Tag Archives: Attachments

MERCURY retro in TAU (Apr 21 – May 14) :: Cosmic RE-lief & Toolkit

18 Apr

Dear known or yet unknown Cosmic Friend,
embodied on Planet Earth!

What a wild & chaotic world we’re in!
So many shifts and changes!

Reflected by the cosmic weather which can guide us through the ‘storms’ – via awareness, and alignment on freer, more empowered levels of experience that being ‘caught up’ in the chaos.

There’ve been wild springy storms (up to 90 km/h today) stirring up the air, here on the PNW coast, as I’m writing this.
Ironically, I’ve seen more often than not that storms show up as MERCURY goes into pre-retro ‘storm’ (where it IS now, since Apr 15).

What does this MEAN?
Changing gears, slowing down, tapping from the intellectual overdrive into magic.
More about this below…

MERCURY now in earthy TAURUS, since Apr 3 re-minds us to slow down and be mindful, paradoxically, as it seems(!), while things move soo fast, in the whirlwind – of the mind / perception.

Speaking of perception, as a TAU theme:
The conditioned & habitual human mind with its ‘preferential filters’ can get attached to certain perceptions of ‘reality’ and attitudes based on those that reflect one’s values.

The mind tends to be frustrated and in resistance (call it stubborn) when one’s attitudes and concepts of reality are being jeopardized, and efforts to manifest based on those concepts or convince others appear futile.
Which can happen more likely now under M-r in TAU – only to help us become aware of what the mind is doing (rather than ‘being the mind’).

Can we take back attachments we have set our minds to?

And re-connect with a purer Joy?

What do we truly value?

How do we value / what do we value in our relationship with Nature?

How do we value ourselves, our body and its senses, and: our lives?

How about shifting our food habits, experimenting, making new choices?
Food on all levels, incl. mental food.

Food for thought… 😉

Speaking of values:
The TAUrean themes (derived from values & security) of economy, money, food, and nature seem to be SO on people’s minds nowadays.

MERCURY starts its retro journey in mid-TAU on Apr 21 very close to URANUS (since 2019 in TAU – mirrored in the cascade of disruptions & ‘reinvention’ of economy, biology, food, Nature, and, dare I say: reality.

MERCURY ends its retro journey on May 14 in early TAU, in wide square with PLUTO in early AQ, then (from May 1 on) retro.
Interrelated systems go through a deep, irreversible transformation (controlled demolition?) that affects Humanity and human nature.

TAU & AQ, URANUS & PLUTO. MERCURY the Messenger linking these areas.
Lots to think, read, talk, write about…
‘Random’ info / communication can lead to connect the dots, and also to self awareness. So M-r.

This article is about well-known

Winged Cosmic Player / Mischief Maker MERCURY…

Let’s take a breather, RE-flect, read what’s been shelved away / hidden / ‘lost & forgotten’. Let’s RE-connect with Spirit, and with people we haven’t been in touch for a while… check-check-check here…

Time to take it easy on attachments (that TAU thing) / be mindful of those patterns we get stuck in, be curious, ask new questions / ask old qu in a new way, commune & communicate – you never know where it leads!

Let’s invite & encourage the cosmic & inner Messenger to re-trieve lost-in-translation info & news.

Time to turn to / invite (nowadays un)common sense, comic / cosmic relief, and a good sense of humour.

Yep, obviously, these are all MERCURY retro ‘prescriptions’.
One step at a time, and backtracking re-quired, says M-r.

Balinese Monkeys – as seen VERY retro (1980’s) – photo by M.

About time for another round of ‘good Trickster Medicine’.

MERCURY has been slowing down its speed from Earth perspective, to turn retro on Apr 21 from mid (15°37′) to early TAU (back to 05°51′) on May 14.
The Messenger of the Gods will be busy flying back & forth, yet not tooo fast.

MERCURY is this year extensively in TAU (Apr 3 – June 11), due to its current retro phase.

I bet you already noticed early MERCURY retro symptoms…

…maybe even since the pre-retro ‘shadow’ (MERCURY crossed the point in the Zodiac from which it’ll go direct again on June 11) started, on Apr 7.

…and more likely since the pre-retro ‘storm’ (M has moved very slowly – less than 40′ per day – in ‘U-turn mode) since Apr 15.

I’m looking forward to re-discovery of everything slow & solid, to learning about plants and nature, and to being more in Nature, in this springy M-r phase. No attachments / expectations, though… 😉

To re-discover informational resources that haven’t been in good use (or not for a while).
To intentionally-randomly strolling, and cruising around on my (Mercurial) bike, on old-new and not usually taken streets. One never knows what’s around the corner, and whom one sees and re-connects with…

Let’s invite & encourage the Messenger to re-trieve lost-in-translation signals, info & news!
Cheers to all things enjoyably retro!

MERCURY / GEMINI Times in 2021 / 22 / 23
Flash-back & Current Vibes

Mercury Rules Gemini –
painting by Johfra Bosschart

Lots of GEM going on in the last years.

The Lunar Nodes (and Eclipses!) moved through SAG (SN) – GEM (NN)  June 5, 2020 – Dec 23, 2021, with the incentive Questioning the Old Story.
Entering New Dialogues.

These themes continued to process, as MERCURY was last year for an extended time in GEM (Apr – early July 2022), and started its Spring retro phase there.

MARS just came out of its long time (Aug 20, 2022 – March 25, 2023) GEM Journey (incl. its retro phase (Oct 30 – Jan 12) with the theme: Find Your Voice, Speak Up, Be the Alchemist!

