge out of the sea of generic and collective consciousness – which to the emerged mind appears to be unconsciousness.
Such an emergence is the primary event. It is the result of some basic action: a leaving behind, an emerging from a womb or matrix, here symbolized by the sea. Such an action is not to be considered a powerful, positive statement of individual being.

In the beginning is the Act; but it is often an imperceptible, insecure act.
The small tender germ out of the seed does not loudly proclaim its existence. It has to pierce through the crust of the soil still covered with the remains of the past. It is all potentiality and a minimum of actual presence.

In the symbol, therefore, the emergent entity is a Woman; symbolically speaking, a form of existence still close to the unconscious depths of generic biological nature, filled with the desire to be rather than self-assertion.

The Woman is seen embraced by a seal because the seal is a mammal which once had experienced a biological, evolutionary but relatively unconscious emergence, yet which retraced its steps and returned to the womb of the sea. The seal, therefore, represents a regressive step.

It embraces the Woman who has emerged, because every emergent process at first is susceptible to failure. This process is indeed surrounded by the memory, the ghosts of past failures during previous cycles.

The impulse upward is held back by regressive fear or insecurity; the issue of the conflict depends on the relative strength of the future-ward and the past-ward forces.

The possibility of success and that of failure is implied throughout the entire process of actualization.
Every release of potentiality contains this two-fold possibility. It inevitably opens up two paths: one leads to perfection in consciousness, the other to disintegration – the return to the undifferentiated state (of humus, manure, cosmic dust – i.e. to the symbolic great Waters of Space / Chaos). 

This symbol characterizes the first of five stages which are repeated at three levels. This stage represents the initial statement, or theme, of the five-fold series which refers to the first level: IMPULSE TO BE.”

I’ve seen this Symbol many times in charts / contexts, and ‘simply’ by reading the very beginning of the Sabian Symbols – and am being wow’ed each time.

At this time, what presents is not ‘just’ the transition from the universal field (PI) to the individualized impulse of ARIES (Out of Oneness comes the One!).
Which itself is strong and powerful – what a start into the New Year!

Also the emergence out of collectivism and pervasive unconsciousness of the now ending PISCES Age (SATURN / NEPTUNE in PI), into – what’s NEW and unfolding – as we show up for and as LIFE.
The intrinsically Feminine Life Force (ARIES NM) is a great symbol for this.

And, out of the dystopian perspective of a mechanized & dehumanizing technocratic anonymous ‘pool’ of ‘information’ to fresh organic individual Beingness – in community / as true Humanity (one of the PLUTO into AQ themes).

This is to the (RE)Emergence of Life, in so many ways!

Which also reminds me of my theme of the PI – AR Cusp – which I like to call the ‘Emergence Point’.

Voila – here is the 

‘Birth Chart’ of the Equinox / Cuspy ARIES New Moon

The New Moon will be exactly at 10:24 am PDT tomorrow Tue March 21.
For a New Moon Ceremony, March 21 / 22 are perfect to ‘plant new seeds’.

What a striking concentration,
on the PI – AR Equinox ‘Emergence’ Cusp!

Out of the NEPTUN-ian / PISCEan Waters (oh-so strong last week) emerges the New Moon, MERCURY, and have emerged over the last years JUPITER & CHIRON – sitting closely together (within 2º!) in the centre of ARIES, after their conjunction just 10 days ago (every 13 years only).

JUPITER / CHIRON in AR are also positioned in the centre of a ‘Bowl’ shape constellation of ALL Planets – covering only 150 of the 360º, from late CAP (PLUTO) to late GEM (MARS).

No Planets (only Asteroid LILITH in early LEO & the lunar South Node in early SCO) are presently between CANCER and end of CAP. More than half of the Zodiac is empty these months (!).

Pretty lopsided, with wintry-springy vibes predominant.
Out of the old & cold the NEW & Fresh arises…

The ‘Bowl’ also calls for the ‘missing handle’ opposite the centre of the Bowl (which is mid-AR with CHIRON / JUPITER) i.o.w., mid-LIBRA (w. AQ undertone): Peaceful relationships in Humanity are in dire need at this times, vs wars that are primarily driven by egoic forces (mid-AR w. LEO undertone).

