Queen Elizabeth II (Apr 21, 1926 – Sept 8, 2022) – Astrological Perspectives

19 Sep

An Era has ended

On Sept 8, surprisingly to many, Queen Elizabeth II passed at age 96, just months after her 70-year platinum jubilee.

She was the longest reigning monarch in the modern world – from post-WWII to the digital age.

The public announcement of the Royal Family stated, she died ‘peacefully’ – without any mention of a cause of death.

She left just one day after her last official appointment –
With new British PM Liz Truss, at her Scottish Balmoral Castle residence, swearing her in / asking her to form a new government.
In office until the very end…

The Queen died less than two days before the Harvest Moon in elusive-inclusive-immersive PISCES (with Neptune) – VIRGO (on Sept 10).
Which initiated the Retro Record season of the year (7 Planets retro, incl. Mercury, until Oct 2) – clearly a cosmic marker of the ‘Harvest’ of her reign.

The massive wave of mourning, deeply evocative, unifying – yet also divisive (Queen / monarchy loyalists vs. abolitionists), has been rolling out over the last 10 days, culminating at today’s historic funeral – intensely-immensely fed / fueled by the media (all oh-so Piscean).

Evoking / provoking a plethora of responses, inward-backward turning in grief / reflection, or outward-turning in proclamations, mirroring / amplifying the Zeitgeist, and state of the collective psyche in GB, and the world.

The intention with this article
…is to explore & take a glimpse at several facets of the Queen’s personality and what she represented, archetypally – via her astrological birth chart and planetary transits.

I also have her progressions – for Sept 8, but it would be too extensive to also address all this here in this article.
If you’re interested, let’s discuss. And I’m happy to send it to you.

In no way can the article claim to be nearly ‘comprehensive’ about this ‘larger than life’ historic figure of the 20th / early 21st century.

Queen Elizabeth’s Birth Chart

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born on April 21, 1926, at 2:39 am (other sources say: 2:40 am) GDT, in Mayfair, London, GB.

This chart shows also transits for the time of her death, on Sept 8, 2022, round 6 pm (given that the official announcement came at 6:30 pm).

Pledging Rock-Solid Service – and Expecting Loyalty

Yes, indeed, the Queen was born mature, and prone to take on a position of responsibility & service / duty, to carry and uphold a significant historic structure, to keep calm, composed, self-controlled, and carry on.
Her Ascendant & South Node not even a degree apart) were in late CAP (with VIR undertone).
The ruling Planet of CAP / ruler of her chart, SATURN features ever so prominent, right on the MC, in SCO, and retro.
The retro SATURN in the last part of SCO (w. PISCES undertone) can also point to having to give up one’s ‘personal plans’ for an important & powerful cause.
And: being super private & controlled, in ‘public relations’. There would have been so much more behind the ‘curtain’ / closed doors than what the public got to see.

It’s been said, CAP seems older when young, and younger when old.
And: CAP is about aging well
(well… in public function until age 96, platinum jubilee – unheard-of).

Speaking of old / mature / responsible when young:
Being unexpectedly called to ascend(!) to the throne of the British (what a CAP country!) Empire, in Feb 1952, at the age of barely 26, was no small task / privilege / burden (however perceived), at an unusually young age.

I learned, her very first public appearance was a well-rehearsed radio broadcast in 1940 (age 14) in the midst of WWII, to give a morale-boosting radio speech to children who had been taken overseas to escape the war – yet the young teen princess Elizabeth was also apparently strategically positioned to charm the U.S. into ally-ship with England – which was a grand success.
Such an interesting overt CANCER / CAP juxtaposition, and a covert SATURN retro in SCO theme mixed in too…

On her 21st birthday in 1947, the Crown Princess took in a radio broadcast the vow of dedication of her life to service
“…to you all, and to the imperial family to which we all belong…” –
What seems often omitted is the often quoted piece: “I shall not have strength to carry out this resolution alone, unless you join in it with me, as I now invite you to do. I know your support will be unfailingly given…”

Expressing the CAP – AQ continuum of a position of leadership & people / community (yes, her MARS / JUPITER conj. was in AQ) – linked to a binding mutuality, a la SATURN in SCO – on her MC, squaring the AQ planets.