What a triple-whammy year-end, and start into 2023 it was, with MARS in GEM retro, and MERCURY, ruler of GEM retro in CAP (close to PLUTO), where MARS is ‘exalted’ (strongest position in the Zodiac).

Lots of re-curring – and circular thoughts, conversations, messages, information round war.
The trapped / locked situation the world has gotten into, the apparent impossibility of ‘getting somewhere’ / coming to a conclusion, the horrific expenditure of resources and loss of lives, infrastructure and culture…

How could the Mercurial / Gemini Alchemist of Polarities help?
What / who could be a ‘Messenger of the Gods’ – or divine intervention?

And now?!
VENUS is in GEM (Apr 10 – May 7) while MERCURY is in TAU, i.o.w., they’re in ‘mutual reception’.

Yep, they’re in each others’ ruled signs (VENUS rules TAU, and MERCURY rules GEM), as long as VENUS is in GEM – which corresponds with pre- and most part of MERCURY retro.

These Archetypes stimulate each other – which can bring out lightness & joy, flirtatiousness, playful banter & tease, shopping & joy walks.

Yet, misunderstandings, lack of proper info / communication can happen, compliments MERCURY about to go retro (Apr 21 – May 14) – which in themselves can teach us about the nature of the mind, esp. re: TAUREAN issues – What do You Truly Enjoy & Value?

VENUS squared SATURN in PI, on Apr 14 – which brought serious vibes into the picture – check-check, re: Dalai Lama incident.

Time to come back to Love (VENUS), Compassion for everyone involved / affected (SATURN in PI) – and Mindfulness (M-r).

Some Tidbits for Newbies to MERCURY Retro (M-r)

Why does MERCURY even go retro?

Because of an ‘optical illusion’.
MERCURY goes retro from Earth perspective, because of its elliptic orbit around the Sun, in relation to the almost exactly circular orbit of the Earth around the Sun.
We Earthlings are looking at the planetary moves geocentrically – even through, from the central Solar vantage point things would look differently – which is what astronomers critique about astrology…
Astrologers in response: “No, we’re not at the centre of the Solar System, and well aware of this, lol. But hey, human life as we know it(!) happens on Planet Earth, our Home & vantage point”.
And yes, a heliocentric astro chart is also available, btw.

Back to the M-r effect:
From our terrestrial perspective, MERCURY hence appears to be alternating between going quite fast, going slow, and even ‘falling back’ (like two trains going at different speeds next to each other – looking out the window of the faster train the slower one seems to be going backwards).

MERCURY goes retro 3 x a year (about every 4 months) for about 3 weeks. 
The covered area in the Zodiac that’s covered by the retro motion is 10 – 15°.
With that pattern, the retro phases are in each year in the same element/s, while ‘going backwards’.

The pattern goes also retro.
M-r happens in EARTH signs in 2023

Dec 29 – Jan 18 in CAP
Apr 21 – May 14 in TAU
Aug 23 – Sept 16 in VIR

It shifts to EARTH-FIRE, starting Dec 12, 2023 – Jan 2, 2024 in CAP – SAG.

What’s the Cosmic Weather on Earth,
during Mercury’s Retro Trip?

Quite a lot is going on in this mercurial season =
From the beginning of the pre-retro ‘storm’ on Apr 15, to the end of the post-retro ‘storm’, on May 24which encompasses the whole TAU Season.

Here’s the line-up of the Highlights:


* APR 19 / 20
Hybrid Annular (‘Ring of Fire’) / Total Solar Eclipse at the very end of AR

* MAY 1
PLUTO in early AQ goes retro (until Oct 10, back to CAP June 11)

* MAY 5
Wesak Buddha Moon & Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in mid-SCO – TAU

* MAY 7
VENUS enters CAN (until June 5)

* MAY 16
JUPITER enters TAU (until May 26, 2025)

* MAY 19
End-of-TAU New Moon

* MAY 20
MARS enters LEO (until July 10)

Sounds like the Mercurial Messenger has a lot of important, otherwise overlooked (or hidden ‘between the lines’) messages from these Planetary Gods (and Humans) to convey!!!

New important information / new dialogues are re-quired too – if things are under- or mis-communicated.
And it’s time to pick up conversations where they’ve been left off – maybe from the previous M-r in Dec / Jan.
Over-communication (often at the onset of M-r) needs to be re-balanced.

MERCURY close-up & magical

What you find in this extensive / never perfectly comprehensive MERCURY Retro article

Going with the Flow & Magic of MERCURY retro…

MERCURY Retro in TAU & its Connections w. other Planetary Players

Where is MERCURY retro in TAU happening in Your Chart & Life?

And – going even deeper:

7-Phase Sequence of the MERCURY Retro Timeline

Sabian Symbols of the Start & End Degrees of MERCURY Retro

Timeless and Timely MERCURY Retro REminders

My Seasoned MERCURY Retro Tips & Seasonal Tool Kit 

Going with the Flow & Magic of MERCURY retro…

Mercury doing its retro somersaults again…

Technology, traffic / transport & communication glitches (or surprises!) sneaking in again lately, and calling for flexibility?

No way! Are you telling me…..?

YEP, the ‘inevitable’ is happening again: 
Another MERCURY Retro phase is ON!

All in TAU this time:
From 15°37′ back to 05°51′ TAU, to be precise, from Apr 21 – May 14.

If you’ve read my MERCURY retro support REport (or even advocacy) over the years you know:

M-r isn’t necessarily ‘BAD’ news, as pop Astrology would have it.
And hey – perhaps M-r is ‘even’ an overdue & cosmically well timed de-conditioning?!

