Tag Archives: Saturn Return

SATURN into PISCES (March 7, 2023 – May 25, 2025, and Sept 1, 2025 – Feb 14, 2026) – The Dao of Unity & Flow

4 Mar

Dear Cosmic & Co-Human Beings!

SATURN makes a significant move this month, into multi-dimensional PISCES (how does that work???)…
…and out of AQ (since March 21, 2020), where it’s been about challenges / teachings (incl. learning from mistakes!) / re-structuring, when it comes to humanity, group consciousness, systems, science, as well as groups / friendships.
Yet also the necessity (SATURN) of solidarity (AQ).
Sooo many divisive experiences among humans, even endings and closures, yet also many new alliances and friendships were formed…

Sooo many people passed away, in these last 3 years.
Some of them, like Queen Elizabeth II, representatives of an ending era.

My sincere condolences to you, if you also lost dear & loved ones!

Old structures (SATURN in CAP), systems / associations (AQ) that don’t work anymore / proved lack of integrity / didn’t pass the tests of time / of what’s fit for a shared future (AQ) are ending / dissolving (PI).
Easily, judgment could have slipped into these experiences – sooo SATURN (“Those people… those systems…”).

Could you find closure, while seeing / acknowledging old / dysfunctional systemic issues?

Humanity (AQ) has re-shaped, in these SATURN in AQ years.
Which came with many painful experiences, and with lots of separation.

SATURN in the birth process represents the pain of labour, which indicates, the embryo has outgrown its womb state – a new phase must begin.
Followed by the PLUTOnian process of the inevitable passage through the birth canal (Cesareans miss that stage, and PLUTO experiences later in life can be affected by this – another story….), that transforms everything – out of the womb / matrix, into the world – becoming an independent Being.

PLUTO will be next to enter AQ, after SATURN has ‘done its job’.
2023 – 24 are the transition years.
Humanity’s birth canal out of the ‘Old Matrix’.
While the SATURN ‘midwife’ will be in PISCES, supporting a perhaps painful, yet necessary, transition ‘labour’ into a ‘New Era’.

How might PLUTO in AQ affect Humanity?
The ‘end of Humanity as we know it’?
The ‘newly engineered’ Human in the making?
And / or: Evolved / Evolving Humans turn away from the take-over of a mechanistic & digitalized new matrix, come together in Freedom, shared values, and co-innovate community and even society?!

PLUTO’s transition into AQ will be in 3 phases:
The first one is coming up March 23 – June 11, then it goes for ‘unfinished business’ back into CAP until entering AQ for the second time on Jan 20, 2024. On Sept 2, 2024, it goes once more back into CAP, until Nov 19, when it finally enters AQ, for the following 20 years!

In the transition phase, by nature, we can envision and intuit, yet, by the very nature of it, it’s a process.
We’re ‘not there yet’ – not as Humanity as a whole. Being connected to Soul Power, based on Natural Law (which we can carry from PLUTO in CAP with us…) matters.

More thoughts about PLUTO’s Transition years, in a separate blog post, before its initial entry into AQ, on March 23.

SATURN in PISCES can teach us during these transition years, into not just a new phase but a new era(!), at a time of perceived lack of control, in a world of loss, overwhelm, chaos, and confusion, to navigate the unknown & unknowable, acknowledge the impermanence of things…
While also releasing residues of PISCES Age paradigms…

What’s our anchor in the Waves of the ‘Great Sea of Life’?

Great Wave of Kanagawa – by Japanese Master Katsushika Hokusai

Let’s glean cosmic insights,
for navigating with SATURN’s entry into PISCES

…and bring an ancient & timeless paradigm shifter into the picture, for what might be hidden in plain sight (one of the PISCEAN paradoxes):

Ganesha – Elephant headed Hindu god, known as the ‘Remover of Obstacles’ on the path, and Guru that takes us from the darkness (of not seeing what the obstacles is / was) to the Light.

Elephant headed Ganesh is buddies with SATURN.
He can be invoked to bring the (actual) obstacles to the light, whatever they may be, and show a path to overcome or release them.

Often with SATURN, the obstacle / darkness comes down to a condition of fear.

When we lead with fear / let fear be in charge of perception & action, we reap the results – there’s always more to be afraid of / since ‘the other’ / ‘that thing’ is out of control.
Fear is a low – and quite common vibration of SATURN.

Fears that came up with SATURN in AQ (2020 – early 2023):
Fear of isolation / or of other people / certain groups; fear of systems.
Social fear leads to even more separation / isolation.

With SATURN in PISCES (early 2023 – early 2026), what can come up:
Fear of chaos, loss, the unknown / unknowable, of inescapable energies, overwhelm, collapse – fear of everything (omniphobia / panphobia), a diffuse dread of evil in life. Snowballing fear based mass phenomena.

Fear leads to separation (and vice versa) – from one another, from our connection with the Universe, and from our strong vibrant core. 
The resulting vulnerable human state can be exploited / manipulated (into polarization, blame agendas, demonizing ‘the other’ / ‘that thing’, with the notion for an externalized authority to ‘do something’ to save / protect).

Bottom line, when we’re in fear, isolation, and separation, we can be so much more easily controlled (externally and by internal ‘demons’).
SO important to be aware in that regard, in these quite isolated times.

Healthy socializing regulates our minds and emotions.
We’re social animals, and inter-connected in the Web of Life (AQ / PI).

And we can ‘personally’ contribute to a better overall vibration.
The opposite of pan-phobia is healthy ‘Urvertrauen’ (a German word for being rooted in trust in life – more like a JUPITER in PI experience).

SATURN rules the Root Chakra.
Is fear or trust the foundation from which we live / which permeates our experience? Childhood wounds play a role of course – CHIRON now in ARIES invites to healing…

Exposing ourselves to / immersing in trust / surrender / letting go, and unifying vibrations, is what SATURN in PISCES can teach us.
…rather than feeding that ‘Fear Wolf’.

Connecting with our deep roots that connect all Life, and to one another
can be one of the (maybe foundational) contributions during SATURN in PISCES.

Where SATURN’s motto Less is More can come in, when in PISCES:
Less pondering on / getting weighed down and depressed by what’s out of control, by Laws of Nature – as in:
What’s uncertain, impermanent, by the very nature of life, in its ambiguous & paradoxical ways (“One never knows…”, “This or that, or both could be true”).

What to do with the energy instead?

Maybe for starters, doing our part to make the world a better place, one vibration and ‘random act of kindness’ at a time.
That’s where the upcoming VIRGO – PISCES Full Moon on March 7 comes in that invites SATURN into PISCES, just 1 hr after the FM.

Practicing living by – timeless & spiritual life principles…

Any spiritual practice – Yoga, meditation, Qi Gong, chanting, that brings us into the ‘flow state’ is certainly helpful to us individually, and to the whole, in these times.

May we let the light of inner spiritual wisdom remove the obstacles – whichever they may be.
And wisely and compassionately raise vibrations, for a smoother ‘flow’.

Jai Ganesh!

Paradoxical PISCES, ‘evaluated’ & supported by SATURN

The two Fish of the (large) PISCES constellation swim into opposite directions.
‘Up into ecstatic / otherworldly realms’ if you will, and ‘down / going under’ – or maybe ‘checking out’, as the illustration could also suggest.
Bonded in this juxtaposition, the ‘opposites’ are united.

