MERCURY in CANCER (June 17 – July 2) – Memories & Reflections, Inner Landscape of the Mind…

15 Jun

Noticing a shift in the mental landscape?

Have you been thinking of or missing home, the past, people in your bio / original and / or affinity family?
And feeling like talking to them?

Are you in need for communication from a caring, nurturing, safe, heartful, compassionate, gentle place?
With, or on behalf of the family, tribe, children, the human family, and the family of all sentient Beings?

MERCURY comes out of GEMINI where the Messenger has travelled super swiftly, June 3 – 17.

On June 17, at the entry point, MERCURY will (from the very end of GEM) square stationary (goes retro on July 2) NEPTUNE at the end end of PI, meet VENUS freshly in CAN – enticing us to Loving Gentleness & Care – and go into quincunx w. PLUTO retro in AQ.
Which could express as a confusing ‘soup’ of influences, media / news inundation, yet also lots of opportunities for being attracted to learning, while ‘background / underground info’ comes out that We the People need to hear, discuss, and process.

Connection & vibration matter so much. 
Communication happens via so many channels.
Even if it seems overwhelming and confusing, or fuzzy matter is in question, never mind, and trust the love & flow.

MERCURY entering CANCER opens a sweet window to look into the Inner Landscape, asking:

* How does all the information you’ve gathered, and talks you’ve had make you feel?
* Where do these feelings originate in you?
* How does it all ‘land’, and feel, in your mind’s ‘nest’?
* After having buzzed about so much, where’s Home?

Memories – Dreams – Reflections are calling…

Head-to-Heart Transition… to Dialogues of Kindness

MERCURY in CAN post GEMINI takes us from the thinking mind to the sensitive feeling mind.

Pheasant Nest with Chicks

I like to call GEM – CAN cusp the ‘Nesting Point’ when winged creatures build, or return to their nests, and care for the young.

The GEMINI buzz turns into homecoming & belonging. 
School year’s over – family time.

And it’s also (well suited for MERCURY) a ‘Rapport Point.
To built good rapport, we need to have a mental (GEM) and emotional (CAN) connection, and share from a loving, nurturing, compassionate place.

Let’s lean into being in good rapport with the world and ‘others’ – always, and esp. these days. Putting ourselves into their shoes – how might they feel? – while also tending to our own needs.

Memories & Reflections, Inner Landscape of the Mind

Crab Perspective… and Family Time…

MERCURY’s shift to CANCER invites us into playful, creative imagination, after the extensive intellectual and information driven MERCURY in GEM, and super GEM Season.

It brings back memories and reflections, is rather inward-backward oriented, and wanders on the shoreline between the ‘Sands of Time’ and the ‘Waters of Life’.

This mercurial energy can be well channeled into communicating from a caring, nurturing, compassionate, gentle place, with and on behalf of the family, tribe, children, the human family, and the family of all sentient Beings.

Talk to your Tribe! 
And talk to ‘others’ as if they were in your Tribe – because we ultimately are. Everybody belongs.

It’s also a good vibe for mercurial / mercantile interactions and business relating to / from / for the home.

MERCURY in CANCER brings an emotional ‘overlay’ when processing information, which can turn into lack of objectivity. 
Information is filtered through sensitivity, feelings, needs, memories.
The mental-emotional landscape is by nature anyway – and now accentuated by MERCURY – fluctuating / rhythmic / non-linear.

CANCER is ruled by the MOON with its waxing & waning phases, and the association with ebbs & tides, which may sound  like:
“Today it seems like this, but who knows what it’ll remind me of, how I read it / feel and think about it tomorrow”.
Journalling is a wonderful processing activity for MERCURY in CANCER.

CANCER got the best memory bank of them all.
Which is where the mind (MERCURY) can be pulled into now, for better (“Bring on the stories and throwbacks!”) or worse (these ghosts from the past have a life of their own, and can be nostalgic or… haunting).

And hey, crying is totally ok, may be triggered in various ways, and can be a good emotional release (as well as chemical detox), in our overly mental world.

Water signs are sensitive & instinctive – we can learn a lot from that gift now – and could use more of that in our world.

A good time to (re)cultivate compassion, gentleness, kindness.
We never know what’s going on in others (like, when they say “I’m fine…/ not too bad.”).