Also, her PLUTO in the 6th House of Service comes with the North Node on the 7th House cusp – in service to the Family & Country and its people.
With a power / control element mixed-in – which begs the questions:
In what order & framework, re: Royal Family / Country & People?
How did she use, or was instrumentalized by, the power of the monarchic institution? A power that’s politically apparently ‘just symbolic’, yet psychically immensely powerful.
Here’s again the dichotomy of the CAP – CAN (her karmic nodal) axis.

Stability on the Throne

QE II was an ‘ever present’ archetypal Mother-Queen-Ruler figure & epitome of stability, in her unwavering & consistent / resilient representation of the institution of the British monarchy…
…which / whom some devotedly identified with, while others despised – at best, as anachronistic, or: in dire need to be abolished.
Well, a strongly developed Archetype naturally evokes push-back.

So much in-built inclination to stability in her chart:

* Rock-solid CAP Rising / South Node
Can’t not rise to the occasion, to take a position of authority, tradition, to represent an institution, outlasts many, ages well, is strong, serious, and stoic, to carry through & carry on.

* AC / Chart Ruler SATURN on the MC
With CAP Rising, SATURN was the Queen’s ruling planet – AND it shows up exactly on the Midheaven (a position that’s ruled by SATURN), in SCO and retro
Responsibility via death (her dad’s, King George VI – reigning 1936 – 1952), post-destruction (WWII which she experienced as a teenager), and through times of massive change.
Well, on a deeper level, it can also represented repetitive life lessons – perhaps around resistance to / trying to control the change?

* Most of the Queen’s planets are in all 4 fixed signs:
TAU: SUN (barely, cuspy)
SCO: SATURN retro / MC
Holding power & tradition in place.

The Crown – and: Mystique of Royalty

Well – look at this stellium of MOON / NEPTUNE retro / LILITH in LEO, in her 7th House!

QE II embodied the Regal Feminine – elegant, naturally confident, self-possessed – a colourful-vibrant representation of the Monarchy, while exuding an allure of mystique.

No wonder she was loved & adored by so many.
Certainly also via projection.
Via the Queen, one could be part of something bigger & grander & more glorious, than what ‘ordinary life’ looks like.
Which would have been so important during WWII already (when she became a ‘famous Princess’), as PLUTO had just entered LEO (1939 – 1957) – and for the PLUTO-in-LEO born Boomer generation who grew up & have lived with the Queen as THE Monarch in their life.

What’s with the LILITH (well, even: Elizabeth / Lilibet…), linked w. NEPTUNE – opp. MARS / JUPITER in AQ, and both sides in T-square w. SATURN retro in SCO?

On one hand, the naturally-creative & playfully-expressive ‘Wild Woman’ needed to be sacrificed / faded away.
On the other hand, she became exalted and a living myth, exceptional, fascinating, perhaps most widely / well-known woman of the century, and model to many (yet with a ‘je ne sais quoi’ factor).

Perhaps, in a paradoxical / ironic way, being in the position of the Queen, she contributed to the Spirit of the Women’s Movement (of course, her position came via regal birth right – yet a symbol nevertheless), in an era where women became much more publicly visible and (self-)empowered.

Yep, that Fixed T-square to Saturn…

Fixed T-squares are generally the most challenging ones.
Yet, T-squares and other challenging configurations are also often part of public figures / celebrities.
They tend to have lots of tension (squares, opposition) and power (fixed) to hold / deal with.

The fixed mode was the strongest in the Queen’s chart (21 out of 37 points, followed by cardinal, with 12, and, unsurprisingly, low on mutable, with 4).

The Queen’s fixed T-square of SATURN retro in SCO on top of her chart (MC), squared by the LEO & AQ Planets, is extra strong & prominent, since:

* Strong / ruling SATURN (see above) – and apex / outlet of the built-up tension.