SATURN the ‘Lord of Karma’ shows us more clearly the ’causes & effects’ of either state, what can help to shift the ‘wheel’s direction’, and how to reconcile the paradoxes, in the grand Paradox of Life.

Going down / going under phenomena
Which esp. show up, when in low vibe / heavy SATURN mode:

*Chaos – through overwhelm, and / or loss / feeling lost (maybe post AQ alienation / isolation)

*Loss of social bonds, and of identity


*Exposed to / experiencing insanity, ‘weirdness’ of ‘consensus reality’ – not through specific issues, but through overall / pervasive atmosphere

(“I’m unable to do something about… / help others” / “Nobody helps me…” “Who / what saves me?”)

*Victim or martyr consciousness

*Free floating anxiety and depression

*Addictive compensations (substance use / behaviour).

Going up into ecstatic / otherworldly realms

SATURN calls these Zeitgeist phenomena out, in these framings, and can be the coach to really embody higher dimensions of Being:

*Lost in dreams, phantasies, illusions

*Addictive-passive media exposure / consumption / going ‘high’

*Taking the ‘flight’ option, disappearing from confrontation – or from the World

*Spiritual by-passing / superiority / judgment (“If you / they only were more spiritual….” “I, however…”)

*What helps you to be in ‘flow state’ / what gets you out of it?

*Living the dream – are you? Why not?

Reconciling the paradoxes, in the grand Paradox of Life

The essence of timeless Dao Wisdom: Yin-Yang

What appears polarized are often apparently opposite expressions of their union, and of the interconnectedness and Unity of all Life.

Everything contains its polar opposite.
The balance of ‘opposites’ is interwoven.
Always dynamic and impermanent…
In constant flow & change.

When we humans experience polar opposites as too intense, we want to resist or check out, rather than experience their dependency & rhythm (light attracts / turns into darkness and back to light again, awakeness into sleep, ease turns into tension, and release again), and allow things to change & pass.

PISCES is oceanic – the interconnectedness of all Life.
The miraculous and fragile Web of Life is a PISCES theme…
As are literally oceans and atmosphere. Water IS Life.
SATURN: Take responsibility for your part, identify the major factors and parties that have brought ‘All Life on Earth’ into peril, and course correct, before it’s too late.
Also: Time to find more ‘scientific evidence’ for the interconnectedness of all Life, and for the mystery of the Universe!

Personally, some bonds / connections / co-dependencies can be toxic.
SATURN helps to disengage from those, and not feed more into the ‘karmic contracts’ of those relationships – lessons learned!
It helps to ‘take the pulse’ of the vibrations and resonance, to gain clarity.
And to ask for / get help from an unbiased outward source.

Addictions are often a re-directed / compensated need to connect and be one-with / loose ourselves in a state or activity.
Is there a way of going to the ‘real thing’?
A purer way of connecting (with Nature, one another, the Universe…)?
What are the root causes (SATURN) for the compensation?
Maybe lack of healthy bonding in childhood?
CHIRON now in ARIES can help reveal and heal early wounds.

Bottom like with SATURN about to enter PISCES: Spiritual teachings need to be practiced and embodied – esp. at times like these.
What would the wise and compassionate spiritual teacher say – and DO?

Voila, here is the Chart of SATURN entering PISCES

A few striking factors in the initiatory ‘cosmic framework’:

* SATURN enters PISCES just 1 hr(!) after the VIR – PI Full MOON, on March 7! (blog post about Her to follow)!

Interesting how the VIRGO Full Moon ‘births’ SATURN into PI – its complementary energy.
And the MOON is almost (besides LILITH in early LEO and the SN in SCO) the only ‘counterpart’ to quite a celestial concentration from late CAP (PLUTO) / early PI (SATURN) to mid-TAU (URANUS) / extended to mid GEM (MARS) – known as ‘bowl’ pattern.
All about Transformation (PLUTO), Transition (PISCES), new Beginnings / fierce Authenticity / Healing (ARIES / CHIRON), EmBodying Freedom (TAURUS / URANUS).

The Full MOON ‘handle’ of the ‘basket’ (extension of the ‘bowl’) can bring specific issues, and notions for ‘order’ in a world that appears ‘out of control’ / chaotic to acute awareness.

What’s SATURN’s teaching on the AQ – PI cusp?
Esp. about Unity Consciousness.
We’re all in this together / in one boat, part of the Web of Life.

* It’s PISCES Season
Being overwhelmed, ueber sensitive / influenced and feeling like going under, esp. media wise? 
Good to not get sucked in and brain washed, and do on-going ‘hygiene / cleanses and phases of asceticism (VIR) – on all levels, while being compassionate with all Beings.
While going with the flow of things, and practicing raising vibrations…

* NO Planet is presently (until Apr 21) retro.
Lots of momentum – in certain areas of life (relating to CAP to TAU).

Which ‘Areas’ of PISCES will SATURN cover,
in 2023 / 2024, and 2025?

In case you’d like to track which years SATURN might affect or even station (go retro / direct) close to your PISCES features.
Always a good idea to find specifics in the Ephemeris.
Or let me do the ground work and come to a session…

Naturally, the SATURN retro phases serve integration of challenges / teachings, and find ‘inner authority’.

In 2023: 0° – 7°13′ PI
SATURN will enter PI on March 7, go retro this year on June 17 (day of the Summer Solstice New Moon in late GEM) until Nov 4.

In 2024: 3°15′ – 19°26′ PI
SATURN in PI will go retro on June 30 until Nov 16.

In 2025: 14°31′ – 1°56′ AR
SATURN in PI will enter AR on May 25, go retro on July 13, re-enter PI on Sept 1, and go retro until Nov 28.

In 2026: 26°08′ – 0° AR
SATURN in PI will enter AR on Feb 14.

SATURN in PISCES historically

Saturn and Earth
Hubble Space Telescope

SATURN has a 29-year cycle (approx one human generation), and hasn’t been in PISCES since Feb 1994 – Apr 1996.

History comes in patterns and offers lessons (both SATURN themes).
Here are some key events of the ‘most recent’ SATURN in PISCES phases.
So much more could be said and explored – leaving that to your memory / investigation.

* Feb 1935 – Apr 1937, and Oct 1937 – Jan 1938

At the time, also, major mid-Thirties transits:
SATURN in PI opposite NEPTUNE in VIR.

URANUS in TAU (which is also now on – one 84-year URANUS Return!).

Ending of years of Depression, turning into pre-WWII years.
Nazi Totalitarianism / tyranny / war mongering, Jewish discrimination & exclusion. Communism clashes with anti-Communist alliances.
Some key events, according to the timeline on this page, starting in 1935, may evoke parallels to the present time.