Dreams can be enhanced now (esp. building up to the Full Moon on June 21). Bringing their symbols & messages from our subconscious and from the collective ‘field’ to our consciousness can be very powerful.

Which reminds me of Carl G. Jung’s famous autobiography 
Memories, Dreams, and Reflections which inspired the title of this article.
The Swiss psychologist C.G.Jung * July 26, 1875, was born under a LEO SUN / URANUS (ruler of his AQ Rising – a brilliant man indeed!), and with VENUS / MERCURY in CAN. 

“I can understand myself only in the light of inner happenings.” 
is one of many quotes by C.G.J. Very apropos his MERCURY in CAN.

Up to 6 Planets will be simultaneously Retro this Summer to Fall!

During MERCURY’s crab walk through CANCER, one step forward, two steps back, several Planets (PLUTO, SATURN, NEPTUNE) are already, or about to go retro.

In the turnaround & retro courses of these Planets, we’re called to go backwards / inwards, to REsolve and RElease old low vibrational and unconscious, perhaps karmically ‘inherited’ or societally conditioned patterns, process those, and evolve from within:

PLUTO – since May 2
SATURN – from June 29 on
NEPTUNE – from July 2 on
CHIRON – from July 26 on
MERCURY – from Aug 4 on
URANUS – from Sept 1 on
JUPITER – from Oct 9 on

Between Oct 9 – 11, we reach this year’s record of SIX Planets retro, the window between JUPITER entering and PLUTO leaving retro.

Planetary Archetypes and their Retro Themes

In order of the Solar System:

MERCURY in VIR – LEO (retro Aug 4 – 28)
From trying to be ‘perfect’, given so many variables / moving parts, to natural healthy alignment with what works best, and doing what we love & what serves others optimally.

JUPITER in GEM (retro Oct 9 – Feb 4)
Processing outer information / ideas / conversations / debates / controversy.
Seeing the background, finding meaning & inspiration within.
The antidote to outer compensation by info overload.

SATURN in PISCES (retro June 29 – Nov 15)
Rather than buying into internalized socially conditioned fears of the unknown / chaos, and going into overwhelm / escapism / addictions / checking out: Finding authority, responsibility, and integrity from our spiritual core, living from there, and staying connected.

CHIRON in ARIES (retro July 26 – Dec 30)
The ‘wound’ carries the Inner Medicine

Old and early wounds and trauma round survival show up in this time of uncertainty. We heal as we show up authentically-lovingly, and step bravely into the New.

NEPTUNE in late PISCES (retro July 2 – Dec 7)
Connectedness & Oneness

Old overwhelm, confusion, delusions, addictions, feeling victimized, and ways of ‘checking out’ and giving up. Re-lief & release through dropping into Unity Consciousness, in the Unified Field.

PLUTO in early AQ / late CAP (retro May 2 – Oct 11)
Empowered by and for Evolution

Experiencing dystopian cold technocratic systems, old (outer and inner / internalized) powers that oppress and abuse, and old control patterns. Accessing inner Soul Power that cannot be destroyed, and deep inner inalienable resources (incl. connections with Ancestors) that are always available to strengthen us, and help us transform, co-create & evolve.

All-in-all a perfect time to go inward, and re-trieve from within what might have been ‘given away’ or projected outwardly. 

MERCURY in CANCER already prepares us for this ‘hermetic’ move.

Ocean Mood – photo by moi

The Mercurial Messenger meets these other Archetypes, during its Sea Journey through homeward bound CANCER

Lots of MERCURial activation on the entry day:

MERCURY crosses the ‘Nesting Point’ to enter CANCER (until July 2), just1 1/2 hrs after a square with stat. NEPTUNE at the very end of PISCES.
Thinking meets feeling – cultivating common sense. Building Rapport.
Offering nurturing messages from / for the ‘Inner Landscape’. 
Talk with your Tribe.
Create an inviting atmosphere, and notice who IS in your Tribe.
Trust natural, ‘organic’ sensations, where you feel calm and safe.
Your instincts don’t lie.
MERCURY freshly in CAN meets & passes VENUS, and goes into quincunx w. PLUTO retro in early AQ
Write love-ly letters / text messages.
Be compassionate & caring in your mind & words – with your loved ones and with ‘random strangers.