* Squares have a MARS association – and the Queen had her MARS – even amplified by JUPITER – as part of the T-square, both squaring SATURN.

* The MOON makes the experience very personal, and w. NEPTUNE, apparently inescapable.

There’s the juxtaposition of / tension between being a girl born into a web of privilege / monarchy / status (MOON / NEPTUNE in LEO, intercepted in her 7th House), via ‘being married’ to her family (CANCER – w. NN – on her DC), and her perhaps very free spiritedness, strong masculine side, jovial nature, popular with the People, and: having gathered so much understanding of global systems (MARS / JUPITER in AQ, intercepted in her 1st House) – no wonder, given her longevity, and having experienced so many leaders and structures (CAP AC / South Node).

Of course, MARS / JUPITER in AQ (now transited by SATURN – more about this below) also has to do with her having extensively traveled to, and been so vitally present in the British Commonwealth.

All overseen & controlled by SATURN retro on the MC:
Her rulership legacy via death of her dad, and the required adherence to internalized laws, protocols, and responsibilities, which she did so apparently well – and / or was so consistently & naturally self-controlled.

When the Moon is in the 7th House…

Well, fascinating, that the Queen actually had her LEO MOON in the 7th House, and her JUPITER in AQ aligned with MARS….
What does that remind you of? (I don’t know what inspired the astro reference in the lyrics)
She indeed represented the outflowing of the PISCES Age (given her Neptunian & Piscean themes), and the dawning of the AQ Age.

The latter is more & more on its rise now, and shall become more & more prominent, once PLUTO enters AQ, in 2023 / 24, and NEPTUNE leaves PISCES, where it is for the last grand wash-up, until 2026.

A transition from collective / mass consciousness, religious & pseudo-religious movements, the lately ever so immersive & inescapable omni-presence of the media, and the infamous co-dependent triad of victim-perpetrator-saviour, to more individualistic & self-chosen group consciousness, and from hierarchy to circle.

Not to say, this is ‘going to happen’ automatically, let alone in its utopian version only. It can be / is happening now as, a deathing / ending – transition – rebirth process.
And shadow phenomena of ‘the New’ are emerging in the process too, as in: technocratic dystopia.
Wondering what role the monarchy would still play in the emerging / shifting paradigms…

Goes to show, in so many – even unexpected – ways, QE II was larger than life – what an Archetype of the Century!

Other Themes in her Chart

…that haven’t been explored here yet:

Starting with her SUN at 1°12 TAURUS – on the ‘Settling Point’…
where Spirit manifests, energies are being embodied, and where one takes a position, and takes a seat – quite literally, at the Throne!
And she sat and sat, sat through so much, sat things out, represented stability, in good and tumultuous times.

Early TAU has a CAP undertone – another link to her rock-solid AC where it’s about a position of authority.
Ironically / paradoxically, politically-externally / in accordance with her role, she wasn’t taking a position – self-controlled SATURN on the MC – (not explicitly, anyway, but her embodiment and function spoke for themselves).

Also, her SUN was most unaspected(!), only via link to CHIRON end of AR.
The ‘wound’ of being so young, the first and only one (check out that footage of her being the young and only woman in these parades, functions etc, in the early years), not having a precedent for the unique way how it all started in 1952, and the ‘Medicine’ of staying young and fresh, not rushing into things, going one step at a time, and: being fully present (which lots of people who met her attested to).

All of this would have ‘fed’ into her Spirit (the SUN), and how she related her values to her environment & ‘extended family’ (no kidding) – on the cusp of her 3rd House.
In a consistent / stable – some would say stubborn – the qu on the ARIES / TAU cusp – way.

