SATURN in PISCES goes retro (June 29 – Nov 15): Let Inner Guidance Re-Connect You!

28 Jun

Greetings, dear Astro Friends!

Got News from the Ringed One:

On SaturNDay, June 29, SATURN in PI will go retro (until Nov 15).
What a SATURN-Day – 29 even being the SATURN Number, given its 29-y. cycle.

All IS connected.
What a ‘curriculum’, with SATURN in PI, these years.

Once a year, SATURN is on retro-course for 4 ½ months.
These past years, typically June – Nov.
SATURN has been already in a slow turnaround mode this month, and appearing from Earth perspective as a ‘stationary’ focal point of energy.

What’s the gist of the SATURN retro message?

Rather than buying into internalized socially conditioned fears of chaos / the unknown, and / or going into overwhelm / escapism / addictions / checking out (which the SATURN direct phase has been more prone to, esp. lately)….
it’s time to check in with old patterns that can pull us into those old-vibrational modes, and find authority, responsibility, and integrity from our spiritual core, live from there, and stay connected.

SATURN shows evidence for what can’t continue, as we’ve outgrown an old ‘matrix’ that promised security while having us in its grip (via fear / punishment, or via incentives).

Our ‘job’ is to not go there / not to feed the ‘old monsters’ anymore – as tempting as it may be (even to justify that we were right, and knew all along).

SATURN is the planetary Archetype of Tests, Tasks, Teachings, and Training, in due Time.
In PISCES, we’re called to go for the ‘real thing’ – true connection -, and stay away from pseudo versions. And yes, it can be a tough training / boot camp. Practice makes us stronger, and teaches us a lot.
Time to invoke the inner coach / Spirit guide, with SATURN retro in PI.

SATURN – NEPTUNE in PI – End of the Pisces Age?

SATURN (in PISCES March 7, 2023 – Feb 14, 2026) approaching NEPTUNE (2012 – 2025 in PI) makes it blatantly and sometimes painfully clear that the old PISCES Age is ending – with its characteristics of…

* Mass movements (wars, religions…) – often generated by contagious, even hypnotic collective ‘waves’ that exploit the human need for connection, yet leave one empty and longing for more after the ‘fill’ – since it’s not the real thing (i.e. our intrinsic connection with the divine / all-that-IS).
The ever so pervasive presence of / indulgence in media, mass events / phenomena are prime examples.

* Addictions to substances, experiences, behaviour.
Again: substitutes for ‘the real thing’ – while forever evoking ‘hungry ghosts’.

* Perpetuating / re-living the co-dependent triad of victim – perpetrator – saviour – with martyrs also ‘in the game’.
So obvious nowadays, with wars and chaos feeding / coming out of the old paradigm, resulting in so much suffering.

SATURN & NEPTUNE guide us into a New Era

SATURN and NEPTUNE now in PI will unite on the ARIES side of the PI – AR ‘Emergence Point’ cusp in July 2025 / Feb 2026.
Heralding a New Era, while the Old fades & passes.

Every 34 – 37 years, these two slow moving Planets form a conjunction from Earth perspective which mirrors junctures / re-structuring (SATURN) of social / collective trends and movements (NEPTUNE).

Check out the Communism themes (extreme examples of ‘organizing collectivism’) in the 20th Century:

1918 Conjunction of SATURN / NEPTUNE in LEO – End of WWI / Russian Revolution,

1952 Conjunction in LIBRA – between establishment of PR China in 1949 and Hungarian Revolution in 1956,

1989 Conjunction in CAP – Berlin Wall coming down, unraveling of ‘Eastern Block’.

Peak Retro Season of the Year while SATURN is Retro

Up to 6 Planets will be simultaneously Retro this Summer to Fall.

Summer / early Fall has been Retro Record Season over the last years. Again in 2024, culminating early Oct.

In the already present and upcoming turnaround & retro courses of these Planets (PLUTO – since May 2, SATURN – from June 29 on, NEPTUNE – from July 2 on, CHIRON – from July 26 on, MERCURY from Aug 4 on, URANUS – from Sept 1 on, JUPITER – from Oct 9 on)…

…we’re called to go backwards / inwards, to REsolve and RElease old low vibrational and unconscious, perhaps karmically ‘inherited’ or societally conditioned patterns, process those, and evolve from within.

The ‘Wave of Retro’ will be strongest Aug 4 – 28, when MERCURY retro will be the peak factor.
On Oct 9 – 11, we reach this year’s record of SIX Planets retro, as JUPITER in GEM enters retro, just before PLUTO back in CAP will leave retro.

SATURN retro in PI as a ‘backdrop’ certainly helps with the karmic / spiritual ‘un-doing’ / releasing, and re-connecting.

Let’s look at the

Sabian Symbol for SATURN’s Turnaround Degree

SATURN will go retro from 19°26′ PISCES.


As SATURN goes retro in the subtle, spirtual realm of PISCES, ultimate questions come up – about what brings closure & fulfillment from within, and about taking responsibility for one’s Soul process.

“What matters at the end of the day?”,

“Let’s sit down at the table together, at least energetically / soul wise”,

“What would bring ultimate soUlution to this situation that feeds our souls, and is for the greater good?”

…could be helpful promptings for the SATURN retro phase in PI.

Let’s look at the Sabian Symbol for the retro-to-direct Turnaround (Nov 15) degree (12°42′ PISCES) as we get closer to that time.
Suspense-suspense, and one step at a time, for now.