Feb 10 Hitler describes the Soviet Union as a menace to peace
March  The National Council of Jewish Women in New York City describe Hitler as a “world menace.”
Mar 16 The Versailles Treaty allows Germany to have no more than 100,000 men under arms. Hitler orders conscription for all able-bodied men reaching the age 19, violating the Versailles Treaty.
May 2  With Hitler’s Germany in mind, the Soviet Union and France sign a treaty promising to join the other should either be the victim of unprovoked aggression.
May 6  Democrats in Congress and President Roosevelt create the Works Progress Administration (WPA), an economic stimulus program that is to continue until 1943. It is to cost billions and to employ millions. Conservatives dislike the spending and refer to WPA project inefficiency as “We Poke Along.”, and describe Roosevelt as taking the US down the road to Communism.
May 27  A conservative US Supreme Court declares the National Industrial Recovery Act unconstitutional.
Sep 15  The Nuremberg Laws go into effect in Germany. Jews are denied the rights of German citizenship. Marriage and extramarital relations between Jews and “Aryans” are prohibited.
Nov 1  New York’s governor, Herbert Lehman, asks President Roosevelt to increase the immigration quota for Jews. Roosevelt says there is no quota specifically for Jews. The request is denied.
Dec 27  Mao Zedong issues the Wayaobu Manifesto, calling for a National United Front against Japanese imperialism.

Feb 16  An election gives rise to a “Popular Front” government in Spain, ending two years of rule by a coalition of center and rightist parties. Peasants will take this as a signal to seize land. Strikes will erupt against employers. Anarchists will begin setting fire to churches, monasteries and the homes and offices of capitalists. Armed robberies against common people will skyrocket in Barcelona.
Feb 29  In Japan the coup has failed. Emperor Hirohito orders the Army to arrest 123 coup conspirators. Nineteen of them will be executed in July.
Mar 7  In violation of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany reoccupies its Rhineland, Hitler believing that France and Britain will not oppose his move militarily.
Apr 19  Arabs in Palestine rebel against British colonialism and the increase in Jewish immigration. They kill nine Jews in Jaffa. Jewish homes are set afire, shops looted and orchards destroyed. Struggling for independence, the Arabs stage strikes, boycotts and demonstrations. Trying to maintain order, British soldiers kill more than 140 Muslims. The rebellion will last to November and cause the British to adjust their policy regarding Jewish immigration to Palestine.
May 5  Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia has been underway since October. Italian forces have been using mustard gas in artillery shells and bombs. They take Ethiopia’s capital city, Addis Ababa. Haile Selassi goes into exile.
Jul 17  General Manuel Goded Llopis and General Francisco Franco begin a rebellion against Spain’s “Popular Front” government. The rebels gain the support of Germany and Italy.
Aug 1  The Summer Olympics open in Berlin.
Aug 19  In Spain, members of the fascist group “Escuadra Negra” kidnap the poet Garcia Lorca and force him to dig his own grave. They execute him. Later they will say they did so because he was a homosexual.
Aug 20  In the Soviet Union, a show trial begins for sixteen accused of being members of a “Trotskyite” terrorist conspiracy. All were sentenced to death, incl. Leon Trotzky (in absentia).
Nov 26  Germany and Japan sign an “anti-Comintern Pact” directed against the Communist International (the Comintern) and the Soviet Union.

Jan 30  Hitler formally withdraws Germany from the Versailles Treaty. This includes Germany no longer making reparation payments. He demands a return of Germany’s colonies.
Jan 31  In the Soviet Union, 31 accused of Trotskyism are executed.
Mar 19  Pope Pius XI publishes an encyclical titled Divini Redemptoris, condemning atheistic Communism.
Apr 26 – first day of SATURN in ARIES – Germany and Italy are allied with Franco and the fascists in Spain. German and Italian airplanes bomb the city of Guernica, killing more than 1,600.
Nov 6  Italy joins the Anti-Comintern Pact, created by Germany and Japan in 1936.
Nov 9  Japanese troops take Shanghai.
Dec 21  Walt Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first feature-length animated cartoon, becomes a smash hit.
Dec 29  Ireland’s Constitution, adopted by plebiscite, goes into effect. It establishes an independent state based on a system of representative democracy. It bans divorce but guarantees certain fundamental rights.

* March – Sept 1964, and Dec 1964 – Feb 1967

At the time, also, major mid-Sixties transits (esp. 1965-66):
CHIRON in mid-to-end of PISCES, conj. SATURN, and opp. URANUS – PLUTO in VIRGO.

Starting in 1964
 with black voting / Civil Rights movement. Vietnam (proxy) war against Communist North Vietnam in full force, at the expense of soldiers and civilians being killed – while anti-war and free speech movements, spawn out of universities.
One SATURN Return after discrimination of Jews in the ‘3rd Reich’ started, diplomatic relationships between West Germany and Israel were re-established.
Decolonization of several countries from France, Belgium, and Britain.
Golden Gate Park anti-war sit-ins started, followed by the ‘Summer of Love’ 1967 at Haight-Ashbury, SF).
Peace & Love & Unity? Not easily attained…

Mar 8  Malcolm X has broken with Elijah Mohammad’s Nation of Islam. He believes in the separation of races and announces that he is forming a Black Nationalist Party.
Apr 19  Malcolm X is in Mecca meeting devout Muslims of different races. He has softened, believing that racial barriers can be overcome and that Islam is the religion that can do it. 
May 2  Four hundred to 1,000 students march through Times Square, New York, and another 700 in San Francisco, in the first major student demonstration against the Vietnam War. Smaller marches also occur in Boston, Seattle, and in Madison, Wisconsin.
May 25  The Supreme Court rules that closing schools to avoid desegregation is unconstitutional.
May 27  The US has 16,000 military people in Vietnam, and so far 266 of its forces there have been killed. In a taped conversation, President Lyndon Johnson says to his national security advisor, McGeorge Bundy: “I don’t think it’s worth fighting for, and I don’t think we can get out … What in the hell is Vietnam worth to me? What is Laos worth to me? What is it worth to this country?”
Jun 3  In Seoul, Korea, an estimated 10,000 student demonstrators over-power the police. President Park Chung Hee declares martial law.
Jun 12  In South Africa, Nelson Mandela and seven others are sentenced to life imprisonment and sent to Robben Island prison.
Jun 15  The last of France’s military leaves Algeria.
Jun 19  The Senate votes on and passes the Civil Rights Act.
Jul 6  Malawi declares its independence from Britain.
Jul 18  In Harlem, New York, six days of rioting begins. 
Aug 1  The Republic of the Congo, formerly the Belgian Congo, changes its name to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Sep 1  “Freedom Summer” in Mississippi is drawing to a close.
Sep 17  Some twenty student activist organizations form a coalition to oppose the regulations announced by Berkeley Dean Towle. The “Free Speech Movement” is born.
Sep 17  Some twenty student activist organizations form a coalition to oppose the regulations announced by Dean Towle. The “Free Speech Movement” is born.
Sep 21  Malta becomes independent from Britain.

