Tag Archives: 2023 Eclipses

Cuspy end of ARIES Hybrid Solar Seed Eclipse (Apr 19 / 20) – Planting Seeds for New Earth Medicine, in Joy & Freedom, and Co-creation.

18 Apr

The Heat is ON, dear Astro~Friends!

We’re in the Heart of the Spring Eclipse Season (Apr 19 / 20 & May 5).
No wonder it’s an intense time, and so much else is going on,
in the Heavens and on Earth…

The rare 2nd (‘Blue’) ARIES New Moon this year is on the horizon:
The already Epic Hybrid Total / Annular ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse
on Apr 19 / 20 at the very end of ARIES, bordering TAU.

The Eclipse will be at its maximum on Apr 19 at 9:17 pm PDT.
Just 5 min after the exact New Moon, and less than 4 hrs before
the TAU Season starts (1:14 am PDT on Apr 20).

A rare event. Only every about 10 years.
Here’s a Hybrid Eclipse guide, with helpful illustrations.
Also revealing that the last Hybrid Solar Eclipse happened on Nov 3, 2013.

This Ningaloo Hybrid Solar Eclipse has its Aboriginal name from the remote peninsula of Western Australia that the path of totality passes over.

So potent to have a combination Eclipse showing up.
She is a TOTAL Solar Eclipse and an ANNULAR ‘Ring of Fire’ Eclipse – dependent where She is seen on the Eclipse path.
Australia and SE Asia are the ‘epicenters’.
Her effects may affect these countries most.

There’s SO much to this Eclipse New Moon

* She’s the 2nd (‘Blue’) New Moon in AR this year.
After the Spring Equinox NM on March 21 – both frame the ARIES Season.

* She’s a rare Hybrid Total & ‘Ring of Fire’ (Annular) Eclipse

* She comes in a sequence of ‘Ring of Fire’ Eclipses (Dec 2019 – Oct 2023)

* Suuuper cuspy New Moon, on the ‘Settling Point’ (at 29º50′ ARIES – while the Eclipse North Node is at 4º25′ TAU)

* Strong gravitation in AR – TAU these months, which the cuspy Eclipse ‘pulls together’ (see chart)

* She bridges the Nodal phases from SCO – TAU (Dec 23, 2021 – July 13, 2023): Big Purge. Back to Nature & to our Senses. EmBodying Freedom. to LIBRA – ARIES (July 23, 2023 – Jan 30, 2025)

* Seed Eclipse (with the North Node)
A super powered New Moon, inviting to trustingly co(!)-plant new seeds.

* She squares PLUTO in very early AQ – also super cuspy, and now stationary (going retro on May 1).

* MERCURY in TAU goes retro on the day after the Eclipse (Apr 21 – May 14), after a 3-months NO-retro phase since Jan 22. Opening the ‘Retro Season’ for the rest of the year (which culminates in Aug / Sept).

I was interested in the sequence of the
most recent and up-coming Annular ‘Ring of Fire’ Eclipses.
Interesting patterns & themes revealed themselves.

A brief History of recent ‘Rings of Fire’ Eclipses

The most ‘epic’ one was the
Christmas / Boxing Day Ring of Fire Super CAP(!) Annular Solar Release Eclipse on Dec 25 / 26, 2019
Out of the Old Paradigm. Into New Ways of Being.

It came with the South Node and SOOO much energy in CAP (on the way out

And it set the tone for the ‘infamous’ SATURN – PLUTO conjunction on Jan 12, 2020 which comes only every 38 years, and occurred in CAP the last time in the early 1500’s(!).
The ‘Old Empire’ with its ‘Top-Down’ structures does expire. Yet not without ‘fall-out’ of the massive shadow re: Power (PLUTO) and Control (SATURN) – which we’ve seen over the last few years.

Followed in the following Eclipse Season of June 2021 by the
1º CAN Summer Solstice Annular Solar Seed Eclipse on June 20 / 21, 2020
inviting us into A New Beginning for the Human Family
It came with the North Node on the CAN / GEM cusp, at the beginning of the Nodal Shift into SAG (SN) – GEM (NN) (June 5, 2021 – Dec 23, 2022): Questioning the old story / narrative / agenda / truth.
Entering new dialogues.