* VENUS in mid-PI (SCO undertone), and URANUS end of PI, leading over to MERCURY in early AR (doubly-AR), inhabiting her 2nd House (VENUS on the cusp with the 1st)
Now, that’s got to do (house wise) with what she owned & valued (her body, possessions / property, physically as well as figuratively).
Together w. MOON / NEPTUNE, a PISCES flavour in her chart, personally (VENUS), and transpersonally (URANUS / NEPTUNE – connecting w. the MOON) – her connection with the collective, and unifying function.

* VENUS is super-well positioned:
She’s considered exalted in PI, and in Her own ‘Taurean’ House (since she rules TAU).
Infinite wealth & / via connections, of which a lot would be hidden / camouflaged too (mid-PI has SCO undertone) – and as it seemed, she valued the spiritual too. While being herself also being elated to a mythic, Goddess-like status.

* URANUS, the ruler of AQ end of PI (doubly-PI) – also a hint to her function and public ‘value’ of embodying the Zeitgeist of the transition from PISCES to AQ Age.
She had her URANUS Return (that not so many people even experience), in 2010-11, at age 84.
Up to you bio / history buffs to relate these years to events in her life.

* MERCURY early ARIES (doubly-AR) is also well positioned, since it’s the esoteric Ruler of AR.
Even though, it was unaspected, which can be a hindrance or a bonus – this Archetype has ‘a life of its own’ – in the Queen’s case, relating to her mental / communicative side.
MERCURY in AR can manifest through mental clarity, sharpness, freshness, new original ideas, boldness & directness of speech, and positive spirit (“There’ll be a new beginning”) – which I believe she was expressing quite well. And already in her early (age 14) wartime radio broadcast, appealing to children of the future.

* The ‘Emergence / Presence Point’ – which I call the PI – AR cusp, linking URANUS & MERCURY in QE II’s chart.
Something / someone emerges and presents as an individual, out of the collective. Did she ever show up – surprisingly so (URANUS)! Initially, at her ascending to the throne, and in challenging situations.
Her death had this signature too (and Planets transited – see below) – which came sudden and surprising (even unexpected) to many – where even her family was rushing to the farewell.
Showing / teaching us: Nothing / nobody can be taken for granted, everything can change in the blink of an eye (URANUS).
Be here-now, fully present in the presence.

The Queen’s Astro Transits – over the last years, recently, and at the time of her passing

To that aim, let’s take a look at her birth chart again.
This time, re: Planetary Transits (penciled on the Zodiac ring).
To keep things consistent, and it can be more easily followed, I present them, sequentially, going through the Queen’s chart, starting with her AC – which has experienced the more important impact in the last 2 years anyway.

* On the Queen’s CAP AC / SN:
The epic, historic SATURN / PLUTO (plus: SUN / MERCURY) conjunction of Jan 12, 2020 was super close to that very personal / identity point of hers.

A marker for the succinct formula of the Zeitgeist:
The Old Empire Expires.
The era she represented has been already on the way out, since then.

Along with other top-down / pyramidal structures (CAP) that have represented / claimed power (PLUTO) & authority (SATURN). Not to say, it goes without battle / holding on / resistance. One reason why there’s so much societal conflict & division going on nowa-years (another, deeper & broader topic).

Exactly in Jan 2020, Harry & Meghan announced on insta(!) (apparently without consulting with the Queen beforehand) their stepping back as senior members of the Royal Family – a still on-going crisis in the ‘system’, which re-emerged at this time of the Queen’s passing.

Of course, the ‘Players’ in the Royal family / public drama are catalysts, to bring forth deeper issues, as in:
What’s with the future of the ‘institution’
Esp. now, as the figurehead is no more…
The juncture of history & future is also the CAP – AQ continuum.

* The Queen’s MARS / JUPITER duo in AQ, intercepted in her 1st House…
…has been transited by (her chart ruler) SATURN this year (first time in 29 years). This transit was again nearly exact (esp. on her MARS), and will ‘roll out’ post-mortem, until end of Dec – likely the transition time for her succession by Charles.