Jan 2  Martin Luther King Jr. begins a drive to register black voters in the US South.
Jan 4  In his State of the Union address,  President Johnson proclaims his Great Society. Also he announces plans to promote birth control abroad, using “our knowledge to help deal with the explosion in world population and the growing scarcity in world resources.”
Jan 20  In Spain, Generalissimo Francisco Franco meets with Jews to discuss legitimizing their communities. 
Feb 6  A Viet Cong raid on a base in Pleiku, South Vietnam, kills 8 Americans. This is done by Vietnamese believing that they are continuing a fight that began with French colonialism and that they are fighting murderous foreign intruders and a minority of Vietnamese who supported the French.
Feb 8  President Johnson orders more bombing in North Vietnam.
Feb 21 In New York, Malcolm X is assassinated in front of 400 people. His assassins will be described as members of Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam. 
Mar 8  In Vietnam, 3,500 US Marines arrive – the first ground force units from a foreign power since the war between the Vietnamese and the French. 
Mar 24-25  At the University of Michigan the first teach-in is held against the US war in Vietnam.
Apr 7  In a speech at John Hopkins University, President Johnson says that we fight in Vietnam “to live in a world where every country can shape its own destiny.” He describes “the first reality” in Vietnam as North Vietnam having “attacked the independent nation of South Vietnam.”
May 12 West Germany and Israel establish diplomatic relations.
May 13  Several Arab nations break diplomatic ties with West Germany.
May 21-23  On the U.C. Berkeley campus, the Vietnam Day Committee runs an anti-war teach-in.
Jul 2   President Johnson announces that he has ordered an increase in US military forces in Vietnam to 125,000. To accomplish this, the monthly draft call is raised from 17,000 to 35,000.
Jul 30  President Johnson signs the Social Security Act into law, establishing Medicare and Medicaid.
Aug 1  In Britain, advertising cigarettes on television is banned. 
Aug 6  President Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act into law.
Sep 28  Fidel Castro announces that anyone can leave for the United States.
Nov 6  Cuba and the United States agree on an American airlift of 3,000 to 4,000 emigrants from Cuba to the United States each month.

Jan 8  In Vietnam, the US launches its largest operation yet – Operation Crimp – with 8,000 troops and tanks. The purpose is to clear away the Viet Cong and capture their base near the district of Chu Chi, just north of Saigon. The area is razed and no Viet Cong base found.
Jan 10  In the US, a duly elected young black, Julian Bond, is denied his seat in Georgia’s legislature because of his opposition to the war in Vietnam.
Jan 24  In India, Indira Gandhi is sworn in as prime minister.
Mar 4  John Lennon is annoyed and says, “We [Beatles] are more popular than Jesus now.” Some believe he is bragging and move to boycott Beatles music.
Mar 27 In South Vietnam, 20,000 Buddhists march in demonstrations against Saigon regime policies.
Apr 29  US troops in Vietnam total 250,000.
June 29  US planes begin bombing Hanoi and Haiphong.
Jul 4  North Vietnam declares general mobilization.
Sep 30  Botswana acquires independence from British rule. 
Dec 7  The Caribbean Island of Barbados achieves complete independence from Britain.
Dec 31 There are now 385,000 US troops in Vietnam. There, 5,008 US military personnel died in action 1966, an average of more than 13 per day. Another 1,045 died from “non-hostile” occurrences. 

Jan 14  In San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park approximately 30,000 take part in a “be-in.” Among the participants are Allen Ginsberg, credited with creating the term “flower power,” and Timothy Leary, fired Harvard professor and LSD guru, who calls on people to “Turn on, Tune in and Drop out.”
Jan 27  The US, Soviet Union and Britain sign an Outer Space Treaty. The treaty prohibits use of space, the moon or other celestial bodies as a military base or for any purpose not peaceful.
Feb 18  China sends three divisions to Tibet.
Mar 6  President Johnson announces his plan for a lottery for conscription into the military: “the draft.”

* Feb 1994 – Apr 1996

At the time, also, significant early / mid-90’s Transit:
URANUS – NEPTUNE conj. end of CAP (esp. 1994).

SATURN in PI themes of those years, starting in 1994:
Nuclear disarmament / control of global annihilation.
More countries join the European Union. NAFTA was also consolidated.
Same-sex unions started to be legally sanctioned.
The brutal Civil War in former Yugoslavia / Bosnia between Croats & Serbs that started in 1991 finally ends in Dec 1994.

One SATURN Return since then.
In what ways does History repeat itself? What are the lessons?

Assessments of the state / effectiveness of NAFTA and EU.

Jan 1  In Mexico the Zapatistas declare war against the Mexican government, take hold of five municipalities in the state of Chiapas and announce plans to march towards Mexico City.
Jan 14  Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin sign the Kremlin Accords, which end the aiming of nuclear missiles at each other and provide for the dismantling of the nuclear arsenal in Ukraine.
Feb 3  The US lifts its trade embargo against Vietnam.
Mar 4  Four men of Middle East origin are convicted for their roles in the World Trade Center bombing (in Feb 1993).
Apr 5  The siege of Sarajevo begins its third year.
Apr 27  In South Africa, multiracial elections are held for the first time. Nelson Mandela is inaugurated president on May 10.
May 6  Paula Jones has waited three years to file a civil suit against President Clinton, accusing him of sexually harassing and assaulting her, and defaming her with denials.
Jun 17  Former president Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn responded to an invitation to visit North Korea. Following Carter’s meeting with Kim Il-sung, the press describes astonishment by the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency at Kim’s agreement to stop his nuclear research program.
Jul 25  Israel and Jordan formally end the state of war that has existed between them since the founding of Israel in 1948.
Aug 31  The Provisional Irish Republican Army announces its “complete cessation of military operations.”
Aug 31  The last of Russian troops leave Estonia.
Sep 3  Russia and China agree to de-target their nuclear weapons against each other.
Sep 13  The Federal Assault Weapons Ban is signed into law by President Clinton. It prohibits certain kinds of semi-automatic “assault weapons” manufactured after this day to be sold to civilians. The ban is to expire in ten years.
Nov 13  In a referendum, Swedes choose to join their country to the European Union.
Dec 11  Russia’s Boris Yeltsin sends troops and planes to Chechnya, a largely Muslim region. He hopes to crush what began in 1992 in Chechnya with a new constitution that included a declaration of independence.
Dec 19  Investigation of decades-old real estate dealings of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their associates with the failed Whitewater Development Corporation begins. The prosecutor leading the investigation is Kenneth Starr, a judiciary committee’s appointment as Special Counsel.
Dec 19  Civil unions for same sex couples has been created in Denmark and Israel, including equal employment benefits with opposite-sex couples. Civil unions for same sex couples becomes law in Sweden.

Jan 1  Austria, Finland and Sweden enter the European Union.
Jan 9  Valeriy Polyakov, Russian cosmonaut (male), completes 366 days in space, breaking a duration record.
Jan 31  President Clinton invokes emergency powers to extend a $20 billion loan to help Mexico avert financial collapse.
Feb 13  A UN tribunal on human rights violations in the Balkans charges 21 Bosnian Serb commanders with genocide and crimes against humanity.
May 11  More than 170 countries agree to extend the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty indefinitely and without conditions.
Jul 11  Dutch UN peacekeepers are pushed out of the way in the area around Srebrenica, in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Bosnian Serbs round up and kill an estimated 8,000 Muslim men and boys, the largest mass murder in Europe since World War II.
Oct 30  Quebec separatists narrowly lose a referendum for a mandate to negotiate independence from Canada.
Nov 16  A United Nations tribunal charges Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic with genocide during the Bosnian War.
Nov 21  A peace agreement for Bosnia is reached.
Dec 4  First NATO peacekeeping troops arrive in Sarajevo, including 700 US troops, an international force to number around 60,000.
Dec 14  The Dayton Agreement is signed in Paris, ending 3 1/2 years of war in Bosnia.