During M-r, the MIND is operating differently / ‘unusually’, and tuned-up by the ‘New MERCURY’ (what’s that?!). T.b. revealed below…

Have you noticed?

Our good old messenger / trickster friend MERCURY has been already since Apr 7 in pre-retro ‘shadow’  (i.o.w., crossed the 05°51′ TAU mark from which it will go direct again at the end of M-r).

On Apr 15, MERCURY went into stationary (very slowly moving – even slower in TAU) ‘U-turn storm’. 

And on Apr 21, first full day of TAU, MERCURY in TAU ‘officially’ starts its seasonal retro loop, which goes technically until May 14, and rolls out completely until end of May.

So, early Apr – late May (which include build-up time before and roll-out time after) are under M-r influence.

Take it easy on ‘plans‘, and don’t get wrapped up in ‘loops’ that are based on too much random info, not enough info, or simply: ungrounded confusion.

A good time to chill, go on a RE-treat, or simply more RE-laxation (esp of the bizzy mind), and to be open to unexpected info / intel / communication that can open your mind.

M-r is conducive for 

RE-viewing old patterns & habits (TAU) – what’s good about them and forgotten / may be picked up again, and what’s re-dundant / no need to hold on / revive.

Perfect for springy decluttering, as well as writing & mind clearing.
Purging outdated info & items – while surprisingly finding re-levant info ‘from the past’ (which can show where we were at mentally, at that time).

Picking up lost & forgotten reading or writing projects we’ve been shelving for a while and which have been patiently waiting for our attention.

Catching up with people we haven’t talked with in a while – and being surprised by synergistic conversations that can lead to much more than ‘expected’. TAU like-mindedness relates to shared interests & values about Nature, gardening, food…

And a heightened time for info to leak, and communication to happen that’s usually under the radar (esp. with the MERCURY – URANUS / PLUTO connections at the beginning and end of the retro phase).

Could be also a good time to check in again astrologically.
Astrology is by nature about aligning with Nature-all Laws, plus helps with accessing the bigger picture for ‘stuff’ we can easily get caught up in.
Just get in touch if you feel it’s calling you.

Call-out to all MOMs:
In May, I’ll have the yearly Mother’s Month of May Special on again, whereas all moms get 22% discount on all sessions (incl. gift sessions for Mother’s Day).

and its Connections with other Planetary Players

…with suggestions for how to be in natural alignment with the energies

You might wonder, what stands out, re: MERCURY Contacts in the retro loop in CAP?
Thankfully, not too many this time round – yay!

Specific Mercurial Alignments in the Retro Phase


MERCURY in TAU connected w. the Lunar NN, and went into sextile w. MARS in CAN (# 1 of 2, again on Apr 23)
Perfect time for home (& ‘Inner Home’) care, gardening, and enjoying life in Spring – so nourishing & energizing!
Also: The pre-retro ‘shadow’ started.
(MERCURY reached the degree from which it’ll go direct again, on May 14)
Foreshadowing hunches showing what the retro phase may be about?

The pre-retro ‘storm’ began (MERCURY goes extra slow, in ‘U-turn’ mode)
Take it easy with communication, and allow for slow processing.
Not a good time for rash conclusions / decisions / ‘planning’.

Great for research.
What does your body say???!
Journey from the mind to the body intelligence…

MERCURY goes retro at 15º 37′ TAU (only 2º away from URANUS – just slightly ‘out of reach’ – the contact / transit will happen on June 4)
Let your body & your senses guide you to information.
BE in Nature, learn from her, and let her set you free.

Learn about what’s natural & organic.
Whom do you feel called to talk with again – after finding out…?
RE-connect with your Taurean friends.

MERCURY freshly retro goes into 2nd sextile w. MARS in CAN
Hidden mental patterns can become transparent –
Esp. if we’re kind & self-caring when triggered.

MAY 1 – Beltane, and day of PLUTO going retro
MERCURY retro meets & moves ‘past’ the SUN in mid-TAU – ‘Inferior Conjunction’ / ‘Day of Enlightening Insight’
Breakthroughs of Consciousness? Clarity about where the mind needs to go on the ‘back seat’ and let Spirit-in-Nature & body intelligence be in the ‘driver’s seat’?

MAY 12
MERCURY retro in TAU goes into sextile w. SATURN in PI (# 2 of 3 – once more May 18 – in fact, the transit is active throughout mid-May), and with VENUS in CAN
Fluidity without attachment to a ‘position’.
Listening to & conveying the voice of Nature & of our True Nature…
What would Love say? What connects us in ‘all this’?

MAY 14 – Mother’s Day
MERCURY goes direct at 5º 51′ TAU
The organic, natural, ego / conditioning purged mind follows the Heart, and Mother Nature.

MAY 17
The MOON in early TAU welcomes JUPITER (in TAU from May 16 on!) and MERCURY stat. / direct
SO much full-bloom goodness – let’s celebrate the Spring Goddess / Goodness!

MAY 18
MERCURY stat. / direct in TAU goes once more into sextile w. SATURN in PI (# 3 of 3 – the transit has been active throughout mid-May)
Fluidity without attachment to a ‘position’.
Listening to & conveying the voice of Nature & of our True Nature…
All is interconnected & ONE. All IS.

