MARS in GEMINI (Aug 20 – March 25), w. retro phase (Oct 30 – Jan 12) – Find Your Voice, Speak Up, Be the Alchemist!

21 Aug

Dear ASTRO~NEWS Reader,

Mars (Hubble Space Telescope)

Bold MARS just came off ground, from earthy TAURUS  (its dwelling place since July 4 – with the highlight phase round Aug 1 – the epic alignment of MARS – North Node – URANUS in TAU catalyzed breakthroughs into embodied freedom!)

To take flight in GEMINI on Aug 20, flying through the ‘lightest’ Zodiac vibration – until March 25, 2023!

Why so long?
You guessed it:
MARS will go retro, all in GEM, Oct 30 – Jan 12.
More about MARS retro in separate blog article as we’re getting closer to the retro trend, early / mid Oct.
MERCURY, ruler of GEM, going retro (in LIBRA – VIR) before MARS (Sept 9 – Oct 2) will already set the tone.

Here’s for starters an astronomical demo of the retro effect, even specifically for MARS.
Yes, indeed, retrogradation is an ‘optical illusion’ – we know this (often brought up as an ‘argument’ point against the validity of Astrology).
Just like the effect of the Astro chart being by default geo-centric, based on the perspective of Sun / Moon, and Planets, from a certain vantage point / birth place on Planet Earth.
While in space, the Sun is the centre of the Solar System, of course.
Guess I’m having a MARS in GEMINI moment – arguing how this & that can co-exist…

MARS in GEM promises a breath (or many) of fresh AIR!
But hey, we gotta get off our butts & out of our comfort zones (TAU can become sedentary & stagnant – yet URANUS kicks us out of those), show up, move, and act.
Even ‘just’ get out of the house, and go for a walk or
 (very GEM) bike ride, in the invigorating late Summer Air.

With MARS in swift GEM, things can come into motion, move forward, and be aired.
Esp. after the MARS – URANUS – NN alignment in TAU on Aug 1 – which brought anything but stuck & stagnant energies.

Did you have liberating paradigm shifts lately that urge you to communicate / disseminate them? MARS in GEM is also a Pollinator energy, in relation to what got established under MARS in TAU.

What’s with GEMINI & the ‘Voice Point’?

MARS brings a welcome boost to the otherwise currently low represented AIR element (only via SATURN in AQ).
Things come into motion, esp. mentally-communicatively – GEM is the first AIR & mutable sign of the Zodiac.

I call the TAU – GEM cusp that MARS crossed yesterday the ‘Voice Point‘. 
The’ Voice Point’ is also the energy that shows how Nature Speaks, and where listening to the Voice of the Body comes up.

Martian energy in GEM gives extra energy, strength, desire, and courage to find our Voice, and speak up.

To communicate our values (TAU), ask questions, get information out, debate (well, MARS in GEM can be very argumentative and contentious), and: learn!

TAURUS rules the throat & neck, sound & song.
GEMINI rules the lungs, breathing, communication, language.

In its approx. 2-year cycle, MARS hasn’t been in GEMINI since March / April 2021.
Time to give all things GEM an energy boost again
, and – via its 2 1/2 months retro phase (Oct 30 – Jan 12), to check in on previously unaddressed questions, intel, and communication, ‘even’ (esp.!) if that requires initiative & courage (MARS).

MARS rules ARIES, where JUPITER & CHIRON transit now – both currently in retro mode:
Finding our Inner YES!, and
Healing through Inner Warrior Medicine & Authenticity
These themes are stirred up by MARS – calling us to voice, communicate, discuss, write about, and: act upon them.

MARS in GEM and the U.S.

The U.S. have (in the astro chart of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776) MARS at 21º22′ GEM in its 7th House of ‘Significant Others’ = other countries, allies, enemies, and: The People (in contrast to the country / States).
Diversity, outspokenness / prone to debate.
And: First Amendment – Freedom of Speech.

The U.S. will be ever so activated by this MARS transit, esp. in Oct / Nov, since it’ll go retro on Oct 30 at 25º37′ GEM – just 4º off the U.S. MARS.

I bet this cosmic Martian ‘weather’ turns into a really ‘hot phase’ in / for the U.S.
Also given the fact that MARS will be stationary (going retro on Oct 30) right around the mid-term elections on Nov 8 – which also happens to be the exact DAY(!) of the Total Lunar Eclipse in mid-TAU – SCO. Intensity, and lots of verbal crossfire for sure.

