MERCURY in LEO (Aug 4 – 19): Speak from the Heart. Roar as Needed. Show Yourself & Your Colours.

2 Aug

Greetings from the Cosmic Messenger!

Yayyy – MERCURY comes out of the Cancerian mental-emotional labyrinth that it’s been in for a reaaally long time, since May 28 – and where also the main scene of the seasonal MERCURY retro phase (June 17 – July 12) has been.

Hopefully we’ve reflected and processed how we feel about all these… (homey, domestic, family….) things – and maybe it would have been premature to put that into words… but it’s now.
MERCURY is now out of the last one of the post-retro phases – the ‘shadow’, since July 27.
Green light to communicate clearly, and be seen & heard.

On the heels of the AQ – LEO Full Moon (Aug 3) comes the next mercurial shift – and won’t go unnoticed (LEO hardly does).
The cosmic / inner Messenger & Communicator, from Aug 4 – 19 in LEO wants us to show our true colours, be confident (hopefully inner confidence grew through Cancerian nurturing self care) and expressive (after all those impressions during MERCURY incl retro in CANCER) in a joyfully-creative & playful way.


With MERCURY in LEO we know what we want, and let the World know.
The ‘only’ (yet potentially glaringly obvious) thing is that the Messenger Archetype is considered ‘in fall’ in LEO – while ‘exalted’ in the polar opposite vibration of AQ.
I.o.w., the mind ‘on LEO’ can get quite self absorbed – the world revolves around ME as a mental state, vs. in AQ, it can be more detached, a witness / scientist, interested in ‘the system’, group consciousness / humanity / WE rather than the Self, and from that place be co-innovative, even revolutionary.

I’m talking generically about the Astro Weather here, not about particular people with MERCURY in LEO – since it’s always a unique blend of personality ‘ingredients’ that we carry. On the other hand, it IS a good thing to self-check in if you do have MERCURY in LEO.
Plus: we’re called to go to the centre of it all, the ‘hub of the wheel’ where we’re not identified with / attached to these expressions.

And hey – (always, and even more so) now it’s time to be creative, show & shine…
Everything LEO (Love, Passion, Creativity, yet also the Inner Drama Queen / King and Narcissist) is brought to mind and wants to be communicated about (and sometimes from).
Best avenue / higher vibe of LEO: Be the Artist and Heart-ist!

Esp if YOU have your SUN, MOON, AC, or Planets in LEO!

The mini generation of all you boomers with PLUTO in LEO (born 1939 – 1957) are called to alchemize the shadow of domination and otherwise purrsonalized power themes into true soul expression.


MERCURY knocks at the door of the House LEO is in – it’s got a message for us, and wants us to speak from Love in that realm.
Access & express the solid LEO warmth-of-heart, and creative power in the area of life in / from these areas of life.

LEO in your…

1st House
How you show up. Celebrate and BE Yourself!

2nd House
What you have and value – Own Your Radiance!

3rd House
Your environment – Celebrate in the City!

4th House
Your home – Be the King or Queen – and generous Host/ess!

5th House
Your creativity – You’re the HEART-ist!

6th House
Your work and health – A warm Heart is the best health insurance, and good for your work & service too 🙂

7th House
Your significant others – they are special, as is your relationship! Celebrate Life & Love together!

8th House
Your deep involvement and transformations – perhaps from ego investment into the pure Heart?

9th House
Your travels and worldviews – Travel with joy, and put your creations out there into the World!

10th House
Your calling and purpose – is LOVE!

11th House
Your community – A Celebration! Where everyone’s a Star.

12th House
Your oneness with ALL – the ‘True Gold’…



How about connecting with the Heart before / instead of roaring or making it all about ourselves….?
How about ‘randomly’ making Heart connections with people around us, not ‘just’ your sweetheart?

But hey, why do we / they crave attention? 
Maybe ‘simply’ to be seen and loved.

YES, communicating from being loving and proud of ourselves is totally in accord with MERCURY in LEO. 
Give yourself the Love you might miss from others, and tell yourself a new Love Story.

What do you LOVE about yourself?
What do you LOVE about LIFE?
How can you Live Life Lovingly?

And what would LOVE say?


What are MERCURY’s LEOnine Encounters with other Cosmic Players?

In essence, during the relatively brief (only 15 days!) LEO Party Time from the AQ – LEO Full Moon (on Aug 3, ushering MERCURY into LEO) to the LEO New Moon (on Aug 18, boding MERCURY farewell – as it enters VIRGO the day after, Aug 19),
MERCURY hooks up in a fiery way with the ARIES ‘Triad’ of CHIRON retro / MARS / LILITH, squares stationary URANUS in TAU, and forms 3 quincunxes with the colossal-titanic alignment of JUPITER / PLUTO / SATURN all retro end of CAP.
And for the latter, I got a recipe for you (below).


The MOON in ARIES in Fire Trine with MERCURY in LEO
Be authentic (not reactive) and speak from the Heart.


MERCURY in LEO in Fire Trine with CHIRON retro in ARIES
Find the Inner Medicine – which of course can be vulnerable and raw. But a chance to show others who you really are, behind the veneer. Give it creative expression, and find the Heart language.


