Pluto in early AQ went retro (May 1 – Oct 10, back to CAP on June 11) – Inner Soul Power to Change

2 May

As if we hadn’t had a hunch…

Deep dark PLUTO is stationary now, since it went retro on May 1 – at 00°22′ AQ (until Oct 10). 
That’s the furthest it goes into AQ this year – more to come in 2024…
It’s not done yet with CAP, and will re-enter it in retro from June 11 on – until Jan 20, 2024.

Whoaaa – PLUTO’s Turnaround comes right in the middle of Eclipse Season:

The cuspy end of ARIES Hybrid Solar Seed Eclipse was in square w. PLUTO (Apr 19 / 20), and catalyzed the Power to Change, through Planting Seeds for New Earth Medicine, in Joy & Freedom, and Co-creation

The mid-SCO – mid-TAU Full Moon / Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on May 5 is ruled by PLUTO, and catalyzes URANUS in TAU next to the SUN / MERCURY retro. Purging of intensely felt deep seated emotions and of old mind forms brings Freedom. Time for a Ceremony.

If you have anything on or round 0 – 1° AQ (or TAU, LEO, SCO) you probably feel the intensity and pressure. 

A pressure that helps us transform from the inside-out.

Rather than banging our heads against a wall / mountain of density without really being able to – or needing! – to change those external things.

At least not ‘the hard way’, by working with resistance (theirs, yours), or pushing against what ‘doesn’t work’ in the system (AQ) and we seem to be out of control about.

Early AQ has a LIBRA undertone, and sure enough, we’re dealing with issues of fairness, balance, right relationship, and justice, in a social context.
Long time built-up issues are now coming to the surface – to prompt a purge and transformation / evolution of the whole paradigm.

“You can’t solve a problem from the consciousness / dimension where it originated.” To let go, we have to go to another level of experience (fine line with spiritual bypassing though…).

Have you been dealing with / feeling trapped in systemic issues?
I.o.w., come up against issues that are really ‘heavy’, ‘old’ and ‘thick’ (not much breathing space / openness / flexibility)?
Feeling intensely affected by certain things a while ago, waking up some morning, I realized “these are density problems”, and something major shifted.
We don’t need to go into ‘social relationship’ (AQ) with these issues, take on those challenges or be frustrated and burdened by them (late CAP – where PLUTO goes back to, in the Summer / Fall).

How can life be lighter and freer – shared with other mature (CAP) and free-spirited friends (transformed AQ)?!

I felt called to look up the 

Sabian Symbol for the PLUTO Station

San Juan Capristrano Mission, CA


The power inherent in all great human works to endure far beyond the workers’ life spans

The works and spirit of the Spanish priests who directed the building of the California missions have had a lasting influence on the development of this land; these remain as a monument to the men who were able to make their mark upon this alien environment.

While the zodiacal sign Capricorn begins with a symbol of socio-political power, Aquarius at its start presents a more spiritualized and idealistic or creative picture of the social forces at work. Moreover, it stresses the enduring character of human achievements ensouled by a great vision.

At least within the frame of reference of our Western civilization, the symbol speaks of the projection of a noble ideal into concrete forms of beauty and significance, thus of the radiation of a ‘civilizing’ power into an institution offering to primitive [men] humans the opportunity to reach a higher, more organized and productive, level of activity.

This is the first stage in the sixty-first five-fold sequence.
This also implies the ‘immortalization’ of an individual within a great collective and cultural enterprise.“

Whoaaa – what a blatantly colonial-missionary coloured symbol!
Showing the old and clearly outdated paradigm, in the name of a ‘great vision’ / ‘civilizing power’ – a mission to ‘organize’ the ‘primitive’.

SO apropos ‘Old Empires’, their global extension and distribution of influence, and the function of the missioning churches.
Not much respect for ancient traditions and mundane & spiritual ways of life, in the colonized land.
Abuse of people, in the name of ‘conversion’ – CAP shadow.
Not much equality of free humans, in collaboration – AQ ideal.

De-colonizing efforts (PLUTO retro) are under way currently. Yet, there’s still so much unquestioned (conditioned and historically anchored) attitude in the mentality. Reconciliation can’t be ‘manufactured’ / shortcut.

Plus, there’s neo-colonialism lurking everywhere.
The spirit is well and alive.
Driven by greed.
Esp. when it comes to the pervasive real estate ‘gold rush’ at the expense of people and cultures being pushed out of their environment and social cohesion. The mission is quite clear, it’s about maximization of profit.
Let alone the blatant evidence that there’s more money than taste / style in the picture.

Yet also by neo-globalist missions which, in the name of urgency & importance of “joining forces to collaborate on critical issues” set out to amalgamate and ‘equalize’ countries and people with their rich and diverse culture, while introducing a technocratic, dehumanizing system.
A la the program(ming): “We need a ‘Great Reset’!”

I.o.w., don’t push your ‘ideals’ and ‘visions’ on everyone whose world you invade, and force them to change!
Shadow of PLUTO on the CAP – AQ cusp (2023 / 24).
Ideals and visions need to be freely negotiated and shared (AQ essence).

PLUTO retro will re-enter CAP on June 11.

True leadership requires integrity – essential (PLUTO) to CAP.
Corruption, abuse of power and authority, and disrespect of Humans and Nature Beings whom the leader serves (late CAP – VIR undertone) are shadow expressions that come up now for full revelation and purging.
So that we can go forward into a better future for Humanity – as the AQ Age is setting in.

And hey – we’re the ones we’ve been looking for and looking up to.

And, the way how we respond to ‘what’s going on in the world’ has likely to do with our own shadow too. Well worth digging and ‘seeing through’.

Time to realize from within that we can ‘repurpose’ situations (esp. those challenging ones that we suffer, resist, and judge) by connecting with our spiritual core (PLUTO retro).
Which brings us to a higher vibration, as we surrender to the Higher Order of the Universe that ‘uses’ / positions us, for a higher purpose.

PLUTO initiated the Retro Season of the Year

MERCURY is now half-way through its retro phase (Apr 21 – May 14).
PLUTO is retro to stay, and others will join.

Planets in retro are inward-backward energy.

Old – perhaps karmic – patterns, conditioning and internalized experiences come up again…

So that we can realize and transform them, and regenerate from within.

Much Love, Power, and Cosmic Blessings to You and Us ALL,
from the inside-out!

Feeling called to explore your Cosmic Map, and how it guides you on your Earthly Journey?

I’m here for you.
An ASTRO Session help shed light on things from deep levels, and get the process going.

Get in touch with me, via email (, and we can explore what would serve you best.

© 2023 by Melanie Lichtinger



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Received in gratitude! ♥

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