One year later came the
Annular Solar Seed Eclipse in GEM on June 10, 2021, w. a ‘New Mercury’
Live the Light. Be the Alchemy.

The GEM North Node was very emphasized in that one.
So much questioning of the Narrative was happening.

NO Annular Solar Eclipses last year, 2022

And now for the upcoming
Very Cuspy / Very AR / TAU Hybrid Total & Annular Solar Seed Eclipse on Apr 19 / 20, in square w. stat. PLUTO in early AQ
Planting New Seeds for Joy & Freedom, in Co-Creation!

The only one with the North Node in TAU (since Dec 23, 2021), soon (July 13) to shift into ARIES for the next 1 1/2 years (while the SN will be in LIBRA).

Followed by the
Very LIBRA Annular Solar Release Eclipse on Oct 14, also in square w. stat. PLUTO, then in late CAP
With the South Node in late LIBRA, bridging over to MARS in early SCO.

All these Eclipses accompany PLUTO (which became a BIG deal, right after the 1st ‘Ring of Fire’ Eclipse on Dec 25 / 26, 2019, via the SATURN / PLUTO conjunction in Jan 2020).

PLUTO is now going out of CAP and into AQ.
The shift into a New Era, while shadowy ‘decay’ from the ‘Old Empire’ / top-down hierarchical power / control structures is being ‘washed up’, making the ‘why’ for the transformation / evolution blatantly clear.

Also supported by the still-ON (Dec 23, 2021 – July 13, 2023) Nodal Axis from SCO (SN) – TAU (NN).

A sequence of opportunities to jump (or be pushed) through the ‘Ring of Fire’ –
From the old ways of being / conditioning / defined by structures (rings?) – CAP ‘Overkill’ / PLUTO – into a new life / new beginnings.
Also emphasized by the TAU / ARIES part of the Zodiac where so much is happening now.

This much for the ‘Rings of Fire’ Eclipses context…
Now more about THIS one, specifically.

She’s an exact & suuuper cuspy New Moon,
on the AR / TAU ‘Settling Point’

The max. Eclipse at 9:17 pm PDT tomorrow Apr 19 follows an exact New Moon at 9:12 pm PDT at 29º50′ ARIES.
While the Eclipse North Node is at 4º25′ TAU.
The MOON enters TAU just 13 /17 min after NM / max. Eclipse.
The SUN enters TAU(!) on Apr 20 at 1:14 am PDT – 4 hrs after NM / Eclipse.

A very cuspy scenario, indeed.
All happening on the AR / TAU ‘Settling Point’.
Where the spark & spirit of New Life (AR) manifests and takes on form.
So many conflicts, so much warfare and ‘battling’ for life naturally settle.
Visions (late AR has a SAG undertone) find their first manifestation (early TAU has a CAP undertone).

Plus, the North Node connection with the Eclipse makes it a ‘Seed Eclipse‘.
All this bodes well for intention setting and seed planting (literally, and symbolically), while trusting the Earth will help bring them to bloom, while we do our own part.

Let’s take a look at the

Birthing Chart for the
AR – TAU cusp New Moon /
Hybrid Total / Annular ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

The exact New Moon at 29º50′ ARIES will be on Apr 19 at at 9:12 pm PDT.
Followed by the max. Eclipse at 9:17 pm PDT.

What a strong gravitation in the AR – TAU Field!
The cuspy Eclipse ‘pulls it together’.

The Annular Solar Eclipse catalyzes what’s going on in the Astro sphere otherwise, even more so than ‘regular’ New Moons & Full Moons.

What’s going on here?
Big ARIES ‘backdrop’ firing up the Eclipse, via CHIRON / JUPITER.
They aligned on March 11 – only every 13 years.
SO much division and warfare, on so many fronts and battlegrounds.
Medical warfare / modern medical war paradigm (fighting the enemy = pathogen, cancer…).

“Who benefits?” “Follow big money.” says TAU post-ARIES.
The military-industrial-pharma complex – now revealed as never before.
Greed capitalism / inflation / exploitation / neo-colonization.

Lots of awakening (shocking? liberating?) paradigm shifts, now as URANUS is in TAU (2018 / 19 – 2026), to serve EmBodying Freedom.