Currently presented via ARIES:
Showing up a-new, self-directed, and authentic.
Being the Warrior of NOW, of the NEW – and: of Peace.

The ARIES New Moon and Her Entourage

We’re not ‘just’ moving into a new Spring, but into a New World & Era.
The future of humanity, society, and economy are uncertain. 
It has all just begun.
Let’s not go ‘rogue’, and into survival / full-on emergency mode with it (definitely a possibility to experience it this way) but let something new, beautiful, loving & healing emerge, and come to Life!

CHIRON since more than 4 years now fully in ARIES has shown (has it ever!) how new situations can make us vulnerable and bring up prior / early wounds. 
The Inner Medicine shows up with this too, by being direct and authentically ourselves. It’s our life. 
No (more) fakeness, pretending, hiding. 

What’s in our face (ARIES literally rules the head and face / facing things boldly) and shows up in front of us NOW leads us to our Medicine! 

The SUN in ARIES will meet & pass (once a year) CHIRON on Apr 5 – day of the LI – AR Full Moon, and the MOON already on March 22.
Time to bring consciousness to the Hero/ine’s Journey of Healing.

Maybe someone really inspires you who has stepped out & forward, to brave the New. Maybe it’s YOU?! What’s YOUR first step?

Fresh Thoughts & Ideas, Direct & Authentic Communication are great places to start – supported by MERCURY now in ARIES (March 18 – Apr 3).

On March 26 / 27, MERCURY meets and passes CHIRON & JUPITER in ARIES.
Consciously thinking in new ways about a situation, communicating boldly, directly & authentically is healing.
Bright & fast & brilliant mind – don’t let it run the show, though.

The ARIES New Moon pulls it all together, and brings it to the point.

It all starts here, and only happens here.
Spring – and Life! – only know the NOW.

Where in your birth (or relocation) chart is early ARIES?

That’s the House relating to the area of life where themes of Authenticity, Boldness, Aliveness, and fresh Beginnings are (re?)activated by the Equinox / cuspy ARIES New Moon.

And where you’re called to show up as being truly YOU.

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House
Your Values, your Body, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House
You in Your Local Environment

4th House
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations / Deep Processes

9th House
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.

Loving Blessings for the fresh Equinox / cuspy ARIES New Moon
helping us with birthing our New & True Self!


Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it guides you on your Earthly Journey?

I’m here for you.
An ASTRO~ALCHEMY Session help shed light on things from deep levels, and get the process going.

Get in touch with me, via email (licht@islandnet.com), and we can explore what would serve you best.

© 2023 by Melanie Lichtinger



Live Your True Self & Be Free!

Astrology and Voyager Tarot
Consultations, Courses, Coaching

with Melanie Lichtinger
22 Years Professional Experience
Serving You In Victoria BC and Worldwide

Email: licht@islandnet.com
Phone: +1-250 381 4299

Astrology for Self Realization FB Page

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Sent to you before every New Moon & Full Moon
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Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.
I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Which can lead to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel more connected with yourself and with all-that-IS, in the bigger on-going evolution.
Ultimately, you dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less & less affected, more & more liberated, and self-realized.

I welcome you as a client who is not seeking an ‘old school reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transition, stuckness, transformational crisis, for new perspectives at a crossroad or dilemma, and for important choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!   

Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it can guide you on your Earthly Journey?
Come over / let’s meet online, for Your private Astro session!


From time to time, I have OFFERS on,
which you can find on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (16 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic.
The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!
Live in person, or online. Most Astro~Experiences are designed as ‘hybrids’, with some participants joining us online, some in person.

Find upcoming events on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

At Spring Equinox, a new intermediate / advanced class starts!
Super last minute time to join (lmk by this eve)!

Astro 404: Cosmic Timing – Planetary Transits & Cycles

– details on the linked FB Event Page –


If you feel the Astro~News Blog with Astro~Weather and Astro~Medicine that I write about on-goingly has good value for you in your navigation with the cosmic currents, you’re welcome to offer a donation via e-transfer to my email address licht@islandnet.com.
You can also donate directly via PayPal here. 

Received in gratitude! ♥

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