Tag Archives: Body Communication

MERCURY in TAURUS (Apr 3 – June 11, due to retro Apr 21 – May 14) – What do You Truly Enjoy & Value?

3 Apr

Dear Astro~News Friends!

What a vocal, assertive, controversial, polarized, even hostile, accelerated mental phase it’s been, with MERCURY in ARIES since March 18!
Esp. while MARS (Ruler of ARIES) was in GEM (until March 25) – bringing fierce & fiery communication, provocative news & info, loud, aggressive voices & verbal fights into the into the social / societal arena.

Such a mentally active if not driven time, with MERCURY in ARIES.
Yet also a time to find our voice, and speak up, authentically, as the Light Warriors & Alchemists of polarities.

The Mercurial Inner Messenger / Communicator / Mind Archetype has arrived in TAURUS today Apr 3, where it’ll dwell until June 11(!).
You guessed it: MERCURY will soon go retro, all in TAU, Apr 21 – May 14.

What’s MERCURY in TAURUS all about – this year?

Ready to mentally settle, integrate, and ground things / your mind out?
Well, that’s what TAURUS offers – usually.

Buuut, MERCURY will go retro (Apr 21 – May 14), AND connect with unpredictable and not-at-all settled URANUS, first in the turnaround phase round Apr 21 (just 2º away), and again, then fully, on June 4.
Not quite your walk in the park kinda vibe…

Esp. IF we get caught up in attachments and resistance (the pitfalls of TAU), re: social / societal / systemic dynamics – now with PLUTO in AQ
MERCURY in TAU covers almost the whole Phase I (2023) of PLUTO in AQ (March 23 – June 11, the day when also MERCURY leaves TAU).

An invitation to break free – by slowing down, connecting with our senses here-now, being in the body, in nature, and in our True Nature.

MERCURY in (per se slow-moving) TAU is now slowing down its pace, before going retro. The pre-retro ‘shadow’ (M reaching the degree from which it’ll go direct again, post-retro) will be already on Apr 7.
The bonus: Our attention can more easily turn to watching the mind, rather than getting swept away by mental whirlwind effects.

Food for NO-thought for the mercurial Messenger-Alchemist…

Purple Camas Delights of May – photo by Melanie 

TAU is grounded, slow, sensual, embodied, and communicates and learns through all the senses – not just via the brain.    

Don’t chew on things too much in your mind. Ask the body!

Smell the grass, the Spring, be in the Camas fields of May if you’re in Victoria. 
All good Medicine for the too overrated busy brain!  

Patience is a good TAU virtue.
Can you allow to relax and slow down the pace?

How about experiencing EmBodying Astrology during that phase?
I offer another outdoor installation of this great practice on Apr 29.
Under MERCURY retro in TAU – how perfect!

TAURUS is fixed Earth energy we can settle into.
Yet, if we get too attached / the energy gets too stagnant, we get stuck in the enjoyable, comfortable, or simply habitual.

MERCURY in TAU can become stubborn too, and insist on sticking to one’s mind-set, yet also bring us back to embodied common (nowadays quite un-common) sense. I’m all for the latter.

Together with the Awakener URANUS now (2019 – 2026) in TAU, met by MERCURY twice (in the turnaround phase round Apr 21 very closely, and fully on June 4)
The Buddhist teachings 101 come handy:

Suffering comes from attachments. What brings freedom?!
Themes around attachment / freedom can come up big time with the SCO – TAU Penumbral Lunar Eclipse aka Wesak Moon of the Buddha(!) on May 5 – the SUN close to Uranus! – and the late TAU New Moon, on May 19.

First step is to acknowledge our attachment to getting what we want, or to being stuck with what we don’t want, and to realize that it’s the attachment that causes the suffering, not the ‘thing’ in itself.

How can we release / free ourselves from attachment?
The realization of how it all works is already a huge freedom catalyst – for me anyway.
Basically noticing: Hey, I’m doing this to myself. It’s not the situation, it’s what my mind makes out of it that causes the frustration.

Also, a key piece is to embrace impermanence.
SO up now with SATURN in PI (March 7, 2023 – Feb 14, 2026) – approaching NEPTUNE (2025 / 26).
No pain, problem, discomfort lasts forever. No pleasure & enjoyment either. Let’s not get worked up, graspy or resistant, and relax in the ‘storm’Which naturally allows for the liberating process to go where it needs to go.

MERCURY in TAU goes into triple sextile w. SATURN in PI:
On Apr 5 pre-retro, on May 12 during M-r, and on May 18 post-retro. All mid-May, this transit is in effect.

We can turn to, and feed ourselves with what we truly value & enjoy (TAU) – without compulsion, attachment, or other fixations.

What can alignment with MERCURY in TAURUS look like?