CHIRON in AR, squared by MARS in CAN (building up, exact on Apr 27):
The Wounds of War / The Medicine of Authenticity & New Beginnings.
Separation and warfare on all levels re-traumatizes early wounds of the battle for life / separation from mom.

Magnification & awareness leads to outgrowing the old (JUPITER).

Can we jump through the Ring of Fire?
And leave the Ring of the old Matrix behind?

Scary to do that all by oneself – and land out ‘in the cold’ (AQ).

The Eclipse NM squares PLUTO which is also cuspy:
Freshly (since March 23 – catalyzed by the Equinox ARIES New Moon) on the AQ side of the ‘Prometheus Point’ cusp (trying on AQ in this 1st phase until June 11) and currently a stationary focal point – since it’ll go into ‘U-turn’ from Earth perspective, and retro, on May 1.

So here’s a good challenge (square) to make new choices (early AQ has a LI undertone), for our future, individually, but even more so, for a shared humane future.
And to do so together with other compatible, like-minded, and free-spirited humans (early AQ). Respectfully working with one another and with the Earth (TAU), and generating grounded Joy (TAU) and Freedom (URANUS – ruler of AQ where PLUTO is now – in TAU).

MERCURY in TAU about to go retro, super close to URANUS, on Apr 21, is also fed by the Eclipse.
MERCURY retro will go back to almost the North Node, and in its turnaround to forward / direct (May 14) be in wide square w. PLUTO retro / stat.
While more intel re: Power structures / economy / monetary systems / food may emerge we’re called to be in our intrinsic power (PLUTO retro).
Ideas and conversations can be picked up again, re: shared values, nature, the Earth, food, and everything organic & intrinsically joyful, which can lead to new alliances & shared projects (AQ).

Hence the Eclipse motto:
Planting Seeds for New Earth Medicine, in Joy & Freedom, and Co-creation.

Eclipse Saros Cycles and YOU

Apr 19, 2004, anyone?

Did you know that Eclipses come in cycles (known as Saros Cycles), and repeat in the same sign combination every 18 – 19 years (which has to do with the 18½ year Nodal cycle)?

We had a Partial Solar Seed Eclipse at the same position in last time on Apr 19, 2004 (SUN / MOON also at 29° AR, North Node then at 11° TAU / presently at 4°25′).

Do you feel the upcoming Annular Solar Seed ECLIPSE is significant for you energetically?
Maybe your SUN / MOON / AC / Planets are end of AR / early TAU (or on the CAN / LEO, LI / SCO, CAP / AQ cusp)?

If so, you might want to check out:

* Where were you at / what started for you in Spring 2004?

* What grew from the seeds planted at the time?

* What comes full circle now?

* How are you invited to bring AR / TAU gifts to life NOW, in a new way?

* What are you called to bring into manifestation – and contribute to, as part of the bigger evolution (PLUTO on the CAP / AQ cusp)?

Where in your chart does the upcoming Eclipse and did the 2004 Eclipse fall (Houses, Planets)?
Which areas of your life were / are again now affected?

AR / TAU in your 10th House
What happened with your career / public side / purpose in the last 19 years?
What’s coming to fruition / what starts a new cycle?

Eclipses are like ‘Light Switches’

In a Solar Eclipse – even more so a Total / Annular one -, the SUNlight is temporarily blotted out by the MOON, and re-newed, from Earth perspective.
An old consciousness, when it comes to AR / TAU, is being re-set since it’s not in resonance with feelings & needs (MOON) anymore, if it ever was.
The Lunar Feminine steps in front of the outmoded Solar Masculine.
A new Alchemy occurs.

New ways of emBodying Freedom (NN / URANUS in TAU) and one’s authentic, autonomous, experienced understanding & Medicine (CHIRON / JUPITER in AR).
Yep, a lot goes into the Alchemy and is in the making in that regard.

AR / TAU has also to do with doing business, as in: being entrepreneurial and building what serves others, based on one’s values and gifts. We need a new economy that is truly based on values, not on speculation and greed.

Traditionally, a Solar Eclipse is associated with ‘the death / abdication of an old king’.
Interestingly, the Eclipse happens closely to late QE II’s birth date (Apr 21).
An Era has ended, indeed.

In so many ways, the Old top-down Empire expires, even though it dies hard, and holds on with teeth and claws, says PLUTO in CAP (where it goes back to, June 11 – Jan 20). It gets intense and extreme as inevitable transformation & evolution happens.
Check-check, these years….