MAY 24
MERCURY in TAU finally leaves the post-retro stationary ‘storm’ (this time extra long – 10 days) / comes out of the ‘U-turn’ loop and starts to move faster again – plus: GEM season will have started on May 21
Hope you took it easy, in the stormy integration phase (May 14 – 24).
Has the calm or even no-mind taken you back to Nature and your True Nature?
Feeling grounded, established in your values, and ready to ‘fly’?

The post-retro ‘shadow’ ends (MERCURY leaves the degree which it went retro to)
There’s been a lot to learn, by going inward-backward, and about the nature of the mind.
Has it been regenerative for you?

Where’s MERCURY’s retro loop in TAU
happening in Your Chart & Life?

Retro Loop in the Sky 
What’s going on with that plane??? Nothing noteworthy to see here?
photo by moi, a few years ago

The House in your (birth / relocation) chart that contains TAU is the ‘Scene of Affairs’.

(Always, esp. nowadays) good to check in what your body, senses, and common sense says, or would do.

MERCURY’s retro visit will help connect the dots in these realms…

MERCURY is also associated with the Throat Chakra, and TAU rules the Throat & Mouth. Are you speaking your Truth, esp. in the realms related to your TAU House?

As you read this, maybe you have your SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets (MERCURY?) in TAU?
You’re in for a a Mercurial treat (and tricks too, of course).

Do you know where TAU is in your chart, esp. House wise?
Here are hints for how it makes itself known in your chart, and what MERCURY has to say.

1st House
Your Presence and Sense of Self
With TAU there: Calm, steady, slow, enjoyable
With MERCURY (incl. retro) transiting through: Become more aware of, speak, write, let the world know about what you value and enjoy.
Do you enjoy yourself / your life? Time to inquire and reflect. 

2nd House
Your Values. What you own, incl. metaphorically, your Business
TAU: Solid and secure values matter to you.
MERCURY Transit: A good time to surprisingly find old treasures (MERCURY – URANUS / PLUTO), or acquire something that increases in value (well, better after MERCURY is direct again). What gives you true security?
Time to appreciate what you (already) have, and to brainstorm about organically building your business, based on your values.

3rd House
Your Environment & Relatives
TAU: Steady & there for one another, old fashioned / conservative 
MERCURY Transit: Notice your thinking about / interactions with them – and where your shadow might lay (MERCURY – PLUTO). Impatient? Dull vibes? And how to change your thoughts / communication….

4th House
Your Home, Origin, Ancestry
TAU: Garden – of Eden? Security & ownership themes?
MERCURY Transit: Traveling home for a visit (uhhh – now?!)?
Is it easier to be calm, patient, joyful? Enjoying a Nature retreat?

5th House
Your Creative, Playful, Inner Child and Lover
TAU: Play Zone, Sensual Delights
MERCURY Transit: Creative garden magic time with kids (esp. with M-r and the URANUS / PLUTO contacts).
Talk to your inner child. Cherish the time with your children.

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle
TAU: Literally in the Garden / Nature / Food world?
MERCURY Transit: Here’s your top season to serve & enjoy.
And with M-r & the URANUS / PLUTO contacts:
Be innovative, come up with cool co-creations.

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others
TAU: People who calm & ground you. Shared pleasure is multiplied pleasure. Or are you / they territorial?
MERCURY Transit: Reconnect with them. Or they may reconnect with you. What’s been unresolved? What haven’t you co-enjoyed in a while?
Take time as needed.

8th House 
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others. Your Transformations
TAU: You actually prefer stability to change and may stay too long in a situation / with people – maybe out of comfort, you you feel trapped, security wise.
MERCURY Transit: A few surprises (a divorce?) / shocks / traumatic – or liberating? – experiences in the last years (URANUS in TAU since 2019)?
Yes, you need to talk about those processes. Time to reflect…
Don’t get stuck repeating patterns though.

9th House
What gives you Meaning. Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels
TAU: Conservative world views / nature philosophy.
Journeys to nature give you joy.
MERCURY Transit: Having conversations about / collecting ideas & gathering inspiration for what you saw / see / believe in, or for your next journey?

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career. Your Public Self
TAU: No unnecessary effort / challenge, yet comfort / security
MERCURY Transit: Have you experienced upheavals (compliments URANUS since 2019)? Time to reflect on re-inventing yourself in that area.
Brainstorm, have conversations with people who model what you value.

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends
TAU: Nature is your friend. And friends need to value nature too / you need to share joy & values with them – why hang out otherwise?
MERCURY Transit: After all the social disruptions / separation (URANUS in TAU since 2019) – where are you at, in this ‘department’?
Re-connect with / talk to your friends, and find out.
Time for a new beginning? Or for a value check, in any case.

12th House
Your Transcendent and Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.
TAU: Form & Formlessness. Ever interchanging and simultaneously present. 
MERCURY Transit: The Web of Life is your stability – esp. in all the recent upheavals (did you have premonitions?). Receive cosmic messages.
Don’t be stingy – share the word (and stuff too) – easy & joyful!  

That’s the ‘short-ish’ (LOL) version
of my take on this upcoming MERCURY Retro phase.

Springy Rest – Medicine of these Calm Ones 
photo from last week by moi

If you’d like to dig (even) deeper, and go with the full menu,
keep on reading:

7-Phase Sequence of the MERCURY Retro Timeline 

Pre-retro shadow started: MERCURY in the Epimethean phase

APR 15
Pre-retro stationary / ‘storm’ – started

APR 21
MERCURY goes technically retro

MERCURY half-way in retro meets the SUN – a ‘New Mercury’ is born, a.k.a. ‘Point of Enlightening Insight’ – Promethean phase starts

MAY 14
MERCURY goes direct again

MAY 24
Post-retro stationary / ‘storm’ ends

Post-retro shadow ends

The first half of M-r (phases 1. – 4.) is the Epimethean phase.
RE-minding us of ‘old stories’ – which doesn’t have to be a ‘bad thing’ to overcome, it can be an important RE-flection / correction inducer…

The second half of M-r (phases 4. – 8.) is the Promethean phase.
New insights and connection with Spirit & Consciousness can lead to new inspired direction – a very auspicious time.