AUG 10
MERCURY in LEO squares URANUS (stationary – to go retro on Aug 15) in TAURUS

Roar – perhaps up-roar? This combo can evoke unexpected / disruptive news / communicative clashes, yet is also primed for mental breakthroughs and cathartic verbal expressions round freedom from attachments. 


AUG 14
MERCURY in LEO goes into a double-quincunx, to JUPITER retro in CAP & NEPTUNE retro in PISCES – which makes MERCURY the apex of a rare YOD configuration.
A dynamic between standing out and being seen with / from the Heart, and purrrhaps being passive, anonymous, and ‘drowning’ in mass consciousness.
Reconciling & upleveling these energies, by being open, receptive, and in the faith & flow – inviting Life to ignite our passion from the ground up. Which can dissolve the old & heavy beliefs (like “doing things the hard way” / “pushing boulders up the mountain”…) and transmute them into being guided by grounded simplicity & integrity  – and ‘even’ bathing in Love, and releasing what you’re not anymore – with Love.


AUG 16 – 18
MERCURY in LEO & MARS in ARIES band together in a Fire Trine, while MERCURY forms two more quincunxes, with PLUTO retro in CAP (Aug 16) and SATURN retro in CAP (Aug 18).
And yes, MARS goes in the meantime into square with JUPITER (Aug 4), PLUTO (Aug 13) and later SATURN (Aug 24) – phewww.
See Recipe to the left…

When it comes to the  concluding MERCURY – SATURN retro contact on Aug 18 – the day of the LEO New Moon:
Here is the chance to address from the Heart what’s been super hard and challenging (SATURN), what’s presenting itself as old blocks & obstacles, patterns & conditioning, fear & guilt, heavy energy that’s weighing on you.
Acknowledge it for its purpose, yet be done with it ruling your life – step by step towards the light. 

What does healthy Self Love say to those voices, and that ‘reality’?


Photo by Melanie

So we’re in another ‘non boring’ and maybe quite dramatic phase during / activated by MERCURY in LEO (toned down by Planets presently retro).

Rather than going into mental-verbal dramatic ego mode (which might be a temptation)…
Can you find the Loving Place in your Heart from which to speak and act, towards yourself and with others?
What are your desires, when it comes to friendship and community?
What would you like to tell Humanity?

“Share your smile with a stranger, and be excellent with each other”, is what our LEO SUN Yoga teacher likes to say at the end of the class.


Smile (authentically) more often, and practice Heart Language, Cosmic Strangers & Friends!

Happy Lammas (Aug 1) and sunny central LEO Times to y’all!



© 2020 by Melanie Lichtinger





Astrology and Voyager Tarot Consultations, Courses, Coaching
with Melanie Lichtinger
Almost 20 Years in Professional Practice
Serving You In Victoria BC and Worldwide

Phone: +1-250 381 4299
Skype: melanielichtinger
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Serving you with astrological guidance and perspective, pointing you to Your ‘Inner Cosmic Compass’.
I’d love to inspire you to be in alignment with, and smoothly ‘ride’, those ‘auspicious’ or ‘challenging’ waves of cosmic energies that present themselves at a given time, and, similar to climate and weather, affect our human energy field.
Because it leads to eye opening awareness, growth, healing, release, transformation, and you can feel connected with yourself in the bigger evolution. Ultimately, you can dwell in a witnessing place in the ‘Hub of the Wheel’ where you are less and less affected, more and more liberated, and self-realized.

The birth chart is an incarnational map to identify your ‘original imprint’ and themes that are showing up as ‘issues’ in your life.

I help you see how you don’t need to be unconsciously identified with them, and they don’t have to run your life. I welcome you as a client who is not seeking a ‘reading’ from me (“What’s going to happen TO me?”, “What am I supposed to do?”), but to be supported in accessing your own wisdom source, especially in times of a challenging transitions, stuckness, transformational crisis, or for perspective at a crossroad, dilemma, or empowered choices.

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!


ASTRO~EXPERIENCES, via Courses, Workshops, and Embodied Astrology

Our experiential and embodied Astrology groups have over time (the 15 years I’ve been facilitating workshops and classes) become quite potent and catalytic. The intimate Astro hubs (max 6 participants) are a treasured way of being personally seen and involved – more commitment, a personal sense of community, and deeper effects.
Come join us, if deep synergy in a circle speaks to you!

This is to empowered and liberating ways of working with the ancient and timeless gift of Astrology!


Upcoming on AUG 22

Medicine Horses & Astrology Gathering at Chiron Medicine Horses

You’re welcome to join us!
Let me know if you have questions or would like to register (by emailing to


Last not least…


Yes, it IS!
AUGUST marks the 20th Anniversary of my Astrology Practice here in and out of beautiful Victoria, Vancouver Island BC!
‘Born’ on AUG 14, 2000!

At this fine occasion, I’m so happy to offer to you again the yearly

AUG 1 – 31, 2020

All private consults (in person, or online), booked for the month of AUGUST are substantially discounted:
11 – 22 – 33%, depending on how long ago you had your initial session.

Come pick up yours (or gift one to someone else)!



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