Jan 29  In France, President Jacques Chirac declares a “definitive end” to France’s nuclear testing.
Feb 13  The Communist Party of Nepal declares a “People’s War.”
Mar 19  The city of Sarajevo is united again, as city authorities take control of the last district held by Serbs.

In the upcoming SATURN in PISCES phase
March 7, 2023 – May 25, 2025, and Sept 1, 2025 – Feb 14, 2026,

* How can chaos, random ‘fall-out’ and annihilation be averted / controlled?
Esp. as we’re seeing more weaponization and nuclear danger through the NATO confrontation with Russia?

* In what ways is the war in Ukraine comparable with the pre-WWII phase, the war in Vietnam, or the civil war in Bosnia?
What can bring it to an end? Anti-war movements are emerging in Europe.

* Where is Union / Unification necessary, in our times?
In sooo many – and inter-related – ways…

SATURN in PISCES will ‘be there’,
for / with these Planetary Transits, in the next Years

* PLUTO’s Transition out of CAP (ruled by SATURN) and into AQ 2023 / 24
1st phase: March 23 – June 11, 2023
2nd phase: Jan 20 – Sept 2, 2024
3rd full phase: Nov 19, 2024 – 2043 / 44

* NEPTUNE’s (ruling PI) Conclusion in PI (2012 – 2026)
SATURN will catch up with NEPTUNE on Feb 20, 2026 when both Planets will be at 0° ARIES(!).
Which could mark the end point (if there’s such a specific ‘thing’) of the PISCES Age, and the beginning of a New Era / AQ Age, with PLUTO in AQ at the onset of it.

* URANUS in the second half of TAU (2019 – 2026)
SATURN end of PI will form a ‘friendly’ sextile with URANUS end TAU (at 25° respectively), on Apr 5, 2025.
Perhaps an integration of the fierce square between SATURN in mid-AQ and URANUS in mid-TAU we saw in 2021.
New ways of emBodying Freedom, while following the Laws of the Universe?

* CHIRON will continue to be in ARIES until Apr 2027
A highlight of the phase is the upcoming conjunction of JUPITER with CHIRON (on March 11, just 4 days after SATURN’s entry into PI).
Big time understanding of what’s been going on in the World of Medicine and ‘New Medicine’ in the last years.
Outgrowing what doesn’t support the Medicine of Authenticity.

* JUPITER will be during SATURN’s phase in PI…
In ARIES until May 16, 2023 – conjunction w. CHIRON on March 11, 2023
In TAURUS until May 25, 2024 – where it’ll go into sextile w. SATURN in PI on June 20, 2023, and meet URANUS on Apr 21, 2024
In GEMINI until June 10, 2025 – where it’ll square SATURN in PI (at 18 / 14° respectively) on Aug 20 and Dec 25, 2024.
In CANCER until June 30, 2026.

* The Lunar Nodes will be…
In SCO (SN) – TAU (NN) until July 13, 2023
In LI (SN) – AR (NN) until Jan 12, 2025
In VIR (SN) – PI (NN) until July 27, 2026 – SATURN will meet the NN in Apr 2025.

* LILITH will be…
In LEO until Oct 4, 2023
In VIR until June 29, 2024, where it’ll oppose SATURN on Oct 12, 2023
In LI until March 27, 2025
In SCO until Dec 21, 2025.

SATURN in PISCES in YOUR Chart shows…

Neptune Rules Pisces
painting by Johfra Bosschart

…where YOU are called to regulate overwhelm, work with chaos, yet also surrender, (re)connect, and go into unity consciousness, rather than into separation, and surrender to the Order of the Universe…
…which areas of life (relationships, career, creativity, etc…) bring it out,
…which other dynamics are linked into this (Aspects to your Planets).

If you have SUN, MOON, AC, Nodes, or Planets in PISCES – and / or NEPTUNE is important for you – and for all of us, where PI is in our charts, this is a 3-year initiation phase, to cultivate connectedness and unity – despite challenges & ‘obstacles’.

Here are keywords for the astrological Houses.
Whichever one/s PISCES is in points to the area of life where surrender and the path / DAO of Unity present themselves (while chaos can come up there too)

SATURN moving through PISCES can bring your potential to manifestation.
If you work on it – and ‘work’ on letting go and connecting, while bringing unhealthy patterns and old ‘karmic contracts’ / entanglements to a close.

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House
Your Environment, and its Mentality

4th House
Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.

SATURN in PISCES affecting other Zodiac Energies

PISCES (your SUN, MOON, Planets, Nodes, AC / MC) will be directly affected by SATURN –
To mature and embody spiritual teachings…

VIRGO will be opposed by SATURN –
A good challenge to see specific ‘issues’ from a place of Dao, flow, unity. Chances are the juxtaposition comes up in relationships with significant others – or with ‘all-that-IS’.

GEM and SAG will be squared by SATURN –
The intellect and intuitive knowing only go so far.
There’s a vaster field ‘in effect’…

Are you in a SATURN Return ‘Generation’?

If you were born between Feb 1994 – Apr 1996, 
you’ll have your 1st SATURN RETURN (round age 28 – 30).

If you were born between March – Sept 1964, and Dec 1964 – Feb 1967,
this will be your 2nd SATURN RETURN (round age 57 – 59).

If you were born between Feb 1935 – Apr 1937, and Oct 1937 – Jan 1938,
you’ll have your 3rd SATURN RETURN (round age 86 – 88).

Full Circle to be in your Natural, God / Universe given Authority, and to show up in your best, to help with Unity!

Wishing you and all of us the Reliability of Unity & Flow,
in the Waters & Waves of Life, with SATURN in PISCES!


Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it guides you on your Earthly Journey?

I’m here for you.
An ASTRO~ALCHEMY Session help shed light on things from deep levels, and get the process going.

Get in touch with me, via email (licht@islandnet.com), and we can explore what would serve you best.

© 2023 by Melanie Lichtinger



Live Your True Self & Be Free!

Astrology and Voyager Tarot
Consultations, Courses, Coaching

with Melanie Lichtinger
22 Years Professional Experience
Serving You In Victoria BC and Worldwide

Email: licht@islandnet.com
Phone: +1-250 381 4299

Astrology for Self Realization FB Page

Subscribe to email Astro~News
Sent to you before every New Moon & Full Moon
Astro~Weather, Astro~Medicine, Courses, Offers


Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.
I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Which can lead to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel more connected with yourself and with all-that-IS, in the bigger on-going evolution.
Ultimately, you dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less & less affected, more & more liberated, and self-realized.

I welcome you as a client who is not seeking an ‘old school reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transition, stuckness, transformational crisis, for new perspectives at a crossroad or dilemma, and for important choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!   

Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it can guide you on your Earthly Journey?
Come over / let’s meet online, for Your private Astro session!