Diversity of Bright Beauty 
photo by mo

* Sloooowing down, tuning into the Body & our Senses. 

* Asking ourselves: 
Where do I physically belong, and need to ground myself?

* Maybe we need to take ourselves to magical spots.
And of course, magic implies surprises that can’t be planned. 

* Letting go of being attached to and stuck in (TAU low vibe) mental (MERCURY) patterns, habits (TAU), gravitations, ruts.

* Let’s get un-stuck, in so many ways. Very timely now. 

* Buying less, enjoying more.

Why do we get so attached?

The mind habitually attaches itself randomly to things that we have an affinity to, desire for, aversion against, and presents them as interesting / desirable to engage in (almost like a shop keeper presenting their window display) – very Taurean.
Our habit is to give in, and engage mentally with those ‘offers’. 
Our job and in fact freedom is ‘just’ not to buy (into) it. 

Let’s tune into what brings us true intrinsic joy (not derived from ‘getting’ and consuming more on the outer level). 

Let’s re-connect with, and communicate about what we truly value. 

Let’s follow the messages (MERCURY) of the Body (TAU).
Which can re-attune us, and shift a lot quite fast – paradoxically.

OH – and let’s talk to our Taurean friends!
And thank them for their patience!

MERCURY contacts, sends & receives Messages to / from these other Planetary Archetypes while in TAURUS… Alignment Tips for their combined ‘Weather’


* On Day One, MERCURY triggers PLUTO freshly in AQ.

* MERCURY in TAU almost covers the complete Phase I of PLUTO in AQ (March 23 – June 11).

* MERCURY will be the 1st Planet going retro / starting the retro season for the rest of the year, after a retro-free phase since Jan 22.
PLUTO will be next (retro from May 1 on).

* MERCURY goes into triple sextile w. SATURN, on Apr 5, and in retro-to-direct station May 12 / 18.

* MERCURY connects twice via sextile w. MARS in mid-CAN, on Apr 7 & 23.

* During MERCURY in TAU, JUPITER enters TAU (May 16 – May 26, 2024)!

Deep mental patterns can become transparent – esp. when we’re kind & self-caring when triggered.
And so many opportunities to embody teachings of staying ‘fluid’.
Being guided by Nature, and learning from Her.

Stay tuned for the special MERCURY Retro article, here on the blog (closer to mid-Apr when the MERCURY pre-retro ‘storm’ starts).

MERCURY enters TAU, and squares PLUTO freshly in AQ
Slow down, relax, enJoy life, communicate with & through the body.
Values & ownership clashing with ‘the System’?
With a calm mind, it’s pretty clear:
It’s all IN us. And the Power to change starts within.

APR 5 – day of the mid-LIBRA – ARIES Full Moon
MERCURY in TAU goes into sextile w. SATURN newly in PI (# 1 of 3 – again May 12 & 18).
It’s Spring – a calling to enJoy Life & Nature in her blossoming beauty & bounty. So much to learn from Her… What connects us all energetically’?

MERCURY in TAU connects w. the Lunar NN, and goes into sextile w. MARS in CAN (# 1 of 2, again on Apr 23)
Perfect time for home (& ‘Inner Home’) care, gardening, and enjoying life in Spring – so nourishing & energizing!
Also: The pre-retro ‘shadow’ starts.
(MERCURY reaches the degree from which it’ll go direct again, on May 14)
Foreshadowing hunches showing what the retro phase may be about?

The pre-retro ‘storm’ begins (MERCURY goes extra slow, in ‘U-turn’ mode)
Take it easy with communication, and allow for slow processing.
Not a good time for rash conclusions / decisions / ‘planning’.

Great for research.
What does your body say???!
Journey from the mind to the body intelligence…

Stay tuned for the special MERCURY Retro article, here on the blog (closer to mid-Apr when the MERCURY pre-retro ‘storm’ starts).

MERCURY goes retro at 15º 37′ TAU (only 2º away from URANUS – just slightly ‘out of reach’ – the contact / transit will happen on June 4)
Let your body & your senses guide you to information.
BE in Nature, learn from her, and let her set you free.

Learn about what’s natural & organic.
Whom do you feel called to talk with again – after finding out…?
RE-connect with your Taurean friends.

MERCURY freshly retro goes into 2nd sextile w. MARS in CAN
Hidden mental patterns can become transparent –
Esp. when we’re kind & self-caring when triggered.

MAY 1 – Beltane, and day of PLUTO going retro
MERCURY retro meets & moves ‘past’ the SUN in mid-TAU – ‘Inferior Conjunction’ / ‘Day of Enlightening Insight’
Breakthroughs of Consciousness? Clarity about where the mind needs to go on the ‘back seat’ and let Spirit-in-Nature be in the ‘driver’s seat’?