Monthly, the MOON in mid PI will meet SATURN retro.
Which can be a heavy-moody vibe, yet also attune us to what matters most, what we need to let go of (as the waning MOON w. SATURN).
And what we better be re-connected to (waxing MOON w. SATURN).

It started already when the MOON in PI met stat. SATURN in turnaround mode, yesterday June 27 (waning) – U.S. presidential debate debacle day.
Next up:
July 24 (waning), Aug 20 (waning), Sept 17 (waxing, just before the Lunar Eclipse FM on the same day!), Oct 14 (waxing), Nov 10 (waxing).

Planetary Transits to SATURN Retro (June 29 – Nov 15)

The activations below are all Transits TO retrograde SATURN, from faster moving Planets (mostly from the SUN, MERCURY, and VENUS).

The SATURN retro half-way point will be reached when it’ll be opposed by the SUN in mid VIR, on Sept 7:
From unraveling of old vibes to consciously re-connecting.

The major Transit will be the square from JUPITER in GEM to SATURN retro in PI.
First square since their conjunction at Winter Solstice 2020 in early AQ.
The effects likely go back to 2020 / 21 when the JUP / SAT cycle started.
Exact on Aug 19, in effect throughout Aug, and coming back at Christmas.

The next Transits from SATURN in PI to slower moving / ‘Outer’ Planets will be

Spring 2025
SATURN end of PI in sextile to URANUS end of TAU

Summer 2025 & March 2026
SATURN in early AR conj. NEPTUNE, and sextile PLUTO in early AQ

Here we go, with the Transits to SATURN retro:

SatuRnday, JUNE 29 (#29 relates to SATURN, with its 29-y. cycle)
SATURN goes retro from 19°26′ PI
Let Inner Guidance re-connect you!

VENUS in CAN in Water trine w. SATURN retro / stat. in PI
Find your Tribe – where there’s ease & flow & genuine connection.
Less is more…

JULY 5 – CAN New Moon Day!
MARS in TAU (- July 20) in sextile w. SATURN retro / stat. in PISCES
Having experienced how everything is connected helps us get even more motivated to protect Nature and all things natural.
Also a good energy to enjoy relaxing summery times.

The SUN in CAN in Water trine w. SATURN retro / stat. in PI
A good time to consciously tune into a place of ease & belonging.

MERCURY in LEO in quincunx w. SATURN retro / stat. in PI
Summery things on your mind?
Flow with What-Is. And take your mind to the Water.

JULY 25 – Day Out of Time!
VENUS in LEO in quincunx w. SATURN retro / stat. in PI
Don’t get overwhelmed by all the possibilities / loose your joy by going into F.O.M.O. – all’s an expression of Love. Follow the call of your Heart.

The SUN in LEO in quincunx w. SATURN retro in PI
Live Life Lovingly, in joyous self expression & attuned to spiritual laws.

The SUN in VIR opposes SATURN retro in PI
SATURN retro half-way point
From the unraveling chaos and unnecessary entanglements to conscious connection & alignment with What-IS.

SEPT 18 Day after the PLE Full Moon in PI – VIR (w. SATURN)
MERCURY post-retro in VIR opposes SATURN retro in PI
Lots to think about and organize?
Don’t get wrapped up in details. Let things come together naturally.
Make sure the pursuit of reason & practicalities is balanced with letting help & ‘random’ inner guidance come in, and staying in the flow.

MARS in CAN (Sept 4 – Nov 3 & Jan 7 – Apr 18, due to retro phase, Dec 6 – Feb 23) in Water trine w. SATURN retro in PI
Surfing the ups & downs of emotions, and navigating the unknown from experience, and without fear or other conditioning…

OCT 21
MERCURY in SCO in Water trine w. SATURN retro in PI
Perfect backdrop for uncovering mysteries & cover-ups.

OCT 28
VENUS in SAG in square w. SATURN retro in PI
Aim & attract from your Heart – and surrender to the process.

NOV 4 – Day before the U.S. Elections
The SUN in SCO in Water trine w. SATURN retro / stat. in PI
Diving into Change of power dynamics, guided by Inner Authority

NOV 12
MERCURY in SAG in square w. SATURN retro / stat. in PI
Truth must be spoken, credibility (re-)gained.

NOV 15
SATURN goes direct again in PI (12°42′)
Connected with Soul-Self and with others where there’s resonance & ease, we move forward, into the (always) unknown.

Where in Your Chart is (esp. mid) PISCES?

That’s where you look for / find Oneness with / in what-IS.

If you have your SUN / MOON / Planets there – they’re in for a SATURNian re-shaping…

SATURN retro in PI in your…
House helps you re-connect with / through these areas of your Life while letting go of old, esp. fear / control based patterns:

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House
You in Your Local Environment

4th House
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House
Your Involvement & Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups & Friends

12th House
Your Transcendent & Spiritual Self, and Union with All-that-IS.

Are you in a SATURN in mid PISCES Return ‘Generation’?

The current SATURN Station, and its position in mid PI is super crucial if you have your SATURN Return!

If you were born in Spring 1995, or end of 1995 / early 1996 you’re having your 1st SATURN Return (round age 29).

If you were born between Spring / Summer 1965, or early 1966 this year is your 2nd SATURN Return (round age 58 – 59).

And if you were born in Spring 1936, or late 1936 / early 1937  you have this year your 3rd SATURN Return (round age 87 – 88).

Full Circle to be in your natural spiritual authority.

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