MARS will in its GEM journey cross the U.S. MARS point 3 times:

  • Forward-stationary on Oct 5
  • In retro on Nov 24 – U.S. Thanksgiving!
  • Forward on March 6

Looks like the U.S. esp. – as humanity – will be working out unREsolved debates, and issues round free speech, science & information.

I’m also wondering about the MARS effect on former U.S. President D. Trump’s chart & life

…since his GEM SUN / URANUS / North Node get directly activated by MARS, esp. when stationary in Oct / Nov.
Plus, Trump was born with MARS rising (wouldn’t we have noticed?!)….

Seems like he could have a come-back as an important player with his provocative outspokenness, in the politico-societal scene, given the striking MARS activation, synch’ed with the U.S. MARS.

Not only will MARS be in GEMINI...

Hermes / Mercury , w. winged helmet, sandals, and Caduceus / serpent staff of the Healer (Like heals Like) – artist unknown

Also, at the Martian onset in GEM its ruling planet MERCURY is now in its other ruled sign VIRGO, and will be soon in retro loop (Sept 9 – Oct 2).

Which all reinforces the shared MARS – MERCURY themes…

  • New / renewed interest in ideas, contacts, learning, conversations (GEM).

  • Stirred up / provoked / stimulated / sharp (MARS) thoughts (MERCURY).

  • Aggressive / assertive / argumentative / accusatory / ego-driven debates can pop up too – more so even???

  • Issues round masculinity, competition, sex, war (MARS) are being talked / written about (MERCURY).

  • Speaking UP does really come up.

  • What is it you think the World or your circle of influence should know about?

Good to channel the fierce mental-physical energy of the GEMINI Warrior into fresh, bold, animated youthful curiosity, the desire to learn (esp. languages), reading & writing what you’re passionate about.

And into pro-actively getting in touch (yep, send them a message, phone them up!) with people whom you’d like to talk to, and perhaps cook up some Alchemy together.

So important – esp, when ‘mind attacks’ get you: 
Breathing, breathing, breathing with the Energy!

Physical GEMINI activities like cycling, tennis matches, multi-juggling, and buzzing around are also apropos…

Well, Fairies would just fly….
Loved what a friend said : “When you walk or cycle the ‘idea fairies’ can be with you.” So true, new ideas come to me too when moving in nature w/o motor involved.

GEMINI – Alchemist of Polarities and Dualities

Mercury Rules Gemini – painting by Johfra Bosschart

We could definitely use bridging of extreme polarizations in the world – based on views, ‘truths’, and trust – or lack thereof (SAG) – in the last 2 1/2 years.

The GEMINI pic to the right shows Yin & Yang, Feminine & Masculine, united into the double-headed ‘Phoenix’.

With MARS activating GEM it looks like the Masculine is coming into the Alchemy more. And questions / discussions about the Inner Masculine are ‘hot topics’. Had one of those this morning, speaking to a friend…

MARS in GEMINI brings an energy boost to all YOUR GEMINI Planets, Ascendant, SUN and MOON.
And of course your GEMINI House (see list below).

Just watch not to get too distracted, and scattered into tooo many directions! 

MARS makes straight-up contacts with these other ‘Cosmic Players’, while in GEM

Starting after the VIRGO New Moon (Aug 27).

Highlight times:
The triple squares between MARS in GEM and NEPTUNE in PI, on OCT 11, NOV 19, and MARCH 15.

MARS while in GEM also goes into triple sextile with CHIRON in ARIES (ruled by MARS), on SEPT 17, DEC 19, and FEB 11.

And into double Air Trine with SATURN in AQ (SEPT 27, NOV 28)

The MOON contacts MARS once a month when in GEMINI.
Tuning us into our needs & desires to learn, discuss, get the message (out), diversify, and alchemize polarities… Go for it! And follow the need & desire to get around – if only in the local radius… always a lot of cool encounters to be had. Keeps us fresh & young in mind, heart, and body.

LUNA already ushered MARS in, on AUG 19 (pre-entry).
Actual MOON – MARS contacts to follow monthly: SEPT 16 – OCT 14 – NOV 11 – DEC 7 (FM with MARS retro!) – JAN 3 – JAN 30 – FEB 27.