MAY 12
MERCURY retro in TAU goes into sextile w. SATURN in PI (# 2 of 3 – once more May 18 – in fact, the transit is active throughout mid-May), and with VENUS in CAN
Fluidity without attachment to a ‘position’.
Listening to & conveying the voice of Nature & of our True Nature…
What would Love say? What connects us in ‘all this’?

MAY 14 – Mother’s Day
MERCURY goes direct at 5º 51′ TAU
The organic, natural, ego / conditioning purged mind follows the Heart, and Mother Nature.

MAY 17
The MOON in early TAU welcomes JUPITER (in TAU from May 16 on!) and MERCURY stat. / direct
SO much full-bloom goodness – let’s celebrate the Spring Goddess / Goodness!

MAY 18
MERCURY stat. / direct in TAU goes once more into sextile w. SATURN in PI (# 3 of 3 – the transit has been active throughout mid-May)
Fluidity without attachment to a ‘position’.
Listening to & conveying the voice of Nature & of our True Nature…
All is interconnected & ONE. All IS.

MAY 24
MERCURY in TAU finally leaves the post-retro ‘storm’ (this time extra long – 10 days) / comes out of the ‘U-turn’ loop and starts to move faster again – plus: GEM season will have started on May 21
Hope you took it easy, in the stormy integration phase (May 14 – 24).
Has the calm or even no-mind taken you back to Nature and your True Nature?
Feeling grounded, established in your values, and ready to ‘fly’?

The post-retro ‘shadow’ ends (MERCURY leaves the degree which it went retro to)
There’s been a lot to learn, by going inward-backward, and about the nature of the mind.
Has it been regenerative for you?

MERCURY direct in TAU meets and now passes URANUS
What’s new and exciting / thrilling? How does your mind now deal with what’s disruptive?
How can you calm the mind in the ‘storm’?
EnJoy without attachment, in the ebbs & flows of life.

Freedom from the Known.

MERCURY direct in TAU goes into sextile w. NEPTUNE stat. (going retro on June 30) end of PI
Surrendering and allowing things and people to BE – calm state of mind.

JUNE 11 – day of PLUTO retro re-entering CAP
MERCURY, at the very end of TAU on the ‘Voice Point’ cusp – goes into Earth Trine w. PLUTO freshly retro end of CAP, before it enters its ruled sign GEMINI (until June 26 – ultra short, what a contrast to the looong visit in TAU)
SO much to say, so much info, so many conversations, discourses, debates are UP, in society? Find your Voice, and give a Voice to what / who can’t speak up for themselves.
Ask good questions. Be the Learner.
Lightness & brightness of the mind…

Where in your chart is TAURUS?

Venus Rules Taurus –
painting by Johfra Bosschart

That’s where you look for / find comfort, values, and connection to the Earth.

MERCURY freshly in your Taurean House helps you communicate about & with these areas of your Life – while letting go of attachments:

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self

2nd House
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business

3rd House
You in Your Local Environment

4th House
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry

5th House
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

8th House
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

9th House
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

12th House
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is

All the best for your Joyful & Loooong Spring Journey with MERCURY in TAURUS 2023!


Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it guides you on your Earthly Journey?

I’m here for you.
An ASTRO~ALCHEMY Session help shed light on things from deep levels, and get the process going.

Get in touch with me, via email (licht@islandnet.com), and we can explore what would serve you best.

© 2023 by Melanie Lichtinger



Live Your True Self & Be Free!

Astrology and Voyager Tarot
Consultations, Courses, Coaching

with Melanie Lichtinger
22 Years Professional Experience
Serving You In Victoria BC and Worldwide

Email: licht@islandnet.com
Phone: +1-250 381 4299

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Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.
I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Which can lead to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel more connected with yourself and with all-that-IS, in the bigger on-going evolution.
Ultimately, you dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less & less affected, more & more liberated, and self-realized.

I welcome you as a client who is not seeking an ‘old school reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transition, stuckness, transformational crisis, for new perspectives at a crossroad or dilemma, and for important choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!   

Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it can guide you on your Earthly Journey?
Come over / let’s meet online, for Your private Astro session!


From time to time, I have OFFERS on,
which you can find on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

Astro Donation Day for Low Income Clients is coming
on April 12!

via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (16 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic.
The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!
Live in person, or online. Most Astro~Experiences are designed as ‘hybrids’, with some participants joining us online, some in person.

Find upcoming events on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

The EmBody Astrology Outdoor Season in Nature starts
on Sat April 29!


If you feel the Astro~News Blog with Astro~Weather and Astro~Medicine that I write about on-goingly has good value for you in your navigation with the cosmic currents, you’re welcome to offer a donation via e-transfer to my email address licht@islandnet.com.
You can also donate directly via PayPal here. 

Received in gratitude! ♥