At the time of her passing (apparently round 6 pm GDT – the public announcement was made at 6:30 pm), the MOON in AQ had just passed SATURN, and was void of course (‘free floating’ before entering PI), while transiting her JUPITER, while opposing her NEPTUNE retro / LILITH in LEO, and squaring her SATURN retro in SCO.

A ‘time stamp’ for conclusion of her energetic-enthusiastic to-the-end service to the System / Society / Humanity (however you may see it).
She might have almost died alone, in her Balmoral Castle (CAP), supported by the medical team (AQ). Well, the family rushed to be with her too – and most of them made it, in the void zone & pouring rain.

After lying in state for 4 days at Westminster Hall – for ‘public viewing’ / for the People to honour and visit Her Majesty for the last time, on the day of the funeral, her coffin was carried and driven within London, to the People. And a huge audience of People around the World was watching, while a small(er) group of ‘Inner Circle’ and socio-political ‘Elite’ invitees was physically present, at the ceremony.

All very apropos SATURN retro (closure, honouring) in AQ (the People, yet also the overall System involved / required, in this major organization – CAP, and those responsible for the transition into the Future).

* Her VENUS and URANUS in PI, on her 2nd House cusp…
…have been transited by NEPTUNE over the last years.
The massive wave of the JUPITER / NEPTUNE conj. in PI, on Apr 12 this year was almost exactly on the Queen’s URANUS.

On that note, I have noticed a pattern of the Planets JUPITER and URANUS showing up / being transited round the time of death – pointing to a liberation (URANUS) and opening / spaciousness (JUPITER) – maybe a paradigm shift to our usual associations with death & dying.

The surprise (double!) rainbow showing up over Buckingham Palace after the announcement of her passing – a pointer in that direction…?

Less than two days after the Queen’s passing, on Sept 10, came the Harvest Moon in PISCES (with NEPTUNE) – VIRGO – Spiritual Harvest.
With the MOON super close to the Queen’s VENUS, and NEPTUNE on her URANUS – a grand release with Love.
What a timing…!

The Harvest Moon also initiated MERCURY retro (which started on 09/09, on the day after her passing), and the Retro Record phase of the year – SEVEN Planets simultaneously retro, until Oct 2.
What a cosmic signature, for the 10 days of mourning, today’s funeral, and the immediate integration!

So many links to the past.
And, the call to resource & regenerate from within.

* Her unaspected MERCURY in early AR, in her 2nd House

…has been transited by JUPITER (now retro) – already in Jan, and June, and also again post-mortem, in Jan 2023 (prob. again related to succession to the new monarch).
Let’s hope for gifts in (not just so much / more of) new beginnings, and boldly take action ourselves, to BE the New.

* Her CHIRON end of AR / SUN in early TAU conjunction, on her 3rd House cusp

CHIRON in late AR has been squared by PLUTO end of CAP, in Spring this year (March – June), right round her birthday. It would come again post-mortem, in Jan 2023 (prob. again succession related).
Perhaps expressing as feeling the burden of carrying the responsibility & position (CAP), all alone now (AR), without Prince Philip on her side, who passed a year prior, early April 2021.

The Queen’s SUN in early TAU was already transited by URANUS in 2019 when it first entered TAU.
Turmoil – and renewal – in her ‘extended family’ (3rd House), incl. via her children & grandchildren was in the making – affecting her identity – possibly also health. Then, 2020 / 21 brought major societal disruptions of stability everywhere – perhaps also felt quite personally by the Queen, let alone the loss of her life-long partner, Philip. We remember the sad image of a Queen, dressed in black, with black mask, sitting in distance from others, and inward-facing, at his funeral.

* Her PLUTO / North Node in CAN, in her 6th House / on her DC

…is now being transited by LILITH.
On Her way Home… – perhaps her Soul re-uniting with Family / re-united with Soul Family.

* Her MOON / NEPTUNE / LILITH in LEO, in her 7th House

…opposed by SATURN retro in AQ.
Humanity & the World Community of leaders & ‘ordinary people’ acknowledges the Queen and the ending of an era – in a huge wave of grieving & paying respect.
Yes, there’s also a new wave of division in humanity, re: the future of the monarchy / Commonwealth. Which speaks to the Zeitgeist.