MERCURY went into so-called pre-retro ‘shadow’ on APR 7 (it passed for the first time the Zodiac point (05°51′ TAU) from which it will after the retro phase go direct / forward again, on May 14).
Noticed ‘foreshadowing’ of themes that might come up during M-r ?

A good time to be fluid as quicksilver, RE-spond to higher intelligence, and trust the ‘messenger from the future’, via intuition & precognition.

Perhaps you already had inspired conversations with friends / in groups, about TAU themes (Values, Nature, Plants, Food, Money, Economy, Business…) to inform your view of things.

MERCURY Retro in the Starters

On APR 15, MERCURY entered its stationary ‘storm’ period (moving very slowly), i.o.w., went into ‘U-turn’ mode, in mid-TAU, close to URANUS.

A time to slowwwww down the fast & busy ‘modern mind’ that likes to jump from one topic to another (ADHD, anyone?), disrupt stability (‘boredom?’ / getting anxious?), and has difficulty staying with a topic / having patience.

With MERCURY retro, it’s about HOW we think & communicate, not (just) about the content – and ever more content, nowadays…

‘Regular’ / ‘normal’ communication affairs might have started to become ‘tricky’, ‘chaotic’, ‘complicated’, ‘messed up’…
Only from the perspective of the ego that likes to seize control, via the mind. Yet also, synchronicities and magic might have kicked in…

MERCURY in ‘zigzag mode’ suggests:
Being super adaptable, in flux & at ease, while swiftly, swimmingly / surfingly, changing course as necessary – leading to more auspicious outcomes than assumptions that the attached mind assumes are ‘the way’.

7-Circle Classical Labyrinth 
drawing by Helen Rowlands –
reminds me of a brain

In the actual RETRO PHASE, from Apr 21 – May 14, the mind is geared to turn inward-backward.

Mental moves may be paradoxical, like in a labyrinth, or ‘far out’ / eccentric.

As always, the MERCURY retro cycle starts with the ‘Epimethean’ phase (first part – until May 1), where old epic stories, memories, and patterns show up for REasons yet unknown – which may REveal themselves in the journey with M-r.

With the TAU energy of the current M-r, it’s good to gain space and distance from the mind that can get stuck on things (which may be wants or resistance).

Don’t believe everything you (or: they!) think.
Check where ‘your’ thoughts may come from, and why you’re attached to / loop around them!).
Experiment with discussing with others, turn to other sources, for a more balanced view, informing your grounded common / reality sense.

Verify your thoughts & ideas in the ‘real tangible world’ with its practical implications. Invite unexpected insights, a world of synchronicities.
Be open for new understanding, via / of hidden and overlooked info that gets our attention now, for a RE-ason.  

At the approx. half-way point of the M-r phase (on May 1 – Beltane, this time!), MERCURY crosses paths with the SUN: 
A new ‘New Mercury’ is born (like a New Moon in the monthly SUN – MOON conjunction) – which happens 3 times every year. 

Let’s see what Epiphanies THIS ‘Point of Enlightened Insight’ reveals!

On the ‘New Mercury’ point, it’s time to REgenerate the mind (MERCURY), to become more conscious, follow Spirit & the Heart (SUN).

Prometheus surrounded by the Ring of the Zodiac – Rockefeller Ctre, NYC

The second part of M-r (May 1 – 14) is the ‘Promethean’ phase…
…where new insights & new Consciousness can be more easily carried forward & expressed, in creative & innovative ways.

Sabian Symbols of the Start and Finish Degrees
of the upcoming MERCURY Retro Phase 

MERCURY goes retro on Apr 21 at 15°37′ TAU.

Since MERCURY backs off before passing the 16° mark, let’s turn to…

Braving the Storm – painting by Cara Frafjord


The courage needed to meet the crises precipitated by social ambition

The man with the silk hat has seen some of his ambitious efforts bring him social success; but he learns that often “nothing fails like success.”
The storm may be within him, or it may attack his social status.
He is ready to face it daringly. This shows a willingness to accept crises and to go through them – and therefore great character, the soil upon which a higher kind of consciousness may develop.

This is the fifth and final stage of this ninth five-fold sequence of symbols.
It implies a transition to a new level at which the individual who has learned from experience demonstrates a truly mature mind.
What is revealed here is CHARACTER under adverse circumstances.”

What a symbol for the ‘stormy’ onset of the M-r phase – next to also ‘stormy’ URANUS.
Here, unpredictable circumstances challenge us to not get ‘blown over’ by adversity and our ‘wild’ mental reactions to those, but to retain inner stability – not in stubborn and inflexible, but in mature & conscious ways.

MERCURY ends its upcoming Retro Journey on May 14 at 05°51′ TAU.

Royal Gorge Cantilever Bridge


The conquest of separativeness through group-cooperation

The person who has suffered deprivation & loneliness can give new substance to their emotional life by participating in a collective project.
All great evolutionary challenges imply the overcoming of basic difficulties.
A step ahead must be taken, yet an abyss confronts evolving humanity.
It is no longer a personal void – an ‘Open Grave’ (6° TAU) – but a chasm that is an integral part of the land upon which human evolution must proceed.
A link must be built through the power of the collective mind of the group or of the community at large, on the basis of the legacy of the past, to make a bridge over the canyon.