From time to time, I have OFFERS on,
which you can find on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

At the occasion of SATURN entering PISCES on March 7:

2 OPTIONS (which you may also combine, of course)

* Join our Online Personalized SATURN into PISCES Parlour

Thu MARCH 9 (2 days after its entry)
2:22 – 4:44 pm PST / 5:22 – 6:44 pm EST
6:33 – 9 pm PST
We work directly with everyone’s birth chart / the SATURN Activation for YOU.
Maximum 5 Participants, to keep it private and personalized.

* Come for a Private SATURN Focused Astro Session
MARCH 2 – 22

22% off for all PISCES Star Beings = for everyone with SUN, MOON, AC, Nodes, Planets, and esp. SATURN in PISCES

via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (16 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic.
The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!
Live in person, or online. Most Astro~Experiences are designed as ‘hybrids’, with some participants joining us online, some in person.

Find upcoming events on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.


If you feel the Astro~News Blog with Astro~Weather and Astro~Medicine that I write about on-goingly has good value for you in your navigation with the cosmic currents, you’re welcome to offer a donation via e-transfer to my email address licht@islandnet.com.
You can also donate directly via PayPal here. 

Received in gratitude! ♥

GEMINI New Moon (May 30) – Alchemizing Dualities & Polarities

29 May

What’s up, dear Cosmic Friends?!

Let’s be real.
Hasn’t been an easy-peasy Springtime, mentally-socially…

And we’re JUST coming to the first New Moon after the Spring Eclipses (Apr 30 & May 15 / 16).

The current cosmic weather of MERCURY retro / stat. (going direct again on June 3) end of TAU in square with SATURN stat. / (going retro on June 4) mirrors the repetitive gloomy-cool low pressure systems rolling out across Western Canada for weeks now… and the atmosphere in our minds, as in society.

Mind-sets & -loops (understandably) focused on recurring and more anticipated problems (late TAU has a VIR undertone).
Triggered by information and communication about what’s going on in / for society, systems, and the future of humanity (SATURN stat. in late AQ, with a GEM undertone).

Let’s see what the New Moon in GEM on May 30 has to ‘say’, how its energy can help ‘remove obstacles’ and newly inspire us.
Even, dare I say, help change the course / trajectory.
How she initiates new learning, new avenues / alternatives, new questions, new dialogues – new Alchemy!

In this painting by Johfra Bosschart, Mercury Rules Gemini, the double-headed Phoenix arises from the Yin-Yang Lunar / Solar interchange and alchemical union of ‘opposites’

Showing how GEMINI is the Alchemist of dualities.
The two hemispheres of the brain (ruled by GEM) are an expression of that – and the current MERCURY retro is helping us re-balance, via intuition, openness to synchronicities, and ‘inner messages’ that may otherwise go unnoticed, under the predominance of ‘rationality’.
It also helps us ‘connect the dots’ and feel connected in the larger fabric of the web of life – rather than being entangled in the dualistic / polarized mental matrix of the information society.

How about starting with the Heart?
The unifyer of ‘mentalities’, bringing two-ness into oneness, and restoring equanimity (a balanced mind)….

The GEM New Moon with MERCURY retro reminds us:
We can be Alchemists of conflict, polarities, and opposites (the key of suffering these days), in so many ways – always back to the ONE.
This is just the Beginning!

2022 is SO much about TWO-ness, as is GEM.
Yet, numerologically, it adds up to 4 (2+2) or 6 (2+0+2+2), bringing us back to the Heart Chakra (4th) and Third Eye (6th), both Unifiers.

Here’s the GEMINI New Moon chart!

The GEMINI New Moon will be at 4:30 am PDT on Mo(o)nday May 30.

Exactly at 9°03′ GEM – check out the Sabian Symbol for that degree below.

Let’s explore, honour, and learn from ‘her entourage’ of planetary ‘players’ & the overall Astro sphere:

Lopsidedness & its Balance

Not ‘just’ polarities but also imbalance?!

Again, like in all the New Moon energy fields since Dec 2021(!), only half of the Zodiac circle is occupied, from late CAP (PLUTO) to early CAN (LILITH).
Still no Planets between early CAN and late CAP.

This strong imbalance affects those of us with Planets between CAN and CAP. They don’t get directly stimulated / activated / energized these days / months (except by the MOON).
Their Archetypes as well as the Houses areas where CAN to CAP is in your chart may feel ‘depleted’, ’empty’, ‘unnoticed’, ‘under the radar’, ‘neutralized’, while being indirectly stimulated via aspects from the PLUTO-to-LILITH ‘gang’.

On the other hand, if you have mostly Planets between late CAP and early CAN, these inner Archetypes may get overstimulated, which you may experience as lots of charge, or overwhelm / exhaustion.

What’s missing, in this 180° ‘Bowl’ configuration, is to be found in the ’empty space’ opposite of the centre of the ‘Bowl’, here: in LIBRA. I.o.w.:
Harmony, culture, relatedness, fairness, and: Balance itself.

LIBRA would also balance out the super-ARIES energy field (strongest last week), concentrated round MARS / JUPITER. Is life really a battle field?!

Plus: the early GEM (first 10 degrees) energy of the New Moon has a LIBRA undertone.

Thankfully, the ‘Goddess of LIBRA’, VENUS, has just moved from fierce, feisty, and fast ARIES into Her Spring domain of TAU, on May 28, adding balancing Beauty, Pleasure, Calmness, and EnJoyment to the picture.

So YES, Balance is much needed, and available now.
The New Moon loves ceremony.
Why not creating a beautiful one, re: Balance?

Unaspected New Moon

Another peculiarity:
The New Moon Union of SUN & MOON stands all by itself, without any aspect links to Planets (see chart). 

In its own ‘Moon Unit’ so to say…
Uninfluenced by other ‘Players’, not disturbed / distracted / supported. 
A cauldron for the Yin-Yang Alchemy.

The first aspect the MOON forms after Newness (in the evening of May 30) will be the sextile to also unaspected CHIRON in AR.
The Alchemy of polarities supports & is supported by the Medicine of showing up in our authentic Self.

GEMINI Air fans the Fires of MARS – JUPITER in ARIES

We can’t ignore them – and want to work WITH them:

Quite a conglomeration in the ARIES Warrior sign these days (was culminating Wed / Thu last week), and concentrating with the conjunction of MARS (freshly in AR since May 24) & JUPITER, exact today May 29.
Every 2 years, MARS catches up with JUPITER, but only every 13 years in the Martian sign ARIES.

Big boost of energy – which might seem belligerent / hostile.

MARS the Warrior Archetype can represent ego assertion, as well as vital energy that gets us going.

JUPITER is like a magnifying glass, helping us understand, seeing the bigger picture – and outgrowing a situation / condition.

How about: Understanding what makes war possible and sustains it (how about polarization / division…) – to outgrow it.

GEMINI is the Alchemist of dualities – and the New Moon blesses New Alchemy.

MARS – JUPITER in ARIES bring the incentive / initiation:

What / how do YOU want to start now?
Begin the Begin.
It starts with YOU.

CHIRON in ARIES (2019 – 2027), ignites us to find the Medicine of Authenticity (beyond reaction).
Let’s be authentic, lovingly express who we are, trust and follow the Heart & Spirit!