JUNE 21 – Day of the cuspy CAP – CAN Solstice Full Moon
MERCURY in CAN in sextile w. MARS in TAU, and in T-square w. the South Node in LI / North Node in AR
Getting ideas & taking action for home & garden, settling & belonging, and for adding comfort to your life. No need to make it about ‘them’. What would bring joy to YOU?

MERCURY in CAN in Water trine w. stat. (goes retro on June 29) SATURN in PI
Taking care of homey endeavours, while being in the flow.

What’s the voice of your early wounds, and what would heal them?
How do you show up for & as yourself?
What does compassionate loving care say to Survivors?
What’s the message of the First People and of other Warriors, to the Human Family?

MERCURY in CAN in sextile with URANUS in TAU
Having breakthrough insights these days?
New innovative / experimental ideas re: home / belonging?
Tuning into new & different, sweet & gentle vibes?
Talking to / being around children can be a game changer…
How do you think, inform yourself, and speak, based on (nowadays un-)common sense?

Tune into instinct & bodily senses – what’s liberating about this?

JULY 2 – 1 hr before the shift into LEO
MERCURY at the very end of CAN goes into Water trine w. NEPTUNE freshly retro / stat. at the very end of PI
When feeling tender & sensitive, how about going into meditation, and perhaps literally to the ocean with it all? Ahhh – reconnecting with Spirit, and the ALL, and letting things run their course….
We’re all One, and need to be safe & sustained. Tune in, connect.
The language of loving connectedness always finds the right words – and doesn’t need words.

(– until July 25 plus Aug 14 – Sept 8, due to the retro phase in VIR – LEO Aug 4 – 28)
Speaking from a heartful, passionate place.
Guided by the LEO motto: Living Life Lovingly!

Messenger on the Beach – photo by moi

Where is CANCER in your Birth (or Relocation) Chart?

That’s where MERCURY (and VENUS!) bring Loving Kindness, Care, and Compassion into conscious conversation.

And where important messages round our past, family, children, and belonging want to be heard – and spoken.

1st House
Your Presence & Sense of Self

You’re cute & caring. Also take good care of yourself.
How do you speak to yourself from that place?

2nd House
Your Values, what you own, literally & metaphorically, your Business
Hospitality? Caring, nursing? Psychology and counselling?

New ideas / communication these days?

3rd House
You in Your Local Environment

Extended family, kids & tribe/s all around you – 
Lots to learn from / with them, esp. now.

4th House
You and Your Home, Origin, Ancestry
Homey-cozy, or too clingy in the nest?

A good time to initiate conversations with family.

5th House
Your Creative, Playful Side, Inner Child and Lover

How about stimulating playful ways of nurturing the Inner Child?
What would s/he like to read, learn, talk about?

6th House
Your Work, Wellness, Lifestyle
Born for home office. And health is about nurturing, on all levels.
Cooking up ideas & getting new info re: work & health?

7th House
Your Partners & Significant Others

Home is where the Heart is.
Talk to your sweetheart & your kin. Little trips can be sweet too.

8th House
Your Involvement and Sharing with Others, Your Transformations

Marrying a family?
Deaths and other deep changes in the family transform you.
Kindly-compassionately talk your way through it.

9th House
What gives you Meaning, Your Wisdom, Inspiration, Path and Travels

With your Home on the back, and always homeward-bound.
Awesome time for a journey.

10th House
Your Purpose incl Career, Your Public Self

Not just to be at home in your career, but to find Home in Life.
Lead by loving-kind example.

11th House
Your Social Side – Engagement with Society, Groups and Friends

Maybe you’re more at home with your tribe than with your ‘actual’ family?
A good time to get to know more of ‘your people’ – it’s gathering season…

12th House
Your Transcendent & Spiritual Self and Union with All-that-Is.

Coming Home into the Soul. At Home in the Universe, and in Life itself.
Let it speak to & through you.

Turtle Family on the Log
photo by moi

I heard / read recently the saying:
Soft Front – Strong Back…
Turtle Message & Medicine.

And very CANCERian (with CAP support too) – a gentle, caring, compassionate approach to the world while upholding our Integrity that protects & guards us, and is there for others.

Blessings from Turtle Island 
as the North American continent is traditionally called by Indigenous Peoples
…for a gentle & mindful, caring & compassionate
phase of MERCURY in CANCER!


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