This is the first stage of the eighth five-fold process of “Substantiation.”
The man-made bridge built with collective skill gives substance to and demonstrates humanity’s capacity to CONQUER OBSTACLES and to achieve evolutionary continuity as well as expansion in space.”

Now, that’s an interesting symbol – and can easily be interpreted in direct response to the symbol for the start of the retro journey – which deals with the individual’s character demonstrated during crises and adversity.

To face and overcome the obstacles presented at this phase of human evolution, collaboration is needed, to ‘build bridges’ over chasms of polarization in humanity.
And yes, we can all contribute to this ‘grand oeuvre’ of this time.

It starts in our own mind.

Rather than being stuck in old polarizing ‘mind-sets’ that can burn bridges, let’s be open-minded, give old or new connections a chance, learn from one another, and do what serves a humane future.
PLUTO is stationary / goes retro in its first phase in AQ on May 1 – while MERCURY is retro in TAU which ends its journey on May 14 in wide square w. PLUTO.

Timeless & Timely MERCURY Retro REminders

* Under M-r, ‘usual’ thinking and communication patterns are being questioned, and it appears at times as if there’s a trickster / little devil at play.

Actually, we have a chance now to SEE the inner mental trickster / saboteur that’s been there all along, camouflaging & going unnoticed. 

* The challenge is, not to get frustrated when things don’t turn out the way YOU thought they ’should’, according to the ego.

* During M-r, let’s experiment with, practice, and hopefully also integrate for later, going with the flow of things, in an intuitive, heart sourced way.

* Feel free to change your mind when you get the impulse / intuition / signal for an alternative course that works better / is more aligned.

* Don’t let the mind run the show, and create more ‘mental karma’.

Be open to and curious about ‘creative detours’ that might lead to unexpected turns, and unusual connections, rather than going with comfort / routine / habits of your ‘Inner Muggle’.

Don’t get wrapped up with linear, habitual, and often self-limiting ways of dealing with information / communication channels & modes.

An ‘unorthodox’ approach, and maybe a random connection with someone can open up for serendipity, synchronicities, and magic.

Let’s mischievously ask ourselves (M-r):

How can I get out of the busy conditioned & controller mind now, and shift to Openness for Change, Creativity, and Play?

What would my Inner Magician / Wizard / Alchemist (yes, that’s what Mercury also is) suggest?

* Where’s the comic (and cosmic) relief in all this…?

Let’s stay as mobile (like quicksilver, the MERCURY metal), adaptable, and unattached to ‘plans’ / agenda as possible.

Coyote – Animal Spirit cards 
by Susan Boulet

MERCURY is a light, youthful, fresh, fun-loving punster and Coyote / prankster energy.

It looks at the fun & meaningful side of unusual twists & turns, and even likes to provoke those. Tuning into that less serious mode makes us happier and more at ease – not only – these days. 

Come on board with these spontaneous twists, unintentional new-found puns, and creative fun realizations!

Laughing at ourselves is certainly part of the picture.
Best kind of humour.

We sure need comic relief of all the seriousness these days / months / years(!) – what happened to satire?
There’s a cool word in German: Realsatire.
Meaning, reality provides lots of satire in itself. 

M-r is about the meta level:
Not so much about the content of the mind & its expressions but the nature of the mind, how and why we think and communicate.
Not always so easy to notice how the mind is playing tricks on us all the time. In ‘insane’ times like these, under M-r, it can be more easily busted – esp. in comic relief ways – with ego alert, ha-ha!
Great time for satire and comedy it is – and ‘real life s & c’!

When it comes to committing to something long-term – you prob. don’t have the intel yet to be ready. Yet you can be in a vibration that attracts what you need, and that you easily recognize & connect with.

Spiraling Time OUT!

SO – give yourself time.
During M-r, new information streams in, which can alter our outlook on things.

Often, after the M-r phase we have more information which gives a different picture, based upon which a good avenue forward becomes clear.

If we commit prematurely and aren’t flexible to back off again easily, we might say, “If I only had known… I wouldn’t have… and didn’t have to untangle these complications now.”

As always with MERCURY retro, clarify / specify communication whenever possible:

* Say things several times, in different ways / even in a different language to make sure there’s no misunderstanding in a fast / distracted context – in our oh-so ADHD world.

* Talk in a way that’s not just a judgment / statement, but offers invitations for open discussion.

* Be present and genuinely curious & helpful (if you are!), rather than distracted (Mercurial shadow).

* Ask questions that instinctively / intuitively come up (esp. to clarify otherwise held assumptions!).

* Choose the most direct medium & tool available (meet and connect in person, or at least via online video call), which helps with clearer & more holistic communication, and body signals. So worth it, says TAU.
More ‘channels’ are involved & signals are conveyed, by being face-to-face with the other person, rather rather than on the phone, or via mutual messaging / e-monologue – so ‘standardized’ & ‘normalized’ in the electronic age, and an even bigger deal since 2020.

M-r  gives us the chance to take a break from it – at least make sure we SEE each other!
And who knows what else might come up and be addressed when you take the opportunity to actually meet & talk?!

Are you a slave to technocracy (domination by technology) / techno-crazy?