This opens the door for healing in ourselves, and to show others ‘how it goes’ when we’re radically, authentically, lovingly, present in the moment (CHIRON in AR).
An Alchemy of the Heart!

GEMINI & ARIES get along quite well – they carry fresh, young Spring energy of lightness-brightness, and sure enough, the GEM breeze fans the ARIES fire.
New curiosity, courage, and starts from the alchemized Heart.

What’s with Wild Lilith?!

Uhhhh, LILITH in CANCER plays Her Wild role in the current fiery field too, as She squares the MARS – JUPITER duo (almost exactly).

MARS square LILITH will be exact on June 1.
LILITH square JUPITER throughout June, esp. the 2nd half, into the CANCER NM with LILITH, on June 28.

MARS in AR squares the MOON & LILITH in CAN
Conflict in the house?
Time to take action (not as a re-action though), in matters of actually following the Heart, re-wilding yourself, and ‘wild re-homing’?

Throughout JUNE
LILITH in CAN in square with JUPITER in AR (not exact, but activating 5 – 8º ARIES & CAN all month)
What a boost of new energy arising!
Be wild and free to see, receive, and share the gifts!
See things as a whole, and with fresh, unconditioned eyes!

Hubble: Saturn Sequence

Good Ole’ SATURN goes retro.

The time of year has come, where SATURN – having reached the furthest point of the Zodiac – takes a U-turn to go retro for 4 1/2 months.
June 4 – Oct 22, this year.

Time to disengage from the ‘old regime’ of inner ancestral / social / societal disempowering conditioning & imprints, and find authority from within.

Consulting with clients born under SATURN retro (should be about 1/3 of us, since SATURN is retro 1/3 of the year) their commonality seems to be:
The inclination to turn ‘issues’ with outer authorities (which could have started with parents and teachers…), rules, laws, and structures, into finding authority & responsibility from within.

Late AQ where SATURN is now (last 10 degrees) has a GEM(!) undertone.
What helps actualize this Saturnian Alchemy is asking good questions, listening, learning, starting a conversation, going into dialogue, and inquiring deeply.
No way going back into the historic rabbit hole… which could to a large degree relate to the inner dialogue and mindscape.

Says also MERCURY retro / stat. end of TAU – squaring with SATURN stat. end of AQ as both change directions (MERCURY goes direct on June 3, while SATURN goes retro on June 4). Not an exact square but close and effective since both Planets are stationary.

Through unburdening ourselves from the shackles & restrictions of the past (e.g., social / societal / group associations that we might have been unconsciously loyal to, and we need to be acknowledged for), we naturally find our freedom and ‘breathing space’.
What is true Freedom from within?

Are you in a SATURN in AQ Return ‘Generation’?

  • If you were born between Feb 1991 – Jan 1994 you’ll have your 1st SATURN Return (round age 28 – 30).

  • If you were born between Jan 1962 – March 1964, and Sept – Dec 1964, this will be your 2nd SATURN Return (round age 57 – 59).

  • And if you were born between March – Aug 1932, and Dec 1932 – Feb 1935 you’ll have your 3rd SATURN Return (round age 86 – 88).

Full Circle to be in your Natural Authority, and to show up at your best in community & society!

Could be a good time to check in with trusted cosmic reference & co-exploration. Come for an Astro session if you feel called.
Can be focused on your SATURN Return, of course.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon


Humanity’s aggressive relationship to natural life, as a basis for survival and conquest

The bow and arrows represent symbolically man’s ability to extend the scope of his conquest of nature and to kill enemies, in order to build a larger base for the collective development of a culture and an organized society.
Implied in the symbol of the arrow is the piercing of a target.
The human mind is essentially a trans-piercing power; it goes through the object toward which it is aimed. It seeks to go through & beyond the obstacles on its path, and this usually implies the destruction of the obstacle.
At a higher level — as in the Zen practice of archery.
The obstacle is the ego.

At this fourth stage of the fourteenth five-fold sequence of phases in the cyclic process of human existence we are shown the archetypal symbol of Man, the Conqueror. It may be a conquest of outer nature, or that of instinctual drives and of the limiting power of the ego.
It is always CONQUEST.”

For this symbol, I kept the original ‘default’ male gender (I usually neutralize the language used in 1973), since the trans-piercing, penetrating energy is so primal masculine. Here applied to the ego-mind (GEM / MERCURY retro) i.o.w. a mind focused on competition & conquest.
SO prevalent in our Zeitgeist & society (AQ – where SATURN goes retro, asking us: whom / what do you give authority & judgment over you to?!).

Balance is much needed, by bringing in more feminine energy.

And beyond yin-yang Alchemy, being mindful of when / how we are the bow, the arrow, or even the archer?!

May the GEM NM lead us to new Beginnings for Alchemy that unifies!

Where in your chart is GEMINI?

Wherever early GEMINI is in your chart – maybe even your SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets are there – is where you find dualities, polarities, diversity, as well as inspiring conversations, and learning.

That’s also where the Yin – Yang Alchemy want to occur.
Be the Alchemist through that area of life / through those planetary Archetypes!

Example: VENUS in late GEM in your 11th House:
Set intentions, and be open and curious to attract new friends and social networks. Go into dialogue with them, see what you can learn from one another, and what changes occur. Be relaxed, not just ‘goal / outcome focused’.

The New Moon in GEM in your… House
helps you with new beginnings in these areas of your Life:

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House
You in Your Local Environment

4th House
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.

So many Blessings, for your GEMINI New Moon Alchemy!

© 2022 by Melanie Lichtinger

If the Astro~News Blog with Astro~Weather & Astro~Medicine that I write about on-goingly has good value for you in your navigation with the cosmic currents, you’re welcome to offer me a donation via e-transfer to my email address licht@islandnet.com.

You can also donate directly via PayPal here.

Received in gratitude! ♥



Live Your True Self & Be Free!

Astrology and Voyager Tarot
Consultations, Courses, Coaching

with Melanie Lichtinger
21 Years Professional Experience
Serving You In Victoria BC and Worldwide

Email: licht@islandnet.com
Phone: +1-250 381 4299

Astrology for Self Realization FB Page

Subscribe to email Astro~News
Sent to you before every New Moon & Full Moon:
Astro~Weather, Astro~Medicine, Courses, Offers


Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.
I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Which can lead to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel more connected with yourself and with all-that-IS, in the bigger on-going evolution.
Ultimately, you dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less & less affected, more & more liberated, and self-realized.

I welcome you as a client who is not seeking an ‘old school reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transition, stuckness, transformational crisis, for new perspectives at a crossroad or dilemma, and for important choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!    

Feeling called to explore your own Cosmic Map, and how it can guide you on your Earthly Journey?
Come over / let’s meet online, for Your private Astro session!