* MERCURY now retro in early LIBRA, in the Queen’s 8th House

…opposes her MERCURY in early AR – and soon URANUS in late PI.
The news of her “passing peacefully” evoked so much. Turbulent waves of responses / reactions.
A lot to integrate. Explicit info / messages, and implicit signals / symbolism / memories / reflections.

* Lastly, the Queen’s SATURN (ruler of her chart), retro in SCO, on her MC / 10th House cusp

…which was intensely activated by the SuperMoon / Total Lunar Release Eclipse / Buddha Wesak Moon, on May 15 this year. The MOON was almost to the degree on her SATURN.
While on the day of her passing, SATURN & the MOON united, and squared her SATURN.
So much about release of attachments & control, authority, and – as it has shown, even release of the physical, ever so steady Earth BODY.

The Funeral on Sept 19

The date alignment is interesting: 9/19 brings a double 9 – number of completion, and the 1 stands for new beginnings.
When adding up the # (9+1+9) we come back to 19, and from there to 1.

Plus, we’re in the last third of VIRGO / doubly VIRGO, to which I give the motto: In Alignment with the Cosmic / Divine Assignment.

We’re in the last days of Summer 2022, just 3 days before Fall Equinox, on the cusp from VIRGO to LIBRA, the ‘Design Point’, ‘Perfect Balance Point’.

Sooo much to do / to be in service of / to line up, for a ceremony – in honour of a significant ‘Other’.
And conversely, where a Life in responsible and committed Service
(the Queen was born with late CAP Rising = VIR undertone) finds its completion.
May Peace be upon her!

Voila, here’s the chart w. the planetary alignments at the Queen’s funeral, on Sept 19 at 11 am GDT in London (the coffin entered Westminster Cathedral, initiating the service) – with striking alignments:

SEVEN Planets Retro.
This is the window (Sept 9 – Oct 2) – that started on the DAY after her passing – with the most Planets in retro of the year (if not: possible at any given time. Well, technically, it could be 9 but what are the odds, in thousands of years for that to happen?!).
A stage of inward-backward turning. Inevitably.
And: to resource & regenerate from within
(rather than projecting power, authority, and all the other archetypal energies and giving them away – as tends to be the human pattern.

The specific chart is overall very SCORPIOnic.

* Again, as in the Queen’s birth chart, the South Node is on the SCO AC – ruled by PLUTO (which crossed the Queen’s SN & AC in 2020). At 11 am GDT the AC juuust entered the central part of SCO – doubly SCO.
A powerful, transformational ceremony / ritual.

* The ruling Planet PLUTO in late CAP (VIR undertone) is retro, in the 3rd House, and in exact Earth Trine with the SUN end of VIR (double VIR), on the 11th House cusp.
Not far from the CAP ruler SATURN in AQ, also retro in the 3rd, apex of a Yod configuration, w. VENUS in VIR and the MOON / LILITH in CAN.
PLUTO, together w. NEPTUNE retro in PI, also forms a Yod, to the MC in LEO (where the Queen’s MOON / LILITH / NEPTUNE were).
Quite astounding alignments, indeed.
All about alignment, precision, execution of ceremony, group effort & organization, and completion, in the historic environment (3rd House, with CAP on the AC), and in group consciousness (11th House).
And even though, there’s so much emphasis on the organizational part (SCO – CAP – AQ, PLUTO / SATURN), it needs to be fueled by emotion, deep passionate love, and the willingness & ability to be in service to it (CAN – LEO – VIR), all of which is collectively unifying & bonding (NEPTUNE in PI).