If you become mercurially frustrated, maybe it’s because you needed to learn something about the nature of the human mind and its extensions: Technological equipment which now, more and in different ways than already, seems to have ‘a mind of their own’… 

Consider MERCURY retro in an AI dominated world – crazyyy…!

Bottom like, with this aspect of M-r:
You don’t want to become (well, maybe under M-r you see how much you could be) a stressed-out remotely controlled slave of coordination & communication, and of the technology that should(!) be here to serve us (which interests does it actually serve most?).

Computers, phones, and tech gadgets are / should be treated as ‘just’ tools. Their efficiency also depends on & responds to the (hopefully relaxed & detached, savvy & inventive) mind of their ‘owner’ (TAU).
Which obviously nowadays begs more questions…

Have you noticed? The technical equipment can magically-morphically mirror the state of mind YOU’re in, even ‘simply’ by breaking down and being ‘on strike’ when we humans need ‘a break’ anyway?

Give your tools and tasks proper mindful and focused attention & care, one at a time, instead of attempting to multi task and ‘efficiently’ orchestrate everything simultaneously.

To keep the interface between the electromagnetic field of computers and the human mind smoothly operational, don’t impose any potential extra stress onto your nervous system – nor on your computer.

And how about: 
Turn the AI off, and your natural inner intelligence (NI) on.

Check in on signals showing you that you need to be relaxed & mindful.
Assume nothing, and drop your (under M-r evident, otherwise under the radar) expectations & assumptions.

Trust the infinite Intelligence of the Bigger System aka Universe 
‘Even’ as it might temporarily take you on wild & ‘crazy’ journeys that you apparently haven’t signed up for. Notice how much your mental involvement affects your experience of ‘the trip’. Be ok with the impermanence…

Talk to people from the past who come to mind, and whom you haven’t heard from in a long time.

And to ‘new’ yet familiar like-spirited people whom you’ve just met & intuitively ‘clicked withand feel comfortable (TAU) to be around.

M-r also tends to bring back unfinished communication business from the past, esp. from previous M-r phases (last one in Dec / Jan).

What also happens quite often under M-r:

* We receive / intuit a potentially interesting message for others that’s worth sharing & passing on – to whom it may concern. Go ahead, and ‘randomly’ (without your personal agenda) deliver / spread it to others, to whom that information & inspiration can be helpful.

* We’re prompted to connect two or more people with one another – because we can. Who knows what comes from it?

So, let’s keep collecting M-r communication karma cookies, by being the random messengers & connectors!

Back to Basics & Buddhists

Gibbons at Play –
1427 painting by Xuande Emperor

Rather than having the mind ueber full…
Be mindful, and observe the phenomenon mind from a deeper level.

Like, by asking yourself:
Why am I really saying this?
Who’s the one thinking and talking here?

If we don’t do from time to time this ‘mental hygiene’ our inner ‘devil’s advocate out-tricks us, subconsciously ‘sabotaging’ our plans, second guessing ourselves, and constellating circumstances that make us back off from our original intention.

So important to check what we’ve been doing with our brain – or rather, what the brain has been doing with us all along.

The Buddhists call the day-to-day mind that busies itself with all kinds of ‘chatting’ and inner stories, lists, and dialogues, the ‘Monkey Mind’.
Like a monkey, the trickster mind jumps from one tree of interest and attachment to the next, and is never quiet, unless we observe the movement, and thereby naturally calm it.

My Seasoned MERCURY Retro Tips & Seasonal Tool Kit 

The Thinker – by A. Rodin

1) Be easy on yourself, as you get into the groove of things

It usually takes a week or so to adjust to the different mode.

Hope you could take it it easy on the pre-retro shadow phase (since Apr 7)…
Rather than being ‘pulled into’ the wild ‘storm’ (since Apr 15), or apparently stationary stuckness (can be either and both, in paradoxical trickster fashion).

2) Be mindful, and lead from what’s here-now

There’s a tendency for the mind to be distracted and all over the place, to loose and misplace things & thoughts that later have to be RE-trieved again, in your ‘inner house’.
Avoid getting scattered and disorganized, collect the mind ‘pieces’, be present with any situation & function ‘at hand’, and don’t loose sight of what practically works, and matters most. The apparent priority of urgent ‘little’ things & ‘small stuff’ can easily be a distraction and waste of energy.
Practice coming back to the Here-NOW.

3) Retro is an inwards / backwards oriented energy

M-r is a good time to RE-treat, and RE-connect with meditation and mindfulness.
Also an excellent chance (if not necessity) to deal with ‘old unfinished business’, ‘loose ends’, and to clear communication themes from the past, often carried over from a previous M-r times (last ones May / June 2022, Sept / Oct 2022, and Dec / Jan 2022 / 23).

4) Every M-r phase is a great time for basically everything that starts with ‘RE-‘, esp. RE-sidual communication

Like: RE-assess, RE-align, REad, Re-search, RE-treat, RE-pair, RE-boot, RE-group, RE-consider, RE-arrange, RE-place, you name it…

One RE-ason for me pointing out all these RE-activities:
During M-r (which also has a karmic undertone), we / they less likely get away anymore with being sloppy, and with procrastinating or neglecting RE-sidual communication issues with people from the past. They come up like a mirror. Talk about what RE-ally matters, esp. with friends and loved ones.

What do you think about – and want to (re?)discuss, esp. re: Nature, the body, food, economy, money, values...(all apropos TAU)

5) Choose the clearest & most direct mode of communication available

Phone rather than messaging / emailing.
Meet and connect in person rather than via phone / text, to make sure an actual dialogue happens (rather than just your factual monologue, with the assumption you know what they think, or they know what you think).