Stay tuned on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 16 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic. The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!
Find upcoming events on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

SUN / SATURN in SAG Gifts for the Full Moon in GEM – SAG (Dec 13 / 14) – and for Your Saturn Return (born 1956 – 59 and 85 – 88)

12 Dec

When I saw the mutable T-Square from the GEMINI – SAG Full Moon to CHIRON in PI, and the ‘Mystic Rectangle’ aspect figure in the chart this famous quote by Rumi came to my awareness:

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
There is a field. I will meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about
Language, ideas, even the phrase each other
Doesn’t make any sense.”

by Rumi


Rumi Let the Beauty of what you Love be what you Do

Rumi: Let the Beauty of what you Love be what you Do


Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi (جلال‌الدین محمد رومی) (Sept 30, 1207 – Dec 17, 1273), was a Persian philosopher, poet, teacher, and founder of the Mevlevi (or Mawlawi) order of Sufism; also known as Mevlana (Our Guide), Jalaluddin Rumi, or simply Rumi.

This page features an overview and introduction to the mystical, timeless poetry by Rumi.


Under the Mutable FULL MOON T-Square (see chart in the next Astro~News blog), we can feel pulled into different directions, maybe like a flag in the wind, maybe feeling aimless, maybe free and unbound.

The GEMINI Full MOON energy is curious, questions things, loves diversity, variety, likes to talk and learn, is hungry for information and communication, can jump around from topic to topic, and also be easily distracted / distracting. Sooo many ideas and questions. Very cerebral.

Have you found yourself pulled into the realm of information and ideas (“They say this, he says that, to which I said….”, and what about this article and interview?)?
Trapped in the tentacles of the seamless (and sometimes senseless) information stream? Hooked on the information high-way?

And then, Zen: “What is the sound of the one hand clapping?”


The GEMINI – SAG Full Moon calls to balance head (GEM) and heart (SAG).

It matters not so much how far and where we are going (which is what lots of people are uncertain and confused about these days, with SAT in SAG square NEP in PI), but HOW we are going, and: where we are coming from!


The Sagittarian Centaur Archer (formerly CHIRON!) pulls the arrow back to his heart, aims, and releases the arrow of inspiration, heart-wisdom, and vision. The ‘why’ is crucial for IN-tension, for ‘the path, and for any journey. Motivation matters. Well, it helps to have the heart arrow ignited by a lightning bolt of Zeus / JUPITER .

Of the 3 Fire signs, SAG represents the inner fire, and also relates to the inner wandering Sage (see Hermit with lantern in the picture).


Jupiter Rules Sagittarius. Painting by Johfra Bosschart



SATURN in SAG (Sept 17, 2015 – Winter Solstice 2017) is the bigger backdrop that the SAG SUN bring to consciousness (SUN):

  • How do people turn righteous, intolerant, judgmental, preachy, even fundamentalist (shadow of SAG, shown by SATURN)?
  • How do beliefs and fear get into the picture (or shall I say: blind spots, blinders, and shadow)?
  • What is the way through and out?


SATURN is about the experience of contrast (you / they are over there, I am here), separation, resistance, and the side in us that pretends to protect us from the apparent non-self. The ring around us. The ‘separate’ form, and what anchors us here-now.

In SAG, SAT shows us through insight and lessons about obstacles on the path – obstacles can be caution, a simple NO, lingering judgment, and a sense of separation. Obstacles ARE lessons – about ‘what’s in the way’ for us, and what that tells us about our ego.


Saturn & Earth

Saturn and Earth – Hubble Space Telescope picture (NASA)


In the Hindu tradition, the Elephant headed Lord Ganesh is invoked at the onset of a journey, to help ‘remove obstacles’. In a Yoga class a while ago, our teacher suggested to do a whole Ganesh sequence hour of Yoga. Ironically, after the class, there was a pain in the body that I didn’t have before. Hmmm, I wondered jokingly, “How come? Isn’t Ganesh supposed to remove obstacles, and not bring new ones???”. The process with the pain lead me through something I would have avoided or ignored otherwise. This was the obstacle. And CHIRON was involved as well…




Here is a Ganesh chant for you…


An example of SATURN in SAG, and pre-cursor of the Full Moon presented itself to me a while ago:
Someone I had asked for practical support positioned himself as the know-it-all expert, judging everyone else as idiots who don’t know what they are doing. Since this judgment also related to two of my friends, I got sensitized and could have stood up on their behalf, advocated for them, and endeavoured to convince this gentleman that there are many paths and approaches, not just his ‘one and only right one’. But hey, I didn’t want to play his game, and rather save my energy, since he seemed angry, very entrenched in his views, and lacking a positive and generous, spacious SAG outlook.

When I found out that he was in severe physical pain I sensed that he probably felt powerless and fearful. This is when we often compensate, by holding on to something that we consider ‘certain’.

In such potentially confrontational, frustrating, argumentative situations (which can come up with the Full Moon T-Square to CHIRON), it’s often better to opt out of getting pulled into an argument about who’s right, and to release and diffuse the situation (CHIRON in PI) through prayers and blessings, and to honour deeper teachings (SUN / SATURN in SAG) about compassion for how pain can contract us.

After the meeting with that gentleman, I stepped outdoors for fresh air, and saw an eagle soaring – ahhhh!

Later, more medicine and gifts of re-connecting in the Field found me on a sunlit walk to / by the ocean (so SAG – PI).


SATURN in SAG shows us where we experience ourselves as separate through often old, parental or otherwise imprinted conditions and limiting beliefs.

We might have adopted a selective perception of ‘obstacles’ and lack of trust, which of course makes us rigid and righteous.

We lose spaciousness, the bigger picture, an eye for opportunities, a sense of humour, an attitude of gratitude. All based on separation and fear. Whoa!


So: definitely a good idea to check in on those qualities.

And to question / inquire (very GEMINI):

  • Is this… absolutely true?
  • How else can this be seen?
  • What is the gift in this?

How about this all-time SATURN in SAG ‘Inquiry Mantra’ in such situations: “Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?”


SATURN is now in the area in late SAG where PLUTO was in 2004 / 2005. 

  • What are the effects and consequences of deeper changes then (2004 -5) for you now?
  • How have you matured, in the transformation since then?
  • What happened to the power of your path and to your happiness at the time? Any ‘obstacles’ now?
  • How can the SAG Fire be rekindled?


SATURN was in SAG the last time from Nov 1985 until Nov 1988, and before that from Oct 1956 until Jan 1959.

If you were born in those years you have your 1st or 2nd SATURN Return these years!
A look into your chart would tell us when that is exactly, however you probably sense it the whole time while SAT is in SAG.




Here are some themes to check in on, under SAT in SAG for all of us, esp. for those of you born with SAT in SAG – be honest! 🙂 

  • Are you a good story teller, or do you bug and bore people with the same old stories?
  • Do you take your attitude super seriously? Can you laugh at yourself?
  • Have you become masterful at inspiring others (maybe through the school of hard knocks)?
  • Can you see how your need to be right is actually limiting, and how generosity, gratitude and openness makes your life richer?
  • Can you turn the ‘doubt of the benefit’ into the ‘benefit of the doubt’?
  • Check for blind spots, blinders, agenda, old limiting beliefs – well, ask trusted friends, and don’t hold it against them.
  • What’s with a lack of humour or overcompensation of hopelessness through cynical humour? Yikes!
  • Do you trust that life always opens new avenues?
  • Have you found your path? Maybe the pathless path, the ultimate ‘path’?
  • What makes you really(!) happy?

Stay tuned for the Full Picture of the GEM – SAG Full Moon!


© Melanie Lichtinger 2016


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