New Light needs to come in / a light switch turn is needed, at this wild & crazy time. Not via the top-down instrumentalized / WEF pumped out ‘Great Reset’ (also promoted by CIII, btw).
But organically, from the ground up (TAU) and in freedom, since WE are the People (AR, PLUTO in AQ, URANUS in TAU).

Let’s check out the

Sabian Symbol for the Eclipse New Moon Degree

The exact New Moon will be at 29º50′ ARIES

Collective Duck Bath – photo by moi


The realization of natural boundaries.

After the preceding symbol (THE MUSIC OF THE SPHERES) this may seem anticlimactic.
What is shown here is that every form of activity has its limits, and that even the consciousness that has been able to get a glimpse of universal order has to bring down to its own karmic field of operation the message of harmony it has heard inwardly.
Peace and inner contentment with one’s essential destiny (dharma) is required to meet the everyday world.
The mystic may experience flights of imagination and transcendent vision, but he must return to the concrete earth and to his task in his social environment.
Extensive as the latter may seem it is still very small compared to the galactic field; it is indeed a duck pond compared to the ocean.
But it is there that the substance for concrete action has to be found, and every effective activity has to be focused; thus the boundaries imposed by the very nature of this activity have to be consciously accepted.

This is the last stage in the last five-fold sequence related to the second scene, characterized by Potency.
It leads to the third scene, whose Keyword is Substantiation.
Potency has to become substantiated – it has to mate with substance – in order to be effective power.
Power must accept the principle of FOCALIZATION.”

HA – a surprise symbol.
This ‘duck pond situation’ doesn’t have to be experienced as a limitation.
The ducks seem to have lots of fun, in their refreshing splish-splash.
All organic, from the ground-up.
No ‘top duck'(?) nor VR / AI involved. 😉

The AR / TAU cusp to the 1st Earth sign calls to bring Spirit into Matter.
The square to PLUTO in AQ shows the social context.
YES to finding our like-spirited people and co-creating together with them.

Being present and focused, showing up authentically (AR), and feeling good in our skin (TAU) with ‘just anybody’ – Human to Human (AQ) is freeing and grounding at the same time.

Where in your Birth (or local) Chart is the AR / TAU Cusp which the Eclipse directly activates?

Maybe even your AC, SUN, MOON, Planets, Nodes are there?

Which House in your chart is being visited by the Eclipse?
That’s the area of Life where the cosmic energies suggest a ‘light switch’ / support your New Light.

The Eclipse effects may well evolve until the next Eclipse Season in Oct.

AR / TAU in your… brings out your…

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House
You in Your Local Environment

4th House
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.

Cosmo-terrestrial blessings to you and us all, for this Ecliptic Juncture – with positive extended effects into our human future!

Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it guides you on your Earthly Journey?

I’m here for you.
An ASTRO~ALCHEMY Session help shed light on things from deep levels, and get the process going.

Get in touch with me, via email (licht@islandnet.com), and we can explore what would serve you best.

© 2023 by Melanie Lichtinger



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Astrology and Voyager Tarot
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Email: licht@islandnet.com
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I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Which can lead to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel more connected with yourself and with all-that-IS, in the bigger on-going evolution.
Ultimately, you dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less & less affected, more & more liberated, and self-realized.

I welcome you as a client who is not seeking an ‘old school reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transition, stuckness, transformational crisis, for new perspectives at a crossroad or dilemma, and for important choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!   

Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it can guide you on your Earthly Journey?
Come over / let’s meet online, for Your private Astro session!


From time to time, I have OFFERS on,
which you can find on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (16 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic.
The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!
Live in person, or online. Most Astro~Experiences are designed as ‘hybrids’, with some participants joining us online, some in person.

Find upcoming events on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

The EmBody Astrology Outdoor Season in Nature starts
on Sat April 29!
Now, that’s also apropos ARIES – TAURUS 😉


If you feel the Astro~News Blog with Astro~Weather and Astro~Medicine that I write about on-goingly has good value for you in your navigation with the cosmic currents, you’re welcome to offer a donation via e-transfer to my email address licht@islandnet.com.
You can also donate directly via PayPal here. 

Received in gratitude! ♥