Super relevant days for all of you with GEMINI SUN, MOON, Planets, AC, Nodes.

Now for the Martian itinerary in GEM – until end of 2022 for starters (more to come, in the MARS retro – Oct 30 – Jan 12 article):

AUG 20
MARS moved out of TAU, and took flight in GEM
Find your voice, speak up, be the Alchemy!

MARS in GEM in sextile with JUPITER retro in AR (ruled by MARS)
Be the Hero/ine of your Life – cause you ARE! What’s the Story of your Journey? And what’s New NOW?

MARS in GEM in sextile with CHIRON retro in AR (ruled by MARS)
(# 1 of 3 contacts; again on Dec 19 when MARS will be retro, and CHIRON retro in turnaround mode, and once again on Feb 6, with both in direct mode)
Give Voice to your Healing. Being raw & vulnerable comes with it.
Time to further discuss & inform about issues relating to Health (well, THE topic of 2020-21-22).

MARS in GEM in Air trine with SATURN retro in AQ
(1st contact; again on NOV 28 when SATURN will be out of retro)
Pro-actively address social / societal priorities – by asking good questions, and dialoguing passionately / debating respectfully / conversing candidly.

OCT 11
MARS stat. in GEM squares NEPTUNE retro in PISCES
(# 1 of 3 contacts; again on Nov 19 when MARS will be retro, and NEPTUNE retro in pre-turnaround mode, and once again on March 15, with both in direct mode)
Feeling deflated, disappointed, going nowhere…? Time to just chill.
In conversations, is there a tendency of overwhelm, escapism, addiction, a sense of victimhood? Or passive-aggressive tendencies?
Learn about what’s going on when this, or something similar ‘happens’, notice how we can all resonate, yet intervene, curiously.
Spiritually, the energy supports inquiring into the Oneness of ALL.

OCT 17 / 18
The SUN & VENUS in LIBRA in Air Trine with MARS stat. in GEM
Voice the questions, put information out, initiate new dialogues – all in the name of balance, fairness, justice, well-informed choices, and right relationship.

OCT 26
MERCURY in LIBRA in Air Trine with MARS stat. in GEM (ruled by MERCURY)
Channel the fierce mental-physical energy of the GEMINI Warrior into direct, well considered communication / writing. Advocate what you’re passionate about. Speak UP, esp. when you know you have a good case.

OCT 30
MARS in GEM goes retro (until Jan 12)
Warrior is back-tracking RE-calibrating the Inner Masculine.
…while Masculine Warrior Types come back onto the scene.
Addressing unfinished communication conflicts.
Questioning the whole concept of war – showing up in a variety of battlegrounds of division now.
RE-activating writing projects.

More about MARS retro, in separate blog post.

A battle for / in the Home / with Family?
Hmmm, the U.S. and Canada are CANCER countries…
Let’s channel the energy into physically going to places that feel like Home, and also into spicing up our Homes.

MARS in GEMINI transiting your… House in the next weeks energizes and activates these areas of your Life

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House – that ‘GEMINI House’
Your Environment

4th House
Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.

Wishing you a vibrant, inspired flight through the next 7(!) months,
with MARS in GEMINI!

Stay tuned for specific MARS Retro (Oct 30 – Jan 13) article, closer to the time.


ASTRO~News Blog DONATIONS most welcome

If the Astro~News Blog with Astro~Weather & Astro~Medicine that I write about on-goingly has good value for you in your navigation with the cosmic currents you’re welcome to offer a donation, to help sustain this service, via e-transfer to my email address
You can also donate directly via PayPal here.
Pls get in touch via my email address if you’d rather send a cheque.

Received in gratitude! 



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At the occasion of the 22nd (yep!) anniversary of my professional Astrology practice, this month. Giving back to YOU, dear clients, with 11 – 22 – 33% discounts on ALL consults! 
Treat yourself to an update at a great rate – or come as a newbie!

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via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

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The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

Would you like to to learn about the Planetary Archetypes – in your chart & life, and in the world? 
Our Journey begins on Sept 27.
Would love to have you in our online circle!

8 Weeks
TUE SEPT 27 – NOV 15

5 – 7 PM PDT / 8 – 10 PM EDT
Time can be tweaked with consensus

Find upcoming events on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

© 2022 by Melanie Lichtinger

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