Consider communicating in several ways & via different media, to make sure the message comes across.
Keep in mind that because people’s minds can be all over the place now, communication might be scattered / incomplete, or prone to assumptions:
“I thought you got my email!!!”, or actually a monologue: “Are you thinking out loud as you talk, or are you actually suggesting something to me?

6) Be mindful & compassionate in your communication with others

Compassionately put yourself in their position, and take ownership & responsibility for your part and mental processes, rather than blaming & judging (based on lack / deficiency / incompleteness of communication), manipulation, and the alike.

7) Be clear and precise with commitments & agreements

Double-check whether you’ve been understood correctly, and RE-peat / RE-phrase back to them too.
Avoid signing an agreement with consequences, before you have all the necessary details / information (often only after MERCURY retro is over, or at least half-way, meeting the SUN = May 1). 

8) MERCURY Retro RE-minds us…

…that direct connection with one another as an authentic & lively dialogue offers the opportunity to open up, speak freely, and touch on other subjects than the originally intended purpose / agenda of the communication.
Which can eventually lead to an even more important outcome or purpose than anticipated.
Check out in hindsight why you actually needed to talk to that person…

9) Under M-r, the odds for fabulous unexpected synchronicities are 99%

When we act more intuitively and out of the ordinary, we let the spontaneous intervention of the Universe show us our interconnectedness! So magical!

10) M-r is a good time to RE-connect with people you have lost sight of – and see them in a new light.

With the TAU flavour, get in touch with people whom you share values with / talk about values, enjoy Nature / food together, do tangible things with.
Trust your intuition, and let yourself be surprised by what shows up when you speak to them – also re: whether you are (still? again?) on a wavelength or not. No assumptions…
Allow yourself to get mentally un-stuck in conversation.
Old communication themes might get triggered, yet now’s the chance to see them in context of the overall your & their evolution.

Be open to meet new people whom you heart-connect with, and feel you already know each other ‘from somewhere’.

11) The areas of life (partners, children, career, groups, etc.) that THIS retro phase brings up for YOU…

…have to do with Planet/s and House/s that M-r activates in YOUR personal birth chart, i.o.w. where TAU is situated (see above). 
I’m happy to check that out for and with you – as a quick hint, or in a focused (or longer) session if more is going on for you…

12) When ‘glitches’ occur, be fluid and flexible like quicksilver (MERCURY’s metal), think “shift happens”.

No need to go into resistance (a TAU thing).
Turn resistance into rest-distance, lol.
Turn the paradigm around:
What could be the opportunity in this mishap?
What’s ‘even’ actually funny about this?

RE-frame your way of thinking about things.
Entertain the possibility of having subconsciously ‘arranged’ a wild alternative to the original ‘plan A’ which – who knows? – can lead to something new, better, and more fun than what the ‘normal’, ‘usual’, ‘regular’, and apparently most  ‘efficient’ mind-in-rut-mode could have come up with?

13) Enjoy those unintentional puns, slips, and new connections in the mind, be creative and brainstorm – esp. together with your MERCURY Retro Friends.

14) Enlightened Insights, anyone…?

The Day of Enlightened Insight – when M-r meets the SUN on the exact half-way point of the M-r phase.
In this M-r phase on MAY 1 – Beltane.

Check out what epiphanies & paradigm shifts occur round this day!

15) If you would like to know…

…whether you are a member of the RETRO CLUB (born under MERCURY Retro, as yours truly)
…in which area of Life the MERCURY Retro Trickster in TAU would likely play tricks on / with you
…how to consciously, creatively, and mindfully play WITH the energy…

…feel welcome to get in touch with your Astrologer. 

Wishing you a blessed navigation in the retro- and interdimensional zone, in the Heavens as on Earth, with the Mercurial Mind currents – this time around in TAURUS!

Hope to SEE you again soon, in real life, or online – it’s all about REconnecting (as directly as possible)!


Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it guides you on your Earthly Journey?

I’m here for you.
An ASTRO~ALCHEMY Session help shed light on things from deep levels, and get the process going.

Get in touch with me, via email (licht@islandnet.com), and we can explore what would serve you best.

© 2023 by Melanie Lichtinger



Live Your True Self & Be Free!

Astrology and Voyager Tarot
Consultations, Courses, Coaching

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22 Years Professional Experience
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Email: licht@islandnet.com
Phone: +1-250 381 4299

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Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.
I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.

Which can lead to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel more connected with yourself and with all-that-IS, in the bigger on-going evolution.
Ultimately, you dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less & less affected, more & more liberated, and self-realized.

I welcome you as a client who is not seeking an ‘old school reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transition, stuckness, transformational crisis, for new perspectives at a crossroad or dilemma, and for important choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!   

Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it can guide you on your Earthly Journey?
Come over / let’s meet online, for Your private Astro session!


From time to time, I have OFFERS on,
which you can find on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (16 years I’ve been facilitating them) become quite potent and catalytic.
The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!
Live in person, or online. Most Astro~Experiences are designed as ‘hybrids’, with some participants joining us online, some in person.

Find upcoming events on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

The EmBody Astrology Outdoor Season in Nature starts
on Sat April 29!


If you feel the Astro~News Blog with Astro~Weather and Astro~Medicine that I write about on-goingly has good value for you in your navigation with the cosmic currents, you’re welcome to offer a donation via e-transfer to my email address licht@islandnet.com.
You can also donate directly via PayPal here. 

Received in gratitude! ♥