* The waning MOON – together w. LILITH, as in the Queen’s birth chart – both in mid-CANCER (w. SCO undertone), just entering the 8th (Scorpionic) House, as it’s setting, in the course of the afternoon, and also in square w. CHIRON retro in mid-AR (LEO undertone) in the 5th (Leonine) House.
So deeply emotional, yet: controlled. So much more going on under the surface / in the background than what meets the public eye (even while the whole ceremony is intimately televised). A Family Affair, on public display – initiating / signalling deep transformation.
Perhaps the end of the Royal Family / Empire as we know it.
What’s with the Children (5th House / MOON)? And with new beginnings (AR)? A raw & vulnerable state (CHIRON retro), perhaps bringing back one’s own early-er wounds of starting fresh, after deep changes?
Can the Inner Medicine – perhaps of authenticity, courage, baby steps – be found?

* Lastly, the North Node & URANUS retro in mid-TAU (doubly TAU) – the Queen’s SUN sign – are on the 7th House cusp, about to set under the horizon, as the Cathedral service proceeds. In square w. SATURN retro in AQ, and in Earth Trine w. VENUS, close to the SUN in VIR.
The bond to the Earth Body is cut. So many cut flowers have been offered along her last journeys through GB, as tokens of love.
May the Queen be free – as Nature!
May the flavour of her elegance & grace continue to inspire.

And may we emBody Freedom – while we are in this Earth Body.

Sabian Symbol Addendum

As MERCURY retro had it, after the fact of publishing this post, as I was looking at the Sabian Symbol for the LIBRA New Moon on Sept 25, I felt called to go to the one for the day of the Funeral.
Can’t not share it with you.
Amazingly / eerily synch’ed with the events and symbolism.

Yes, it is gender biased (‘King’, ‘Ladies’), which I won’t ‘clean up’, since it has its own message, in the context of the funeral ceremony.
I won’t comment on it any further…

Remember, this interpretation was written in 1973!
The photo of the constellation of Ladies with future King is also quite telling…

The SUN was at 26°27′ VIRGO when the funeral started – approaching…


The ability to carry on a revered tradition, in order to perpetuate cultural standards of excellence.

At the highest peak of achievement of any fully developed culture, the King considers himself in some manner a representative of the Power that controls the order of the universe. From him descends a hierarchy of offices performed by an aristocracy.
On the feminine side, to be an aristocrat is to be able to act efficiently in the many rituals of a culture — from official tea parties to presentations at the Court. Dignity, elegance and respect for formal rules are essential.

We may consider the formalism obsolete and meaningless, yet when it ceases to be observed the culture breaks down. Even now in this age of crisis and world transformation, there may be times when honoring formal procedures can be of great value for the disordered and rebellious mind.

This second stage symbol presents the contrast between the ‘profane’ and the ‘sacred’ ritual. But the two need not be antithetic. Our over-individualistic and confused new generations find it valuable to study Japanese tea ceremonies, flower arrangement, judo, etc.
The undisciplined need to learn REFINEMENT.”

This brings us full circle.

May the descriptions above be a fair representation & honouring of this epic, archetypal Monarch – perhaps the last Queen of the PISCES Age!

May She Rise in Peace!


 © 2022 by Melanie Lichtinger



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Find upcoming offers on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time ( I’ve been facilitating them since 2005) become quite potent and catalytic.
The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

Would you like to to learn about the Planetary Archetypes –
in your chart & life, and in the world? 
Our Journey begins on Sept 27.
Would love to have you in our circle – which will be in-person, with online participation option too.
It’s filling up now – 1 – 2 spaces still available.

8 Weeks
TUE SEPT 27 – NOV 15

5 – 7 PM PDT / 8 – 10 PM EDT
Time can be tweaked with consensus

Find upcoming events on my Astrology for Self Realization FB Page.

ASTRO~News Blog DONATIONS most welcome

If the Astro~News Blog with Astro~Weather & Astro~Medicine that I write about on-goingly has good value for you in your navigation with the cosmic currents you’re welcome to offer a donation, to help sustain this service, via e-transfer to my email address licht@islandnet.com.
You can also donate directly via PayPal here.
Pls get in touch via my email address if you’d rather send a cheque.

Received in gratitude!

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